Disease Index

Homeopathy for Prostatitis

Written by Dr. Manish Bhatia

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, in men. Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person.

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, in men.

Symptoms of Chronic Prostatitis

* Pain (mono or bilateral testicular soreness, painful heaviness in the perineum and occasionally a lancing burning pain and a feeling of something extraneous in the anus or ampulla of the rectum)
* Urinary disorders (passing small quantities of urine (pollakuria), nocturnal micturition (nicturia), hesitation at the start of micturition)
* Sexual disorders (remature ejaculation, blood in the sperm (hemospermia), loss of libido and erectile dysfunction)
* Reproductive disorders (spermatozoa may lose mobility (astenospermia) or even become completely immobile and have a shortened life-span)

Homeopathic Remedies & Homeopathy Treatment for Prostatitis

Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is homeopathic medicine for prostatitisbased upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat Prostatitis but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available to treat prostate gland’s diseases that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the complaints.  For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are following remedies which are helpful in the treatment of Prostatitis:

Aconite [Acon]

Prostatitis with great urging to urinate and great pain during micturition, or where in milder cases there is great pain in walking, especially down stairs.

Aesculus-hip [Aesc]

Desire to urinate often, but passes little at a time, scanty and dark-yellow, with scalding in passing through the urethra, some- times deep-red, with strong odor; amorous dreams and seminal emissions; blind piles, with shooting pains up back.

Agnus-castus [Agn]

When pressing at stool, discharge of prostatic fluid; pollutions from irritable weakness with prostatorrhoea; red, turbid urine, with burning and pressure in urethra.

Aloe [Aloe]

Sensation as if a plug were wedged between symphysis and coccyx, pressing downward; aloes homeopathic medicine for prostatitisincontinence of urine from enlarged prostata; intense pain and soreness in rectum after stool with protrusion of piles, (<) from touch and temporarily (>) by cold water.

Alumina [Alum]

Discharge of prostatic fluid during difficult stool; URINE VOIDED WITH STRAINING AT STOOL, or cannot pass urine without such straining.

Apis-mell [Apis]

Excessive pain in vesical region, frequent desire and pressing down in region of sphincter, not only during day, but has to get up often at night; AGONY IN PASSING URINE; retention of urine or dark, scanty urine.

Baryta-carb [Bar-c]

HYPERTROPHY OF PROSTATA; after urinating renewed straining with dribbling of urine; numbness in genitals for several minutes; frequent micturition, no stool, in old men.

Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac]

Enlargement of prostata; sensibility of bladder with mucopurulent discharge; DYSURIA SENILIS; weak loins, when the gravel is trifling; urine of a repulsive odor; formication at anus.

Cactus [Cact]

Prostatic affections; weight in anus; constriction of bladder; desire to pass water, unable to pass it for some time, but finally succeeds; irritation as if he should pass water constantly.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Chronic cystitis, foetid or pungent urine, which is clear and pale; frequent micturition, it seems as if he could not hold his urine and sensation as if he could not finish urinating, as if some urine remained in the bladder.

Causticum [Caust]

PULSATIONS IN PERINEUM; after passing a few drops pain in urethra, bladder and spasms in rectum, with renewed desire; must pass water every few minutes at night with extremely painful pressing and urging; chronic prostatitis; contraction of sphincter, with excoriating serous discharge from anus.

Chimaphila [Chim]

Sensation of swelling in perineum, as if on sitting down a ball were pressing against it; inability to urinate without standing with the feet wide apart and the body inclined forward. ACUTE PROSTATITIS from sitting on a cold damp stone, excessive itching and painful irritation of urethra from the end of penis to neck of bladder, which dysuria may increase to complete retention from swelling of prostata; great quantities of thick, ropy, bloody mucus in urine; prostatic disease with waste of prostatic fluid.

Conium [Con]

Enlargement and induration of prostata cause intermittent urination in old people, urine flows and stops; discharge of prostatic fluid on every change of emotion, without voluptuous thoughts or while expelling faeces, with itching prepuce; pressure in neck of bladder, with stitches, (<) when walking, (>) when sitting; weight like a stone in perineum.

Copaiva [Cop]

INDURATION OF PROSTATE, in old men, with no increase in size or slight augmentation with extreme hardness; burning and sensation of dryness in region of prostate gland and in urethra, with great pain while urinating, urine is emitted by drops; mucous discharge from bowels with much rumbling and rolling in abdomen.

Cyclamen [Cycl]

Prostatic troubles, with stitches and pressure, urging to stool and micturition; in and near anus andcyclamen homeopathic medicine for prostatitis in perineum drawing- pressing pain, as from subcutaneous ulceration of a small spot, while walking or sitting; frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge; while urinating, pricking pain at the end of the urethra.

Digitalis [Dig]

SENILE HYPERTROPHY OF PROSTATE, CARDIAC SYMPTOMS MARKED; dribbling discharge of urine and continued fulness after micturition or fruitless effort to urinate; throbbing pain in region of neck of bladder during the straining efforts to pass water; increased desire to urinate after a few drops have passed, causing the old man to walk about in distress though motion increases desire to urinate; frequent desire to defaecate at the same time; very small, soft stool passed without relief, urine pale, slightly cloudy, looking smoky.

Ferrum-picr [Ferr-pic]

Enlarged prostata.

Hepar [Hep]

Discharge of prostatic fluid after micturition and during hard stool or independent of either; urine passed tardily and without force, feels as if bladder could not be emptied thoroughly.

Hippomanes [Hipp]

Urine discharged in a small stream, it feels as if a swelling retarded it.

Iodum [Iod]

Swelling and induration of prostate gland and of testicles; incontinence of urine; stricture of urethra in the aged, with uraemic symptoms; urine dark, thick, ammoniacal.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

STITCHES IN PROSTATA when walking, must stand still; prostatic fluid escapes at stool; painful drawing from perineum into urethra; after micturition burning in back part of urethra as if a drop had remained, with unsuccessful effort to pass it; stitches in urethra.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Frequent discharge of hot urine, but very slowly; after it, discharge of prostatic fluid; pressure upon bladder a long time before urine comes; has to get up several times at night, though he drinks but little.

Lithium-carb [Lith-c]

Urine strongly acid and having a dense reddish or pink sediment on cooling; great pain and tenderness in perineal region with aching and drawing in testicles; tenderness over bladder.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Pressing on perineum near anus, during and after micturition; STITCHES IN NECK OF BLADDER AND ANUS AT THE SAME TIME; urging to urinate, must wait a long time before it passes; incontinence of urine.

Magnes-carb [Mag-c]

DISCHARGE OF PROSTATIC FLUID WHEN PASSING FLATUS; involuntary urination while walking or rising from a seat.

Mercurius-dulcis [Merc-d]

(Calomel). Acute prostatitis, especially after maltreated gonorrhoeal stricture; both lobes swollen so as to occlude rectum, with severe painful urinary symptoms; burning pressing pains in rectum.

Natrum-carb [Nat-c]

Prostatorrhoea after urinating and after difficult stool; frequent urging to urinate, with scanty or profuse discharge; chronic hypertrophy.

Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]

Enlarged prostata, pus and mucus in urine; sycosis.

Oleum-santal [Ol-sant]

SENSATION OF PAIN AND UNEASINESS DEEP IN PERINEUM; desire to change position to get relief; stream small and passed with hesitation; feeling of ball pressing against urethra; pain (>) while walking, (<) when standing some time; heaviness of feet in the morning when first rising from bed; sexual powers weak,

erections feeble; the urine red and scanty.

Petroleum [Petr]

CHRONIC INFLAMMATION OF THE PROSTATIC PART OF URETHRA, with frequent emissions and imperfect erections; passes only a little urine at a time.

Populus [Pop]

Enlarged prostata; catarrh of bladder, painful urination, irritation of bladder and urethra.

Psorinum [Psor]

Discharge of prostatic fluid before urinating; the sexual organs flabby, torpid; aversion to coitus; frequent, scanty urine, burning and cutting in urethra.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

Continued dull stitches in neck of bladder, with a pressure of urine, while lying upon his back; AFTER MICTURITION SPASMODIC PAINS IN NECK OF BLADDER, EXTENDING TO PELVIS AND THIGHS; prostatic troubles of elderly people, faeces flat, small in size.

Secale-corn [Sec]

Enuresis in old age; bloody urine; unsuccessful urging to urinate; retention of urine; bleeding from bowels.

Selenium [Sel]

Prostatic juice oozes while sitting, during sleep, when walking and at stool; involuntary urination while walking, drips after stool or micturition; stool hard and impacted that it requires mechanical aid; (<) in hot weather, after sleep, from anything which causes relaxation.

Sepia [Sep]

Feeling in neck of bladder of urgent desire to pass water; must wait a long time before urine comes; any attempt to retain urine causes anxiety and pressure on bladder; urine thick, offensive, slimy, with yellow pasty sediment.

Staphisagria [Staph]

Frequent and copious urination; burning the whole length of urethra; frequent urging with scanty discharge of a thin stream of red-looking urine; urging as if bladder were not emptied; discharge of dark urine by drops; pain extending from anus along urethra, coming on after walking or riding.

Sulphur [Sulph]

Offensive sweat around genitals; stools hard, knotty, insufficient; urine foetid, with greasy-looking pellicle on it; painful desire, with discharge of bloody urine, requiring great effort; mucous discharge from urethra.

Sulphur-iod [Sul-i]

Pain in prostata; sensation of torpor in bladder; insufficient urination; incontinence of urine; mucous deposits in urine.

Triticum-repens [Tritic]

RETENTION OF URINE IN VERY OLD PEOPLE FROM ENLARGED PROSTATA, when there is a great deal of trouble in urinating.

Thuja [Thuj]

Syphilis and sycosis, especially suppressed or badly treated gonorrhoea; stitches in urethra fromthuja homeopathic medicine for prostatitis behind, also from rectum into bladder; rectal tenesmus, deep perineal pains; dysuria, retained urine; cutting at beginning of passing water, the pain descending the urethra to a point just above the external meatus; urine squirts out or slowly drops; scalding and cutting at the close of urination; stream interrupted several times before bladder is entirely emptied; frequent desire to urinate in the evening, (>) by lying down.

Zincum [Zinc]

Can only pass water while sitting bent backward, much sand in urine; difficult, hard, dry, insufficient stool, expelled with much pressure.

What is Prostate gland?

The prostate is a glandular organ lying between the pubic bone and the rectum and between two lines going from the pointed end of the coccyx bone at the back to the upper and to the lower margin of the pubic bone in front. The longer line, a line joining the two, roughly defines the prostate. The base of it lying above, the apex below. The urethra passes through the prostate in such a way that the grater part of the prostate lies under the urethra, the smaller part above. The prostate embraces the urethra rather like a signet ring.

In the adult the prostate has the size and shape of a walnut, being about 12 inches broad, I inch long and 3/4 inch thick. Its average weight is about 42 drachms. This, however, represents the average weight of the prostate when removed from the dead body, covered by its “sheath,” which, as we shall state later on, is not really a part of the prostate, but only the envelope in which it lies. The real weight is less-probably about 3 drachms. The base is directed backwards and upwards towards the bladder, the neck of which it embraces, while the apex looks forwards and downwards. The posterior surface, which is smooth and slightly grooved in the middle line, rests on the rectum, from which it is separated by dense fibrous tissue, which forms part of the “sheath” of the prostate.

The prostate consists of two lateral lobes, between which the ejaculatory ducts enter from behind, before opening into the prostatic part of the urethra. A third, or “median” lobe was described by Sir Everard Home in the early part of the last century as existing in the normal prostate, and Sir Henry Thompson refused to agree. His contention has been almost universally accepted. Practical experience derived from numerous dissections of the healthy prostate and 1,625 operations for removal of the enlarged organ in its capsule, convinced Sir Peter Freyer that Sir Henry Thompson was correct in his view and that the so-called “middle” lobe is merely a pathological product, derived from one or both lobes, and that it is non-existent in the normal prostate. There is, it is true, a median portion or bridge of tissue, sometimes forming a rounded prominence above the ejaculatory ducts in the normal prostate, but this is derived from both lateral lobes, which are in this position more intimately blended than in the rest of their course on either side of the prostatic urethra.

Structurally the prostate is composed of glandular substance and stroma made up of muscular and fibrous tissues. The glandular substance consists of follicular pouches with ducts lined with columnar epithelium. The excretory ducts, from twelve to twenty in number, open into the urethra beside the veru montanum. The muscular tissue forms the bulk of the prostate, its supposed function being to eject the glandular secretion or prostatic fluid to mix with that form the ejaculatory ducts of the testicles.

The function of the prostatic fluid consists in mobilizing the spermatozoids. It the se-men does not contain the prostatic fluid, the spermatozoids are devoid of motion, consequently such an individual is sterile.

The prostate has a general tendency to increase in size after the age of fifty, but not all these men suffer form any subjective symptom through it. From statistics, collected by the late Sir Henry Thompson and others, about 33 per cent. of men beyond 55 years of age are subject to enlargement of the prostate, but no more than 5 per cent. ever suffer from symptoms. This percentage is rather too low. Anyway, as already mentioned in my first statement, the number suffering from troubles due to the enlargement of the prostate is very large. Every practitioner has to deal with them and is aware of the serious symptoms frequently met with in these cases.

Prostatitis Cases Cured with Homeopathic Medicine

Seven Brief Cases – by H. V. Halbert

Cancer of the Prostate in a Man of 74 – by Vitan Gosain

Spigelia Anthelmia Cases – by Piraneo Salvatore

About the author

Dr. Manish Bhatia

- BCA, M.Sc Homeopathy (UK), CICH (Greece), MD (Hom)
- Associate Professor, Organon & Homeopathic Philosophy, SKH Medical College, Jaipur
- Founder Director of Hpathy.com
- Editor, Homeopathy for Everyone
- Co-author - Homeopathy and Mental Health Care: Integrative Practice, Principles and Research
- Author - Lectures on Organon of Medicine vol 1, 2, 3. CCH Approved. (English, German, Bulgarian)
- Awardee - Raja Pajwan Dev Award for Excellence in the Field of Medicine; APJ Abdul Kalam Award for Excellence in Homeopathy Education
- Visit Dr. Bhatia's website

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