Ferrum Muriaticum

Ferrum Muriaticum signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Ferrum Muriaticum is used…

      Ferrum Chloratum, Ferrous Chloride or Dichloride. Fe Cl2, 4H2O. (Crystals.) Tincture, Consisting of 25 parts of crystals to 225 parts of alcohol.


*Anaemia. Angina tonsillaris. Constipation. Cramps. Diabetes. *Diarrhoea. dyspareunia. Dyspepsia. Dysentery. Haemorrhages. Headache. Marasmus. Neuralgia. *Pleurisy. Rickets. Rheumatism. Scrofula. Spleen, enlargement of. Typhoid fever. *Vomiting. *Worms.


*Ferrum *mur. is the liquid preparation of Iron which, under the name of “Steel Drops,” has been most used in old-school practice in the treatment of anemia. Our knowledge of its properties is derived mainly from over-dosings, with a few provings, and clinical observations. *Ferrum *mur. is mainly a right-side medicine, causing neuralgia and headache of the right side of face and head, and rheumatism of right shoulder. On the other hand it affects the spleen, causing pain in the left hypochondrium. Like other Iron preparations, it affects the blood, causing haemorrhages of all kinds. On venesection the blood is remarkable black and thick, so that it can with difficulty be made to flow. Weakness, restlessness, and nervousness. Poisonous doses have caused convulsions. Vascular and nervous irritability after haemorrhages, worse from eating, and especially from eggs. Spasmodic cough, better by eating. Most symptoms are worse by motion, worse during the night and in the morning. Pressure worse. Effects of mechanical injury. Cold and heat alternate, cold, anxious sweat, with muscular cramp, strong- smelling night-sweat.


*Compare: Chi., Natrum mur., Sang (shoulders), Fe. picric. (prostate gland), other preparations of iron.



Loquacity. Depression.


Vertigo, with enlargement of spleen. Severe neuralgic pains in right temple and right side of face. Headache, with ascarides. Pain in back of head on coughing.


Eyes injected. Bright redness of margins of lids.


Paleness of face, red spots on pale cheeks. Flushes. Face swollen and livid.


Insipid flat taste. Dry mouth. Solid food testes dry and insipid. Tongue very much coated. Tongue swollen and protruded, with ropy mucus from mouth. Palate and interior of mouth burnt and parboiled-looking.


Extremely severe sense of burning and constriction in the throat. Angina tonsillaris.


Anorexia, in morning. Unquenchable thirst or thirstlessness. Longing for acids. Aversion to meat anything sour. Sour belching, especially after solid food. Bilious eructations after fat food. Vomiting after eating, after eating eggs. Stomach somewhat distended. Hand riveted to region of stomach, as the principal seat of the pain.


Severe pain in left hypochondrium, at times at night. Spleen enlarged and sensitive to pressure. Spasmodic constriction of abdominal muscles, as if abdomen were constricted, especially when stooping, so that he can only straighten himself slowly. Great pain along whole length of colon, worse by pressure and any movement of body. Hypogastrium swollen and very sensitive, especially above pubes. Piercing pains in hypogastrium.


Diarrhoea, with pains in limbs. Chronic diarrhoea, with loss of appetite and rapid emaciation. Diarrhoea, with intestinal catarrh in typhoid fevers, also fetid, debilitating discharges. Dysenteric diarrhoea, with considerable pain, tenesmus, stools of blood and membranous shreds. Stools dark, inky, copious. Obstinate constipation. Dry cough, ending in retching, itching of nose and anus, enuresis, headache, neuralgia, nervousness, ascarides. Ascarides, coincident with bleeding piles.

Urinary Organs

Diabetes mellitus. Chronic affections of bladder. Hematuria, haemorrhage from urethra or kidneys. Habitual discharge of phosphates in urine. Enuresis. Almost complete retention. Scanty urine. Deposit of bright red crystals.

Male Sexual Organ

Enlarged prostate gland.

Female Sexual Organ

During coition, soreness and cutting pain in vagina, want of pleasurable sensation. Metrorrhagia, dysmenia, leucorrhoea.

Respiratory Organs

Breathing stertorous, suffocation impending, inspiration especially difficult. In morning, spasmodic cough with expectoration of transparent tough mucus, at once better eating small quantities of food. Dry cough ending in retching. When coughing: pain in occiput, bruised pain in chest, stitches in chest. Pleuritic, stitching pains in chest, fever, severe cough with scanty expectoration, exudation with pleura, great weakness and emaciation.


Heart affections with hectic, quick, superficial breathing, cough, involuntary sighing, dyspnoea from slight exertion, painful drawing and expansion about apex, tumultuous fluttering heat-beat, small, thread-like pulse, at times double or intermitting. Chlorosis, muscular debility, weak circulation.


Weakness, compelling to lie down. Sudden cramps and distortion of limbs.

Upper Limbs

Paralytic tearing in shoulder-joint, arm, clavicle, and muscles, making it impossible to lift arm, better by gentle motion. Slight drawing pain in shoulder, followed by tearing, stitching pains extending to elbows, paralytic lameness of upper arm, pain worse from least motion, worse at night, driving him out of bed, slightly better by walking about, no swelling. Acute inflammatory rheumatism of right shoulder-joint, pain deep in socket, preventing motion. Mechanical injury to shoulder-joint, with rheumatic lameness.

Lower Limbs

Cramp in calves, especially at night in bed. Large, deep ulcer in left calf, center black and hard. Oedematous feet, drawing, tearing pains, esp., on beginning to walk, after metrorrhagia.


Phagedenic ulcers.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica