HEPAR SULPHUR signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine HEPAR SULPHUR …


This is one of our most useful ganglionics in many chronic diseases.

It especially acts upon the lymphatic glandular system, skin, and mucous membrane of the respiratory organs. Every student should make a special study of this great remedy.


In diseases where suppuration is inevitable.

The slightest injury causes ulceration.

Strumous enlargement of glands, especially where these can only be cured through suppuration, especially the tonsils.-.

Suppuration of long inflamed boils on the body, or on the limbs, commencing with blisters; every cut or hurt suppurates.-.

Adapted to scrofulous diseases, where there is more or less suppuration, and to diseases of the larynx and trachea.

Respiratory Organs.–Hoarseness, with aphonia.

The child seems croupy, decidedly so, and the phlegm is loose and choking.

Rattling, choking cough, worse after midnight.

Laryngo-tracheal catarrh, either acute or chronic, with much hoarseness.-.

Croup after dry cold wind, with swelling below the larynx; with great sensitiveness to cold air or water.-.

Cough, with hoarseness all the time; worse before midnight, or toward morning.-.

Croup with loose rattling cough.

Croup excited when any part of the body gets cold.

Chronic bronchitis, with tickling in the terminal ramifications of the air-passages; violent cough, with sensation as if hot water were trickling through the bronchia, expectorates bloody, frothy, tuberculous masses.

Cannot bear to be uncovered; coughs when any part of the body is uncovered. He must be covered up to the face.

Chronic hepatization of the lungs, with constant tendency for the chest and head to perspire, especially in children.

Sweats day and night without relief, especially about the chest, with a sour smell.

Head.–Falling out of the hair, after the abuse of mercury.

Headache at the root of the nose.

Nightly pain in the skull-bones, after the abuse of mercury.

Pustules on the scalp, that secrete a quantity of humor, with glandular swellings.

Scrofulous ophthalmia when disorganization and ulceration of the cornea is present.

Hasty speech and hasty drinking.-.

Digestive Organs.–Sensation as if there was a fish-bone in the throat.-.

Swollen tonsils, and hard glandular swellings of the neck.

Rising in the oesophagus, as if she had eaten sour things.

Stomach inclined to be out of order; longing for sour or strong-tasting things.-.

Green, slimy diarrhoea with a sour smell.-.

Fetid diarrhoea, the child smelling sour.

Stomatitis, where suppuration seems inevitable, with no other symptoms.

Generalities.–Stinging; the edges of ulcers burn, smell like old cheese; little pimples on smooth ulcers surround the painful ulceration.-.

Eruptions on the bends of the elbows and popliteal spaces.-.

Slightest touch, or pain in cutaneous eruptions causes fainting.–DR. MCGEORGE.

Fainting with pains.-.

Rhagades of the hands and feet.

Ulcers have a bloody suppuration, smelling like old cheese.

Strumous suppuration of joints.–HEMPEL.

Anxious feeling about the heart, with palpitation in cases of hypertrophy.–R. KOCH, M.D.

Kafka has had most wonderful results from Hepar 2nd and 3rd in the sequelae of scarlatina, especially the dropsy.

Ailments from west or northwest winds, or soon after, improved by warmth.-.

Especially adapted to diseases where the system has been injured by the abuse of mercury.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881