Natrum Carbonicum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Sodium carbonate or Disodic carbonate, Na2CO310H2O. Preparation: Triturations of the crystals.


Emotional. Lively, sociable mood. Excessively lively all day, with great joyous talkativeness. Every event makes a strong impression upon her; a wavy trembling in the nerves, with a sensation of faintness. So much excited by the slightest cause, that he continued to talk with passionate vehemence, until exhausted. Disinclination to talk (sixth day). Great inclination to sing to himself half aloud, for several days (after twenty- four hours). Joylessness. Lachrymose, for several days. Sad, depressed (twenty-ninth day). Sad, melancholy, tremulous, and inclined to weep, with constant sighing, and physical prostration (fourth day). Intolerable melancholy and apprehension; she was wholly occupied with sad thoughts (second day). Sorrowful mood (after six days). Depressed, extremely despondent mood. Anxious, solicitous about himself. Anxiety in the evening, after a footbath of three or four minutes, so that she could not fall asleep for an hour and a half. Anxiety, with tremulous beating of the whole body. Anxiety and restless; he thought he could do nothing properly. Anxiety and hasty restlessness all day; he could not keep the limbs still, especially the arms; obliged to stretch them; it seemed as though they would be torn asunder. Daily attacks of anxiety, with perspiration on the face, several times a day, lasting a quarter of an hour, without pain. The weather causes less anxiety than usual (curative action). Feeling of apprehension in the head (after three days). His fancy is mostly busy with apprehension of the future; he often makes plans for half an hour at a time, as if it would go wrong with him, wherewith he seeks to be alone (after twelve days). Great apprehensiveness after dinner, lasting till evening (twenty-first day). She does not know what to do, on account of apprehensiveness and ennui, and thinks that she is quite lonely and forsaken, all day (sixth day). Dread of the open air; she is averse to it. Dread of taking cold (second day). Great timidity. He is very timid, and starts at the slightest noise (twelfth day). Anthropophobia and fearfulness (second day). He shuns mankind. Ill-humored and solicitous. Ill-humor, discontented and almost inconsolable. Very ill-humored after supper, especially after copious drinking, with pressure in the pit of the stomach, right and left hypochondrium (twentieth day). Fretful mood, almost constantly till the thirteenth day. Fretfulness without cause. Fretfulness, in the evening (after ten hours). Fretful, though with a desire to work. Fretful and peevish; one can do nothing right (fifth day). Fretful, peevish, and ill-humored, after eating; towards evening he was more lively (fourth day). Very fretful for several days after dinner, and still more after supper. Very fretful, peevish, and restless after dinner; he is uncomfortable everywhere; the room seems too small for him, and even in the open air he walks about without anything seeming right to him; it diminishes towards evening (first and fourth days). Very fretful and discontented with the whole world; he constantly felt as though he could beat himself, his whole life angered him, and he preferred to have no existence at all; he was solicitous about the future, and inclined to despair, all day (second day). Peevish (after twenty-four hours). Peevish, irritable mood. Inclined to anger. Easily provoked to anger; with a lively mood. She becomes vexed and angry about trifles. He is angry, and inclined to fight and strike, and cannot tolerate contradiction, in the forenoon (eleventh day). Very sensitive, in the forenoon, as after a vexation (after two days). Alternately sad and joyous. Indifference (after ten days). Intellectual. Resolute, persevering, self-possessed, courageous. Sensation of loss of will power, in the morning on waking. Mood sluggish, phlegmatic indolent (fifth day). Dislike for business; he goes about idly, but when once at work, it goes on as usual (after three days). He has no desire to do anything, and he can keep at nothing long. Ennui; he is absorbed in himself, and does not even know how he is, in the morning (fourth day). Weary of life, in the morning on waking (eighteenth day). Weakness of thought. Inability to think acutely, with vertigo. He cannot think easily; the power of concentration fails him. Internal restlessness. Distraction of mind in the morning (sixteenth day). Completely inattentive. Dulness of sense; he stares without thought, as if stunned by a blow. Very forgetful; he is obliged to think a long time before anything comes to him (third and thirteenth days). He easily makes mistakes in writing (after fourteen days). Stupefaction, in the morning on waking, that only gradually passes away. Almost unconscious of external objects; he reels while walking.


Confusion and Vertigo. Confusion and pain in the head that permit no mental work. Nightly attack of vertigo; with slow violent beating of the heart, roaring in the ears, heat, anxiety as if he would die; orgasm of blood; aggravated by the slightest motion, or speaking a single word; at the end of the attack, chilliness and trembling. Vertigo on turning the head. Vertigo after mental labor, with dull pressing inward in the temples. Vertigo almost constantly, while walking; she reeled while walking. Vertigo very frequently during the day, like a whirling in the head, even while lying down. Vertigo, threatening to fall to the left. Vertigo even to falling down, while walking about the room, followed by great weakness of the hands and feet (first day). Excessive vertigo, like a faintness, after taking a spoonful of wine. General Head. The head is dull, dizzy heavy, during fatiguing work, especially in the sun (after ten days). Headache constantly, like a reeling in the head, and very painful confusion, followed by heat in the head; relieved by moving about in the open air, aggravated during rest and while sitting, for two days in succession (after ten days). Rush of blood to the head. Great rush of blood to the head on stooping, as if everything would come out at the forehead; if he then lifted and carried anything, a beating in the head, disappearing on rising (thirteenth and fourteenth days). Violent rush of blood and heat in the head while sitting in the house, especially in the evening, for several days, even on the twentieth day; it was not noticed in the open air nor in bed. Rushing of blood in the head (third day). Dulness of head, as after too long sleep. Heaviness of the head, and burning in the eyes, almost daily, after dinner. When awakened at night, the head seemed heavy, with dull pressive pain, and flat taste in the mouth (twentieth day). Headache at noon, mostly low down in the occiput. While walking in the open air, he is attacked with headache and coryza. Headache and tension in the nape of the neck, before menstruation. Constrictive pain in the head. Dull headache after vomiting, no appetite, a white coated tongue, and flat nauseous taste (sixth and seventh days). Confused and dull drawing pain in the head, after dinner (sixth day). Pressive stitches through the head, during physical exertion (twenty-second day). Tearing in the whole head, in the afternoon (thirteenth day). Bruised headache, internally and externally. Some very acute jerkings in the head. Forehead. Sudden sensation of warmth in a spot as large as a half dollar, in the left side of the forehead above the orbit, as though a warm substance were lying there, frequently intermitting, at 9 A.M. (third day). Tensive pain in the right frontal sinuses (twentieth day). Pain as if the forehead would burst, especially after moving about, with a stopped sensation in the head, for several days, from 7 A.M. to 5 P.M. Sensation of a cord tight about the forehead, spreading warmth (after one hour). Headache in the forehead, on suddenly turning the head. Dull headache, like stupefying pressure in the forehead, in all positions. Pressure and heat for a short time in the forehead, in the forenoon (ninth day). Pressive pain in the left side of the forehead, in the morning on rising (third day). Sharp sticking in the right frontal region; on ceasing there, it appears in the right side of the occiput (fourth day). Frightful sticking and burning in the forehead, also sticking in the temple, in the evening, lasting till lying down, and continuing for an hour in bed, together with a sensation of external heat in the forehead (first day). Stitches in the forehead. Stitch behind the right frontal eminence (first day). Violent cramp like tearing in the forehead, extending into the eyes and tip of the nose. Sticking, transient throbbing in the forepart of the forehead, at noon (fourth day). Intermitting beating pain extending outward through the forehead, just above the margin of the left orbit (after one hour). Temples. Pain pressing from within outward in the right temple, in the afternoon (eleventh day). Violent tearing in the right temple, and side of the forehead, relieved for a short time by pressure, during menstruation (nineteenth day). Vertex. Pressure and a sensation of heat in the vertex and forehead (first day). Violent stitch in the left side of the upper part of the head, in the forenoon (third day). Throbbing headache in the top of the head, daily, especially in the morning. Beating in the vertex, that is very sensitive to pressure, after dinner (sixth day). Painful beating or throbbing over the whole top of the head, as if in the bone, in the forenoon (fourth day). Pressive shocks in the upper part of the head, in the evening on falling asleep. Parietals. A few sharp stitches in the upper part of the left parietal bone (after three hours). Fine stitches in the left side of the head (sixth day). Tearing and sticking, extending from the left frontal eminence to behind the ear (first day). Painful tearing and throbbing in the left side of the head, during menstruation (nineteenth day). Occiput. Sensation of painful emptiness in the occiput, with weakness and hoarseness of the voice. Pain extending from the occiput to the vertex (twelfth day). Tension in the occiput. Dull pain in the occiput (fifteenth day). Drawing and tension in the right side of the occiput as if it would draw the head backward. Long-continuing pressure in the right side of the occiput (third day). Dulness in the occiput, like a dull pressure, in forenoon (after eighteenth days). Dull pressure extending from the occiput to the nape of the neck, with drawing pain, that at last also extended to the forehead, with vertigo, eructations, and dimness of vision (first day). A sharp stitch, followed by burning, in the right side of the occiput (first day). Several fine stitches in the right side of the occiput, in the evening (first day). External Head. Motion of the scalp from behind forward and back again. Profuse falling of the hair, for several days (after three days). A boil on the occiput, more towards the nape of the neck, lasting a long time. An almost painless boil on the occiput, as large as a hazelnut. Pain externally low down in the occiput. Transient external headache, here and there, in the sides of the head, in the ear, etc. (after forty-eight hours). Pain to the touch in both occipital protuberances.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.