Homeopathy Papers

The Energetic Examination in Homeopathy

degroote feb image
Written by Filip Degroote

Energetic Examination (Filip Degroote – method) is based on principles of kinesiology. It can only be executed under very specific conditions. Neither the patient nor the physician wears something which contains a metal – the area where the examination takes place must be free of any disturbing magnetic field. This is why electronic devices, especially cell phones, must be turned off.

What does the energetic examination consist of?

Energetic Examination (Filip Degroote – method)  based on principles of kinesiology using:

  • Weihe points
  • Acupuncture points
  • Hyotonic and hypertonic muscles (muscle tests)
  • Sensitive nerves along the spine
  • Chakras

This Energetic Examination can only be executed under very specific conditions:

– the physician is energetically OK, or at least not energetically switched

– neither the patient nor the physician wears something which contains a metal

– the area where the examination takes place must be free of any disturbing magnetic field. That’s why electronic devices, especially cell phones, must be turned off.

Extract from the introduction of the ‘Dreambook’

I. Of the first part: Methodology  (p. 11 – 73)

As introduction, I’d like to give the reader and the user a sketch of my own evolution in forming my present homoeopathic views and ideas over the years.

– First view: 1985: Set aside and judge separately the nosode symptoms (these are rubrics in the repertory which contain Carcinocin, Medorrhinum, Syphilinum and /or Tuberculinum) (hereditary energy) and prescribing the individual remedy of the patient only on the non-nosode symptoms.

– Second view: 1989: Energetic examination using principles of kinesiology: This allows the correct remedy to be verified, before being taken by the patient.  It is consequently easier to get a deeper insight into the broad Materia Medica.

– Third view: 1992. By administering the appropriate nosode (see, footnote 2 and 3) with or shortly after the correct individual remedy, the case gains momentum and the patient recovers more quickly from his acute or chronic problem. There’s no homoeopathic aggravation and there’s a quicker evolution towards stable health. The explanation may be, that by administering the matching nosode, you get protection from the negative hereditary information in the chromosomes. Using this method, the energetic and physical expression of some bad genes will be kept dormant.

I’m aware that this last proposition is rather revolutionary and may provoke a reaction (or protest) in the homoeopathic world. Although a large number of homoeopaths (especially Belgian) have trained in energetic examination and come to the same conclusions, it may be years before this will be accepted generally by classical homoeopaths. Only when homoeopaths make themselves familiar with doing an energetic examination, will they come to the same conclusions. When we accept this proposition as a hypothesis, we can practice’classical homoeopathy’ in two different ways:

(1).  Most homeopaths search for and prescribe only on the individual (basic) remedy of the patient.  ) Mostly this remedy originates from the mineral, the vegetable or the animal kingdom, and is thus not a miasmatic remedy which has a human origin.

(nb: The miasmatic remedies are remedies which have a human pathological origin and which by their nature, are linked directly with the five known miasms. They include the following group of remedies: Psorinum, Medorrhinum, Syphilinum, all Tuberculinums, all Carcinosinums and all bowel-nosodes.)

By prescribing this homoeopathically correct remedy, he touches only the personal energy of the patient, but not his hereditary energy. While the patient’s complaints improve, the homoeopath often misses the ‘awakened ancestral energetic disorder’ completely, because this disorder cannot for the most part be observed by symptoms. This problem occurs for many homoeopaths, because they have no knowledge or experience with energetic examination. This ‘awakened ancestral energetic disorder’ is often the reason why the patient goes through an aggravation. During this aggravation the patient produces known and/or new symptoms of the administered homoeopathic remedy. The homoeopath will mostly adopt a wait-and-see attitude. In that way the aggravation picture, as well as the original complaint, then disappears progressively. The disturbed buried ancestral energy which came temporarily to the surface has then finally returned again into a dormant state. In that way we, as homoeopaths, miss an opportunity offered to us, to treat the deeper hereditary energetic disturbances (see, footnote 4).

We can see that the pattern of symptoms often keeps repeating itself in the future, as if the remedy wasn’t able to effect a deep or complete cure. When the patient consults us again, we frequently administer again the previous remedy, with the same reaction. It is as if the patient wants to get out of a pit, yet can never really reach the edge and so falls to the bottom again and again. That’s why there’s a high likelihood of repeating the (basic) prescription.  This results in a ‘slow’ energetic correction of the patient, by which we don’t protect the patient against his inherent tendency to suffer from degenerative diseases.

This manner of practicing homoeopathy refers also to the experience of Hahnemann who, after treating his patients for many years, had to conclude that they still suffered and died from the same degenerative diseases as people who ‘had not’ been treated homoeopathically.

(2) The energetically schooled classical homoeopath on the contrary can diagnose this ‘awakened ancestral energetic disorder’ directly, or fairly soon, and can correct it by the most fitting nosode. In this manner he avoids an (constant) aggravation with intensifying symptoms. He gets a quicker cure of the current problem. There is faster development of the case, and a speedier evolution following a complementary individual remedy.

It is as if the patient gets out of the pit in one movement and can evolve energetically right away.

This results in a ‘quick’ energetic correction of the patient, in addition to which we also protect the patient against his inherent tendency for degenerative diseases.

The classically-trained homoeopath will have to excuse me, because I’ve written this book totally suited to the level of the energetically schooled classical homoeopath. However, I believe that all the new dream rubrics, will be a bonus for the general classical homoeopathic approach.

Let me say that I certainly don’t want to dissociate myself from how homoeopathy is practised nowadays! I hope that I’ve been able to deliver to all homeopaths, a useful addition to the Materia Medica.

(1) Without administration of the appropriate nosode, there is a fall back again and again into the same energetic pit.

(2) When the simillimum is followed by the administration of the appropriate nosode there will be no more a fall back again and again into the same energetic pit  but on the contrary the patient gets completely out and gets the possibility to further energetic evolution.

– Footnote 1: Personal remark: This proposition is right, provided that the remedy which was prescribed is indicated again at the next prescription.

When changing correctly at a certain moment to a next remedy, the not yet known (new) symptoms (since taking the previous remedy) will belong to the present newly prescribed remedy. It will be like this, provided that this remedy indeed makes these (new) symptoms disappear as well.

– Footnote 2: A nosode is mostly administered on a complementary basis when the simillimum is prescribed in a dose which has to be taken only once. Depending on the miasmatic background this can be, especially at the outset of the treatment, a classical nosode such as Carcinocin, Medorrhinum, Syphilinum or Tuberculinum, or also a Bowel nosode.   Sometimes this nosode is even followed by a (second) nosode, namely ‘Psorinum’.

In the further course of the treatment, it is a widespread classic experience that the nosode which follows the simillimum seems to be ‘Psorinum’. (cf. Hahnemann who compares psora with a monster with one thousand heads). Thus every time you prescribe a simillimum in the further course of the treatment, this will mostly be completed by Psorinum. It is as if you can release every time, the handbrake of the lethargic effect of the ‘psora’ (as you start your parked car and release your handbrake first).

Note: The administering of a trauma remedy, whether the trauma was physical or emotional, never requires to be succeeded by a nosode, because the disharmonious energy is not coming from within.

– Footnote 3: Not every energetically trained classical homoeopath finds that a simillimum has to be followed by a nosode. This depends on the healing power of the therapist.

– Footnote 4: cf. Degroote, F., Notes on miasms, heredity and remedy-interactions, p. 40: ‘This fall-back is due to a hereditary layer, coming from one of the known miasms or diatheses. This protraction of the disease is annoying to the patient at that moment, but gives us the opportunity to treat a deeper, normally hidden layer and to save him from some worse evil in the future’.

MODEL I: How the standard classical homoeopath works:

First the classical homoeopathic interview occours with simultaneous observation of the body language and external (physical) characteristics.  After that follows the evaluation of the obtained information, which leads to a prescription. There is no 100% certainty that this prescription is the simillimum. This prescription is often ‘trial and error’.

Each case involves waiting for the reactions of the patient.

If the patient reacts insufficiently or not at all, the classical homoeopath goes on to

–  another dilution of the same remedy

–  another remedy (!!! sometimes wrongly – see further)

If the patient reacts well

– the prescribed remedy is the simillimum indeed

– the prescribed remedy is only a simile

MODEL II: How the energetically schooled classical homoeopath works:

The classical homoeopathic interview with simultaneous observation of the body language, external

(physical) characteristics. Then follows the evaluation of the information and an energetic examination to identify and verify the simillimum, from among the selected remedies.  You are about 100% certain of the correctness of the homoeopathic prescription.

It is striking that the energetically schooled homoeopath also notices other energetic phenomena, such as:

– observation in connection with the communication between both brain hemispheres

– observation of the dominating brain hemisphere: the energetic dominating brain hemisphere versus the congenital dominating brain hemisphere.

– which physical or energetic layer should be treated first (in order)

– which blockage may be present preventing even a well selected remedy from working

Such blockages can be:

– switching (breakdown in communications between both brain hemispheres), which may prevent the simillimum from working.

– need of a classical nosode (Psorinum, Medorrhinum, Carcinocin, Tuberculinum, Syphilinum and all bowel nosodes), which balances the ancestral energy and makes the prescribed remedy work on ‘deeper’ levels.

– trauma (emotional or physical trauma, vaccination, …)

– isotherapy (nosode therapy with viruses, bacteria, fungi, …)

When these blockages are recognized and corrected, the correct remedy can affect much deeper levels.

Energetically trained homoeopaths can ascertain that the interaction of the individual remedy (simillimum) of the patient ‘directly’ brings an ancestral energetic layer to the surface.

An almost simultaneous treatment of these ancestral layers (classical nosode), directly after correction of the individual energetic disturbance by administering the simillimum, will therefore bring on an accelerated action and a greater profundity of the action of this simillimum.

In practice this can be done in two ways:

– The simillimum is taken ‘together’ with the nosode.

My own practice shows that ‘during’ the taking of both remedies, the patient (with eyes open) should not be allowed to blink, because this opens an energetic valve between the individual energetic channels (the classical 10 acupuncture meridians) and the ancestral energetic channels (with for instance the wonder meridians, the governing vessel and the conception vessel). When these valves open, by blinking during administration, then the administered energetic signal does not reach its destination. This only can be administered again and repaired after an interval of half an hour.

– Or, and this is the easiest way of administering, you let the patient take his simillimum first, followed  a minimum’ half an hour later, by the ancestral remedy (nosode).

By correction of above mentioned blockages and correction of the ancestral energy, we also see that the patient reacts quicker and also that his homoeopathic remedy can change quicker.

How an energetically schooled homoeopath works:

First, the homoeopath has to be perfectly fluent in the method of the energetic examination (as described in ‘Physical examination and observations in Homoeopathy’) and has to be in a good balanced energetic state.

Besides this, he or she has to consider possible disturbing influences of the direct environment (electromagnetic fields and rays) during the energetic examination. Furthermore, removable dentures and also the slightest metal on the body of both the patient and the researcher must be removed during the energetic examination.

II.  Of  the second part (p. 77 – p. 900): ‘Casuistry’ which contains about 250 remedies:

Example, the first remedy ‘Abrotanum’:



Artemisia abrotanum (which English name is: ‘Lady’s Love, Lemon Plant or Southernwood) is part of the family of the Asteraceae (Compositae) and the subfamily Corymbiferae.  The plant is native of southern Europe and Asia Minor. Now it can be found in whole Central Europe.

English southernwood is a contraction of southern wormwood; indeed, southernwood can be seen as a Southern (Mediterranean) variant of wormwood, which has been grown in West and Central Europe only since the Middle Ages. The British name old man also was given in contrast to wormwood (Absinthium), which is known as old woman in some parts of Britain.

Abrotanum is an evergreen strongly aromatic under shrub of 1 to 1.5 metre high and greyish-green, alternate leaves. The yellowy-white flowers only bloom in warm climate. The plant looses its leaves from below upward.


Abrotanum belongs to the ‘Artemisiae’.

The different Artemisiae are: abrot., absin., art-v., cham., cina, mill., tanac.

Untill Middle Ages these plants were of high standing and they were count among the holly herbs.

These plants were devoted to the Greek goddess Artemis, the twin sister of Apollo.

Artemis, or for the Romans Diana, is especially known as the goddess of hunting.

As a virgin goddness, she is also the goddess of prosperity and fortune, but also from time to time of misfortune and disasters. She gives protection to women in labour and intervenes when chastity is defiled. So she kills lawbreakers with her arrows.


The remedy is made of the fresh leaves and young shoots of the plant.

The key-note of Abrotanum is ‘Metastasis‘. It is mostly at the occasion of the shifting of the disease from one organ to another organ or system, that we trace Abrotanum: cf. case 1 and 2.  However, very little dream symptoms of Abrotanum are known!

In the repertory we only find the following dream symptoms:

Dreams: anxious, frightful, dogs (mad dog) and many.

Therefore, I hereby mention some Abrotanum cases with their respective dreams.

Case 1:

An eloquent little boy of four and a half has a nasty cough for the last a couple of days. His mother explains that the cough started after he had diarrhoea for some days. It’s a little plague that now, just before winter, is making a tour in the toddler’s class. Since his cough, the diarrhoea has stopped abruptly!

Further he can precisely tell a dream:

He stands together with his girlfriend from class close to an empty round stone well, which is fully dried up. At the bottom of the well there are little children and they can’t get out. At the side of the well there are handles attached, however they do not reach the deepest level of the well. He goes down the well, using these handles, and helps the little children to get out.


Cough, diarrhoea after

By applying the energetic examination I find a confirmation of Abrotanum, which he is prescribed in LM-potency, to take for several days.  This makes the cough disappear almost immediately followed by again some diarrhoea which then disappears by itself.

Case 2:

Another patient, a woman of 37 years old, had a light diarrhoea for two weeks. After a marital dispute, the diarrhoea suddenly stopped and then she developed eczema. She likes people around her and she is very social-minded.

The dream she had is the following:

Her husband has moved her piano to his job with the excuse that there was too little wood. During her dreaming she felt very aggrieved.  In reality she plays piano as a pastime and her husband does some ‘woodworking ‘in his leisure time. Here it is remarkable that he takes possession of  something of hers and puts it in his territory, as if he is a mad dog who becomes master over (takes possession of) her territory.


Generalities, metastasis

Dreams, removing * (cf. supra)

Theme: Need of being surrounded by people

Prescription and follow-up:

After taking Abrotanum MK the eczema disappears and the diarrhoea returns which then disappears after some days.


Abrotanum is a plant which cannot propagate by itself as a solitary plant, because the plant can only multiply itself when it is closely surrounded by other plants. The plant Vampirises and intoxicates the surrounding plants in order to maintain and develop itself, as if the plant is missing an essential element on its own!

cf. Mythology:

– The moon versus the sun: the moon does not give off light itself but reflects the light coming from the sun, and the fact that Artemis is considered as a moon goddess and her brother as a sun god.

– Diana as goddess of hunting (by which hunting can be interpreted as killing of others, so as to live oneself in a more wealthy manner).

The Abrotanum patient often has skinny legs with swollen feet and a swollen belly because of a shortage of proteins.

(cf. Loutan: In fact Abrotanum wants, in contradiction to the reality where he is energetically dependent of its surroundings, his own vital energy so he can operate ‘autonomously’.)

Also the individual Abrotanum Vampirises his entourage and captures the energy of other people in his surroundings and then leaves them behind, worn-out.

Abrotanum therefore takes control over the territory of others in order to appropriate something dear from them. In the dream this happens as a kind of projection: her husband appropriates to himself her piano, something which is very dear to her and something which is a source of positive energy to her.

This case illustrates also a kind of ‘male threat’.

Bernard Vial, in his ‘Le dictionnaire affectif des plantes’, writes about this as follows:

Abrotanum has the idea that male sexuality needs to be suppressed because of its destructive effect during the last trimester of pregnancy.  nb: Here the pregnancy can also be expanded to the carrying and expression of ‘ideas and creativity’.

An ever returning theme in these two dreams is that something or someone is being displaced (moved). Indeed, this is analogue to the symptom of ‘Metastasis’ which we recognize as key-note of Abrotanum.

Case 3:

A twelve-year-old girl has an acute fever up to 40C° in combination with coughing and right earache when she blows her nose. A clinical examination reveals a lightly infected right tonsil. The auscultation of the lungs is normal.

Some time ago she had the following dream:

She is biking together with her father to the city to do some shopping. She cannot find the first shop where she has to be and she asks her dad where the shop is. He answers that the shop is just behind a little wall, nearby. They do some shopping there and then they go to the bakery. The counter is placed ‘against’ the wall and the waitress, therefore, stands in front of the counter. There lies a big (huge) cheese-knife, measuring 2 metres of length, across the counter so that it is difficult to pass. Her dad takes this long knife in his hand and places it on the head of the waitress. This makes the waitress fall backwards on the counter. All the people present have to laugh about it.

The last remedy to which she has reacted positively is ‘Lycopodium’.


A wall is referring to the ‘marking off of space. Delineation means isolation and Abrotanum needs space and (social) ‘contacts’.  The waitress is standing to the side of the customers because there is no place left on her side behind the counter.

Here there is also an infringement by the father of the territory of the waitress and he makes her ridiculous by doing so. nb: Abrotanum has, according to Frans Vermeulen, an anti-authority attitude just like the other Artemisiae.

Case 4:

Another patient has a general back-burden since she has suppressed the diarrhoea about two weeks earlier by taking a couple of Imodium-capsules (which contain loperamide). Since then she always wakes up around 2:15 am to 2:30am and then can not get back to sleep for one hour. Sometimes she wakes up to read something.

These days she feels as if her husband and her children are taking away her energy, as if they are parasites living on her back (1).

She remembers a dream that she had this night:

She saw her son of twelve years old as a toddler playing together with his nephews on a protected place, close to the street. Because the gates of that safe place needed to be closed, she incidentally passes by the moratorium which is located a little bit further and goes inside because the entrance-door was left open, in the expectation of some real guests (2). She was, together with other people, looking for her son and his nephew. Because of the mere fact that the door from the moratorium was open, she suspected them to have entered and therefore she walked in to look for them. What she furthermore can remember is that the whole of the entrance hall was painted yellow (3). She therefore made the reflection: ‘I hope, we do not have to come to greet our own relatives.’ On that particular moment, the children came running to her.


(1):  the theme that others take away her energy.

(2): signature of the plant, symbolized by her children who, as a kind of extension of herself, enter a ‘deadly’ area, which corresponds to the plant which, once having extended its territory, makes other plants pine away. Furthermore, the dead area is situated ‘directly’ in her surroundings, which confirms again the signature of the plant.

(3): yellow = signature because yellow is the colour of the flowers of citronelle.

Dd: Peganum harmala (Homoeopathic Links, 1/00): vampirises the others in an energetic way; Art-v.

Energetic examination:

– Hypersensitivity of the fourth cervical nerve along the spine on the right side.

– Hypotone muscles are the left or right deltoideus posterior, the left romboideus, the right serratus anterior, the left or right pectoralis major (pars sternalis) and the right triceps brachii.

– The acupuncture points Bladder 4, right and Bladder 21, left and right, are out of balance.

– The Weihe point of the Abrotanum is located on the left side under the umbilicus.

EXAMPLE of one rubric of the ‘DREAM REPERTORY’ :

Volcano yttr-met.
action, explanation about volcanic apis, lac-f.
as if being a volcano mountain glowing at top mag-f.
dune erupts forming beautiful clouds aethi-a.
avalanche of lava can escape sulph.
avalanche of lava and mud rumx.
must flee crot-h.
sees it from afar sulph.
being inside a volcano filled with water and surrounded by plants and flowers mag-s.
crater descending a crater by a little ladder to an enormous cellar mate
falling into mag-s.
people mag-s.
free, making covered with branches mag-s.
somebody is floating over a crater sulph.
spring inside a crater mate
wooded by pines at the inside mag-s.
devils are cooking babies on a volcano and eating them ozone
erupt, will mag-n.
erupting, is so there is lava everywhere seeing a mag-s.
erupting, starts mag-s.
so lava comes down toward their house finally the have to flee gunp.
eruption half of his group is killed by an bell.
holding a sheet of glass above the head as protection lim.
must escape arg-n.
sees it from afar sulph.
eruption with fire seeing an hecla
seeing a mini volcano in eruption mag-m.
geyser-like bubbling wells sulph.
house near by a volcano, staying in a gunp.
see: Lava


The correct homoeopathic approach requires the establishment of a total image. This image should take into account all levels: the pure energetic, the mental-emotional and the physical level.

The information coming from the mental-emotional level comes highest in the hierarchy. This however shouldn’t exclude examining the two other levels which were either less controllable, like the pure energetic level, or less substantiated, like the physical examination. In this way these additional data can substantially enrich the remedy image and total diagnosis.

As is commonly known, homoeopathy is an ‘energetic’ way of healing, where the homeopath tries to analyze the energetic disturbance through the symptoms of the patient. These symptoms are mostly subjective in nature, but are for us, a sufficiently reliable parameter to come a homoeopathic remedy image . For these insights we have to thank the genius of Hahnemann. He was the first to give real value to these subjective symptoms!

The oriental ways of healing, including acupuncture, base themselves on the quality of the life energy during disease and health. This life force runs through the body in different forms. One of these forms uses the meridians, to spread the vital force internally as well as externally.

Some thirty years back the chiropraxis succeeded in establishing the link between certain muscles and certain meridians. In this way meridians can indirectly be tested through muscles.

A sickness, as defined by our homoeopathic criteria, fitting into a certain homoeopathic remedy image, must surely, at the basis, be an energetic disorder. In the same way it should be possible to make objective this disorder; namely through the meridians and their corresponding muscles.

On a physical level there is also an objective correlation between the morphology and inner functioning .  As has been established in analytical psychology, major psychological events are being resumed and expressed into the image language of symbols. Likewise it can also be said that a certain energy structure correlates with a certain homoeopathic remedy, physically expressing itself in a certain appearance of the person in all his structures . We call this the  ‘physiognomy’. These structures are, in order of importance:  the central nerve system and the peripheral, the heart and circulatory system, the hypophysis and endocrine glands, the liver and gastrointestinal system, the lymphatic tissue, lungs and respiratory system, kidneys and urinary system, genitals, osseous tissue, muscles and connective tissue,  mucosae and finally the skin. These symptoms can, depending on their hierarchic placement, have an emphasized importance. For example: someone unconsciously biting the cheek during talking is expressing a symptom of the nervous system. Because of their clinical reliability, these symptoms score highly (e.g..: median cleft of the lower lip), or because of their reflex-energetic importance can be very valuable (for example : a solitary naevus located on known Weihe point, or a wrist cyst which indicates a meridian dysfunction).

Use of the Weihe points (W.P.)

The use of the W.P. goes back to around 1875, when doctor Weihe introduced the technique of the painful pressure points. This technique implies that, when a homoeopathic remedy is indicated with a certain patient, one excites a sharp pain by pressing the corresponding W.P.

A previously used technique was the ‘piano tapping’ (a.o. by  Dr. Nebel of Montreuil – Switzerland): one pressed the W.P. gradually harder with the tip of the index finger, and then all of a sudden let loose. When the WP was sensitive, the releasing of the point provoked an intense pain (cf. the rebound tenderness phenomenon like with peritonitis).

Doctor Pladys used the W.P. as a ‘confirmatory’ technique because the tension points unique to the physiognomy of each remedy diminish in a significant way by pressing on the corresponding W.P. Other coincidental valleix-points ameliorate by pressurising the W.P. My experience indicates that putting pressure on the W.P., the corresponding weak muscle test (as an expression of disturbed energy unique to the remedy) significantly improves.

The pressing of the W.P. is as if you were temporarily administering the remedy as long as the pressure is maintained.

The location of the W.P., described for each remedy, is only valid for right-handed people. With left-handed people the W.P. can be found on the hetero-lateral side. The laterality of the W.P. depends on which brain-hemisphere is dominant.

Also the muscle tests and the sensitive nerve exits mentioned in the book Physiognomy, change in laterality with left-handers!!  Many W.P. are located bilaterally, yet show only a positive reaction on one side (except for Calc-p.).

The W.P.’s are parasympathetic by nature (Bourdiol). This also why there are no W.P.’s at the limbs.  The parasympathetic nervous system is of endodermal origin, while the ortho sympathetic nervous system is of mesodermal origin .

Acupuncture points:

I also use all acupuncture points in correlation with homeopathy, which is called homeosiniatry.

The method originates especially from R. de La Fuÿe and R. Bourdiol.

To give some illustrations I give you some acupuncture points and their associated remedies:


Abbreviations :

1. R. de La Fuÿe

2. R. Bourdiol

3. F. Degroote

4. Schrecke and Wertsch

5. Margutti Victor

WP: Weihe point

°  unknown origin, originating among others from Tridosha (needs confirmation !!!)

The acupuncture points are referred to the original Chinese meridians as described in:

Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture, compiled by Bejing, Shanghai, Najing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Institute of the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Bejing: Foreign Languages Press, 1980.


1 : Allox. (r)3, Baptisia°, Calc-s.°, Chin-s.4, Ferr-p., Gelsemium (l)3,5, Merc-c.4, Plan.1,4, Plb.5

2 : Abies-n. (r)3, Am-caust.5, Arg-n.1,4,5, Atra-m. (r)3, Baryta carb.5, Croc.°, Eos. (r)3, Fel. (r)3, Iris-foe. (l or r)3, Kali-s.°, Lachesis4, Oct-mac. (r)3, Ovi-p. (r)3, Sepia (l)3, Sulphur4, Tritic-vg.(r)3

3 : Aphis (l)3, Arg-n.1,4,5, Bad. (r)3, Bit-ar. (r)3, Camph.°, Castm. (r)3, Chol. (l)3, Cypr. (l)3, Dict. (l)3, Eucal.5, Euphr. (r)3,4, Irid-met. (r)3, Kali-p.°, Kali-s.°, Mand. (r)3, Merc-i-f.5, Morb. (l or r)3, Nitro. (l)3, Odobenus rosmarus (l)3, Passer-d. (l)3, Salam. (l or r)3, Sulphur4

4 : Acar-w. (l)3, Alumina (l)3, Am-m. (l)°,3, Atra-r. (r)3, Baptisia4, Both-in. (l)3, Brass-n-o. (l)3, Buth-a. (l or r)3, Causticum4, Chamomilla4, China (r)3, Conium (bil.)3, Hydrastis1,4, Lach-l. (r)3, Mag-p.°, Mucoc. (bil.)3, Opium (l)1,3,5, Pardo-am. (l)3, Pic-ac.5, Pisc. (l)3, Seq-g. (r)3, Spigelia (l or r)3, Veratrum1

5 : Agaricus (r)3,5, Am-br. (r)3, Am-c. (bil.)3, Chin-s. (bil.)3,5, Clem. (l)3, Cur. (r)3, Eup-per. (r)3, Hydrastis5, Kali-m.°, Lat-m. (l)3, Mag-m. (l)3, Mag-p.°, Mag-s. (l)3, Nat-s. (l)3, Nat.-s-f. (r)3, Pil-lup. (r)3, Pitu-a. (r)3, Prot. (l)3, Sin-n. (r)3, Tung.met. (l)3, Varic. (r)3,Vip-t. (l)3


Dr. Filip Degroote graduated as Doctor in Medicine in 1978. He has had a full-time classical homeopathic practice for 28 years. Under the guidance of doctor A. Pladys, he developed a pioneering first work concerning clinical and energetic examination in homeopathy. The findings were put in the book ‘Physical Examination and Observations in Homoeopathy’ (1992).  In a second book, ‘Notes on Miasms and Heredity’, (1994) he indicated a difference between individual and hereditary energy in every human being. He concluded that the hereditary energy of a person shows itself in the symptom rubrics of the patient which contain Carcinocin, Medorrhinum, Syphilinum and Tuberculinum Consequently, those nosodal symptoms are avoided when repertorising to find the patient’s “individual” homeopathic remedy.

The crowning achievement of his many years of practice is the development of a data-base of dreams, coming especially from his own practice.  In the last 18 years, Dr. Degroote has gathered about 130,000 additions, which will soon be available on RADAR. Those form a basis for making a better analysis of our patients, together with the data we have, especially from Hahnemann, Kent, Vithoulkas, Scholten and Sankaran.

In order to use those data in the best way, the author has written a guideline book of 919 pages to make it easier for the practitioner to find his way in the dreamland of our patients ‘Dromen vanuit homeopathisch perspectief’ (2004), which he is now working to translate into English from the Dutch.

About the author

Filip Degroote

Dr. Filip Degroote graduated as Doctor in Medicine in 1978. He has had a full-time classical homeopathic practice for 28 years. Under the guidance of doctor A. Pladys, he developed pioneering work concerning clinical and energetic examination in homeopathy which were put in the book "˜Physical Examination and Observations in Homoeopathy"™ (1992). A second book was "˜Notes on Miasms and Heredity"™ (1994) he indicated a difference between individual and hereditary energy in every human being.
The crowning achievement of his many years of practice is the development of a data-base of dreams, coming especially from his own practice.


  • It helps treating the reccurent symptoms and also to the proper usage of Nosodes..the above informations emphazise the importance of observation.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • this level of understanding requires very high level of IQ and mentring by top level homeopaths in India like that of Praful Vijayakar type.College turned bhms want quick wealthy practice without getting into deep intution.This article proves homeopathy is of little use if linked with clinical tests like tlc dlc serum creatine urea level etc.in this modern world it is pity allopaths say homeopathy is placebo probably basic reason homeopaths not able to show results.homeopathy catches disease at smoke level weihe pressure or say subacute symptoms not yet recordable in clinical tests.sore body is latent typhoid probably one dose rhus tox may clear.pity allopaths wait for widal test by that time lava is more strong than vital force.my thinking is those who do not believe in homeopathy are of materialistic mind with thinking best of allopathic doctor will be at their beg and call wait for medorrhinum symptoms let my soles burn till that no worry.

  • Your article seems to concur with the findings in the book “Classical Homeopathy Revisited” by Jean Cole and Roger Dyson about the importance of taking nosodes for miasms & heredity.

    Have you read their book and do you agree with their methods?

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