Homeopathic remedy Capsicum drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Cayenne or red Pepper. HAHNEMANN Solanaceae.


      Children become clumsy, awkward; especially with headache.

Taciturn and obstinate.

Haunted by a disposition to suicide.

Homesickness; with red cheeks and sleeplessness; with hot feeling in feeling in fauces.

Melancholy or hypochondriasis.

Peevish, irritable, angry; easily offended.

Awakens with fright, screams, and remains full of fear.

After emotions, fever, with red cheeks.


      Vertigo, during cold stage of intermittent fever.

Vertigo; with staggering; chills, with anxiety.

Senses obtuse, or increased acuteness of all the senses.

Inner Head

      Headache, as if the skull would split, when moving the head, or walking.

Throbbing headache, in one or the other temple.

Pressing frontal headache.

Darting pains in head; worse at rest; better walking.

Outer Head

      Head seems too large.

Drawing, tearing pain in the right frontal bone.

Skull feels bruised, on moving the head, or walking.

Itching of the scalp; a short of biting, burning, itching; better by scratching, but becoming very much worse immediately afterward.


      Objects appear black.

Dim vision, particularly early in morning; better on rubbing the eyes.

Burning in the eyes, with redness and lachrymation.

Pressing pain in the eyes, as from a foreign body.

Eyes seem large, reddish and protruding.


      Dull hearing after previous burning and stinging in ear.

Catarrhal deafness.

Aching in one or both ears, when coughing.

Tympanum perforated, and cavity filled with thick yellow pus.

Painful swelling behind the ear, very tender to touch; caries of mastoid process.

Tearing pain behind left ear: Pressive, later an itching pain, deep in the ear.

Ears very hot.


      Influenza, with violent sneezing and discharge of thin mucus, sometimes with burning, tickling and roughness.

Nosebleed in the morning, in bed; bloody mucous discharge, when coughing.

Collection of thick mucus in the nose and throat.

Tingling, titillation in the nose; tip of nose very hot.


      Cheeks red, not hot, changing with paleness.

Pain in the face, worse from touch in the evening.

Faceache; pains in a fine line coursing along the nerve.

Eruption on face or forehead, with corrosive itching.

Lower Face

      Lips: swollen: cracked: smarting.


      Gums: hot, burning, swollen, or sensitive; spongy, retracted from the teeth.

Pain in teeth, which seem elongated, but not much worse on biting on them.

Tongue etc.

      Taste: insipid; sour; flat; watery; foul, like putrid water.

When coughing, the air from the lungs causes a strange, offensive taste in the mouth.

Small burning blisters on tongue, painful to touch.

Tongue and inside of lips full of flat, sensitive, spreading ulcers, with a lardaceous centre.


      Fetid odor, unbearable, carrion-like.

Saliva; viscid, offensive, copious, salivation during chill.

Burning blisters in the mouth, painful to touch.


      Uvula elongated, feels as if pressing on some thing hard.

Small, flat, burning ulcers, in mouth and fauces.

Constriction of the throat, with burning; whitish deposit.

Left tonsil inflamed; right, painful.

Throat inflamed, dark red, burning and pressing.

Soreness, smarting, burning and biting in the throat.

Difficulty in swallowing, tongue furred; haggard look.

Stinging, causing night cough.

Burning, etc., worse between the acts of swallowing.

Continuous stitches in the throat, exciting, dry, convulsive cough.

Desires Aversions

      Appetite increased, alternating with aversion to food.

Thirsty, as the chill comes on.

Intense thirst, abdominal uneasiness, but no tenderness on pressure.

Desire for coffee, but it nauseates.

Eating and Drinking

      Better while eating; worse after.

Food tastes sour.

After eating: burning in the stomach; vegetables cause flatulence.

Water causes purging; shuddering; tenesmus; thin stool; chills.

Nausea, and attacks of suffocation, after coffee, yet desire for it.

Red face immediately after dinner, and the patient must go to stool, during or after which there is burning in the anus.


Nausea and Vomiting

      Belching, with stitch in the side.

Eructations like the fumes of Capsicum.

Heart-burn. Water-brash.

Nausea and vomiting, with headache; nervous, spasmodic vomiting.

Vomits phlegm with the chill; vomiting in malignant fevers.


      Accumulation of mucus and acids in stomach.

Stomach icy-cold, afterward sensation of trembling or burning in stomach, with occasional pungent eructations.

Deranged stomach, with fever.

Sensitiveness and aching in the region of stomach and duodenum after the colic.


      “Catching pain” in the region of the liver, or in lower portion of the right lung, with each cough.

Spleen sensitive, swollen; especially after quinine.


      Colic around umbilicus with mucous stools, sometimes streaked with blood; every stool is followed by thirst and every drink by shuddering; must go to stool immediately after drinking, passing nothing but mucus.

Burning pains in belly.

Cutting in bowels, as from wind; before stool.

Sore pains in the abdomen and loins.

Hard pushing or sticking sensation in a small spot in the left iliac region.

Abdomen distended; suffocative arrest of breathing or painful pressure in lower part of back.

Stool etc.

      Stools: frequent, small, with tenesmus and burning in rectum and bladder; bloody mucus, shaggy; greenish, frothy, worse at night;tenacious mucus mixed with black blood.

Diarrhoea with smarting, stinging or burning pains.

Hemorrhoids; burning, swollen, itching, throbbing; with sore feeling in anus; bleeding or blind; with mucous discharge; tenesmus recti et vesicae with small diarrhoeic stools, burning and lancinating pains; profuse flow of blood.

Suppressed hemorrhoidal flow, causing melancholy.

After a drink, must go to stool, but was costive; only a little mucus passed.


      Stitches in neck of bladder, when coughing.

Colic, with spasm of bladder.

Burning in the bladder.

Frequent unsuccessful desire to urinate.

Tenesmus vesicae; strangury.

Burning, smarting, before, during, or after urination.

Discharge from urethra; purulent; bloody; urethra painful to touch; discharge cream like.

Male Sexual Organs

      Impotence; scrotum cold, shriveled.

Painful erections at night; cream like discharge from the urethra; burning, when urinating; at other times cutting, stinging in the urethra.


Prepuce swollen.

Testes dwindle; spermatic cord shriveled.

Crampy pains in testicles, after emissions.

Female Sexual Organs

      During menstruation: nausea; pressure in the epigastrium.

Disordered menstruation, with a pushing or sticking sensation in the left ovarian region.


      During pregnancy; heart-burn, vomiting; mucous diarrhoea; hemorrhoids, burning in anus.


      Tingling, tickling in the larynx. Hoarseness, nose stopped up, throat feels rough.


      Seems as if she could not get the air deep enough into the lungs; feels obliged to take a deep inspiration, it seems as if it would relieve all symptoms.

Deep breathing, almost like a sigh; slow breathing.

Painful sensation as if the chest were pressed upon, causing great oppression; worse on motion.

Asthma: with red face or alternately red and pale; eructations: chest feels distended; wheezing inspiration; breathing worse when moving about, ascending or walking; with stiff back.

Sibilant rales mostly left side posteriorly, during inspiration; spongy sound in expiration; constant dyspnoea; oppression at bifurcation of bronchia, better from successful cough.


      With every explosive cough (and at no other time), there escapes a volume of pungent, fetid air.

Stitches in the suffering parts, with the cough.

Cries after coughing.

Dry, hard, evening cough, with pain in distant parts.

Nervous, Spasmodic cough.

Cough in sudden paroxysms, convulses whole body.

Sputum dirty brown, not rusty.

Pains in ears when coughing; ears and tip of nose hot; bloody mucus from nose;eyes protrude with burning and lachrymation.

Cough worse: evening, night; when lying until fairy settled; after sharp winds; dry, cold weather; any draught, warm or cold; after warm drinks.


      Pain in the chest and back; heat.

Throbbing pain in the chest.

Drawing in one or both sides of the chest, up to the neck.

Heart Pulse

      Pulse: irregular, often intermitting; slow, intermitting, full, strong, frequent, mostly in evening.

Outer Chest

      Pains in sternum with sweat, while walking.

Neck Back

      Glands of neck painful, swollen, Jerking, tearing pain in the right cervical glands.

Drawing, tearing pains. in and beside the spine.

Excruciating, tearing pains in the back, extorting cries, causing him to double up during the chill.

Pain in sacrum and small of back, with hemorrhoids; dysentery.

Upper Limbs

      Drawing, tearing pains in the arms. Drawing, tearing, and stitching pains from the shoulder toward the hand and fingers.

Lower Limbs

      Shooting tearing, from the hip to the knee and foot, especially when coughing.

Pains of various kinds, extending from above down ward.

Tensive pain in the knee.

Caries of right hip: left leg atrophied and painful.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.