Homeopathy Papers

Homeopathic Remedies at a Glance

Written by Dimpi Shah

Homeopathy recognizes the individuality of each patient by the process of case taking. Constitutional remedies are then given to the patient by going through the long process of detailed case-receiving and individualization of the patient as well as the remedies. There is little use of “illness-specific” remedies in homeopathy; but, there are certain situations where we cannot overlook their use.

About fishes, it is revealed that they lay eggs at a particular time during full moon. Each fish lays thousands of eggs on the seashore and swims back in the current. It has been observed that soon after the eggs convert into little fishes and reach the ocean they flock around their own mother. Millions and millions of fish and thousand times more new growths do not fail to reach their respective places. It is all by natural intuition.

The science of homeopathy also seeks personal intimacy which later on converts into natural intuition. It is only when we see things superficially without love and nearness does the confusion creep in and we feel trapped in the network of symptoms. If we are careful with a bit of devotion, the science unfolds its glory and we find it absolutely uncomplicated.

“Individualization” is one of the words which is widely used in homeopathy. Homeopathy recognizes the individuality of each patient by the process of case taking. Constitutional remedies are then given to the patient by going through the long process of detailed case-receiving and individualization of the patient as well as the remedies. There is little use of “illness-specific” remedies in homeopathy; but, there are certain situations where we cannot overlook their use. In emergency situations when we don’t have time to take a detailed case or when the patient’s condition is deteriorating, there may not be time to take a case history. In such cases we have to rely on specific remedies. In this regard, below is a list of remedies with some of the specific symptoms which they are known for:







1 Aconite Sudden chest congestion due to dry cold winds, restlessness, great thirst for cold drinks; tremendous fear/panic
2 Ant-crud. Milky white tongue
3 Allium Cepa Eyes and nose water profusely; sneezing
4 Alumina Strains with soft stool, tired and weak
5 Apis Oedema, scanty urine, feels hot
6 Arg-Nit. Opthalmia, fluttering stools, loud eructations, ailments from too much chocolate, sweets, candy
7 Arnica Soreness, fatigue, effects of injury, blunt trauma
8 Arsenicum Aggravation 1 a.m., extremely weak, anxious and restless; food poisoning/diarrhea
9 Belladona Head hot, painful, sudden onset of complaints, high fever
10 Bryonia The slightest movement aggravates
11 Carbo Veg Flatulence and burping which relieves; weak, better draft of air though chilly
12 China Weak. Flatulence, bloating and burping which does not relieve. Worse draft of air.
13 Cuprum Met Spasms. General amelioration from cold drinks
14 Cantharis Frequent burning urination
15 Cina Grits teeth, bores fingers into nose
16 Cactus Feeling of constriction
17 Calcarea Carb Impaired nutrition, irregular bone development
18 Calc-fluor. Glands hard, varicose veins, hard bony growths
19 Causticum Local paralysis
20 Chamomilla Stormy temper, irritable
21 Chelidonium Jaundice
22 Cicuta Virosa Convulsions
23 Cimicifuga Painful menses
24 Colocynth Crampy pains, person bends double from cramps; Sciatica, usually right sided, better lying on the painful side
25 Digitalis Pulse very slow
26 Drosera Whooping cough
27 Dulcamara Nettle rash, diarrhea, eye inflameld by damp cold, ailments from cold, damp weather
28 Glonoine Head, neck throbs, sunstroke/heatstroke
29 Gelsemium Ptosis, profuse urination which ameliorates, weakness, apathetic to his condition
30 Graphites Sticky, honey-like oozing from eruptions, cracks in skin, constipation
31 Hepar Sulph Inflamed part extremely sensitive to touch
32 Hypericum Nerve centres crushed or affected
33 Ipecac Nausea
34 Iris V. Acidity, vomiting and headache
35 Iodium Glands (except breast) swell
36 Ignatia Changeable moods, effects of grief
37 Kali Carb Aggravation 3 a.m.
38 Merc Cor Tenesmus (constant urging)
39 Mag. Phos Cramping pains – amelioration from heat
40 Nitric Acid Mouth blisters, anal fissures
41 Nux Vomica Frequent urge for stool-urination
42 Opium Constipation with no urge
43 Phosphoric Acid Nervous debility, diarrhea
44 Podophyllum Diarrhea-dentition
45 Rhus Tox Restlessness-muscular pains
46 Silicea Defective assimilation
47 Staphysagria Styes, frequent urination, throws things when angry, trembles from anger, cystitis after sex.
48 Sulphur Burning in patches, standing is uncomfortable
49 Thuja Warts
50 Veratrum Alb Colic, vomiting, loose stools, cold sweat on forehead

These are some of the homeopathic remedies with their specific indications which can help us to bring immediate relief to the patient in cases of emergency. By giving immediate relief to the patient we can win their trust over to homeopathy and us. But a homeopath can never become solely dependent on the specific remedies because only constitutional remedies can help us to get the permanent cure of the disease!!

About the author

Dimpi Shah

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