Lilium Tigrinum

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Lilium Tigrinum, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


L. tigrinum, H. K. Tiger lily. Nat. Ord., Liliaceae.


I. Dr. S. P. GRAVES, aet. 37, took-2 hours after eating-5 dr. of 3x dil. of tinct. of flowers. In about 1 1/2 hours felt dull pressive pain in left side, apparently about heart; coldness of outer left leg, as though cold wind was blowing upon it; dulness of right head, increasing to sense of pressure, inclining head over to left side. These symptoms gradually increased for about 6 hours, then gradually abated, when he fell in to a sleep which continued about 4 hours, from which he was suddenly aroused by pain in left side, as if heart were violently grasped, interrupting pulsations of heart and breathing. It was relieved by rubbing and pressure, and grasp gradually relaxed. Tinglings of legs set in, and continued during 2nd d,; heart pain was better in m., but worse in afternoon and on lying down at n., aggravated by stooping, leaning forwards, or bowing. After all symptoms has passed away, took second dose, before eating. Same symptoms returned, less marked, but of longer duration. Pain in heart continued for more than two weeks, gradually abating, and at last felt only on bending body forwards. Urine on 2nd day after each dose was copious and high coloured. (Dr. W. E PAYNE’S provings, Trans of Amer. Inst. of Hom., 1867.)

2a. Dr. J. W. SAVAGE took, Feb. 20th, 1867, 30 dr. of tinct. on sugar at 3:30 p. m., Pulse was then 76. 6, dull, heavy, or pressive pain in region of heart; sharp pain both knees, on inside, extending towards front at point of connection of patella with rectus tendon. Pain was confined to a small spot; he never felt anything of the kind before. 7:30, pulse now 88, took 30 dr. more. Both lower limbs below knees feel dull, heavy, and full, with formication and shifting pains; pulsation in both feet; slight nausea; cardiac pain continues; dull and occasional shooting pains across small of back, lasting a short time. Pains all seem to occupy small spots, as if produced by hard pressure with ends of fingers on parts. 9:30, pulse 88, repeated dose. Quick pain in both ring fingers and corresponding toes at same time, passing off in a few seconds. 10, moving of flatus in bowels, with rumbling and feeling of fulness; nausea, with great desire but inability to vomit; bubbling sensation in right hypochondrium. There was slight pain in bowels all n., with rumbling and violent emission of flatus, also sensation as though diarrhoea was about to occur. Next m. abdomen was tender to pressure. 7:30 a. m., took 30 dr. more. Soon stool, dark and hard, followed by a good deal of heat in rectum and anus, with slight pains in abdomen; weakness and pain in knees when walking, especially on ascending; dull and heavy, with occasional quick, pains in lower limbs below knee; small spot on inside of left thigh very painful at intervals; dull boring pain on top of left foot; nausea, with inclination to vomit, and frequent hawking of mucus from the throat; great distensions of bowels, with much upward and downward escape of flatus (this is a constant effect of drug); heat and pressure in hypogastrium. 11:45, 30 dr. more, pulse 72. Constant heavy feeling in cardiac region all afternoon, and pain in ankle joints, worse on moving. 6, sharp pains in inside of left thigh, over femoral artery, about 2 in. below Poupart’s ligament. 22nd. – No medicine; pain in thigh, flatulence and lameness in ankles gradually diminishing. 23 rd. – No symptoms. 7:30 p. m., 30 dr. Flatulent distension of stomach and bowels, with rumbling, returned; also heaviness in cardiac region, and palpitation when lying on left side in bed at n.

2b. “The heart symptoms now become so troublesome that I was obliged to discontinue further use of drug. The symptoms were always much worse at n., giving me, comparatively, but little trouble in the daytime. The heart’s action was intermittent, every intermission followed by a violent throb, causing an involuntary catching of the breath; at the same time the blood rushed up through the carotids to the head, producing great heat and a crowded feeling of head and face. These symptoms followed me for more than a month; indeed, so constant were they that I became alarmed, fearing I might have misjudged the case, and, instead of medical symptoms, I was really suffering from an organic disease of the heart. But a physical examination of the heart’s action by a brother physician, put my mind at rest on this point.” (Ibid.)

3. F. G. BARKER, aet. 30, took, May 9th, 1868, at 8 p. m., 6 dr. of tinct. (The tincture used in this and the following proving was made from stalk, leaves, and flowers.) in water. In about 1 hours, having been reading and writing, experienced slightly confused feeling in head, with little pain. This increased after going to bed, and there was slightly rushing sounds in both ears. About middle of n. woke suddenly, with coated feeling in mouth and throat, and had to rise and empty bladder (very unusual). Same thing happened again at 5:45., when also he had continued heavy feeling in head; steady, though not severe, pain in lumbar region; and intermittent sharp pain across hypogastrium. Slept again till 8, when bladder had again to be relieved. 10 th. – Continued lumbar pain, though sensibly growing lighter; it was occasionally transferred to between shoulders. Sharp though not severe, pain over left eye almost continuously during forenoon. 11:45, lumbar and eye pain almost gone, but still felt between shoulders; took 8 dr. No effect, save slight increase of eye pain. 4:30, repeated dose; eye pain increased, and lumbar pain recurred; urine remarkably clear and pale; drowsy early in evening, and could not work. 11 th. – Arose late, very much distressed with pain in lumbar region, which lasted through day and did not cease till evening 12th. – At 5:40 a. m. took 80 dr. again, without effect. 13th. – At 6:30 a. m., 12 dr. In middle of forenoon, intensely sharp pain in right side, between hips and false ribs, extending to umbilicus, and becoming a sort of colic, so severe as to render a full deep breath intolerable; was almost obliged to stop work (type-setting). Pain lasted till a little past noon, when it stopped suddenly. (Ibid., 1868.)

4a. Miss -, teacher, aet. 42; had not menstruated for 2 years, but had enjoyed uninterrupted good health. Sept. 3rd, 1867, at 8:30 a. m., took 5 dr. of tinct, and repeated same on two following d. From 6 th to 15 th took 10 dr. daily. Hitherto no effect. 16 th. -At 8:30 a. m. 25 dr. In 2 hours pain commenced in forehead above eyes, severe for more than an hour, then gradually acting. 20 th. – Took 30 dr. in course of 2 hours. Pain in sacrum, with sensation of weight and downward pressure in hypogastrium, which continued with some severity till 26th, worse than standing. 26th. – Took 30 dr. Discharge of bright-red blood from vagina, with dull heavy pain and great weakness in small of back and loins, continuing four following days. Took no more medicine, and does not report again till 15th, when she felt constant nausea, with sensation as of a lump in centre of chest, which could be moved down by empty swallowing, but ascended again when effort was over. Bearing down continues, with severe pressure in rectum and at anus, and constant desire for stool, but with every effort to evacuate the bowels, urine only was discharged. Sensation as if a hard body were pressing backwards and downwards against rectum and anus; standing on feet aggravated, and increased desire to go to stool. (These symptoms were somewhat relieved by walking in air, and riding.) Bowels feel as if distended; trembling sensation in abdomen, with chilliness; cold feet and hands; loss of appetite; aversion to coffee, nauseated on thinking of it, though it was habitual and favourite drink in morning; frequent passing of urine in small quantities; faint in a warm room, and on standing, with cold perspiration on back of hands and on feet; cannot see object distinctly; depression of spirits, constant inclination to weep, with fearfulness and apprehension of suffering from some terrible internal disease, already established; weakness and trembling of bowels, with loss of strength; very sleepy at other times than useful sleeping hours. 20th. -Above symptoms having still increased, prover submitted to examination per vaginum, when uterus was found low down, fundus titled forward, and os pressing backwards on rectum, allowing but difficult passage of index between. Helonias gave partial relief in 1 day, complete in 3 d.

4b. Dec. 17th and 18th, took 15 dr. of Ix dil. 3 times with out effect. 19th. – took 20 dr. at 10 and 3. In 1 hours after last dose, felt sharp quick pain in left chest, with fluttering of heart. 6, sharp pain over left eye, abating after an hours, but continuing all evening 21st. – Awoke free from pain. 9 a. m., 25 dr. Frequent attacks of palpitation; dull pain in sacrum; loss of appetite, aversion to bread and coffee. 22nd. -2 p. m., 25 dr. Dull pain in forehead over eyes; low spirited; aversion continue; dull and constant pain in back, between hips, with pressing downwards at anus, which continued to 26th, not much relieved on lying down. 26th. -11 a. m., 30 dr. Dull pain in forehead, over eyes, commenced at noon, and continued about 2 hours; pain in back and nausea; no appetite; depression of spirits; disposition to weep. 27th. – 30 dr. Pain in sacrum all day; disrelish for food, especially bread, and repugnance to coffee; on going to bed cold feeling in back, as if cold water were poured upon it. 28th. -In m. on awaking left chest was of bright red colour and hot to touch. 11 a. m., 30 dr. 2 p. m., dull pain over eyes, continuing about 2 hours; same in small of back and sacrum all afternoon and e. No desire for food; special dislike to bread continues; depression of spirits with continual inclination to weep; pressing in rectum and anus; cold chills in back, particularly after going to bed at n., with hot flushes towards m. 29th. -1 p. m., 30 dr. Pain in back all evening, till after midnight, when it abated somewhat. Symptoms now become so annoying that proving was suspended. Usual appetite for bread and coffee did not return for nearly three weeks. (Ibid)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.