Homeopathy Remedy Guaiacum

Guaiacum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Guaiacum …

      A tincture is made of the gum from Guaiacum officinale.

General Action

      It seems to promote perspiration and the secretion of urine and to augment the menstrual flow. It has been much vaunted as a remedy for secondary syphilis, chronic rheumatism, etc.

Compare Iodium, Comocladia, etc.


      Emaciation in men of dry constitution, with hectic fever. Everything seems too tight in morning on waking, and he tosses about the bed. General discomfort. Indolence. Weakness, (<) thighs and upper arms. Most symptoms appear when sitting, (<) morning, immediately after rising, or in evening shortly before sleep, a few from 9 to 12 A.M.

Clinical Arthritic diathesis. Chronic rheumatism. Secondary syphilis. General tendency to emaciation. Stiffness and contraction of muscles, tendons and extremities, with rheumatic swellings of the joints. Aching in the bones and chronic inflammation and degeneration of the bones, which are very sore and cannot bear the slightest touch. Growing pains in children.


      Fretful. Morose, he speaks little. Contemptuous. Obstinate. Loss of ideas at breakfast time, he stands in one place and looks in front of him without thought. Memory weak.


      Sticking upward in brain. Aching at night like a pressure upward in brain; A. ending in a stitch in r. frontal eminence. Brain feels loose in morning, and as if it moved at every step. Forehead, sticking in r. eminence; tearing externally from l. bone into muscles of cheeks; drawing T. in forepart; pain transversely across; pressing in forepart; drawing pain from middle of bone into nasal bones. Temple, tearing externally in l.; pressive pain in r. as from something broad; pressure in l., without pain. Side, sticking in l. at junction of parietal and temporal bones; drawing S. from r. parietal bone into frontal eminences, where they end in a single stitch; drawing-tearing s. in r., extending towards frontal bone; tearing in whole l. Occiput, sticking in l.; tearing in r.; drawing-tearing in O. and forehead. Headache externally as if too much blood were in scalp and it were swollen, when sitting. Pulsation externally, (>) walking, transiently (>) pressure, (<) sitting and standing, with sticking in temples.

Clinical Violent rheumatic or gouty (or syphilitic) pains in bones of the head, (<) top and l. side, extending into the face, (<) night.


      Feeling as if swelling and protruding, the lids seem too short to cover them (see Comocl.), with sensation of insufficient sleep, yawning and stretching all day. Pupils dilated. Hardened mucus in r. canthi.

Ears and Nose

      Tearing in l. ear; in outer margin of l. concha. Aching in l. ear. Frequent watery discharge from nose.

Clinical Persistent deafness, with recurring earaches.


      Swollen, red and painful. Spasmodic drawing in muscles of r. cheek in morning on rising. Sticking in r. cheek; in r. malar- bone. Sensation as if struck with a cloth in evening on falling asleep, so that he woke in fright. Pain in l. lower jaw; drawing, ending in a stitch.

Clinical Facial neuralgia.

Mouth and Throat

      Tearing in l. upper molars. Pain in l. upper molars on biting them together. Taste flat.

Clinical Neuralgic toothache. Tonsillitis.


      Violent hunger in afternoon and evening. Appetite lost and nausea for everything. Thirst. Eructations; empty. Constriction in region, with anxiety and difficulty in breathing. Frequent pressure in pit, with difficulty in breathing, oppression and anxiety.


      Rumbling. Gurgling as from emptiness. Pinching cutting transversely through A. on inspiration. Sticking in l. hypochondrium. Griping, which extends more and more downward, then emission of flatus; g. in l. side of umbilicus; in hypogastrium, which constantly sinks downward and backward. Trembling of inner muscles close to r. ilium. Pain in groin as from a hernia.


      Thin, mucous, preceded by griping. Soft, crumbly. Constipation. Omitted.

Urinary and Sexual Organs

      Sticking in neck of bladder after urinating. Cutting when urinating as if something biting passed. Frequent urging to urinate; with small discharges; constant desire, with profuse urine each time; obliged to urinate every half hour and much each time, urging immediately after micturition, when only a few drops passed. Emission at night, without lascivious dreams.

Clinical Ovaritis in rheumatic patients, with irregular menstruation and dysmenorrhoea. Chronic inflammation of the ovaries, with agonizing pains, irritable bladder.

Respiratory Organs and Chest

      Spasmodic inflammatory affections of trachea, (<) larynx, with palpitation that threatened suffocation. Mucous expectoration on hacking and hawking. sticking from larynx to l. clavicle; S. beneath l. true ribs, (<) towards back; from centre of r. chest to beneath r. scapula, (<) inspiration. Sudden stuffed sensation in chest, in praecordial region, even at night in sleep, like arrest of breath, causing frequent dry cough until there is some expectoration.

Clinical Pleuritic pains in apex of lungs, especially in consumption. In consumption it relieves the extremely offensive expectoration (compare Cap.).

Neck and Back

      Pain on sides cervical vertebrae; P. extending from l. side of neck to vertex and ending in a stitch. Rheumatic stiffness in l. side of back from nape to sacrum, with pain on slightest motion. Drawing down r. side of spine from axilla to lowest ribs, with tearing. Scapulae, sticking extending along l. side of nape to occiput; sticking tearing on posterior margin of r.; sticking tearing on margins, then constriction in dorsal muscles; constriction between S.

Clinical Muscular pain and stiffness in the back.

Upper Extremities

      Stretching, with yawning. Frequent sticking on top of r. shoulder; S. in r. upper arm, (<) middle. Drawing tearing in l. upper arm, extending to finger, (<) wrist. Upper arm weak as after hard labor. Frequent drawing-tearing sticking from l. elbow to wrist. Tearing in r. forearm, extending into wrist; T. in l. wrist; drawing T. in l. wrist. Sticking in r. thumb.

Lower Extremities

      Sticking in nates when walking, (<) sitting, as if she sat on needles. Thigh, stickings above r. knee; S. above l. knee, which meet on both sides; jerking tearing from middle of r. to knee; drawing tearing from middle of r. to knee; drawing tearing from middle of l. to knee; growing pain in r.; bruised pain in l. on walking in open air; crawling pain from middle of r. femur to knee when sitting still; drawing pain from middle of r. to knee on stretching leg, (>) drawing it up and bending it; tension, (<) r., as if muscles were too short, when walking, (<) touch, (>) sitting, with weakness. Drawing pain in knee, which ends in a stitch. Tearing sticking from middle of l. tibiae to toes; between tibia and fibula, extending to patella; tearing-drawing S. from middle of r. tibia to knee. Jerking stitches in outer side of calf. Painless constriction in r. calf. Leg seems bruised after walking, feeling as if brittle. Weariness of legs, (<) thighs. Sticking in r. ankle when sitting; drawing S. from r. ankle to middle tibia. Tearing long-drawn stitches from r. tarsus to knee. Pain in a spot on back of r. foot, ending in sticking, (>) motion.


      Sore, painful pimple on nose; hard P., with white tip, sore on touch, on r. eyebrow. Grumbling on whole leg, with heat in it. Grumbling on whole leg, with heat in it. Crawling in chest; in thighs and legs, extending to toes, when sitting, as if they would go to sleep. Itching stitches like fleabites on thigh, (<) sides of knee-cap, (>) scratching. Burning itching, (<) scratching; corrosive I. on back during day.


      Yawning all day, with stretching and sensation of insufficient sleep; Y., with stretching and comfort. Sleepiness in afternoon. Sleepless two hours in evening, and tossing about the bed. Late falling asleep in evening and early waking in morning. Frequent waking as from fright or as if falling. Unrefreshed in morning on waking. Sleep full of dreams. Dream of that she was pierced by knives. D. of fights. Vivid D. of scientific subjects. Nightmare when lying on back, and waking with cries.


      Chilliness; in forenoon and in evening before sleep, sweat in morning; internal general, in evening, then heat, (<) face, without thirst; in back in afternoon. Shivering in back in breasts. Heat of face, with thirst, without redness or sweat. Sweat every morning; S. on walking in open air, (<) head, pearly S. on forehead; profuse S. on back at night.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.