Case Quizes

Baby Demonstrates Hering’s Law

Pond Render BlenderCookie

Sick baby needs a homeopathic remedy, can you guess which one?

Mom, don’t look now but…

Wait a minute, wait a minute, don’t tell me, don’t tell me, I’m usually very good at this:  It’s time to do laundry!

No Mom, the laundry’s in the dryer!

It’s time to fold laundry?

Mom, you’re way off!

Well I’m running out of ideas!

It’s time for the Quiz!

That was going to be my next guess!

And before we start, I want to get one thing off my chest.


Last month I read an article saying that at some point, TBS wants to retool Conan O’Brien’s show to a weekly format (like Samantha Bee’s show).

OMG!  They want to put Conan O’Brien on once a week?  Boy, is that ever a slap in the face!  And Samantha Bee should never be on only once a week!  She’s much too smart and clever for that, she should be on every night!  (Do you think anyone knows what we’re talking about?)

But wait!  Then I saw a different article where a TBS executive was quoted as saying “Conan remains an invaluable franchise partner and we have no plans to change the format or frequency of his popular TBS show.”

So wait a minute…  You just upset our entire viewership for nothing?????

I don’t know what to believe!!!

Conan’s contract with TBS is good until 2018; so, forget about it!  By that time, Trump will have fired all the comedians in the country anyway!  Have you seen what “Saturday Night Live” is doing to Donald Trump?  Look at this:

Oh yeah, the comedians are dead, I can see that!

So enjoy Conan while you can, his days are numbered, and so are Samantha Bee’s.

Oddly enough, Conan is broadcasting from Mexico March 1st.

He might want to stay there!

I guess we should move on to the “Death Report”.  I saw something on Facebook about Soul Survivors member Richie Ingui passing away.

Don’t look now, Shana, but no one cares!

I’m probably the only one who knows that their big hit was “Expressway to your Heart”.

Yep, you’re probably the only one who knows!

You might want to sit down for what I’m about to say next.  Are you sitting?

It’s not about Mary is it?

Mary Tyler Moore died last month at the age of 80.

I can’t believe it, I just can’t believe it!

Here is “Inside Edition’s” farewell to her:

Who can turn the world on with her smile….

In happier news January 12th was the 20th anniversary of the tv show “King of the Hill”.

I’m still bitter that it got canceled and it’s not even on Netflix!  Apparently it was, then Netflix decided to take it down for some crazy reason.

Shana, this is not making up for the loss of Mary Tyler Moore.

Well, OK, here’s something, how about our trip to the Kimmel Center to see Andre Gardner’s tribute to the 50th Anniversary of the “Sgt. Pepper” album by The Beatles?

Here I am, once again, with Andre:

One other thing, January 18th was “National Winnie the Pooh Day” since it was A.A Milne’s birthday.

I did not know that!

Plus, January 18th also happened to be the one year anniversary of Glenn Frey’s passing.

Thanks for the periodic reminders of Glenn Frey’s death.

Still for some reason I couldn’t feel sad knowing it was National Pooh Day.

Well, you gotta love it; so, if there are no more announcements….

First, a real quick report on our excursion to the Ritz 5 to see the making of the Beatles’ “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”.  Musicologist Scott Freiman, who taught a course at Yale called “The Beatles in the Studio”, was the one who made the documentary.  I wish I could have been in his class.

All you had to do was apply to Yale!

Besides Sgt Pepper, a lecture has been done on the “White Album” and I imagine film lectures on “Revolver” and “Rubber Soul” will be forthcoming.  I’m going to want to see those too.  For the record, I am officially Team Scott!


Scott Freiman, we were just talking about him!

We were?

Getting back to “Sgt Pepper”, the lecture was very entertaining!  I loved his explanation of how “A Day in the Life” ended with a big piano crash.  All the recording techniques Scott explained sounded very complicated, but I’m sure Daddy would have understood them.  The only thing I understood was when he explained how Ringo hit his high note at the end of “With a Little Help From My Friends” by virtue of the key being lowered on play-back, but that’s only because Daddy did the same thing when he recorded my cousin Jon’s band, Electric Sky.  I had no idea that technique went back as far as Sgt. Pepper!

Here’s a video of Scott Freiman explaining the chord progression in “Penny Lane”.



And now, it’s off to Yale for you, young lady!  And for the rest of us, it’s time for the Quiz!

This is a 1 yr. old baby with an upper respiratory infection.  I gave Phosphorus 6C because I thought it matched his personality.  At first, it looked like he was gonna be alright.  Then, the next day, or actually, later that night, the case went bad, then I changed the remedy to the one that matched the new presentation in which he was very sick.  He was taken to the hospital, that’s when the remedy was given.  The mother writes:


Elaine, he ate. Coughed and threw up a little but not as much as before. He was instantly smiling and talking after throwing up. He fell asleep about 10 minutes later and he’s peacefully sleeping now. I can hear a rattle in his breathing but it’s not labored. It seems to be coming from his chest. I’m sure he will wake up to eat tonight. Hopefully he will keep it all down.
Thanks! Have a good night!

(Next morning):

Elaine, he never threw up again and he ate well over night. It was a rough night sleep-wise. He was up crying a lot. He seems gassy and like he’s trying to poop, thick yellowish-cream mucus in his nose, clear discharge. He’s pretty emotional this morning but not as lethargic as he’s been in the past. He will still show a slight smile. His eyes are a little watery but he’s still pretty bright eyed. He’s tired but he was up a lot last night and he wants to snuggle. He’s still coughing, it’s loose and productive. We can hear a rattle/crackle in his chest and kind of wheezy/congested nasal breathing.
I gave him another dose of Phos this morning. Anything else I should do?

(Later in the afternoon):

He’s tired, more lethargic but not completely. He’s not really showing any emotion other than discomfort and sadness. No talking or smiling. If I walk around holding him, he just lays on my shoulder. He’s awake but not moving a ton. If I sit down, he whimpers. If I lay him down, he cries. He’s “complaining”. I believe he did throw up again when he was napping. The towel I laid under him on was pretty wet. No diarrhea. Coughing a little bit. It’s definitely difficult though loose and productive.
The remedy is _____________________.

I gave him a dose. His really high liver enzymes went down to 100!! The other one stayed at 1200. His clotting/anticoagulant factors did double. He has a very slow drip IV with 5% glucose. They haven’t mentioned anything else. I think he’s slightly improving. I just gave him the dose so I’ll let you know how he does.

(One hour later):
He’s talking and reaching for toys and things again!! He had a major coughing spell about 20 mins after I gave the remedy and threw up a bunch of mucus but it didn’t seem to bother him. After that is when he started talking again.


OK everybody, if you know the remedy, write to me at [email protected].  The answer will be in next month’s ezine.

Mom, to play us out, here is a song Bob Seger released on the one year anniversary of Glenn’s passing as a tribute to him.

Yes, because you can’t get too many reminders that Glenn Frey is dead!

Goodbye, everybody, see you next time!


Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.

Elaine takes online cases! Write to her at [email protected]

Visit her website:

About the author

Shana Lewis

Shana spices up the Hpathy Quiz with her timely announcements and reviews on the latest in pop culture. Her vast knowledge of music before her time has inspired the nickname: "Shanapedia"!

About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at: and

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