
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Kreosotum, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


A product of distillation of wood tar. Exact composition unknown.


1. Dr. HARTUNG, aet. 40, took, 8 a. m., 3 dr. rubbed up with 3j sugar. Eructation for 1/4 h. Increased peristaltic action with discharge of flatus. After 1/2 hour, cough with expectoration of gelatinous mucus. After I hours, restlessness of whole body, all limbs vibrated. After 2 hours, vertigo, all goes round with him. Gnawing feeling of hunger. Prickling pain in bowels. After 54 hours, slight pain in forehead. After 24 hours, rheumatic stiffness of nape. (A.h. Z., xii, 33.)

2. IMMISCH, medical student, aet. 18, took, 8 a. m., I dr. All day as if stupefied. Dull pain in right side of head. Shooting pains in abdomen. (Ibid.)

3. LANGE, chemist’s assistant, aet. 22, took 8 a. m. I dr., and 2 day; after 2 dr. at 8 and 10 a. m. Chilliness all afternoon. Slow pulse, 47, for 2 d. Beating in head. Tearing pains in crown, in afternoon. Dull pressure in eyes. Shooting pain in left eye for 3/4 h. Pale face. These of cubebs and cold feeling on tongue. Violent drawing in left forearm. Soon, violent eructation. After 5 m., whirling vertigo in crown lasting 5 m. After I hours, hammering pain in crown. After 8 hours, violent throbbing constrictive pain in right side of chest, lasting till he went to sleep. After 24 hours, blue rings round eyes. After 36 hours exhaustion and weakness. (Ibid.)

4. KOCH, chemist’s assistant, aet. 17, took, 8 a. m. and 9 p. m., I dr. and 2 day later., 10 a. m., 2 dr. Slow pulse, fell from 81 to 63. Immediately, pressure over right eye for I h. Soon vertigo. 1/4 hours after evening dose, pressure over both eyes, lasting 3/4 h. After 12 hours, blue rings round eyes. Restless sleep. Repeated epistaxis. (Ibid.)

5. HEINEMANN, shoemaker, aet. 33, took for caries of superior, maxilla, Kreosotum gtt. iv, Sp, vin., 3j, Aq. distil. 3iij, m. and evening 15 dr. also drew into nostril a portion of lotion made with Kreosotum gtt. xx, Sp. vin. 3ss, Aq, distil. 3xij. Pale bloated face, white furred tongue, constipation for 5 d. Scanty and painful discharge of urine. After 3 day, dizziness so that he could not walk or stand long. Blue rings round eyes. Anorexia, distension of abdomen. After 4 day, large, painful, protruded piles. After 5 day, general weakness and faintness. After 6 day, oedematous swelling of feet. (Ibid.)

6. SUNDERSTEDT, ropemaker, aet. 55, had recently been castrated for scirrhus of testicles, took m. and e. I dr. Drawing in whole body, stupefaction, vertigo; pressure over root of nose for 10 h. Epistaxis. (Ibid.)

7. Dr. SYRBIUS, aet. 38, took, 8 and 10 a. m., 32 dr. Slow pulse all day, 60. Pressive pains in eyeballs, especially right, felt all afternoon as if he must tear out eyes, changing in evening to throbbing pain in right eye. Taste of cubebs with cold feeling on tongue. Dull throbbing pain in 3rd upper molar, which is becoming carious. Dryness in fauces, it feels stuck together, all afternoon. Burning in oesophagus, great appetite. Desire for tobacco at unusual time. Pressure in rectum, causing urging to stool, when only flatus was discharged. Dull pain in chest for I hours at noon. Rheumatic stiffness of nape all afternoon. Dull pain behind i. scapula for I h. Pressive pain 2 inches below right scapula. Pain of right shoulder when moving it, all d. Dull, almost gnawing pain, in right humerus, with lame heaviness of upper arm. Painful drawing in left forearm along ulna. Immediately (after 2nd dose) shooting tearing pain in left eye lasting 3/4 hours, recurring after 1 1/2 hours, but going off soon and alternating with transient tearing pain in right eye. After 2 m. whirling vertigo lasting 1/4 hour, weight in chest with flying stitches. After 1/2 hours, backache, tearing pain in left temple. Slight pain deep in forehead, all d. Pressure over both eyes, worst over right for 5 h. Eructation of air (after 2nd dose). Whirling vertigo. After 3/4 hours, throbbing pain in a small spot, behind pectorals minoris. After I hour, obtuse pain behind right scapulae, with feeling of a beg sticking in there, sometimes throbbing, lasting all d. After 3 hours, fulness and tightness of chest, causing him to breath deeply, lasting several h. After 4 hours (2nd dose), phlegm in larynx making him cough. After 6 hours, chilliness, earache (also after 10 and 24 h). Pain in left tonsil when swallowing. Dull pain in left iliac region, lasting 1/2 hours, recurring 4 hours later. 10 hours, obtuse gnawing pains in outer side of left thigh and leg, worse when sitting. (Ibid.) 8. Dr. EICHHORN took Kr. from February 15th to April 20th, with few interruptions. He began with 3x, then 2x, which produced hardly any effect, then he took IX, 5 to 50 dr. pro dosi, once or several times a d. The primary symptoms were: nausea, inclination to vomit, flow of water into mouth, slight retching, pressure in gastric region, empty eructation, pressure over hypogastrium, pinching, discharge of flatus with relief. the following symptoms occurred frequently: pressive pains in one or both temples, sometimes pretty severe, pressure and tension in forehead up to crown, confusion of head with slight vertigo, frequently out – pressing or dull shooting and also ringing in ears. All these symptoms lasted but a short time from some m. to 1/2 hours, most of them disappeared at once in open air. When he had taken the drug 3 weeks, the following symptoms in addition were observed. Though usually constipated, a stool every 2 to 4 day, after the 3 weeks’ proving became quite the opposite, had a copious, soft, sometimes pappy stool once or twice a d. At same time had uneasiness, creeping and urging in rectum, which was only relieved by stool. Also suffered more from flatus, which came away with stool and was very ill – smelling. After a few weeks became distinctly thinner and the hair grew much grayer. On March 19th, ie. 5 weeks after commencement of proving, observed a pimple the size of a pea on right spine scapularis, painful from pressure of clothes; in 3 day it had changed to a scab which soon fell off. – 20th. Observed on right lower eyelid a reddened tender spot, which next day was swollen and formed towards inner canthus a projection the size of a hemp seed on a whitish surface; the surrounding conj. palpebralis was highly reddened, the lid externally bluish red and swollen; in evening there were shooting pains in the affected part. – 22nd. herpetic vesicles commence to form under nose, without previous catarrh. A small pustule appears in the fold of the right ala nasi. the pimple on the eyelid continues unaltered till the beginning of April, when, an account of catarrh, the proving was interrupted for 8 day, by which time the redness had disappeared. (Zeitsch. d. Verbascum d hom. Aerz. Oesterr., ii, 24. 1857.)

9. WAHLE proved drug on 3 healthy girls, 2 married women, and 2 men. None of the provers took more than I dr. of Kr. 5 to 10 dr. of Ist dil. caused noteworthy symptoms. Some experiments were made with the 2nd and 3rd dils., which also caused symptoms. In the schema the provers are not distinguished, and the doses are not given.

9a. Without indication of time: – Whirling in head; if she turns quickly, she is like to fall. Thoughts leave her easily, they fly away. Weakness of memory, her thoughts leave her. Headache, as if she had drunk too much the previous day. – like a board before forehead, – with weak memory. Head, as if she had been intoxicated, all d. Mental emotions cause here to have headache. Head confused, throbbing at crown. Slight throbbing undrawn anteriorly. Painful pressing in head. Out – pressing pain in centre of head. Very painful pressing under crown. Painful out – pressing under left parietal bone. Twitching and jerking pains in upper part of right hemisphere of brain, occurring at intervals. Confusion of left side of head, head, with pricking in it, which later involves upper molars. Headache with drowsiness. Tearing in head and drawing in eyes. Tensive pain in aggravated by stooping. All occiput as if too full, heavy, with feeling as if she should fall backwards. Headache with heat of forehead. In middle of forehead a continual throbbing and beating, for several d. Tearing in whole on left side it goes through temples down into cheek, but on right side it extends only to superior maxilla. Tearing in head with great heat of face and tearing in left upper molars the headache commences when she awakes in m. at least 24 hours, the toothache intermits, but always returns, and lasts so long she cannot sleep all n., with heat all over body, great exhaustion, cross and lachrymose and irascibility over every trifle. In sinciput weight as if something would come out. Drawing shooting pains in head, going through temples into superior maxillae, whirling feeling in head. Wakes at 5:30 a. m. with throbbing pain in forehead, left eat of face, weariness of legs, with formication thighs and feet, bitter taste even food tastes bitter. On stooping, rush of blood to forehead and she feels as if she should fall forward. An ulcerative pain under occipital bone, left side. In centre of forehead an outward pressing pain. A twitching pulsating pain over left mastoid process. Under centre of temporal bone an out-pressing pain. In left temple a tearing drawing as of some parts would be squeezed lasting several h. Beating pain in forehead. On stooping all rushes to forehead, as if every forced out there. Shooting pains in right temporal bone. Drawing pains in left temporal bone, which involve whole head, she feels dazed head. In left temporal bone beating and throbbing as in ring finger, extending up to crown and downward to middle of lower jaw, also quivering and contraction in eyelids, with feeling as if they had grown, Under left temporal bone outwards – pressing pain, e. On right side of sinciput an ulcerative pain. The whole forehead is full of miliary papules, which cause shooting pain; they are persistent and never fill with fluid. The hair falls out very much. She feels increased heat of face sensation as if perspiration would break out, but face keep dry. Great heat of face noon siesta, with throbbing in cheeks and forehead the whole face is boyish red; after resting some time the heat of face goes off, but head pains remain and only go off after a cup of coffee or nux vomica 30, at same time frequent call to water till next noon. Constant heat of face, in the warm room she has dyspnoea, she must go into open air to avoid fainting. Tearing in right side of face, commencing at angle of lower jaw and extending up to temple, e. Quivering of eyelids, On eyelids and round mouth itching and smarting, aggravated by rubbing, it then becomes red; after 8 day the parts desquamated, the whole lasts 12 d. Eyelids are red and swollen. Heat in eye, on looking at bright light the eyes water. Pressure, burning, and flashing in eyes, with heat and watering, with feeling as if something were in them; after these pains had lasted 5 hours she lay do, slept 1/2 hours, and on waking the eyelids were stuck together. Eyes always wet, swimming in tears. Itching in eyes, she must rub them; after rubbing smarting in eyes and the white of eyes is quite inflamed, with pressure as if sand were in them. After rubbing eyes they water, the tears are quite hot, and cause smarting of cheeks as from salt water. Lachrymation; when she rub eyes they become dry, look inflamed, and smart and burn. The tears are as acrid as brine. Eyes look as if she had been crying. On waking, m., the eyes weep, tears are hot and acrid. Watering of right eye and smarting of it, whilst the lids of eye quiver and twitch, afternoon, lasting 1/2, Dim dull eyes, like a veil before them. All the outer ear is inflamed, glowing hot, bright red, considerably swollen, with tensive burning pain. In left concha superiorly a pimple, from which the whole auricle becomes inflamed, swells, is hot to the feel, with burning pain; the whole left side of neck is stiff, with tensive pain, he cannot easily turn his head towards the left, but can to the right, slight pain through shoulder and down to middle of arm, at same time inward shooting through all limbs, heat in forehead and pressure over eyes, as though they would be partly closed. Single pricks as with a needle in interior of left ear. Shoots in right ear. Itching in ears and also is soles. Cramp pain in left ear. A bubbling, pressing – asunder pain in right ear. Bubbling and pinching in right ear frequently recurring. Humming in both ears, worst in 1., with hardness of hearing; sometimes the humming ceases for instance, and then she has tingling and hissing in head. Indescribable bad smell before nose, with anorexia. Nose always moist, she must often blow it. Epistaxis of thin, bright – red blood, m. Epistaxis of thick black blood. Dryness of lips, upper lip desquamates, is always hot and tense. Upper lip pains as if sore, and is chapped. Dryness of lips as if they were very hot internally, not thirst. Round right angle of mouth contractive tension and burning, with feeling as if right half of lower lip were drawn towards corner of mouth, e. On chin and right cheek pustules, on which yellow, honey – like scabs forms. At n. tearing in ramus of right lower jaw, which wakes him up, it extends to the ear, and causes shooting there. In skin under chin formication, she must rub the place, but this does not remove it. Drawing pains in gums of left upper jaw, the gums look inflamed. Jerking pains in a left carious lower molar, with frequently yawning. Wakes up at 5 a. m. with drawing tearing of left upper jaw, which later involves facial muscles and temples of same side, and lasts till noon, the teeth feel raised up and too long. Drawing pains in all incisors, all d. Drawing pain, beginning in left lower molars, then extending to upper molars; when these pains cease there, they come into upper incisors. Drawing pain in teeth extends over temporal region. Slimy in mouth, must always spit much, e. Dry feeling in oesophagus, with scraping, lasting some h. Scrapy in throat. Scrapy and rough in throat. Pressure in right side of throat when she swallows. Rough, hoarse voice, with scrapy feeling in throat. On left side of throat, when swallowing, a sore pain, with feeling as if something were hanging there which hinders him in swallowing. A choking, painful feeling deep in oesophagus extends through chest to vertebrae. Loss of taste. Eructation of air after dinner, followed by spitting of frothy saliva and scraping and raw feeling in throat for 1/4 h. Sour eructation. She feels sick, with spitting of saliva and chilly feeling all through body, not followed by heat or thirst. On rising, m., belching of tasteless water and mucus, with dryness of nose, heat in fore part of head, as if all would come out at forehead, cold hands and feet, with thirst. Complete anorexia. When she goes without breakfast she has a gnawing, followed by retching, which goes off after eating. She must dress quite loosely on account of tightness over stomach and scrob. cordis. Violent stitches in heart, causing him to cry out, they often leave off for 3, 4, or 8 day, and then recur by day as well as by n. Pain in abdomen, such as often attacks her after eating sour things, it is a still pain round the navel. Ulcerative pain in abdomen on drawing a deep breath. Painful cold feeling in abdomen, with scanty urine. Pain intermingled with shooting round navel, as though she had eaten fruit and then drunk. Distension of abdomen, as if she had eaten too much. Wakes up between 2 and 3 a. m. on account of contractive sensation in abdomen, she feels as if a lump lay in umbilical region and was twisted tightly. Drawing pain in abdomen during menstruation. A still obscure pain in abdomen, which she cannot describe. Her whole abdomen is distended and tight. Distension of abdomen after menses. Stitches from abdomen down to vagina, like electric shocks, recurring after some h. Cutting round navel as though she should have diarrhoea, she must double herself up it left off for awhile and then recurred periodically. In umbilical region she feels a painful lump, which seems to be twisted together. In umbilical region a pain as from a chill, and as if diarrhoea would come on. Painless drawing in upper part of abdomen, extending to sacrum, there causing labour – like pains, with pressing down towards lumbar vertebrae, at same time flushes of heat in face, palpitation of heart, quick pulse, ineffectual urging to urinate, the urine comes, at last after much pressing, but is hot and scanty; after the attack chilliness, cannot get warm, no thirst; these attacks came on every 1/4 or 1/2 hours for 24 h.: they are in connection with the lachrymation and disorders of vision in this way, that the eye – symptoms cease when the labour – like pains come on; when the pressing ceases, milk – like leucorrhoea drops from vagina. When she rises early and sits down immediately, she gets a pressive pain in region of spleen which exhausts her, but if she walks about when she rises in m. the pain does not come; the slightest pressure there is painful. Pressive pains in hepatic region and gnawing under left short ribs as if a worm were gnawing there. The upper anterior lobe of liver (?) pains as if from a blow, and causes feeling of fulness, so that she must constantly raise up her clothes there. Shooting pains in muscles of left renal region. Tensive pain in both inguinal regions when walking. Several successive stitches in rectum during menses, which dart upwards to left iliac region and stay there some time, during which she must remain standing. She must go to stool twice daily, contrary to custom, stools quite normal, is usually constipated. Two or 3 stools daily, not loose. Hard, dry lumpy stool, with much pressing, only every 3 or 4 d. Scanty urine, she passes scarcely half the usual quantity, though she drinks more then usual. Urine in a feeble stream. Very scanty urine. Frequent urging to urinate, but little is passed, and that is clear. Along with the diminished quantity of urine tenseness of abdomen. At n. must rise to urinate, but passes little. Frequently micturition, but only a tablespoonful of urine passed at a time. Urging to urinate towards evening, and must frequently rise to urinate at n. Chestnut – brown urine. Ill – smelling, colourless urine. Hot urine, it smokes, smells acrid, and has a reddish sediment. Reddish urine, with sediment. Urine often has much white sediment. Frequent micturition at n. Frequent discharge of hot urine. Must pass water every hour, and each time much clear urine passes. Frequent calls to urinate, and each time before doing so she has a discharge of leucorrhoea, which stains her linen yellow. Urine very hot, and scalds her between labia. When urinating burning in vulva. Urinates six or seven times daily, she has urgent calls, and much urine passes, Spasmodic pains in external genitals, lasting several h. Smarting itching between labia and in vagina, she must rub, after which there is burning and swelling of labia, then itching came every 1/4 to 1/2 hours, and lasted 4 d. Soreness between labia, and smarting pain. Excoriation betwixt thighs and labia, with burning and smarting pain. Violent itching and smarting between labia, she cannot refrain from rubbing. Voluptuous itching deep in vagina. Electric stitches in vagina, which seem to come from abdomen, making her start, all d. In them., between sleeping and waking, a desire for coitus, which she has not had for years. During coitus an ulcerative pain at neck of uterus, where there is a hard lump posteriorly, less pain in these parts evening then m. During coitus both man and wife felt burning pains in genitals, and the man became impotent, the next day he had swelling of the penis and his wife had her menses, the discharge was copious and dark coloured; after they had continued 4 day she had leucorrhoea, which stained the linen grey, and swelling of external genitals, with itching, eroding, burning pains. Prolapsus vaginae. A day or two before menses eructation of tasteless white froth, if she has not this she has vomiting of mucus. Three day before menses, hearing dull. Before menses great distension of abdomen. One day before menses a scraping and digging pain round naval, relieved by stooping forwards; when the pain subsides there is white leucorrhoea. Some day before menses excited and restless. Menses 4 days too soon, very profuse for 3 day, then ceased I day, and next day came on very profuse. Menses 9 day too soon. Menses from 8 to 10 days too soon, discharge dark, profuse, and lasting 8 d. Menses every 3 weeks, come on slightly, continue 4 or 5 day, and are very profuse, then for 2 to 4 day there is bloody ichor, which smells acrid and causes itching and smarting of genitals. During menses, flatus smells of rotten eggs. During menses the stool and flatus remain longer in rectum than usual, she feels their pressure with discharge of flatus, then her menstrual flow is very profuse and in clots. During menses dull of hearing. During menses, humming and buzzing in head, with out – pressing pain, much aggravated by stooping. During menses, much chilliness. The menses came on with pain in left side of chest inferiorly and cutting pain above navel. The menstrual discharge is in clots, and very profuse. On the 3rd day of menses she got Kr. 6 at 8 a. m., by 4 p. m. the discharge ceased without any discomfort, and reappeared at the regular time. The menses, which had ceased 48 hours, return with violent pains in abdomen, the discharge is then bright red, lasts 24 hours, and then goes off quietly. The menses, which usually are 9 day too early and combined with much sacral pain, were very profuse, and lasted 8 days, were now scantier, lasted hardly 3 day, and were without sacral pain. Menses not nearly so profuse as usual. Menses cease for 60 hours, and then come on in the forenoon without pain, after having flowed normally for 5 1/2 d. In the 5th n. of the menses she sweats profusely, but only on back and chest. Three or 4 days after menses violent spasms in abdomen, especially iliac regions. Some day after menses forcing and pressing downwards, as though they would return. Leucorrhoea of a yellowish colour, with great weakness of limbs. A woman who had never leucorrhoea got, after a 2nd dose of Kr. 6, a painless white discharge from vagina, which lasted several d. In addition to menses, periodical leucorrhoea. White painless discharge from vagina Leucorrhoea makes whitish – yellow spots on linen the size of a sixpence, is also acrid, and causes itching and erosion on external genitals. Leucorrhoea stains the linen like serum, and has a putrid smell. The leucorrhoeal discharge is often quite white, and smells of fresh ears of corn. Leucorrhoea goes on 4 day uninterruptedly without sensation. Sneezing. Sneezing in m. Frequent sneezing, with moistness of nose. In m., hoarseness, which goes off after sneezing. In m., frequent sneezing without coryza. Fluent coryza, when the air is drawn in by nose it feels too irritating in the choanae. Stuffy coryza, which becomes fluent after 12 hours, with a scraping, rough feeling under sternum. Cough, with difficult expectoration. Dry cough, with scraping in throat and soreness of chest. Cough caused by a feeling as if mucus were sticking in the middle of the chest, which cannot be got rid of. Under larynx a crawling which makes her cough. During cough scraping in throat, with a lump of thick expectoration, e. Constant cough, with great drowsiness, I hours of rigor, then dry heat, during which the child continues to sleep. Cough, with white, easily expectorated mucus and a scrapy feeling in throat. Whooping cough. In the centre of chest crawling and tickling, causing dry spasmodic cough, which lasts until retching comes on, m. Whistling dry cough. Constant easily expectorated mucus in throat causes an uninterrupted hollow and rough – sounding cough. Cough with retching, but only saliva comes. Cough, with discharge of urine. When the single coughs come, the urine spurts away from her. On an asthmatic person going upstairs the asthmatic breathing resolves itself into an easy expectoration, m. Dyspnoea, she cannot bring up her breath, it is as if it were held fast in the chest below. In the lower part of chest a feeling of weight, so that she cannot make a proper expiration. Quickly recurring oppression of chest, with some transient stitches in the middle of left side of chest. On inspiration a transient pain in middle of chest, with dyspnoea. On account of heavy feeling in middle of chest she cannot take a full breath. He must often breathe deeply. Anxious and difficult breathing. On inspiration the chest feels internally bruised, on account of which she must breathe less deeply. On inspiring deeply a contractive pain in chest. Frequent sharp stitches in centre of chest, aggravated by inspiration, thence the stitches spread over right shoulder and go with a burning sensation to elbow – joint; on raising arm the pains are worst in shoulder. Raw pains in lower parts of chest. On pressing on sternum it is painful in the middle, as though pressed by something hard, felt on inspiration and then spreading to clavicle and muscles of nape. A painful feeling in sternum, as though it was very much pressed, felt more during expiration. When taking a breath she felt a sharp stitch in left side of chest, which soon went off and came into right side of chest. In the external parts of left side of chest a shooting, which has not effect on respiration, when at rest. In interior of right side of chest severe stitches, which take away her breath. At 3 p. m. she had some stitches in right side of chest and under right scapula, which took away her breath and she thought she must fall. In left side of chest shooting, most observable on turning in bed. In various parts between ribs periodically recurring shooting pain. Painful shooting across middle of chest, recurring on rising in m. and ceasing about noon. Violent stitches in lower part of right side of chest, lasting several h. Knife – thrusts in right side of chest, which go off and return by day and n., he cannot sleep all n. they are so violent, causing him to break out in loud groans, they are somewhat relieved by firm pressure on the part with the hand, but when he removes the hand they recur as violently (in a hemiplegic). Feeling as if milk came into breasts, which are quite soft, just as upwards, with heat of palms and soles. Sacral pains worse when at rest, better when moving. Sacral pain as if after stooping much, aggravated by movement and stooping. Sacral pains as if her sacrum were broken, which extend to between shoulders; it feels like a band between shoulders, so that she cannot move arms without pain, and can hardly stoop, all d. Violent pains in lumbar vertebrae as if ulcerated, with pressing down in rectum, as if flatus wanted to pass, but none does, during menses; before menses the pains in back were relieved by movement. One of the upper lumbar vertebrae pains as if ulcerated, or as if the flesh were torn away there, and when she stands up she feels as if something would fall out there. Spasmodic drawing from lumbar vertebrae, going forward and down thighs, just like true labour pains, with great restlessness through whole body. In lumbar vertebrae pain such as she usually has before menses. Drawing tension between shoulders. Single stitches betwixt scapulae, rapidly going and returning. Pains in shoulders as though she had lain with them uncovered at n. Pains in both shoulders as if they had been pressed against sharp corners. In back parts of shoulders painful drawing. Pinching pains on inner side of left upper arm. On lower part of right forearm in the muscles of ulna a painful drawing down to fingers, and out there, so that she cannot grasp things properly with this hand, and there is a paralysed feeling in it; it recurs every half or whole h. Periodical pains in both elbow – joints as if the ligaments were drawn together and were too short. In lower part of left ulna a spasmodic pain extending into fingers. Drawing pains in left forearm extending to fingers. Desquamation of skin of hands, which are quite stiff and stark. Very agreeable warmth in palms, followed by warm sweat there in bed in m., and recurring several times during d. The whole right hand is covered with papules which itch violently, the itching is worse in evening, and in bed. The left thumb pains as if stiff and sprained. Sprain – pain in second joint of left thumb. Drawing pains in left finger – tips, which feel as if swollen. Drawing pains in right ring – finger. In ball of left index a pain as if he had got something sticking in it which is going to suppurate. In left index a paralytic pain, commencing when at rest, removed by movement. Dying away of first phalanx of all fingers; they look quite white, and she has no feeling in them. In left hip – joint a pain as if the parts were pushed out; when he stood on right foot the left leg felt as if it were too long. In region of crista ilii stitches which traverse the body. Painfulness of both cristae ilii and of lumbar muscles as though she had run a great distance; this painfulness or bruised feeling extends into thighs and down to calves, when it ends like lightning, but leaves a stiffness or want of freedom in lumbar vertebrae, m. The cristae ilii are painful when pressed on, as though she had carried something heavy or hard on them. Drawing pains from head of right femur to knee – joint, so that she can hardly go upstairs, better when at rest, lasting some d. Painful drawing mixed with shooting from thigh through legs and soles, worst in right, aggravated by movement. The posterior parts of thighs are the seat of tensive pains as though she had walked a long distance, most felt when walking and stooping. Blue spots on thighs that look like bruises. Three inches above left knee in the fleshy parts a twitching pain when at rest. From middle of left thigh to middle of leg the parts are painful as though he had tearing in them and they were still stiff on moving. Painful tension in fascia lata of left thigh. Three inches above left thigh in muscles a pain as if they were too short, worst on stooping and walking. In left knee joint a dislocative pain so that he cannot stand on this leg alone, and always has a feeling as if it would knuckle under him. Tearing, boring, and shooting pains in left patella, coming in evening with a chill, and lasting all n. till m., when they go off. Under right patella an acute pressive pain. Drawing, tearing, and shooting pains, now in right calf, now in region of hip – joint, lasting 5 m., then ceasing for a long time, and again recurring; the pain always comes on with great violence, making her start, at same time itching and erosion in eyes making her rub them; afterwards the eyes burn, and much greasy mucus comes into their inner canthi, requiring frequent cleansing. In houghs red scaly skin like tetter. On legs and knees down to toes a throbbing like a boil, worst in soles. From knees to ankles, especially in calves, painful tension when moving not when at rest. Chilliness from dorsum of foot to above knee. Painless jerk through left leg; the foot was twitched up. Paralytic drawing through left lower limb. A twisting – out pain on right outer ankle when at rest. A sprain – like pain in left tendo Achillis. In left heel, when moving, a violent shoot, making her start and stand still. Weakness of left leg, no steadfastness in it. Legs swollen from calf to front of toes, 1. most; the swelling is oedematous, white, but always cold and heavy so that it requires an effort to get along. He has twitching and pinching pains in all joints. Tearing – drawing and shooting pains from heels, through soles, out at toes in e. On walking next m. the soles felt like balls when she trod on them, this goes off a. m. Pinching pains her and there. Cold feet. Sweaty feet occasionally. left foot somewhat swollen. Heaviness in legs from knees to ankles when moving, m. Weight in all her limbs with drowsiness. All her limbs ache as if bruised. All her limbs ache as though she had caught a severe cold. All limbs feel bruised as though she had run a great distance. A working in soles as though she had walked a long way, with great exhaustion, left worst. Gone – to – sleep feeling in lower limps. Feeling as if all parts of the body moved when at rest. Blows all through body, asking her start, when asleep at n. Great excitement of whole body. Burning – itching in soles. Towards evening the itching becomes so violent as almost to drive her mad. The whole body covered with large pustules like smallpox. Nettlerash – like wheals break out, last 2 or 3 day, then disappear, during which time fresh ones always appear. A vesicular eruption (like bug – bites) appears all over body, only the calves, chest nd face were free from them, the itching is worst between 5 and 7 p. m. and at n. Itching all over body, she cannot help scratching, on the body the itching goes off after scratching without leaving any sensation, but on legs and arms it is followed by violent burnings. She cannot sleep at n. for heat, itching and burning all over body. After midnight she wakes, the bed seems too warm, but if she puts her foot out of bed she is chilled. Weary and weak in lower limbs as if she had walked a long way. If she has to get up 1/2 hours sooner than usual she has a fit of faintness that lasts a whole h. Stretching and yawning as before an ague fit. Frequent yawning as though she had not slept all, e. Frequent yawning with chilliness. All day yawning with watering of eyes. Very frequent yawning with watering of eyes. Frequent yawning with pressive pains in forehead and uneasiness. Very drowsy, she would like to be always sleeping. She is very tired, and yet cannot sleep, she tosses about in bed all n. till 4 a. m., when the menses come on at regular time, then she slept I h. Cannot get sleep on account of restlessness through whole body. Wakes suddenly at 2 a. m. as if she were called, she was wide awake and had got her menses. Though she wakes often at n. she feels quite rested in the m. and is quite cheerful. She wakes up 3 or 4 times at n. without reason, after turning about a little she falls asleep again. Bad sleep, she cannot find and easy position, the eyes are sealed up in m. She can seldom get to sleep before midnight, has a feeling as if too tried to sleep, with pains in all limbs. After 3 a. m. she cannot rest, tosses about. Starts up in affright from sleep. She dreams that something has happened to her children, which makes her weep and feel very anxious; on waking she was wet with sweat. Hardly asleep she has anxious dreams. After midnight she laughs in her dream, she knows not why on waking; she lay without clothes and was old, but did not feel chilly. A choking feeling in throat during a dream t n. She dreamt that she fell from a height. She dream that snow was falling, that she was in the open air, had her baby with her, and was therefore anxious. Anxious dreams, she is followed by big men who want to ravish her. She dreamt that she had taken poison, and is much emaciated thereby. Anxious dreams, she sees a small object before her which grows always larger. All n. anxious dreams. Dreamt of fire which burnt brightly, which made her very anxious and woke her up. Dreamt of erections and urging to urinate, and that on trying to do so the glans penis broke off. She dreams of nasty dirty linen. Feverish all through his body. Shuddering all through skin. She is easily chilled. She is always chilly, but chiefly so during menses. As soon as she rests she has chilliness all through body. Chilliness for 3 successive d. Chilliness betwixt shoulders and along back, cannot warm herself at the fire, during menses. Chilliness beginning between shoulders and going middle of sacrum, then sacral pains so that she can neither sit nor lie, but most always walk about, whereby the sacral pains are relieved, but now pains occur in hips, which go into middle of thighs and prevent her lying quietly in bed; they are only relieved by external warmth, exposure to external air increases the hip pains. Alternate chill and heat with much thirst, uneasiness in all limbs, continuous cough, sometimes dry, sometimes loose, but very exhausting and painful, it is excited by irritation in lower parts of chest with formication from centre of chest up to throat; the region of stomach is much shaken by the cough; at same time pressive pain on the middle of the top cervical vertebra, which is aggravated by touch. After the rigor, thirst. Internal rigor with red cheeks in the warm room. Periodic flushes of heat, the cheeks become bright red, the redness is sharply circumscribed. Dry fever – heat (the cheeks look as if painted) all over body, without thirst, and then comes on warm sweat; as soon as this is passed the most violent drawing and shooting sacral pains come on, which allow no sleep at n. and render turning in bed difficult. Small and suppressed pulse. All day stronger pulsation all though body, with a feeling as if whole body waggled when at rest. Pulse normal, but when he is at rest he feels it in every part. When sitting and walking a restlessness and chilliness through all limbs, so that she would like frequently to breathe deeply, but cannot do so. In m. she is very cross. At music or anything that excites emotion, she feels a tightness about heart, and cannot help weeping. She is always excited, cross, and wilful. Towards evening her spirits are quite depressed, and she despairs of ever again becoming well. She is sick, ardently desires death.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.