MEZEREUM homeopathic remedy keynotes and indications from the Decachords by Gladstone Clarke, of the medicine MEZEREUM …


      1. Light-haired, irresolute persons of phlegmatic temperament; often scrofulous or syphilitic.

2. Hypochondriasis; indifferent to everything and everyone; angry at trifles but soon sorry.

3. Vesicular and pustular eruptions, esp. after vaccination; copious exudation of thick pus over which tough scabs form; appear esp. about the face and head; child scratches till covered with blood; intolerable itching and burning (<) scratching, at night and from heat.

4. Ulcerations with much thick scabbing under which pus collects; ulcers sensitive, bleed easily and are often surrounded with burning, itching vesicles.

5. Periosteal pains and inflammations; of long bones esp. tibiae; burning or flying, stitching pains, (<) damp, at night in bed; caries; exostoses, tumours soften from within.

6. Neuralgias esp. following eruptions (e.g. zona) or mercurialism; particularly of face involving eye, cheek and teeth; severe, tearing pains with local soreness; followed by numbness.

7. Toothache with caries; teeth feel blunt and elongated.

8. Gastric-disorders with burning pains and pressure (Arsenicum) even ulceration; patient craves fat; constipation usual.

9. Ailments usually one-sided.

10. Modalities; (<) night, warmth of bed, touch; cold air and cold washing.

A. Gladstone Clarke
Arthur Gladstone Clarke, a christian missionary working with the North China Mission, made good practical use of the homeopathy. He learnt as a student at MSM. He published a short introduction to the use of over 100 commonly used medicines—Decachords—first published in 1925 and still in print today.