Rhododendron homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

      Common names, Siberian R.; Sibirischen Schneerose.


Rhododendron chrysanthemum, L. Natural order, Ericaceae.

Preparation, Tincture of the leaves.


Delirium; he staggers; tosses his head about and reels; after a short time falls asleep upon his knees; in vain he attempts to rise, but is overcome with sleep for an hour and a quarter, during which he starts continually and appears terrified, but awakes cheerful. A sort of delirium. Mental derangement.

Frightful visions. Gloomy mood, indifferent. Fits of anxiety. He is peevish, without any apparent cause. Indifferent phlegmatic mood; he is neither affected by pleasant or unpleasant impressions. Aversion to everything, especially to earnest occupations. 1While talking he easily forgets what he was talking about; he does not recollect what he had been talking about, till he has thought awhile. Forgetfulness and sudden disappearance of all thoughts, he omits words in writing.

Stupefaction. Loss of sense. Obscuration of the sense.


Confusion and Vertigo. The head feels wild and confused (after a quarter of an hour). The whole head feels wild and confused, with pressure in the forepart of the head (after one hour and a half). The head feels wild and confused, with drowsiness (tenth day). The head feels as if he had been revelling the whole night (after twenty-four hours). Reeling sensation in the head, as if intoxicated (immediately). At night he was affected by a sort of reeling. Reeling sensation in the head; his brain feels as if surrounded with a fog. Makes the head feel wild and confused. Intoxication. A sort of intoxication and loss of sense. The head is easily obscured. Obscuration of the head, and want of attention. Affects the head like brandy.

Vertigo. Vertigo when sitting (after a quarter of an hour).

Vertigo and sleep. Vertigo to and fro, such as is occasioned by strong tobacco. Vertigo, as if the head would fall backward more and more, with anguish, when lying in bed (soon). Turn of vertigo (second day). Whirling vertigo when lying in bed; decreasing after a few minutes, and on the second evening. Giddy vertiginous sensation when writing, disappearing by motion in open air (second day). Dizziness and dulness in the forehead.

Dizziness. General Head. The head feels heavy and dull. Dulness of head, immediately after rising (after a few minutes); (first day); (second day). Dulness of the head, with drawing in the eyes, increased in the open air (first day).

Dulness and heaviness of the sinciput, immediately after rising (fifth day). The head feels dull and wild, as after an intoxication (first day). Early in the morning, when waking, the head feels dull, the nose is obstructed, and he has a humming in his ears (sixth day). Dull headache in the evening (after eleven hours). Excessive headache, as if the whole of the brain were oppressed with a weight of lead, early in the morning (third day). Early in the morning, when in bed, he is attacked with a headache which almost deprives him of his senses, decreasing after rising (third day). Headache, with sensation as if everything in the head would fall out of the forehead. Headache, towards evening. Headache, as if a catarrh were about to set in (fifth and sixth days). The whole of the brain is painful, as if it were pressed too hard against the skull. Racking sensation in the head, when walking, as if the brain were shaken from all sides, especially from above. Affects the head, and causes headache. Beating headache (second day).

Burning stitch through the head (first day). Forehead. Dulness of the head, especially of the frontal region, with aching pain in the left temporal region; the pain and dulness are alleviated for a short time by laying the head upon the table; both disappear by exercise in the open air. Aching pain in the left frontal region (after one hour). Aching pain in the forehead (eighth day). Aching pain in the left half of the forehead, spreading towards the left temporal region, continuous, increased by the use of wine (after half an hour). Tension in the left portion of the frontal bone. Tension, with pressure in the front part of the forehead. Painful pressure in the left frontal bone, as if with the thumb. Fine drawing tearing close to the os frontis; it feels like a forcing and pressure, and is increased by drinking wine; continued after half an hour. Violent drawing-tearing pain in the forehead, in the direction of the temples and eyes, especially when moving about in the house (first day). Violent drawing in the left part of the os frontis, followed immediately by a cold transient shuddering across the face. (Dull drawing pain over the left eye) (fifth and sixth days). Stitching headache, particularly in the neighborhood of the forehead (fifth and sixth days). Intense pain in the region of the right frontal bone, pressing from within outward. Beating pain in the forehead, with pressure as if everything in the head would come out there, going off by rest (after twelve hours). Beating sensation in the left frontal region (second day). Temples.

Aching pains in the left temple. Aching-drawing pain under the left temporal bone. Hard painful pressure in the left temporal region, as if seated in the bone. Painful pressure in the left temple, from without inward (third day). Pressure in the temporal bones. Pain under the left temporal bone, pressing from within outward. Drawing pain under the right temporal bone, pressing from within outward. Tearing-boring pain in the left temporal region. Slight cold crawling above the temporal region. A few short, violent stitches in the left temporal region (after ten minutes). Vertex and Parietals. Aching pain in the vertex (tenth day). The vertex is painful when touched, as from suppuration. Dulness of the sinciput; when moving the head, a pain is experienced in the forehead. Aching sore pain in the right hemisphere of the brain and cerebellum, when sitting. Aching sore pain in the left hemisphere of the brain, when lying down, disappearing on sitting up. Shootings in the left half of the head (third day). Transient dull-stitching pains in the left half of the head (after five hours). Beating pain in the right half of the head (eighth day). Tearing pain in the right half of the head (fifth day). Occiput. Dull pain in the occiput, early in the morning (second day). Aching pain deep in the right side of the occiput, with paroxysmal drawing from below upward (first, second, and third days). Dull pressure deep in the occiput, in the evening (first and second day). Violent pain in the right half of the occiput, as if a foreign body had been forced in that part (tenth day).

Contusive pain in a small place externally on the right side of the occiput, with alternate drawing in the direction of the ear. External Head. Several painful pustules on the forehead (eighth day). Pustules on the forehead. The scalp is painful to touch. Pinching pain in the skin of the forehead, over the right eyebrow. Transient biting in various parts of the head, (second and third days). Violent itching of the hairy scalp (first day). Itching of the hairy scalp, as if occasioned by vermin, for several evenings. Itching-pinching sensation in the skin of the right eyebrow. Itching of the hairy scalp, obliging one to scratch; scratching changes the itching to a burning, the first evenings, but decreasing from day to day.


When reading and writing the eyes feel somewhat weak (first hours). Burning in the eyes when looking intently at an object.

Burning in the eyes when looking at the daylight, shortly before rising from bed. Dry burning in the eyes (sixth day).

Slight burning and pressure in the eyes (first day). The right eye is affected with a burning pain, and the sight seems to be dim, in the evening when reading. Periodical burning in the eye without inflammation, early in the morning (first day). Burning and feeling of dryness in the eyes, especially in the evening (fifth day). Burning pain in the eyes; when reading or writing he has a feeling of heat in his eyes. Periodical smarting pain in the right eye. Shooting pain in the right eye from center to inner corner (sixth day). Itching of the eyes. Orbit.

Sticking pain, with pressure around the margin of the left orbit, with spasmodic contraction of the left eyelids. Lids.

Suppuration of the eyelids, at night (first nights). Swollen eyelids, which become easily red (first day). Moisture the eyes, and agglutination of the lids. Twitching of the right upper eyelid (after nine hours). Frequent twitching of the left upper eyelid, for some time. Painful pressure in the right internal canthus, as of a grain of sand. Burning and pressure in the inner canthi, early in the morning, with increased secretion of mucus in them (second day). Lachrymal Apparatus, lachrymation. (Lachrymation in the open raw air).

Ball. Sticking pain in the right eyeball, as with a read- hot needle, darting from within outward. Pupil. Dilation of the pupil. The right pupil is very much dilated, the left contracted, with pressure in the left eyeball (first day). Right pupil smaller than left (seventh day). Vision. Sensation as of a gauze before the eyes (second day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.