RHODODENDRON symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Homeopathic Drug Pictures by M.L. Tyler. What are the symptoms of RHODODENDRON? Keynote indications and personality traits of RHODODENDRON…


      Rhododendron and Rhus tox. are linked in one’s memory as rheumatic remedies of like modalities. Both are worse for cold, worse in wet weather, and relieved by motion. But Rhododendron is far more affected by electrical conditions: all its sufferings and pains are worse before thunder.

CLARKE says of Rhododendron. “Growing among the fogs and storms of the Siberian mountains, its provings show that it produces sensitiveness to storm and weather changes, and this gives the grand key-note of its use in medicine.”

GUERNSEY tells us to think of this remedy for the sufferings made worse in windy weather. “The patient may be in bed, or in a warm comfortable room, but the blowing of wind aggravates his symptoms.”

Rhododendron is a remedy of general rheumatic pains, brought on by damp, cold weather, and worse during wet weather.

HUGHES says it has a high native reputation for gout and rheumatism.

It is one of the remedies of wandering rheumatism (Lac. can.). The acute inflammatory swellings wander from joint to joint (unlike those of Rhus) and may even reappear in the first joint affected. Note! that in this wandering of inflammatory conditions it parts company with Rhus: though, with Rhus, “the pains do not admit of the limbs being at rest”.

It is also a remedy of chronic rheumatism, affecting the smaller joints and their ligaments.

Among the special localities affected, it has, sensation as if wrists (Ruta) were sprained: sprained pain in wrist joint, impeding motion : worse at rest in rough weather.

It is also a remedy of arthritic nodes. It affects especially fibrous tissues (Rhus, Ruta).

It has cured pleurisy, where breath and speech failed from violence of pleuritic stitches, running downwards, after standing on cold ground and getting chilled. Also rheumatic pains, left side, below the short ribs, after taking cold by getting wet.

The head pains of Rhododendron are worse when lying in bed in the morning, worse from wine and in wet cold weather. It is very sensitive to alcohol: “intoxicated from a little wine”. The painful head is better when wrapped up warmly; from dry heat; from exercise.

There may be ciliary neuralgia before a storm.

Diarrhoea or dysentery in cold wet weather, and renewed before a thunderstorm.

One remembers curing a small boy of hydrocele with Rhododendron. It has a great reputation for hydrocele, especially in children- -even from birth. It is also a remedy of orchitis; testicle indurated; it feels as if being crushed.

There are profuse debilitating sweats especially when walking in the open air, and perspiration has the odour of spice.


      The approach of a thunderstorm, or of cloudy windy weather, is always preceded by pain, drawing-aching (and cutting)”.

The testes especially the epididymis, are intensely painful to touch, for many days. Contusive pain in testes, with alternate drawing. Worse now in the one, now in the other.

Very painful drawing in the hard, somewhat swollen testes, extending as far as the abdomen and thighs, especially on the right side.

CLARKE says Rhododendron disturbs all parts of the economy producing delirium, fever, headache, neuralgias (earache, toothache,) and inflammations; but its chief determining characteristic is that the symptoms come on or are worse on the approach of a storm, during a storm, or in wet weather. Sensitiveness to electric changes.

Suited to nervous persons, who dread a storm and are particularly afraid of thunder.

But Rhododendron has other characteristics, among these is loss of memory. Words are omitted while writing; sudden disappearance of thought; forgets what he is talking about…. Vertigo when lying in bed, better while moving about. Intense degree of tinnitus aurium gives Rhododendron a place in Meniere’s disease. (We have seen Salicylic acid and curative here.) Clarke says chorea of left leg, arm, face, worse at approach of a storm, has been cured by it.

He tells of a flock of sheep poisoned by eating the leaves; a number died immediately–“from paralysis of the swallowing muscles.”

He gives interesting cases of cure–neuralgias, where other remedies had failed; but worse in bad weather. In one case there was instant relief when the sun came out.

A curious symptom, one pupil dilated, the other pupil dilated, the other contracted.

Rhododendron is a powerful drug, and a fascinating study, because of its very marked characteristics. But remember, the Rhododendron joint pains wander from joint to joint: even return to the same (Lac. can.).

Rhus, Rhododendron and Ruta affect especially fibrous tissues– Bryonia especially serous tissue.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.