ZINCUM METALLICUM – Homeopathic Medicine

ZINCUM METALLICUM homeopathic drug picture symptoms from A Primer of Materia Medica by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathy remedy ZINCUM METALLICUM…

General Action

      Emetic. Spasms, tremblings, hyperaesthesia and paralysis. Delirium, with spasms of the muscles. Inflammation of the serous membranes of the brain and spinal cord. Conjunctivitis.


      Twitchings of various muscles. Pains as if between the skin and flesh. Pains tearing; (<) after becoming heated. Violent trembling an throbbing of the whole body. Sore pains, internal and external. All the symptoms are (<) wine, and also by Nux Vomica and Chamomilla. General restlessness at night, like “fidgets”. General aggravation in the afternoon and towards evening.

Clinical Locomotor ataxia, with trembling unsteadiness, lightning like pains. Epilepsy of children. Meningitis (tubercular). Varicose veins, without swelling or inflammation. Chorea, with incessant movements, especially during sleep (during teething). Epilepsy (of children).


      Fretful, excitable, easily offended. Very sensitive to noise. Easily startled, with persistent trembling, lasting a long time. Becomes stupid and thoughtless; forgetful, with general lethargy and stupidity, with tendency to spasms.


      Headache extending from without inward; (<)the customary glass of wine. Vertigo; cannot stand, preceded by pain at the root of the nose, followed by nausea, faintness and trembling. Heaviness and dull feeling in the occiput; (>) hard pressure.

Clinical Meningitis, especially following suppressed eruptions, with hyperaesthesia of all the senses, trembling, twitchings, squinting of the eyes, convulsions.


      Pain as from sand, in the evening and night, with lachrymation. Burning, with dryness Inflammation of the inner corners, extending across the eyes to the outer. Catarrhal inflammation; (<) inner corner. Pterygium. Sense of paralysis of the upper lids.


      Tearing stitching pains, with external swelling (of children), offensive discharges.


      Pale; sudden stitches from zygoma to orbit, as if in bone, involving the whole upper jaw. Lips cracked and ulcerated, or covered with thick, sticky exudation.’.


      Teeth elongated and loose, with soreness. Ulcers on the inner surface of the cheek and in the thought. Blisters on the tongue.


      Difficult swallowing on account of sensation of a ball rising up from the stomach. A feeling of cramp in the oesophagus by the pit of the throat.


      Great appetite, but aversion to meat and to sweets, particularly to wine. Sour eructations, particularly after milk. Heartburn from sweets. Nausea and vomiting, (<) wine. Sense of burning and heat, extending from the stomach up the oesophagus.


      pains in the hypochondria, particularly in the region of the spleen. Flatulent symptoms, with rumbling and distention. Cramp-like pains in the hypochondria, alternating with oppression of the chest and difficult breathing.

Anus and Stool

      Burning, itching, crawling in the anus during stool. Stool with the stupor, at times involuntary, thin. Constipation of hard, small, feces, with burning, soreness and itching in the anus.

Urinary Organs

      Involuntary spurting of urine when walking and coughing. Micturition painful, with discharge of blood from urethra. Urine turbid.

Sexual Organs

      Testicles swollen; painful. Drawing pains in the testicles, extending along the spermatic cords. Leucorrhoea; bloody with burning and itching of the pudenda after menses.

Clinical. Suppressed menstruation, with soreness of the breasts and genitals, with restlessness, spinal tenderness, ovarian neuralgia.

Respiratory Organs

      Dry, spasmodic cough, (<) before and during menses, with stitches in the chest and oppression. Cough, with easy expectoration at night when lying down; must sit up, with asthmatic breathing.


      Weariness in the nape and back in the evening when writing. Bruised or burning pains in the spine, above the small of the back. Numerous sharp pains in the region of the kidneys, (<)when quiet or on rising from a chair.


      Lancinating pains, extending transversely across above joints. General bruised, darting pains in the morning on waking, with weakness and stiffness. Trembling of the hands when writing, with weakness, (<) during menses. Extreme restlessness of the lower extremities, particularly of the feet at night, like “the fidgets”, Burning pains below the knee. Ulcerative pain in the heel. Pains are (<) at night and walking, often extending the whole length of limb.


      Jerking of the whole body at night in sleep. Starts from sleep, with jerking of the legs. Screams out suddenly from frightful dreams.


      External chilliness. Febrile shivers, with flushed of heat trembling of the limbs, short breathing and pulsation throughout the whole body. Heat at night, often with sweat. Offensive perspiration, especially on the feet. Febrile paroxysms, (<)from 4 to 8 P.M.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.