Homeopathy Remedy Cicuta Virosa

Cicuta Virosa homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Cicuta Virosa…

      A tincture is prepared of the fresh root of Cicuta Virosa, L.

General Action

      The Cicutae are most prominently convulsants, producing the most terrific convulsions, with loss of consciousness.

Allies. – OEnanthe., Conium., Absinth., Hydrocy-ac, Cuprum


      Veins very prominent. Lying as if dead, with clenched jaws. Falling to the ground; unconscious; and rolling about; on stooping it seems as if he would fall forward. Catalepsy, limbs hung down relaxed as if dead, without breathing, Tetanus. Convulsions, with wonderful distortions of limbs, head turned backward, back bend as in opisthotonos; frightful distortions, with unconsciousness; spasms of all the muscles; spasms, with dark redness of face, blue lips and bloody froth from mouth. Epilepsy; with swelling of stomach, as form spasm of diaphragm. Hiccough, screaming, redness of face, trismus, unconsciousness and distortion of limbs; with wonderful convulsions of limbs, head and upper part of body, and clenched jaws; with wonderful distortions of limbs, upper part of the body and head, blue face, interrupted breath and froth from mouth, afterwards unconsciousness; frequent E. at night. Restlessness, tossing about, the pallor of face changed to cyanosis, twitching of face, of muscles of eyes and neck, a peculiar scream, finally tetanus of whole body, head bored into pillow, the spine forming a concave are backward, froth before mouth, teeth clenched, limbs drawn up towards abdomen, unconsciousness, insensibility, micturition in a full stream, breath stopped at the height of the convulsions, no action of heart during the spasm. Fell to the ground, urinated with great force, violent convulsions, mouth could not be opened, gnashed the teeth, distorted his eyes, blood spurted from the ears and much swelling was felt in praecordial region. Tonic spasms so that the fingers could not be straightened. Twitchings; on back, forehead and l. toes. Cramplike stiffness of whole body, with coldness. Rigidity in a child, and sleeplessness. (Symptoms of spasms, compare OEnanthe, Cuprum, Absinth., etc.

Swollen sensation in whole body when in bed and frequent starting as if he would fall out of bed. WEakness; after standing a short time, (<) in knees and in muscles of back; on rising. Faintness.

Clinical Convulsions from various causes, injuries, after opium, chorea- like, epileptiform, tetanic, puerperal, from worms, from indigestion, with insensibility, staring eyes, with jerking of eyeball, muscles of the face and whole body, face red, hot, sweaty; or with the convulsions violent opisthotonos, tetanic rigidity of the whole body, eyes fixed at one point, and frothing at the mouth, with spasmodic breathing; spasms brought on by the slightest jar, etc.


      Delirium; singing, dancing grotesquely, shouting (Hyosc.); after an unusual sleep heat of body, she sprang out of bed, laughed did foolish things, drank much wine, jumped about clapped her hands and grew red in the face. Constantly screaming the name of his sister. It seemed as if he were a child and objects were as attractive to him as toys to a child. Belief that he was not living under ordinary relations, everything seemed strange and almost fearful, it seemed as if he had awakened from a fever and saw all kinds of visions, without physical sick feeling. Weeping, moaning and howling. Laughing and biting.

Excitement and apprehension about the future. Anxiety, much affected by sad stories; (A. at noon, and sweat on face, trembling of hands and faintness at heart). Fear, with stitches in l. side of head from fright at every opening of the door and at every word. Belief that he would die. Sadness. Occupied with tormenting ideas of human conditions. Misanthropy; he went into solitude and reflected upon people’s errors and about himself. Likes to be alone, is disinclined to speak and is irresolute. Suspicious. Disinclined to work and morose. Indifferent and doubtful if he really were in the condition in which he found himself. Stupefaction. Loss of ideas. Mental torpor. Unconsciousness. Confusion of ideas and rapid change of thoughts, often of a depressing nature; confusion of the present with the past.

Clinical Delirium, with funny gestures, red face confounds the present with the past. Melancholia, with indifference. Sadness and concussion of brain. Great apprehension; very mistrustful. Hallucinations, with convulsions after typhoid fever.


      Jerking. Sinking gradually when sitting quietly, while her eye stare at the same point, then a kind of internal jerk with sudden return to consciousness, then similar insensibility, wherefrom she was aroused from time to time by internal shivering. Sticking. Pain; (>) passage of flatus; (>) sitting upright; in places deep in brain; in morning on waking, as if brain were loose, and shaking on walking; compressive, from both sides. Anxiety. Heaviness; when sitting; and stupefaction. Fulness. Confusion in morning after rising. Dullness, with shaking chill, stiffness of neck and sensation as if muscles were too short. Strange feeling. Intoxication; intoxicated feeling when sitting, standing and walking. Vertigo; and reeling; and falling to the ground; on walking, as if he would fall forward to the left.

Forehead. – Sticking in bone. Tearing in upper part, beneath bones, extending to vertex. Pain; beneath l. eminence; in l. bone; in sinciput; in places in sinciput, beneath bones; with fulness, and in r. temple, then in l.; stupefying pain externally, (<) rest; hammering, in afternoon. Pulsation in sinciput, with heat and violent action of heart. Confusion; in sinciput. Heaviness; in sinciput; in sinciput, and heat; with pressure deep in brain.

Tearing in l. temple. Pain in r. temple, between skin and bone. Strong pulsation in temporal arteries. Tearing beneath bones on r. side of head; in bones of l. side, with internal pulsation and confusion deep in brain; backward through l. side, (<) towards top of skull. Pressure beneath l. bones; one-sided P., rather external. Tearing in bones of r. side of occiput. Pain in O. like a pressure and as with coryza. Sensation in O. When sitting as on lying down after a fatiguing walk, extending through back and along posterior surface of legs. Heaviness in O.; deep in O. Distention of skin of sinciput. Eruption, and on face.

Clinical Vertigo, with gastralgia, vomiting, with muscular spasms and tendency to convulsions. Sudden violent shocks through head and whole body, with jerking, premonitory of spasms. Suppurating eruptions and pustules larger than the head of a pin, which became confluent, with infiltration, etc. Basilar meningitis. Cerebro-spinal meningitis, with convulsions, many cases. Effects of concussion of the brain, especially convulsions.


      Protruding. Staring; whereby everything looked like black cloth; with a gray fog before eyes; without ability to help it and without entire control of senses, she must be much excited to answer correctly, on attempting to turn her head loss of consciousness and blackness before eyes. Pressure on reading; P., with sensitiveness to light, at times gray spots before eyes. Pupils dilated and insensible (Belladonna, Hyosc., etc.); contracted; contracted, then dilated; sometimes contracted, sometimes dilated. Sticking in lids; in l. Tearing in r. lids. Pressure upon lids. Pressure in r. inner canthus, (>) pressing lids together. Twitching of orbicularis beneath lower lid. Stitches along brows. Pain in bone beneath l. brow, extending towards temple and zygoma.

Sensitiveness to light. Everything seems very distinct. and brighter than usual. Everything seems shining. When attempting to stand object seem now to approach, now to recede. Objects seem to move, everything blinds her; objects seem to mover from side to side; seem to move in a circle, (<) sitting. Everything runs together on fixing vision. Objects seem doubled at one time (Conium, Gelsemium), and black, at another time she hears with difficulty. Vision obscured; by black points when reading and afterwards. Vision of bright spots; and stripes; bright point floating before r. eye, mingled with dark streaks and specks. Blinded by the white snow, and on looking at a dark wall a gray curtain seems to cover the l. part of vision.

Clinical Commencing strabismus, periodic, spasmodic, or after convulsions.


      Flow of blood. Sore pain behind l.; as from a bruise; bruised pain behind r. Bursting in r. on swallowing. Difficult hearing (Conium). Ringing; in l. Roaring; before ears, (<) in the house.

Clinical Haemorrhage from the ears in cerebral troubles. Deafness of old people, with sudden detonations in ears, especially on swallowing (compare Conium).


      Bruised pain in r. wing. Dryness as if stopped. Stopped; with much mucus in it. Yellow discharge. Sneezing without coryza. Bright blood from r. nostril; bleeding from r. on touch.


      Red. Pale; and drawn; cadaverous paleness; pale, (<) around lips. Swollen. Anxious expression. Muscular movements. Pressure beneath r. malar bone. Lockjaw; with froth from mouth. Burning-itching vesicle on vermilion border in l. side of upper lip.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.