Sodium sulphate (NaOSO3 plus 10aq.).

Sal mirabile; Soda vitrio……


Sodium sulphate (NaOSO3 plus 10aq.).

Sal mirabile; Soda vitriolata; Glauber salts. plus Foot Noteplus These common names were inadvertently given to Kali sulfuricum, from which they must be erased. T.F.A. plus

Preparation: Triturations.


Taciturn, speaks but little, and is generally irritable (first day). Cheerful, happy mood, which she notices herself; particularly after loose stools. Music affects her very much; it makes her melancholy, and feel like crying, although it was merry, dancing music (fifth day). Lachrymose; thinks only of sad things (after six days). Very much disheartened tired of life; despairs of getting well. Great fear, with dread of a misfortune. Very irritable, depressed (fifth day); very irritable, ill humored. Great irritability; she dislikes to speak or be spoken to; particularly in the morning. Out of humor and dull, in the morning when rising, until breakfast time (seventh day). Very much out of humor and fretful (fifth day). Very sensitive, even in the morning, and easily flying into a passion, which disappears towards the afternoon (after eight days). Nothing that she undertakes succeeds well, and she does not know why. During forenoon of first day, he seems to be in a very good humor, is cheerful; this first good humor changes into a cross, irritable, mood, the third or fourth day.


Confusion and Vertigo. Head confused, dull heavy (thirty-sixth day). Muddled feeling in head. Vertigo, when rising, with dulness of the head (third day). Vertigo, followed by vomiting of sour mucus, at 6 P.M. Vertigo, with inclination to fall to the right; with frequent yawning all day. Dizzy after dinner, as if everything had been spinning around with him, at the same time a buzzing in the head (first day). General Head. Stupid feeling in the head all day (fourth day). Dulness in the head; with vertigo when rising (third day). Dulness in the head, with feebleness, towards 9 A.M. (second day). Feeling as though the brain were loose, and when stooping, as though it fell towards the left temple, frequently in the forenoon. Heaviness of the head; not relieved by subsequent nosebleed. Pains in the head (eleventh day). Headache while reading, which made him feel hot and perspire; when he stopped reading and walk about, the heat and perspiration on his head ceased, but the pain continued (third day). Burning headache, and excessive feebleness, after vomiting. Pressure deep in the head (tenth day). Tearing in various parts of the head (twentieth, twenty-first, and twenty-fourth days). Tearing in the cranial bones (twelfth day). Wandering tearing in the head (twenty-third day). Violent, pulsating headache, continuing all day, only somewhat lessened during the afternoon. A sudden jerk in the head, so that it threw her towards the right, which frightened her very much, forenoon, while sitting. Forehead. Wandering pains in the forehead (third day). Grasping pain in the middle of forehead; while taking a cold foot-bath it ceased, but returned more violently after an hour (second day). Boring pain in the right side of the frontal bone (eighth day). Boring in the left side of the forehead (thirteenth day). Boring in the frontal bone (eighth day). Boring in the frontal bone, in the evening while sitting (sixteenth day). Boring pain in the forehead, so violent that he thought it would burst, for an hour (ninth day). Violent boring pain in the left side of forehead, which seemed to forcibly close his left eye (fourth day). A breaking pain in the forehead, immediately after dinner, followed by great sleepiness; his eyes involuntarily closed while he was standing at his desk (third day). Drawing in the forehead (seventh day). (thirteenth and fourteenth days). Drawing in the left side of the forehead (sixth day). Frequent drawing in the sinciput (twelfth day). A pressure in the region of the forehead, as of a hard substance, in the forenoon. Pressure in the forehead, especially after eating (first day). Pressure and heaviness in the forehead (thirteenth day). Pressure and wandering pains in the forehead (eleventh day). Violent pressure in the right side of the forehead (thirteenth day). Drawing pressure in the forehead (second day). Pressing headache in the right side of the forehead, returning periodically, lasting each time from fifteen to thirty minutes (second day). Fine sticking pain in left side of the forehead, near the protuberance, in the forenoon. Tearing in the forehead (first, third, fifth, and sixth days). Frequent tearing in the forehead (sixth day). Violent tearing in the forehead (twenty-fifth day). Violent tearing in the left side of the frontal bone (fifteenth day). Temples. Boring in the left temple (third and thirty-fifth day). Violent boring, as with a dull instrument, in the left temple, at 5 P.M. (eighth day). Frequent violent boring in the right temple, afterwards in the left (eighth day). Pressure as with a dull instrument, in the right temple, in the evening (eighth day). Violent pressure, as with a plug, in the left temple (twelfth day). Tearing pain in the right temple upwards to top of head, at 4 P.M.; continued all night till next morning; accompanied by a violent chill running up the back, with chattering of the teeth and shaking, without external coldness; was not lessened by warmth of stove (ninth day). Violent tearing, pain in the right temple, towards the facial bones (first day). Painful beating in both temples when walking, with an indescribable pain on top of head, almost like suppuration, as if top of head would split; the same when touched; continuing all day; not relieved by pressure; returned next day; disappeared at night, when in bed; during catamenia. Vertex. Feeling like an electric shock on top of the head towards the right side; once during the forenoon and afternoon (fourth day). plus Foot Noteplus Sensation of heat on the head. LIPPE. plus Parietals. Wandering pain about the left side of the head, especially behind the ear (tenth day). Boring in the left side of the head (tenth day). Drawing on the left side of the head and in the right ankle (ninth day). Pressure on the right side of the head (tenth day). Pressure in the left side of the head. (eighth day). A pressure inwards in right side of head after lying down in the evening; all night. Violent pressure in the right side of the head, so that she held the head with both hands. When exerting arms, sticking pain in left side of head. Violent sticking pain from left side of the forehead to the occiput, at 10.30 A.M. while sitting. Tearing in the right side of the head (ninth and sixteenth days); (tenth day ). Tearing in the left side of the head (ninth day). Frequent tearing on the upper part of the right side of the head (thirtieth day). Sensation like an electric shock in the left side of head (eighth day). Occiput. Wandering pains in the occiput and head, afterwards in both zygomata (thirteenth day). Boring pain in the occiput (second day). Boring pain in the left side of the occiput (ninth day). Drawing in the left side of the occiput (second day). Drawing and pressive pain in the occiput, with a feeling of heat and heaviness in it (seventh day). Pressive or squeezing pain in the who;e occiput, lasting for hours. After a little strong coffee, violent pressure in the occiput, on entering a room. Headache; pressing from both sides of the occiput, at 6P.M.; followed by a quiet night, but the pain returned next morning for two hours, and then extended all over right side of face; this was repeated for three consecutive mornings. Much tearing and pressure in the right side of the occiput, lasting a long time; also in the evening (twenty-first day.) Tearing in the occiput (fifth day). Tearing in the occiput; soon afterwards in the forehead (thirty first day). Tearing pain in the right side of the occiput when keeping quiet (first day). Frequent tearing in the occiput (sixth day.). External Head. Two pimples on both sides of back of the head, sensitive to touch In the morning, while combing his hair, it seemed as though each single hair pained him, and the scalp was very sensitive, so that he had to be very careful while combing (third day).


Redness of eyes, with dryness and burning. Great dryness and burning of the eyes; growing worse from afternoon till evening; it seemed to her as though her eyeballs were hot. Burning and watering of the right eye, in the morning, so that she could not see plainly for awhile; lasted an hour. Burning in right eye, with frequent afflux of burning water; in the afternoon, outdoors for an hour. The eyes burn, in the evening, for several hours, and in the morning also, when near the fire. Sticking pain in the eyes, during the nausea in stomach. Pressure in the left eye, as though a lentil were in it (fifth day). Pressing in the eyes, in the evening while reading by lamp light; at the same time the eyelids were heavy, as though lead were on them (third day). Alternating pressure in the eyes, which induces him to rub them, after which it ceases for a short time (third day). Several stitches in the inner canthus of the left eye (first and second days). Violent stitches in the left inner canthus (twenty-sixth day). An often returning sensation in left eye as if a bug were crawling in it; removed by rubbing (second day). Itching, sometimes in the left, then in the right eye; the same in right ear; he has to put his finger into it to scratch it (fourth day); itching in right eye and left ear (fifth day). Brow and Orbit. A breaking pain around the eye, in the forenoon (tenth day) A pressure as of two fingers above the left orbit at noon. On the lower edge of the left orbit a tearing sensation at short intervals (the first forenoon). Lids. Both eyes agglutinated in the morning, with photophobia (fourth day). Left eye agglutinated; he had to wash it with water, at the same time some photophobia (third day). Vision. Eyes weak; objects appear dim to her. Sees but dimly, with burning and tearing sensation in the eyes, as if they gave out heat (tenth day). Eyes seem blurred, in the morning, and often water, without redness or pain. Loss of clearness of vision for a few moments, with necessity to leave the house and breathe fresh air, followed by relief (thirty- second day). While eating his soup it grew dark before his eyes, as though he would fall; with a muddled feeling in his head, lasting a few minutes (second day). Sensation in right eye as though a small white leaf were before it, through which she could not see plainly; disappearing for awhile by washing, but always returning till towards evening. Photophobia during the provings. The eyes cannot bear the light, in the morning, and burn. After blowing the nose hard, glittering, small yellow, pointed bodies appear before the eyes.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.