Tarentula Hispanica

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Tarentula Hispanica in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

This terrible poison should never be used except in attenuations.

Mind and nervous: The nervous manifestations of this remedy are almost indescribable and too numerous to mention.

Anxiety and restlessness are words that prevail through all the conditions in it. It is much like Arsenicum The anxiety is felt sometimes in the mind, sometimes in the whole body, sometimes in the limbs and in the stomach.

Cardiac anxiety is a strong feature. A strong aversion to colors, such as green, red and black. Depraved imaginations prevail through all the proving. Loss of all shame.

Desire to run about, to dance and jump up and down. Great fantastic dancing. Sometimes, music ameliorates all the symptoms and it other times it aggravates them. He becomes violently excited from music.

Emaciation is so marked that it may be said sometimes that the flesh falls off from him. Creeping and crawling in the skin all over the body. Paralysis of any part of the body, or of all the limbs.

Trembling and jerking convulsions. It has an appearance very much like St. Vitus’ Dance and hence has cured chorea when it was better from music. But it will also cure when worse from music.

The extreme restlessness of the limbs is like Arsenicum, and it is a deep acting medicine like Arsenicum, and it sometimes has cured where Arsenicum has failed, although it seemed well selected. Anxiety, restlessness, constant motion of the arms, legs, trunk and head. Restlessness of the limbs in the evening, in bed before going to sleep, like Arsenicum and Lycopodium

It is full of pains in the body and limbs; pains in the bones; pains in the. arms and in the joints. Periodicity is so well marked that it has been a marked curative remedy in intermittent fevers with restlessness of limbs, with aching of the bones, with stitching pains, with the anxiety, especially when these come in the evening and the fever lasts all night.

Chill in the evening followed by fever without sweat is a marked feature.

Modalities: The patient himself is always sensitive to cold, so the pains in the limbs are worse in cold air and from becoming cold.

Cold damp weather aggravates all the symptoms. Walking in the open air when not cold ameliorates most of his symptoms. Open air ameliorates, rubbing ameliorates.

There is weakness of all the limbs. Violent pains in the bowels and in the bladder. Burning is a strong symptom, in many parts, but especially in the rectum; in the palms and soles and in the uterus. It is one of our high grade remedies for hysterical women.

He is inclined to walk in his sleep. Excessive hyperesthesia; all the symptoms are worse from grief and excitement. When choreic symptoms are present he can run better than he can walk.

Impairment of memory. Great irritability. In the hysterical symptoms she is better from music. Her motions are ludicrous and she is even lascivious in her conduct. Great excitement from music; she sings until she falls with exhaustion. Fox-like cunning and destructiveness. Paroxysms of insanity with restlessness of the legs and threatening words.

When questioned she does not answer. Frequently imagines that she has been insulted. Dementia with great sadness. Excitement with singing, dancing and weeping. She sees monsters, animals, faces, insects and ghosts. She sees strangers in the room. Tarentula patients feign all sorts of sickness, especially fainting. They not only imagine themselves sick, but they pretend to be sick when they are not.

Aversion to red, green and black and all striking colors. She pulls her own hair and presses her hands upon her head. Constantly, complaining and threatening; threatens her nurse and her attendants; she strikes her head with her hands; she strikes her body; strikes her attendants and her best friends.

Violence is a strong feature of the remedy. Violence with anger. Tears his clothing. Consolation causes weeping.

The mental symptoms are better in the evening after eating. Many physical symptoms are worse in the evening, especially the febrile conditions.

A desire to lie down in the dark and not be talked to. She has many insane ideas, one is that she wants to hide because she imagines that she will be assaulted. Angered from contradiction.

Frequent attacks of dizziness, even so great that she falls to the ground. Dizziness comes on in the night; when descending stairs. Dizziness with rush of blood to the head and dizziness when fixing the eyes upon objects.

Head: The head symptoms are also very numerous.

Contortions and jerking of the head. Constantly rubs the head against something, sometimes it is the pillow when in bed. Throws the head from side to side, here and there.

She has a sensation of hammers in the head. Burning heat in the head. Headache in the evening; in the morning on waking. Cannot open the eyes. Bending head forward aggravates. Pains are pressing and often wander around from place to place in the head; violent pain in the occiput and temples at the same time.

Eyes: Eyes are staring, spasmodically wide open.

Dim vision usually worse in the right eye. Severe pain in the right eye. Sensation of sand or splinters in the eyes. Itching in the eyes. Burning, worse in the right eye.

Photophobia is marked. It will therefore be seen that the right eye is more affected. Many symptoms of the body are confined to the right side.

Ears: Discharge from the cars profuse.

Violent pains in the ear. Stinging in the meatus. Dullness of hearing. Dull pains in the right ear; tearing pains in the right ear.

Buzzing and whizzing and dizziness. Ringing as of bells in the ear on waking in the morning. The right ear is most affected.

Nose: It has many catarrhal symptoms in the nose.

Dryness and burning; sneezing with the coryza and bleeding from the nose.

The acute and chronic nasal symptoms are worse on the right side.

Face, mouth and throat: The face looks sickly and has the appearance of terror.

Tearing pains in the teeth. Pain in the angle of the inferior maxilla as if the teeth would fall out.

There is inflammation of the throat and tonsils, worse on the right side.

Pain in the right tonsil extending to the ear.

Shooting pain in the throat. Pain and constriction on swallowing. It has cured Diphtheria. The throat is much swollen externally and there is high fever.

Stomach: Aversion to food; aversion to meat especially, though craves raw food.

Thirst for cold water. Has nausea and vomiting. Has bitter eructations. Has an empty all-gone feeling in the stomach, an anxious feeling in the stomach. Vomits all food taken. Burning pain in the stomach.

There is burning in the abdomen that extends down through the intestines. Burning in the rectum. Sharp pain in the spleen.

The liver is painful to touch and is swollen. Pain in both sides of the abdomen. The abdomen is distended with flatus. Subject to much colic. Shooting pains in the abdomen, anus and vagina at the same time.

Women who have been poisoned by the Tarentula were found to have fibroid tumors in the abdomen and uterus. Severe pains in the lower abdomen.

It has cured most terrible and alarming constipation after cathartics and injections failed to effect a movement. The symptoms that guide to it are the continual tossing, anxiety, restlessness, rolling from side to side and rubbing the head against the pillow.

There is no desire for stool. With the stool there is much blood. In the rectum there is pain, smarting, tenesmus and in the abdomen colic. Most difficult stool. It also has diarrhoea with nausea and vomiting.

Diarrhoea has been brought on after washing the hair attended with dark foetid stool.

Many toxicological symptoms are found. Sugar in the urine and it has cured diabetes; diabetes with grief, anxiety, weakness and bruised pain all through the body.

Kidneys and bladder: There is involuntary urination when coughing.

Many pains in the kidneys. Most difficult urination and it has cured renal colic. In the pathogenesis the symptoms are much like cystitis and it has cured inflammation of the bladder.

In keeping with these general symptoms there is spasmodic action of the bladder; spasmodic retention of urine; copious urine with emaciation and sugar. Pain in the urethra, drawing after urination. Copious sand in the urine, and the urine is foetid.

There is uncontrollable sexual desire and he seems in a state of mind wherein he has no desire to control himself and his sexual passions; lasciviousness almost to insanity. Onanism followed by prostatic troubles.

Seminal emissions; semen is bloody; pain in the genitals; testes relaxed and painful; pain in the groin; the penis is swollen; tumor in both testicles; pains in the spermatic cords and testes, with swelling; drawing pains in the spermatic cords.

Women: In the female also there is violent, uncontrollable sexual erethism.

Menstrual flow too early and copious. Violent itching of the genitals extending far up into the vagina, worse at night. Pain and violent cramps in the uterus. Nymphomania has been cured by this remedy.

Coition intensifies the desire and is followed by no relief. Extreme hyperesthesia of the genitals. Fibroid tumors have been cured. Great relaxation of the muscles and displacement of the uterus. Strong bearing down feeling in the pelvis. Burning in the uterus; swelling and induration of the uterus.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.