Ferrum Phosphoricum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Ferrum Phosphoricum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

     Phosphate of Iron. Fe32PO4, FePO4, 12H2O.

     One of the organic tissue-salts introduced by Schuessler. Needs proving. This arrangement includes all of Schuessler’s Third American edition, with additions from the current literature.

     Prepared by trituration.

     Good results with the 200th potency have been obtained.


Congestion of blood to head, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 6 ; Headache (5 cases), Raue’s Rec., 1875, pp. 5-6 ; Attacks of nausea, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 6 ; Dyspepsia with vomiting, Mossa, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 104, p. 51 ; Summer complaint with bloody stools, Goodno, MSS., 1877 ; Irritability of neck of bladder, Hunt, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 164 ; Incontinence of urine, Parsons, Tans. Am. Inst. Hom., 1883, p. 181 ; Enuresis, Cooper, Hughes’ Pharm., p. 369 ; Gonorrhoea, first stage, Raue’s Pathol., p. 697 ; Hemorrhage from urethra or bladder, Ashton, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 466 ; Dyspareunia, Sulzer, Times Retros., 1875, p. 18 ; Diphtheria, (2 cases), Morgan, Hah. Mo., 1885, p. 231 ; Pneumonia in phthisis, Goodno, MSS. ; Cough, Cooper, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 132 ; Cough, Fischer, Times Retros., 1875, p. 18 ; Acute bronchial catarrh, Goodno, MSS., Hamoptysis of phthisis, Knerr, MSS. ; Sugillation of foot, Fischer, Times Retros., 1875, p. 18 ; Articular rheumatism, Plate, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 253 ; Acute synovitis, C. R. Norton, MSS. ; Debility of children, Cooper, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 206 ; Measles (35 cases), Koeck ; Intermittent, Curtis, MSS.


Very talkative and hilarious ; unnatural excitement.
Delirium tremens.
Sows eat up their young ; a transient mania depending upon hyperemia of brain.


Dizziness with constant feeling as if head were being suddenly pushed forward, with danger of falling.
Great dizziness ; every thing swims around him ; his muscles seemed so weak he could hardly move about.
Vertigo caused by congestion to various parts of brain or head.
Relieved symptoms supposed to be due to cerebral venous congestions.


Hammering pain in forehead and temples, so severe that she fears an apoplectic stroke ; < in right side, formerly < on left θ Dyspepsia.
Frontal headache, followed and relieved by nosebleed.
Scarcely endurable, dull, heavy pain on top of head during menses which are very profuse.
Top of head sensitive to cold air, noise and any jar ; on stooping, sharp pain through head, from back to front ; at times, a feeling as if head were being pushed forward, with danger of falling.
Severe headache, soreness in vertex, general soreness of scalp, cannot bear to have hair touched, great nervousness at night.
On stooping a sharp pain through head, from back to front.
Headache or neuralgia of face with stinging, pressing or throbbing, < from shaking head, stooping and all motion.
“Blind headache,” in a lady who had at the same time a bearing down sensation in uterus, with a constant dull pain in either ovarian region.
Headache with hot, red face and vomiting of food.
Rush of blood to head with vertigo.
Congestion of brain in children and grown persons ; meningitis.
Congestion to head with epilepsy.


Soreness in vertex, general soreness of scalp, cannot bear to have the hair touched. θ Headache.
Top of head sensitive to cold and noise or any jar.


On stooping cannot see ; seems as if all blood ran into eyes.
Blinding headache.
Acute conjunctivitis without suppuration, or discharge of mucus.
Ophthalmia, first stage ; marked redness with great pain, and without mucus or pus.
Traumatic conjunctivitis from a bad wound, after case had been badly treated ; it lessened the burning, redness and trickling of tears.
Eyes inflamed during dentition.
Conjunctivitis and photophobia. θ Measles.
^^ Stye on lower lid of right eye.


Sensitive to noise.
Roaring or buzzing from rush of blood to head.
Inflammatory pain in ear ; otitis.
Catarrhal affection of Eustachian tube and ear, often combined with catarrh in chest, or bowels, or both.
Painful red swelling of parotids, one side or both. θ Measles.


Nosebleed of bright blood. θ Summer complaint.
Nosebleed : with blood spitting ; following and relieving headache ; a concomitant of other complaints.
Bleeding of nose in children.
Coryza ; at the very beginning.


Face earthy, pale, sallow.
Red face, with dysmenorrhoea.
Pain with heat and redness of face.
Hot cheeks with toothache.
Neuralgia in face.


Toothache, with hot cheeks.
Congestive or inflammatory toothache or faceache.
Toothache always appearing after eating food ; > by cold.
** Caries dentium.
Complaints during dentition, with fever.
Toothache < by warm, and > by cold drinks.


Tongue swollen and dark red.
Inflammation of tongue, fauces and tonsils ; redness, pain without exudation.


Constant inflammation of palate, tonsils and pharynx, with dryness, redness and pain.
Fever ; glistening, flushed eyes ; red cheeks ; tonsils red and swollen, especially right, on which was a tuft-like exudation, about its centre, and about one-fourth inch in diameter, hanging downwards, the upper attachment looking blackish, next to the tonsils ; fetid breath ; next day tonsil clear, fever gone, but a similar mass of exudation on posterior wall of pharynx ; on day following apparently well, but next morning another patch of exudation appeared on left side, which finally disappeared on resumption of remedy.
Soreness of throat ; tonsils red and moderately swollen ; some fever ; diphtheritic membrane on part of right tonsil.


Loss of appetite.
Poor appetite with attacks of sickness ; could hardly get enough to eat after attacks of nausea.
Great thirst for much water. θ Summer complaint.
Aversion to meat.
Aversion to milk. θ Dyspepsia.
Better from drinking tea.
Worse after meat, herring, coffee, cake. θ Dyspepsia.


While eating at table, chill.
After warm food or drinks, toothache, > by cold.
Eating aggravates gastralgia.


Sudden attacks of “deathly sickness at stomach”, coming on at no particular time, sometimes even awaking her out of sleep, and lasting from a half to one hour ; appetite poor.
After eating, nausea and vomiting of food ; vomited matter very sour, setting teeth on edge ; vomiting in morning before eating. θ Dyspepsia.
θ Gastritis. θ Whooping cough. θ Summer complaint. θ Intermittent fever.
Vomiting with the pains.
Green vomiting. θ Pneumonia.
Vomiting of blood.


Puffed up in region of stomach and hypochondria.
Pain in stomach < after eating.
Acute and chronic gastralgia < by eating and pressure on stomach ; vomiting of food.
Acute gastritis with violent pain in region of stomach which is distended ; vomiting and fever.
Anorexia ; aversion to milk ; nausea and vomiting after eating ; vomited matter so sour that it sets the teeth on edge ; < from meat, herring, coffee and cake, particularly sour things ; sometimes vomiting in morning before food has been taken ; cephalalgia, hammering in forehead and temples, formerly < on left side, now < on r. side, so severe that she fears she will have an apoplectic stroke ; menses profuse and early ; stool regular ; sleep restless, with anxious dreams ; greatly depressed in morning ; in evening sensation of constriction, must loosen her clothing. θ Dyspepsia.
Catarrh of stomach and bowels.


Colic before stool.
Bellyache with watery diarrhoea.
Inflammatory colic of horses.
Abdominal hernia in persons otherwise robust.
Inflamed and incarcerated hernia.


Yellow, watery diarrhoea. θ Pneumonia.
Chronic diarrhoea.
Lienterie from relaxation of pyloric muscles.
Stools contain undigested food in consequence of disturbance in the muscular fibres of the stomach.
Lienterie after a catarrh.
Dysentery commencing with violent fever ; pain depends upon inflammatory condition, does not intermit and is < from pressure on stomach.
Before stool : colic ; no tenesmus or but slight.
During stool : no tenesmus or only slight.
Frequent stools, green, watery or hashed, mixed with mucus, scanty ; straining at stool, also retching ; child rolls its head and moans ; eyes half open ; face pinched ; urine scanty ; pulse and respiration accelerated ; starting in sleep. θ Summer complaint.
Stools : of pure blood, bloody mucus, or bloody scum ; yellowish, whitish, brown with blood ; like bloody fish-brine ; green watery or green mucous, with blood, no pain ; blood dark or light.
θ Summer complaint.
Aggravation : midnight till morning (bloody serous stools) ; bloody mucus mixed with watery discharges day or night.
θ Summer complaint.
Cholera depending on an inflammatory state.
Habitual constipation.
Constipation caused by atony of muscular fibres of intestines.
Disposition to prolapsus recti.
Hemorrhoidal troubles and obstinate constipation.
Hemorrhoids, with catarrh of stomach and bowels.


** Bright’s disease ; diabetes.
Hemorrhage from bladder or from urethra.
Cystitis, with violent fever.
Frequent desire to urinate, urgent, with pain in neck of bladder and end of penis : must urinate immediately, which > the pain ; the above only, or chiefly during day, not at night ; < the more he stands.
Enuresis nocturna from weakness of sphincter.
Diurnal enuresis, depending on an irritability of trigone and cervix vesica, > when pressure of urine is taken off by recumbent posture.
Urine spurts out with every cough.
Retention of urine, with fever in little children.
Complaints before making water.


Seminal emissions.
Inflammatory stage of gonorrhoea.


Bearing down sensation in uterus with constant dull pain in either ovarian region.
Vaginismus, pain in vagina during coitus ; cannot bear examination.
Dysmenorrhoea, with accelerated pulse and red face.
Menses every three weeks, profuse, with pressure in abdomen and small of back. θ Dyspepsia.
During profuse menses pain on top of head.


During the third month of pregnancy. θ Headache.
Cough with ejection of urine ; during pregnancy.


Laryngitis and hoarseness from overstraining voice.
Much mucus in throat and rattling in chest.
Acute bronchial catarrh affecting larger and smaller bronchi.
Bronchitis of young children.
Violent fever in beginning of croup.


Pleuritic stitch with a deep inspiration or cough.


Acute, short, spasmodic and very painful cough.
Tormenting cough when bending head over or touching larynx.
Short, dry, hacking cough, with involuntary spurting of urine. θ During pregnancy.
Spasmodic cough every morning when dressing, greatly < by going into open air ; fits of coughing produce involuntary micturition.
Cough in paroxysms, most at night or during day when asleep.
Cough < at night with much rattling of mucus in chest which is also most marked at night ; slight fever.
Whooping cough with retching and vomiting.
Inflammatory or catarrhal stage of whooping cough.
Expectoration of clear blood.
θ Pneumonia.
Hamoptysis, after concussion or a fall.


Catarrhs on chest of children, similar to Aconite.
Right-sided pleuritic stitch < when coughing and on deep inspiration.
Pleuritis and pneumonia, first stage.
Pneumonia, the hyperemia depending on relaxation of muscular fibres of blood-vessels as long as no exudation has taken place ; general heat of body ; very little thirst ; first stage.
Coughs up clear blood ; nosebleed at same time. θ Pneumonia.
In a tuberculous woman, at. 49, pneumonia of left upper lobe, with well marked crepitation and profuse expectoration of frothy, pink mucus, patient almost moribund.
Full, round pulse ; congestion ; inflammation before any exudation ; sputa blood-streaked, caused by least exertion or cold air, when congestion comes in opposite lung.
θ Phthisis pulmonalis.
Hamoptysis of phthisis.
Phthisis florida.


Palpitation from congestion.
It will not cure thoroughly unless there is a full pulse, but a pulse less bounding than in Aconite, and not so flowing as in Gelsem. (Farrington).
Pulse full, from 120 to 160. θ Summer complaint.
Accelerated pulse. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
Quick pulse.
Anemia incidental to climacteric period.


Rheumatism in upper thorax.


Crick in neck or back.


Violent pain in right shoulder and upper arm, of a drawing tearing character, < by violent motion of arm, > by gentle motion, and so the patient hardly kept the arm still at all ; the affected part somewhat sensitive to touch ; feeling of deadness in right hand and loss of strength so that she could not lift heavy things. θ Rheumatism.
Acute rheumatism of right shoulder-joint ; red, swollen and very sensitive to touch.
Rheumatism of right deltoid ; unable to work, even to wear his cloak.
Swelling of elbow after a sprain, horribly maltreated by leeches and an incision, with general weakness, loss of appetite, fever and earthy, pale face ; on upper part of forearm and lower part of upper arm a large swelling, red and hot, not allowing the least motion insufferable pains, burning ; sleepless.
Rheumatism in wrist.
Palms of hands are hot, with children.
θ Rheumatic complaints.
Fingers contracted by acute articular rheumatism.


Inflammation of hip-joint.
Severe pain in both knees, shooting down the legs ; every motion painful ; high fever, quick pulse and increased temperature ; sleepless at night from severity of pains ; in addition to the knees one joint after another was attacked ; joints puffy, very little redness ; finally swelling in shoulder-joints and upper thorax ; (after Ferrum phos. it went downwards from one joint to the other, to the knees and then passed off).
Skin on outer side of ankle pale red ; foot greatly swollen and sensitive to touch toes feel as if they were burning.
θ Acute synovitis.
Steady terrible pain all over foot and ankle ; cries with the pain ; occasional shooting pains up inside of leg ; once in a minute or two a shooting pain in foot around ankle.
θ Acute synovitis.
An acute very painful sugillation on dorsum of foot.


Acute articular rheumatism.
Rheumatism attacking one joint after another ; joints puffy but little red ; high fever.
Wrist and knee affected by rheumatism.
Articular rheumatism < from slightest motion.
Rachitis with no pains in the epiphyses.


Desire to lie down.
Recumbent position : > diurnal enuresis.
Standing : desire to urinate <.
Stooping : sharp pain through head ; cannot see ; faceache <; produces tormenting cough.
Motion : causes headache ; < pain in arm and shoulder ; gentle motion > pain in upper arm and shoulder ; swelling in arm allows no motion ; pain in knees <; articular rheumatism <.
Exertion : sputa blood-streaked.
Desire to get out of bed and run about.
Can hardly move about.


Great nervousness at night. θ Headache.
A general feeling of weakness and desire to lie down. θ Rheumatism of shoulder.
He desired to get out of bed, and wished to run around, but he was so weak that he fell over ; very talkative and hilarious.
Muscles so weak could hardly move about.
Great prostration.
θ Summer complaint.
Debility of children, with no organic lesion, save a carious condition of teeth ; flesh fairly firm, complexion delicate, hair light and curly.
Convulsions with fever.
Epilepsy with congestion to head.
Acute cases of rheumatic paralysis.


Restless at night. θ Summer complaint.
Restless sleep at night, with anxious dreams ; great depression in morning. θ Dyspepsia.
Sleepless from severity of pains.
Restlessness and sleeplessness. θ Measles.
Cough in day time when asleep.


Between 4 and 6 A. M. : sweat.
Morning : vomiting ; greatly depressed.
By day : bloody and watery discharges ; frequent desire to urinate ; cough.
Evening : sensation of constriction, must loosen her clothes.
Night : great nervousness ; bloody and watery discharges ; cough <; more rattling of mucus on chest ; sleepless.
Midnight till morning : bloody serous stools.


Open air : < cough.
Warm drinks : toothache <.
Cold air : top of head sensitive to : sputa blood-streaked.
Cold and cold drinks : > toothache.


Chill returning at same time (1 o’clock) every day, while sitting at table.
General heat with very little thirst.
Fever with vomiting and puffed up stomach.
High fever, quick pulse and increased temperature.
Skin hot and dry.
θ Summer complaint.
Fever : with complaints accompanying teething ; with gastritis ; with cystitis ; retention of urine ; beginning of croup ; with cough ; with rheumatism ; with convulsions.
Intermittent fever with vomiting of food.
In beginning of typhus.
Copious night sweats, not relieving the great pains of rheumatism, driving out of bed.
Sweat between 4 and 6 A. M., with increase of pains. θ Rheumatism of shoulder.


Sudden attacks of sick stomach.
Once in a minute or two : shooting pain in foot and around ankle.
Half an hour : deathly sickness at stomach.
Every morning : spasmodic cough.
Every day at same time : chill.
Every three weeks : menses.
Cough in paroxysms.
Headache at intervals for many years.


Right : pain in head < right side ; stye on lower lid of eye ; tonsil red and swollen ; diphtheritic membrane on tonsil ; hammering in side of head ; pleuritic stitch ; violent pain in shoulder and upper arm ; hand numb.
Left : pneumonia of lobe ; exudation on side of throat : hammering on side of head.
Shooting : up inside of leg ; down legs.
From back to front : pain in head.


As if head were being suddenly pushed forward ; as if all the blood ran into eyes ; toes feel as if they were burning.
As if bursting : toes.
Pain : in eyes ; of face ; of palate ; of tonsils ; of pharynx ; in stomach ; in neck of bladder ; in end of penis ; in vagina ; on top of head.
Insufferable pains : in upper limbs.
Violent pain : in region of stomach ; in right shoulder ; in upper arm.
Steady terrible pain : all over foot and ankle.
Tearing pain : in right shoulder ; in upper arm.
Severe pain : in both knees ; in head ; cries because the pain is so bad.
Sharp pain : through head.
Shooting pains : from knees to legs ; up inside of leg ; in foot ; around ankle.
Pleuritic stitch.
Neuralgia : of face.
Blinding headache.
Hammering pain : in forehead ; in temples.
Throbbing in head.
Stinging : in head.
Acute rheumatism : of right shoulder joint ; of right deltoid ; in wrist ; in fingers ; in knee ; in shoulder.
Heavy pain : on top of head.
Bearing down sensation : in uterus.
Inflammatory pain : in ear.
Inflammation : of tongue ; palate ; of tonsils ; of pharynx ; of fauces ; of hip-joint.
Burning : of eyes ; of upper limbs.
Heat : of face.
Soreness : in vertex ; of scalp ; of throat.
Constriction : in region of stomach.
Pressing : in head ; in abdomen ; in small of back.
Painful swelling : of parotids.
Dull pain : on top of head ; in either ovarian region.
Roaring buzzing : from rush of blood to head.
Dryness : of tonsils ; of palate ; of pharynx.
Dead feeling : in right hand.


Hyperemia dependent upon relaxation of muscular fibres of blood-vessels.
All kinds of inflammation as long as no exudation has taken place.
First stage of all inflammations as long as there is no suppuration.
In first stage of inflammation, hyperemia, to the abatement of fever and beginning of sweat.
Relaxation of muscular fibres presiding over voluntary motion.
Diarrhoea from disturbed function of molecules of iron in the muscles of the villi.
Bleeding (bright red) from any orifice of body.
Blood red, easily coagulating to a gelatinous mass.
Leukemia ; the blood corpuscles are normal as to quantity but lack color.
To be given in true chlorosis as soon as the general condition has been improved by Calcarea phosph. (Schssler).
Varicose veins, in young persons.
Rheumatic fevers ; acute articular rheumatism.
Scrofula : rachitis ; periostitis ; cancer.
In the beginning of inflammation of the skin or connective tissue.
Telangiectasy ; nevus.
Dropsy from loss of blood or other fluids.


Top of head sensitive to every jar.
Touch : scalp sensitive ; on larynx produces tormenting cough ; rheumatic shoulder and arm sensitive ; foot sensitive.
Pressure : on stomach < gastralgia ; diurnal enuresis > when pressure of urine is taken off by recumnent position.
Hyperemia following mechanical injuries.
Injuries : to the eye.
After concussion or a fall : hamoptysis.
After a sprain of elbow.
In fractures : at the beginning for injury to the soft parts ; the adjacent parts are red, hot and painful.


Capillary congestion, with burning of skin, < from severe exercise or in warm room.
Telangiectasy, nevus.
In beginning of measles.
Measles with conjunctivitis and photophobia (35 cases).
In beginning of small-pox, with violent fever and cerebral congestion.
Erysipelas with intense fever and inflammatory symptoms.


Leucophlegmatic temperament.
Young people, varicose veins.
Boy, at. 5 years, very bright and shrewd ; diphtheria.
Boy, at. 5, very fair ; pleurisy and rheumatism.
Girl, at. 12, mother, at. 20 ; headache.
Girl, at. 17 ; attacks of nausea.
Young lady, nervo-sanguine temperament ; diphtheria.
Miss C., at. 22 ; headache during catamenia.
Woman, at. 29 ; sanguine temperament, after drinking cold water while overheated, five years ago ; dyspepsia.
Mrs. Z., at. 35 ; rushes of blood to head.
Woman, at. 37 ; nervous temperament ; acute rheumatism.
Woman, in third month of pregnancy, has suffered at times for many years ; headache.
Workman, at. 39 ; unable for a long while to raise up his arm.
A woman, at. 49 ; left-sided pneumonia.
Old maid, at. 75 ; chronic diarrhoea.


Compare : in fevers Acon. (more bounding pulse) and Gelsem. (more flowing pulse) ; in cough with spurting urine.
Compatible : Kali mur. (croup, pneumonia, palpitation, typhus ; Kali phosph. (colic, threatened gangrene) ; Calcarea sulph. (hip joint disease) ; Calcarea phosph. (chlorosis, hemorrhoids) ; Calcarea fluor. (hemorrhoids) ; Natr. sulph. (diabetes) ; Ant. tart. (capillary bronchitis).

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.