PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA…


Through the ganglionic nervous system, it especially affects the glandular system, more particularly those of the throat and mammae; the periosteal and fibrous tissues, muscular system, skin, and upper portion of the alimentary canal, (mucous membranes), kidneys and lastly it reaches over and affects quite prominently the par-vagum.

From its great utility in diphtheria, it must act quite powerfully through the vegetative nervous system upon the blood, for certainly no one remedy has given better satisfaction when the respiratory organs are not involved.

The tincture prepared from the green root and used as a gargle, and the first decimal given internally, when the air passages are not involved, will cure about every case of diphtheria; when I first introduced this drug for diphtheria,

I claimed it to be the best drug we had for this disease, and I am happy to say after it has been tested all over the world, that other physicians believe in its great utility in diphtheria as strongly as myself.


The patient is of a rheumatic diathesis, and is frequently afflicted with rheumatism of the periosteal and fibrous tissues, or is suffering from the bad effects of syphilis.

Syphilitic rheumatism.

Chronic rheumatism, where the periosteum is involved; worse in damp weather.

Chronic induration of the glands.

Digestive Organs.–Irresistible desire to bite the teeth together.–DR. MERRILL.

Sensation as if there was a lump in the throat that causes constant efforts to swallow.

Congestion and inflammation of the back part of the mouth and fauces; breath very fetid.

Diphtheritic inflammation and ulceration of the throat.

Induration, and ulceration of the tonsils.

Salivation, with metallic taste in the mouth.

Pain at the root of the tongue when swallowing.

Great roughness and rawness of the throat.

Feeling as if a ball of red-hot iron had longed in the throat.

Fauces, tonsils, and pharynx covered with dark-colored pseudo-membrane.

Excessive fetor of the breath in diphtheria, with high fever; great prostration and aching of the head, back and legs.

Induration of the parotid glands.

Easy vomiting without much nausea.

Vomiting of the ingesta, bile and blood, with a great accumulation of flatus in the stomach and bowels.

Albuminous urine.

Dark-red urine, leaving a deep red stain in the vessel.

Generative Organs of Women.–Menses too often, too profuse, with increase of tears, saliva, bile and urine.

Painful menstruation in barren females.

Mastitis, where the hardness is very apparent from the first, with much sensitiveness, (vide Graphites or Conium) Cancer of the mammae, has been cured several times with this remedy, given internally and used locally. It has also cured cancer in many parts of the body. I myself have seen it cure a large one on the forehead, and one the size of a hen’s egg in the mamma.

Eyes.–Granular inflammation of the lids; aggravated in the morning, more especially in the left eye, in rheumatic subjects.

Eyelids reddish-blue and swollen.

Its great sphere of usefulness is in glandular diseases, diphtheria, and chronic rheumatism affecting the fibrous and muscular tissues.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881