Homeopathy Papers

Elaine Lewis Catches Up With Gabrielle Traub

Written by Elaine Lewis

From April 10-16, homeopaths from 30 countries around the world will join forces in a massive week-long celebration of Homeopathy. The theme for this year’s WHAW is “Homeopathy- For Women” and will focus on how Homeopathy can help Women in all stages of life.

Gabrielle, when we last spoke some 2000 years ago, I mean in 2005, you had been kicked out of a homeless shelter, crashed an OB-GYN practice, broke into another homeless shelter and I think an Old Folks Home…. I guess my question is, have you done anything at all in the past year and a half?


Gabrielle Traub


Wow, Elaine you make my life sound so exciting.  Would that it were!  Well, actually, over the last few years I’ve been working on my biggest project ever: World Homeopathy Awareness Week or “WHAW” for short.


No, WHAW.  From April 10-16, homeopaths from 30 countries around the world will join forces in a massive week-long celebration of Homeopathy.

Where exactly, Central Park?  The Bermuda Triangle?

It’s world-wide, Elaine, it could be anywhere.

Oh, anywhere!  That’s right near me!  What will you be doing?

We’ll be creating awareness through education.  This will be our 3rd year running and it gets bigger and more exciting each year.  The theme for this year’s WHAW is “Homeopathy – For Women’s Health” and will focus on how Homeopathy can help Women in all stages of life.

If someone reading this decides they want to do something for Homeopathy Awareness Week, are they on their own?

I would love each person reading this to be involved in some way, no matter how small.  First visit our website: http://www.worldhomeopathy.org/

Second contact the head of WHAW in your country.  

If you would simply like to plan an event on your own, I recommend listing your events under the “Events section” on the website.

I can think of a few medical doctors I’d like to speak to, but—very skeptical people, people who really believe that medicine as we know it—drugs, in other words—works; what can you say to these people about homeopathy?

Besides lecturing to medical doctors, I teach homeopathy to pharmacy students, the antithesis of homeopathy, so I’ve had to learn a few tricks that I’ll share with you.

The fact that they are simply sitting there in front of me, listening to what I have to say, I see it as a willingness to learn.  I try to speak to them confidently in their language.  For example instead of using terminology like the Vital Force, I speak about the immune system and try to use the correct medical terminology.  I also give them the benefit of doubt that they already know how homeopathy works.  “Who of you has drunk coffee before?”  Well, what symptoms can coffee elicit?  If those are the “symptoms”, then what disease state can that look like? (insomnia, anxiety?).  “Who here has peeled onions?”  What conditions can mimic the symptoms that are elicited by peeling onions?  (hay fever, colds?)  Keep it simple.  Let them figure it out for themselves.

I compare the actions of homeopathic remedies to hormones.  Like homeopathic remedies, only a tiny drop of a hormone diluted hundreds of times in the blood stream can cause a powerful effect on the body.  Like homeopathic remedies, hormones can affect more than one system of the body and result in a cascade of chemical reactions and changes.  Hormones may have an effect on mood as well as physical symptoms.  Hormones may have a biphasic action, i.e. have one effect in a certain dilution and the opposite effect in a different dilution.

Compare the totality of symptoms to the way medical doctors view syndromes.  In medicine, a syndrome is characterized by a combination of various signs and symptoms.  Many of these symptoms may at first appear unrelated.  For example a “Belladonna syndrome” is characterized by high fever, dilated pupils, delirium, pounding headache, etc.  If you describe it as a syndrome, this is completely understandable to the medical mind.

When I describe the Law of Similars, I compare it to the sine wave theory of light.  For example, if you shine two flashlights of exactly the same frequency equidistance apart in a vacuum, the one sine wave will cancel out the other sine wave and no light will be seen.  We always have to remember that the basis of homeopathy is in physics.

And lastly, I always back up my argument with double blind clinical trials.  This is very important to the medical community, and we have so many wonderful homeopathic studies out there.

I have a class I teach to my students: “Teaching Homeopathy to Medical Professionals”.  I’ll send you the power point presentation for the March Issue.

And speaking of drugs, I’m about to prepare for a lecture on Drug Remedies.

It might help you prepare if you explained it to us.  Who needs a drug remedy?

The group of drug remedies do have common characteristics.  There are certain characteristics associated with those drugs that produce hallucinations.

Themes which may come up include:

  • Avoidance/Numbing of pain
  • Escapism
  • Forbidden
  • Desire to experience: more pleasure
  • Rebellion
  • Self-destructive
  • Hallucinations: auditory; visual; tactile
  • Beautiful visions
  • spaced out
  • Dreamy
  • Out of this world
  • Meditation; out of body/prophetic experiences
  • High
  • Ecstasy/euphoria
  • Isolated
  • Addiction
  • Dependence
  • Withdrawals: nervous, jittery, depressed; coming down
  • Disorientation, Confusion; Spacey; Dreamy
  • Distorted perception of space and time

While we have numerous “drug remedies” in homeopathy, the remedies we cover in class are: Opium, Cannabis-i; Cannabis-s; Nux moschata; Coffea, Chocolate; Thea; Coca; Cocaina and Tabacum.

I have to talk to you about the Sankaran method, since everyone else seems to be doing it this issue! People now think that if they don’t have an “issue” with the remedy they’re taking, it won’t work!  So, for instance, if I suggest Theridion to somebody, they might say, “I’m not afraid of spiders!”  So, let me ask you, how important is it for the remedy a person takes to be something they have an issue with?

It always saddens me when people take a brilliant concept and reduce it to ridiculous proportions in an attempt to simplify homeopathy.  I have seen a homeopath give Apis because the patient wore black and yellow stripes to the interview.  I hardly think that that this what Sankaran intended.  We forget that Sankaran knows his materia medica and repertory backwards.  This gives him a license to go off the beaten track.  However that which a person has issues with can be very important.  For example, the foods which we crave or are adverse to, are often the ones which are unhealthy for us. If we fear a situation or a disease, we are often confronted with that situation or afflicted with that disease.  This goes in accordance with the laws of attraction.

The “Laws of Attraction” are one of the fundamental universal laws best described by quantum physicists.  I have observed this law operate consistently both in my own life and in that of my patients.  It explains why we are confronted with both positive and negative situations in our life and how to “attract” the things that we want into our lives.  There have been many books that describe this phenomenon.  Recently a movie came out called “The Secret” that describes this law in terms that people like you and me can understand.  It is a well known phenomena understood by many of the great thinkers in history.  Watching this movie can be life-altering.

Back to Sankaran, I advise my students to know their materia medica, the sciences, learn how to repertorise, and once they have mastered these subjects, then it is safe to explore other paths to finding the remedy.  As each patient is different, not everyone responds to the same method of homeopathy.  Not only Sulphur’s stick their feet out the covers.  Likewise, not only the spider remedies have a fear of spiders.  Instead of choosing the remedy on that basis, choose the remedy by looking at the whole case and then afterwards, if you have chosen a spider remedy AND they have a debilitating fear of spiders, you can say “Isn’t that interesting!”  It’s a confirmatory.  Many of you reading this have responded well to remedies from each kingdom.  I believe that there is mineral, animal, plant in all of us.  There has to be as we are all made up of the matter.  When my students ask me “Am I an animal, mineral or plant?” I answer: “You are a human being.”

Easy for you to say!  Where on the internet can we watch “The Secret”?  I need for my life to change immediately!

Go to www.TheSecret.tv .

I’m going there now; bye, don’t be a stranger!


Gabrielle Traub M.Tech (HOM) HD (Hon)

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.DiscoverHomeopathy.com

About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at:
https://elainelewis.hpathy.com/ and TheSilhouettes.org

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