Natrum muriaticum

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Natrum Muriaticum, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Sodic chloride, NaCl. Common salt purified by solution in distilled water and recrystallization.


1. HAHNEMANN, Chronic Diseases, part iv of original, vol. of translation. Contains 1349 symptoms from self and 6 associates.

2. (Austrian provings, made with Hahnemann’s preparation, as above.) Dr. ARNETH showed an almost absolute unimpressionability to the action of common salt. he proved first, for three weeks, the dilutions from the 30th to the Ist (from 1 1/2 to 2 tablespoonfuls each time); and took afterwards of the raw material from 10,20, 30 gr. to 1 oz.. the latter every day at 11 a. m., in a glass of water. Beyond an unendurable salt taste and inclination to vomit after the large doses he noticed during the time of the proving no action; yet for almost six weeks after he had taken the last dose his stools were hard and for several day after he had no evacuation at all. (Oest. Zeitsch. f. Hom., iv).

3. Dr. BOHM merely tried the Ist trit. (5 to 95). In spite of this his proving furnishes several characteristic salt symptoms. he took the remedy each time dissolved in more or less water. On taking, ov. 5th, 5 gr., he experienced soon after pressing in temples, and for an hour copious flow of salvia into mouth. The following day he had little appetite, frequent eructations of air, and feeling if nausea in stomach; he was ill – disposed, and slept uneasily through the first n. On the 3rd day he was well. Nov. 8th. – 10 gr. soon excited eructations of air; half of next day salt taste of salvia, feeling of weakness, uneasily frequent emission of watery urine, urging to stool, which continued for a long time, with burning in anus subsequent to pappy stool. 10th. – 20 gr. were followed by exactly similar phenomena. 16th. – After 50 gr., taken in evening, B – became soon sleepy; was obliged, In spite of his sleep being sounder than usual, to rise frequently to micturate, and each time passed much pale urine. At the same time there was tightness and distension of abdomen, with dryness of palate, increased thirst, and frequent eructation. The urging to urinate was united sometimes with pressing in rectum,. These urinary symptoms were repeated the two following n. 22nd. – 10 gr., 8 a. m., were followed by profuse secretion of salvia, pressing in temples, frequent eructation, nausea, painful contraction in umbilical region, relieved by emission of flatus; little appetite at dinner, after dinner sleepiness, frequent urging to urinate with only scanty emission of urine; at n. frequent erections with emission of an adhesive fluid, uneasy sleep, many dreams (lascivious or of ghosts). Next m. prover was weak, dejected, ill humoured. No stool for 2 days, very unusual with him. The same phenomena appeared after doses of 100 gr. on Nov. 27th and Dec. 5th and 7th. The pappy evacuations which now followed brought relief to the abdominal symptoms and quieter nights. 130 gr., Dec. 10th, evening, created pressing pain in forehead (for 1/2 hours); after two stools colic, violent yet ineffectual urging to stool, pinching in umbilical region at n., in m. two fluid stools with burning in anus; this and following day morose humour, total loss of appetite, prostration in limbs, continual dampness off orifice of urethra, with drawing in spermatic cords. After 150 gr., which B – took in m. of 12th, an hours before breakfast, he was first seized with transient drawing pain in both sides of the inferior maxilla, 1/2 hour later pinching in umbilical region with urging to stool without any result. Breakfast was not relished, in forenoon frequent empty eructations, with feeling of discomfort in stomach. After dinner a pappy evacuation of an orange – yellow colour. in evening indisposition to mental occupation. Sleep extremely restless, not refreshing, interrupted by many vivid unpleasant dreams. In m. on waking, feeling of weariness and prostration. These phenomena showed themselves, only less intensely, also during the two following d. On both day, however, there was no stool; and that which followed on the 3rd day was hard and insufficient. (Ibid.)

4. Dr. FROLICH took at first (March 24th to 31st, 1843) daily early in m., fasting, 3 dr. of the 6th dilution, but noticed no morbid phenomena afterwards. Just as little result followed a second attempt, in which he took for 10 day early in m., fasting, 10 gr. of Ix trit. with water. A third attempt began with drinking, Nov. 10th, early in m., fasting, 3j dissolved in water. In afternoon, feeling of fulness in hypogastrium, lively grumbling in left groin and frequent emission of flatus occurred. On Nov. 11th he again took 3j. In the succeeding n. he had a vivid dream. On the 12th, 1/4 hours after taking a similar dose, feeling of nausea, soon passing off. In afternoon for 5 m. continued sticking corresponding exactly with spot against which apex of heart strikes (not influenced by breathing). In evening transient nausea with feeling of fulness and tension in hypogastrium. In n. vivid, connected dream. A similar dream occurred in following n. after taking in evening. On 23rd, at 11 a. m., he took again a drachm. An hours after a moderate dinner he was seized with very painful stitches in cardiac region lasting for some m. After a similar dose on 24th he had in n. very lively and connected dreams. On 25th took, thereupon painful sticking in cardiac region coming on after continued loud speaking. 26th and 27th. – No medicine and no symptoms. 28th. – Again took. In evening on walking in the street, violent stitch in cardiac region so that he stood still with fright and instinctively pressed painful spot with hand. Nov. 30th and Dec. Ist, once more 3ij. The evacuations appeared during the time of the last experiment very irregularly and of varying consistence. (Ibid.)

5. Dr. HAMPE communicates to us by letter the two experiments which he made with common salt. We keep to the wards of the original: – “I am 40 years old, of sanguine, choleric temperament, powerful, thickset frame, and enjoyed to my 23rd year excellent health. About this time I was attacked, in consequence of a chill, with rheumatism, which recurred ever after for many years on the most trifling occasion and in the most varied forms, once even the cause of paralysis, of 8 day duration, of the facial muscles of the left side. For 4 or 5 years I have been quite free from this, and, moreover, with the exception of an herpetic affection (which will be more fully described below) perfectly well. Fifteen years age an intermittent fever, which attacked me in Banat, and accompanied by which I was obliged to travel for two months in the mountains of that region, reduced me very much, inasmuch as it frequently returned during a period of nine months.

5a. “Proving with 6 gl. doses of 6th potency. April 2nd, 1843, took a dose at 10 a. m. No symptoms. 3rd. – 7 a. m., soft, copious stool and again at 8:30 another profuse and more fluid evacuation with smarting in anus. 10 a. m., a dose, which I took every subsequent day at nearly the same h. No symptoms except a remarkable diminution of sexual desire. 12th. – A very deep and unusual sleep after dinner on a chair. In evening ticking in left ear as if from a watch for 10 m. 13th. – 6 a. m., pain in right ear as if one were pulling something out of it with a hook, for 1/4 hours in evening at 9:30, urging to stool with copious evacuation. 14th. – 7 a. m., copious evacuation of half – fluid faeces with smarting in anus. 15th. – 11 a. m., pressive pain in forehead and eyeballs, so violent that I could raise the eyelids only with effort and pain, and was obliged to cease reading. After dinner pains increased to that extent that I was obliged to lie down. After 1/2 h. I was better, but eyes were suffused with tears. After 2 hours same phenomena returned in same way. From 4 to 7 p. m., continued slight internal shivering. At 8:30 p. m., I enjoyed my supper and pipe quite well. Slept through n. quietly and felt perfectly well next m. 16th to 20th – Took nothing. 21st. – 8 a. m., took another dose. 22nd to 24th. – No symptoms. 25th. – Another dose; no symptoms. 26th. – Painfulness and swelling of gum behind left upper middle incisor; sensitiveness of teeth in brushing them. 27th. – Same symptoms; stool more consistent.

5b. “28th. – One scruple of pure crystallized salt. Gum about the first affected tooth is healthy, but same condition shows itself in gum of left neighbouring tooth. Sensitiveness of teeth has ceased. 29th. – To – day gum of left eyetooth is similarly affected. After dinner, without previous fatigue, and contrary to habit, great sleepiness, so that I again slept for an hours in the chair. 30th. – Gum of last affected tooth gapes and is painful, but at noon is again normal.” [Proving was now interrupted, but before its resumption in November, H – found that a prurigo papulosa of legs, of 6 to 7 years’ standing, had disappeared.]

5c. “Took, Nov.12th, at 12:45 p. m., 2 scruples. 13th. – 11 a. m., itching on hypogastrium for 5 m. At 11:15, 2 scruples. 14th. – Again 2 scruples. Usual stool in m. did not occur. At noon itching of short duration in right calf, 1/4 hours later on left inner ankle for 10 m., then for some m. in left calf. At 4 p. m., after scarcely noticeable warning and with much trouble, inasmuch as rectum did not assist, every scanty semi – consistent evacuation. 15th. – In m. usual easy stool. At 11 a. m. 2 scruples. 16th. – 10:30 a. m., again 2 scruples. In evening at 8 violent itching in inner surface of left forearm near wrist for some m. As I examined it, two red herpetic spots showed themselves, of the size of a small lentil. 17th. – About 5 a. m. I was awakened by pains in abdomen, especially in stomach, with dryness and burning along oesophagus up into throat, which, however, did not prevent me form again falling asleep. When I awoke at 7 a. m. my eyes were quite gummed up; at same time sticking and pressing in left eye. No redness, however, showed itself. One of the spots which appeared in the evening had gone; the other, examined with a lens, showed itself to be a cracked or torn vesicle, whereby the whole, examined by the unaided eye, had a rough, tetter – like appearance. At 10:30 a. m., 2 scruples. After 3/4 hour pinching around navel. 5 p. m., sticking in right side of chest for 1/2 hours, which returned again an hours afterwards, and then lasted more than an hours 18th. – Took no med. 10 a. m., intermittent drawing from nape of neck towards occiput for 1/4 hours; cramp – like pain in right hip joint, which became rather troublesome in walking. The drawing in nape of neck recurred in evening at 7 for 1/4 hours 8:30 p. m., dulness of head, oppression in chest for 3/4 hours; violent long – lasting stitch in left knee; feeling as if a chair were lying lightly on inner edge of left thumb towards wrist. From 20th onwards I took no med. The second red spot had quite disappeared by the 24th. On the 22nd I was seized with a fluid coryza, which attacked on the 24th the eyes, the throat, and the larynx, and was united with dulness of head and great prostration; the chest affection of which – short dry cough with feeling of dryness and soreness – has not yet quite disappeared. 28th. – It is remarkable that I had given no particular occasion for the above, and that the secretion from the nose ceased without its having assumed a yellow colour and thicker consistence.” (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.