Natrum Phosphoricum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Sodium phosphate, Na2HPO412H2O. Preparation: Triturations.


Emotional. Awakes in night, and imagines pieces of furniture are persons. Melancholy especially after emissions. Frequent attacks of gloominess, evening. Depression; too apt to dwell on annoyances. Despondent in evening; could not study (one hundred and thirty ninth day). Very despondent; imagined he was going to be sick, to have typhoid fever (one hundred and thirty-seventh day). Felt anxious about home; had misgivings, feared bad news (one hundred and thirty-seventh day). Worries about his health, about future. Apprehensive of approaching evil. Awakens; fears his child, who has a trifling ailment, is dead; he goes to her room to relieve the otherwise inefficable impression (never nervous before in sickness). Easily startled by the least noise, especially at night, causing palpitation. Irritable, nervous (sixtieth day). Vexed at trifles; disposed to be irritable. Ill- humor, mostly forenoons. Intellectual. Inclined to study in the evening. No ambition to do anything. Mental dulness; forgot what I had just committed to memory (one hundred and fiftieth and one hundred and fifty-first days). Study is burdensome; it is difficult to remember what is read.


Vertigo. Dizzy, as if he would fall; objects turn around, on rising in morning. Slightly dizzy (after four hours, first day). General Head. Dulness in head and at root of nose, during the morning (fifty eighth and fifty-ninth days). Heaviness and fullness of head, with flushes of heat in afternoon, followed by sweat. Empty feeling in head. Fullness in head, towards evening (thirty-seventh day). Fullness in head, with throbbing pain (one hundred and fifty seventh day). Fullness and heaviness in head, and slight dizziness, while studying (soon after the first dose, thirty-eighth day). Frequent sensation of fullness in head, with pulsating pains on stepping. Tensive headache, with dulness and heaviness, accompanied by dim sight, a from a veil before the eyes. Headache 9 A.M. preceding by gagging and faint feeling; pain all over head, better at first from pressure; no better after dinner or siesta, but suddenly leaves at 8 P.M. Headache at 10 A.M.; every afternoon after menses. Headache after dinner. Headache better before breakfast, worse after dinner. Dull heavy headache, with dim sight. Rheumatic drawing up left side of occiput into forehead. Throbbing headache (one hundred and thirty-eight day). Forehead. Fullness in forehead, over eyes, in morning (one hundred and twenty-seventh day). Through the mornings, at times, while studying, fullness and dull aching in forehead (forty-first day). Fullness in forehead, while cutting pains in right temple (one hundred and twenty-sixth day). Frontal headache, sharp over left eye, every forenoon. Headache over left eye (during menses). Headache returns every afternoon, now over one, now over the other eye (after menses). Throbbing in forehead, lasting almost all day; worse suddenly raising the head, and when ascending (one hundred and fortieth day). Temples. Pain in right temple, extending to eye and ear, at noon; better by 5 P.M. (after eating grapes); in evening, pain over left temple while riding in street car. Pain in right temple (one hundred and thirty-seventh day); coming and going (ninety-ninth day). Very severe pains in temples nearly all morning. Pinching in left temple, descending to left ear and nostril. Sharp pain in right temple, several times during day (forty seventh day). Momentary cutting in left temple, at 3 P.M. while walking (one hundred and first day). Sharp cutting in right temple (one hundred and twenty-fifth day). Parietals. Sharp cutting in right side of head, with, at times, a dull aching over the eyes (one hundred and fifty-ninth to one hundred and sixty-eight day). Sharp tearing in left side of head, front of ear and temporal region particularly.


Eyes bloodshot. Eyes felt weak, worse from gaslight, at 8 P.M. (one hundred and third day). Slight burning in eyes, producing slight lachrymation and exciting rubbing of the eyes (forty-eight day). Eyes as f bathed in hot water. Momentary cutting in right eye (one hundred and sixth day). Fine stitches in eye, inducing winking and slight lachrymation (one hundred and twenty-ninth day). Eyes feel sore, weak when reading in evening. Inner canthus of right eye feels sore; he wants to rub it; slightly injected. Soreness and shooting in inner right canthus (one hundred and thirty-sixth day). Eyes feel as if sand was in them, mostly the left eye. Brow and Orbit. Pain over the eyes. Pain over each eye; worse closing eyes, on retiring (fiftieth day). Pain in center of left eyebrow. Pressure over right eye (during menses). Pressure over right eye, with sighing, as if room were too close; later over left eye; worse before and after, better during menses. Acute pain over the left eye, lasting but a moment (one hundred and twenty-second day). Pain in left orbit, with pain in bowels, extending up into chest; flatulence. Dull aching pain in orbit above ball, on using eyes. Infraorbital neuralgic pain on the right side (one hundred and thirty-seventh day). Lids. Quivering of right eyelid while reading, before sleep and on awakening. Lids feel heavy and itch along margins. Eyelids feel sore, itch and burn. Lachrymal Apparatus. Burning lachrymation. Ball. Dryness of left eye ball, with pain in same, as if bruised. Aching in right eyeball. Vision. Dim sight, as from veil over eyes, with dull heavy headache. Mist before eyes. Flickering of sight in left eye, on rising at 5 a>M. Halo around gaslight.


External. Lobe of right ear burns and itches so intolerably he has to scratch it until it bleeds. Middle. Sensation (in ears) as of water dropping from a height into a long narrow vessel, while lying down. Fullness in both ears (one hundredth day). Fullness in ear (one hundred and thirty-seventh day). Full feeling in internal ear, in evening (ninety-eight day). Dull aching in right meatus auditorius (one hundred and fifty fifth day). Tickling from middle ear into Eustachian tube. Great itching in right meatus auditorius (ninety-sixth day). Hearing. Imagines he hears footsteps in next room.


Objective. Slight epistaxis in morning. Subjective. Left nostril stopped up; worse in open air. Fullness at root of nose and in ears, towards evening (forty second day). Great fullness at root of nose; skin feels drawn tight over it, in evening (fifty-eight and fifty-ninth day). Nose as if full of mucus, and discharge is slight (fifty ninth day). Left nostril sore, painful; picks it continually; scabs form. Pricking in left nares (one hundred and fifty-fifth day). Pricking in right nares, acute enough to bring tears to the eyes (one hundred and fortieth day). Smell. Offensive odor before nose in the morning, two days.


Cheeks. Shooting pain in right cheek (one hundred and fifty-fifth day). Peculiar stitching pains along cheeks into ears (ninety- eight day). China Great soreness in right side of lower jaw, at the angle, with occasional slight darting pains through jaw (one hundred and twenty fifth day).


Teeth. Teeth in morning, and mouth all day, covered with a brownish mucus. Gums. Two gumboils, one opposite the left first premolar, the second opposite the last right molar (third day). Pain in gum, over last molar of left upper jaw (one hundred and fifty-fifth day). Tongue. Tongue coated dirty white, with dark brown center. Blisters on tip of tongue. Sensation of hair on tip of tongue, followed by prickling numbness of whole mouth; next day a small pimple. Stinging in the end of tongue, in evening (one hundred and forty fifth day). Taste. Bad taste in mouth, morning, on awaking; gastric symptoms. Coppery taste, 5 P.M. Speech. Tries to say a word, but it will not come out; feels as if something closed in the throat, preventing speech.


Objective. Accumulation of mucus in throat. Tough, clear, white phlegm from posterior nares. Dropping of thick yellow mucus from posterior nares; worse at night; awakens him; he must sit up to clear his throat. Much hawking from posterior nares (have had this before), (fifty eighth day). Subjective. Sensation of lump in throat (one hundred and third day). Right side of throat sore. Sensation as of a pin pricking right side of throat; worse swallowing liquid; better from solids. Tonsils. Momentary throbbing in region of left tonsil (one hundred and thirty-ninth day).


Appetite. Canine hunger, with gone feeling in stomach; felt as if could not wait until dinner was ready (one hundred and twenty- second and one hundred and twenty-third days). Not very hungry for meals, yet enjoys them; most appetite for supper. Desires strong-tasting things, even alcohol. Desire for eggs. No desire for food; sick, gone feeling. Less relish for dinner (ninety- seventh day). Aversion to bread and butter, yet formerly fond thereof; very persistent for weeks. Thirst. Desire for beer; it relieves the goneness. Eructation. Eructations after eating. Eructations frequent, tasteless. Slight regurgitation of food after dinner (ninety-seventh day). Stomach. Goneness in stomach and abdomen, even chest. Goneness in stomach and abdomen with feeling of weight above the ensiform. Gone feeling in stomach (one hundred and twenty-sixth day). Gone feeling in stomach on rising in morning. Empty gone feeling in stomach, 11 to 12 o’clock, before breakfast. Empty gone feeling all day, but worse after eating. Stomach feels empty. Heavy feeling in stomach, causing a restless feeling, third day after tea. Sensation of heaviness in epigastrium, better after eating. Heaviness in epigastrium and lower third of sternum, worse going upstairs, during menses. After eating a little feels full. Fullness in stomach all the time, but worse after eating. Constant feeling of fullness. Pain in bowels ascends to stomach; flatulence; at same time return of pain in left orbit. Pressure from spine to stomach, before breakfast. Awakens 2 A.M. with pressure in stomach; feels as if a round stick was pressing up and forward from about the last dorsal vertebra into stomach. Pressure in pit of stomach, better eating (after menses).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.