FERRUM signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine FERRUM…


Through the great vegetative nervous system, Iron has a specific action upon the blood, producing a decrease of the albumen and an increase of the water in the serum sanguinis, and at the same time diminishing the red blood-corpuscles.

Its action upon the spleen is very prominent, producing atrophy, rendering it unable to perform its functions, in the process of sanguinification, causing anaemia or hydraemia.

Through its action upon the blood-making organs, deteriorating the blood, every organ and tissue in the body is affected.


Weakly persons, with fiery red face.

‘The least emotion, or exertion produces a red flushed face.

Ashy pale or greenish face, with pains or other symptoms; the face becomes bright red.-RAUE.

Anaemia, with pale face and lips, with great debility.

Face becomes suddenly fiery-red, with vertigo; ringing in the ears; great palpitation of the heart and dyspnoea. Cannot keep the head quiet, at intervals the face looks earthy and pale.

Great paleness of the mucous membranes, especially that of the cavity of the mouth.-RAUE.

Bellows-sound of the heart, and anaemic murmur of the arteries and veins.

Muscles are feeble and easily exhausted from slight exertion.

Always better from walking slowly about, notwithstanding weakness obliges the patient to lie down.

Digestive Organs.–Everything vomited tastes sour and acid; vomiting of food, with fiery-red face; renewed vomiting after eating.

Vomiting of the ingesta after every cough.

Vomiting at midnight.

Lienteria, stools of undigested food without pain.

Frequent diarrhoeic stools, corroding the anus, the face being fiery-red.

Obstinate diarrhoea, composed of slime and undigested food; the stools are painless, excoriating and exhausting.

Diarrhoea worse mornings; bad sleep before midnight.–J. C.


The bowels feel sore on touching them, as if they had been bruised, or weakened by cathartics.–RAUE.

Generative Organs of Women.–Previous to the menses, she has stinging headache, ringing in the ears, and discharges of long pieces of mucus from the uterus.

Menorrhagia in weakly persons, with fiery-red face.

Menses too frequent, too profuse, and last too long.

Menses intermit two or three days, and then return, the blood being very pale.

Much itching of the vulva, in delicate weakly females, with fiery-red face.

Leucorrhoea like watery milk, smarting and corroding the parts when first appearing.

Chest.–Haemoptysis, better when walking slowly.–JAHR.

Spitting blood with flying pains in the chest.

OEdematous swelling of the body; cool skin; constant chilliness, and evening fever, simulating hectic fever.–HEMPEL.

General hemorrhagic tendency.-.

Rheumatism of the deltoid muscle, of a tearing, laming nature, worse in bed.–DR. J.ELLIS.

Remitting pains; worse at night, driving him out of bed; motion diminishes the pain.–JAHR.

Especially adapted to cachectic and leucophlegmatic individuals, and to diseases where the vegetative system is involved, with anaemia as a prominent symptom.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881