Homeopathy Papers

Tidbits 47–What To Feed Your Kids (and your adults who eat like kids) So They Don’t Wind Up Sick (Or Stupid!)

Written by Elaine Lewis

People bring their sick and badly behaved children to homeopaths, hoping for a magic pill that will cure them, never realizing that the child may have eaten his way into this state! (And P.S., this goes for adults too!)


Ya know, folks… there is the real food, and then there’s the fake food–and unfortunately, the fake food is what most of us are eating!

Real food is made by people, the fake food is made in factories by corporations!  The one made by people is prepared in kitchens out of real ingredients–like potatoes, green vegetables, fruit and the like and serves to keep us healthy and focused.  Here’s a picture of real food.  This is The Farm Stand, where I do a lot of my shopping.

The other food is made by machines and consists of sugar, white flour, salt, artificial colors, artificial flavors, preservatives and flavor enhancers and, not surprisingly, can ruin your health–both mentally and physically!  Here’s a picture of what I call “Factory Food”:

Now, it’s true, “processed food” as pictured above is very convenient and very delicious; almost addicting!  It comes in packages and all you have to do is heat it up or just open the package–so simple!

The real food takes a bit more time and energy!  You have to go shopping in out-of-the-way places, like the farmer’s market or the natural food store, and be really fussy about the choices you make, reading labels, looking for words like “grass-fed”, “pasture raised”, “organic”, “non-GMO” and “whole grain”.  You have to cook from scratch on a real stove.  It involves chopping and slicing, mixing and stirring.  Who has time for all this?

Well…I finally had to find the time!

Why?  Because I used to be very sick–practically house-bound due to all my “conditions”: migraine headaches, agoraphobia, dizziness, anxiety, depression, constipation, irregular heartbeat, panic attacks, sciatica, insomnia….!  What did I eat?  I loved the frozen dinners!  I also loved Burger King, McDonalds, Dunkin’ Donuts, and I loved ice cream!!!!!

But I had no life!  My quality of life was non-existent!

So what came to the rescue?  The health food store!  How did I wind up there?  I was looking for vitamin C; I read it was good for preventing colds.  But the vitamin C tablets sold in drug stores were big chalky things that I couldn’t swallow!  My cousin Flora told me to go to Au Naturel at 18th and Walnut.  There I found all shapes and sizes of vitamin C–it was a Vitamin C paradise!  And the people who worked there were so nice to me, they gave away free natural health magazines with every purchase–and I read every one of them; then I started reading their books, like Eat Well, Get Well, Stay Well by Carlton Fredericks; and I found out a lot of very important things, namely that all my problems came down to two causes: one was Sugar, and the other was White Flour!  And since white flour turns to white sugar in the stomach… it all comes back to one thing: Sugar!  (And oh, by the way, white flour is constipating, and white flour, it turns out, happens to be the “staple food” of modern America!)

Now, why is this important?  Because your kids have become sugar addicts (and maybe you are too)!  There’s a famous experiment where rats given sugar water actually preferred that to real food!  When offered real food, they wouldn’t eat it.  I hear this from parents all the time: “He won’t eat good food.  It doesn’t matter if I offer it to him, he won’t eat it; there are only a few things he will eat.”

You know, studies have actually shown that sugar is addicting; not just ALMOST addicting, but really addicting, for sure!  Here, look at this:

“…Dr. Hoebel — who has been studying sugar addiction for 10 years — found that sugar can act on the brain in ways similar to drugs of abuse.  Dr. Hoebel’s rats even went into withdrawal … Their ‘teeth started chattering,’ Dr. Hoebel told me.  ‘They waved their heads back and forth.  Their forepaws quivered.  They acted anxious in a maze test.  These are all signs of sugar withdrawal.  They weren’t as pronounced as what we see with morphine, but it was withdrawal.’  What happened?  Dr. Hoebel thinks that ‘sugar triggered production of the brain’s natural opiates or morphine-like compounds.’


So, I really mean it, your kids are addicted to sugar!  And I’m guessing they’re sick a lot too:  Allergies, asthma, eczema, worms, parasites, ear infections, repeated colds, antibiotic over-use, constipation … and your kids might also be hyper-active or dull and may have a variety of behavior problems, which means they could also be either on Ritalin or Adderall–which is Speed!  Shall I rattle off the side-effects of “speed” for you?  Heart and bladder symptoms come to mind, along with others which are too numerous to count, and let’s not forget their anti-histamines, inhalers and antibiotics these kids are always on, and all the side-effects that go with those too, and this is an awfully high price to pay just so you don’t have to cook from scratch or find your nearest farmer’s market or natural food store!

Now I know it’s hard to believe that all this is due to what you’re feeding them, but here’s the choice: keep feeding them Factory Food, or even so-called “real” food with a heavy reliance on white flour, and watch their health and quality of life decline the way mine did, or follow in my footsteps and change everything! By the way, when I say “white flour”, what do I mean?  Pizza, white bread, buns, rolls, doughnuts, pancakes, waffles, spaghetti, commercial cereals, etc.

I’ve had parents tell me, “I gave my son his biscuit this morning…” and I’m like, “His what?”  And the parent says, “If I don’t give him his biscuit, he throws a fit!”  Well, right, because it’s made of white flour which is nothing but sugar, and your son is an addict! And addicts are not easy to live with! 

I repeatedly have to point out to parents, who think they’re feeding a variety of healthy foods to their children, that they’re really feeding them nothing but sugar!  Sugar actually destroys nutrients, making it an anti-nutrient, and you need nutrients to be calm, well-mannered and strong.  Lack of nutrients leads to bad behavior, lack of energy and frequent colds.  There have been studies showing that the more sugar a person consumes, the less active his immune system is:

“According to a 1973 study done by Loma Linda University, when you eat 100 grams of sugar, about as much sugar as you find in a 1 liter bottle of soda, your white blood cells are 40 percent less effective at killing germs.  This can cripple your immune system for up to 5 hours after eating sugar!”


Translation: the more sugar you eat, the sicker you are.


So OK, how do we fix this?  If your kid needs a biscuit in the morning, from now on, it’s gotta be a whole-grain bisquit!  You can buy multi-grain English Muffins that are delicious!

And now, let’s look at another common breakfast mistake: orange juice!  Why is that a mistake, isn’t it supposed to be good for you?  Yes, REAL orange juice is good for you, buy a juicer; that’s the only way you’re going to get real juice!  Think of supermarket “juice” as water with “flavor” added!  This may come as a surprise, but, you have to hear it: none of the juice for sale in the supermarket is real juice!  And none of the commercial soda has real ingredients in it either!

I have a juicer–an appliance that allows you to make real juice from fruit and vegetables– and I can tell you that if you make real juice, you have to drink it right away because it “separates” and loses its nutrient value very quickly.  Have you noticed what happens to an apple when you cut it open?  It turns brown pretty fast, doesn’t it?  So do bananas.  That’s the damage done by oxygen!  When you cut raw foods open and expose them to air, they start to go bad right away.  That’s why juice–real juice–has to be drunk immediately, before the air gets to it!  Notice that the “juice” from the supermarket never goes bad, and never separates!  What have they done to effect this miracle?  Well, the answer clearly is, it’s not real juice!  Water with flavoring and sugar more aptly describes it.

The easiest thing in the world to do is make your own orange juice, so, please buy a simple citrus juicer or a reamer and do it!

Now, I mentioned a multigrain English Muffin, but what are you going to put on it?  Fake butter like  “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter”? (That’s actually the name of it!)  Margarine?  Commercial butter?  No to all three!  You want butter from grass-fed cows!  Look, there are very few real farms left in the United States and we’ve got to support them!

Is this a farm?

Corporations think so!  This is why I go out of my way to shop at the farmer’s market, Whole Foods, Sprouts, the health food store, etc. because otherwise, you’re just enabling “people” who think this is a “farm”!  What’s going to be the quality of the dairy products from these “places”?

Now, back to our English Muffin, what else can we put on it besides butter from grass-fed cows?  Most kids like jelly, which, as we know, is basically nothing but sugar!  So what’s the alternative?

Preserves!  Preserves are fruit in a jar:

And this reminds me that kids also like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! But now, instead of jelly, you’re going to use the preserves, and the peanut butter, of course, will be real peanut butter, and not processed, fake, corporate, peanut butter like Peter Pan and Skippy, because, have you read the ingredients on these labels?

Do you see why you have to read labels?  Why have they added sugar and all this other crap to peanut butter?  Why have they added oil?  Peanut butter is full of oil–peanut oil!  Here’s a jar of real peanut butter:

Do you know what’s in it?   Brace yourself! … Peanuts.  That’s it!     

By the way, in a jar of real peanut butter, the oil rises to the top and you have to stir it.  But you only have to stir it once because after you put it in the refrigerator, the oil won’t separate again, it only does that at room temperature.  If you see a jar of peanut butter that you don’t have to stir?  Don’t buy it!!!!

And finally you’ll be making that PP&J sandwich on–not white bread!  Because white bread is constipating and phony and nothing but sugar!  Buy whole grain bread!

And kids usually like to eat their peanut butter sandwiches with milk; but, again, just like with the juice, I hate to tell you, but the milk in the supermarket is not real milk!  I know that’s hard to believe; but, it’s been boiled and homogenized, the cows come from factory farms, they’re very unhealthy…when you drink their milk you’re getting antibiotics, female hormones and veterinary drugs from their feed, mostly to fatten them up, so…. Don’t buy it!  Buy Real milk; real milk is RAW MILK!  Raw means “unheated” or “unboiled”.  Here it is:

Look for it at your health food store or farmer’s market or do an internet search for it in your area.  But, yes, some kids have milk allergies; so, consider coconut milk, or almond milk, etc. instead.

And listen, if you can’t breast-feed your baby, which is essential for your baby’s health, don’t buy “formula” (did you ever even wonder what “formula” is?)  Buy raw goat’s milk!  Goats milk is very close to our own milk.  And don’t be shocked!  Haven’t you ever heard of an abandoned kitten being given to a nursing dog and vice-versa?  We’re all mammals!  Have a look at one such example–a cat adopts a baby squirrel (see below):

One of my clients had a child with eczema.  They were feeding him formula.  I said, “OMG!!!  Go out and buy raw goats milk!”  They did, and the baby thrived!  The eczema went away.  Yes, you can heat up raw milk, but, don’t boil it!!!!!

You know, I used to drive all the way to Lancaster County, a 90 minute drive, every other week,  just to get raw milk from the Amish farmers!  Now, thank heavens, it’s at my local health food store.  Real food is worth traveling for!

And, News Flash: you’re going to have to do the same thing for your children’s doctor!  You might have to drive for an hour to find to a “holistic” or “alternative medicine practitioner” but it is essential because doctors have entirely too much power–at least in this country they do–and some day you might want to refuse a medicine or a “therapy”, only to find out that you have no rights!  They can call Child Protective Services and have your child taken away from you and force the therapy on him!!!

So drive as far as you have to, to get your child into the hands of a safe doctor who will respect your wishes!  And the truth is, if you feed your child right, he won’t be sick all the time; the only reason he’ll need to see a doctor is to have those stupid forms filled out for school; and by the way, don’t fall for the “Well Baby / Well Child Visit” either!  If your child is well, he’s well!  You don’t need a doctor to tell you that!  Can’t you tell that your child is not sick?  You parents out there know better than anyone when your child is sick, you’re the first one to know, no one needs to tell you.  And as pediatrician Dr. Robert Mendelsohn used to say, you can’t diagnose a symptom-less disease in the time allotted for a “well-child” visit.  All this visit does is create a healthy pediatric practice for the doctor!  It’s a guaranteed, predictable income!  Wouldn’t you love to own a business where people felt obligated to come to you?  I’d like to get in on that!

Just remember, if you eat nutrient-dense food, chances are very good that you won’t ever get sick, beyond the inevitable virus from time to time, AND, your doctor has no cure for viruses anyway; so, you’re pretty much on your own whether you like it or not!  Get some Vitamin C, become acquainted with homeopathy, acupressure, and other forms of natural healing, and learn to take care of your child’s health the natural way! 

So, back to foods that promote health:

Sometimes kids like peanut butter crackers, or even crackers with cheese.  Well, you know, you can buy Whole Wheat Crackers and turn this junk food snack into something that’s actually health-promoting:

Kids like Tortilla Chips and Salsa but buy whole grain and organic.

Why is that important?  Because tortilla chilps are made from corn, and most of the corn in the United States nowadays is GMO! (Genetically modified corn–it’s “modified” to make its own insecticide!  Dear God!  You know what?  I don’t want my corn making anything!)  You’re only safe if you buy organic!  I buy my corn only from the Amish farmers, also known as the Pennsylvania Dutch, at the farmer’s market.

Here’s the corn now, this is the exact corn that I buy, and it’s as delicious as it looks!  Oh and the tomatoes too!  Have you noticed how tasteless the tomatoes are from the supermarket?  No wonder your kids don’t like vegetables!  Give them some of this stuff from a real farm!

And by the way, the peaches at the farmer’s market?  They are to die for!

I think the reason your kids don’t like fruit is because the fruit at the regular supermarket has to be picked before it’s ripe in order to be shipped all over the world!  If it’s picked too soon, it’s not going to taste good!  Make the effort to find your nearest farmer’s market!

What do we have here?

This is a melon.  So delicious!  Cut it in half, scoop out the seeds, and drop some organic vanilla yogurt in the center. 

Do you know how to pick out a melon?  If the skin is smooth and dry, it’s under-ripe, don’t buy it.  It should be shiny and waxy.  If your child simply must have ice cream, put some ice cream in the center of the melon, but, make sure it’s organic!

No factory farm ice cream, please!  And here we’re introducing the concept of “mitigating damages”.  When possible, if your child has to have something sweet, balance it out with a real food.  For example, above, the ice cream is balanced out by the melon which is a real food, a whole food.  Another example: instead of buying strawberry ice cream, buy organic vanilla ice cream and balance it out with REAL strawberries!  And if the strawberries are from a farmer’s market, they will be delicious!

Below I have vanilla yogurt with tangerine slices.  You can use pineapple slices and grapes too:

Kids love noodles/pasta!  But you can buy whole grain pasta and turn it from a junk food-fest into a nutritious meal!  I love the wild yam pasta you see below; but Shana loves the brown rice pasta:

Think of all the pasta your kids eat–macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, etc.–it’s all made with white flour meaning they’re eating nothing but a big bowl of sugar!  But it doesn’t have to be that way!  And the cheese is processed cheese; use REAL cheese, preferably Raw Milk Cheese:

Cereal.  Kids love cereal.  But nutritionally speaking, commercial cereal is a disaster!  Look at what you can get at the health food store:

There’s nothing in this cereal but brown rice, that’s the only ingredient listed.  You can also get puffed corn and puffed wheat.  And check out the granola bins!

Here is Shana’s favorite hot cereal: Cream of Wheat.  There’s only one ingredient listed on the label–whole wheat.  We have to order it over the internet but it’s worth it. www.CreamOfTheWest.com .  Amazon.com has it too.

(Of course, the commercial cream of wheat, though delicious, is nothing but white flour–a big bowl of sugar!)

I also have to give a shout-out to the cereal that saved me from a lifetime of constipation: Kellogg’s All-Bran (Original):


Some kids are severely constipated!!!!  Get to know this cereal, you can order it online if you can’t find it in your supermarket.  Amazon has it for sure.

What if your child needs something sweetened?  Here it is, raw sugar!  No, not “brown sugar”, RAW sugar!  It actually contains nutrients and fiber!

OK, I’m not done yet, but I DO have to cook dinner now–no frozen dinners here, no microwave ovens, so you will have to excuse me, but, I will be back next month for Part-2.  Are you still with me?  

(P.S. Part 2 is ready now, click below.)



Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.

Elaine takes online cases. Write to her at [email protected]

Visit her website: www.ElaineLewis.hpathy.com

About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at:
https://elainelewis.hpathy.com/ and TheSilhouettes.org


  • My son 14yrs having behaviour disorder , relactent to go school,tutions . he used to sleep 10 hrs,taking almost regular fuchkas,momos and other outside foods in night. Not interest his studies not giving his exam in class8 now he is in class 9 .I am in anxiety what to do ? Pl let me know the remedies———debasish,

  • Another interesting and entertaining Tidbit by Elaine. Before I begin I want to wish you a happy birthday. Secondly, every school district has a Facebook page and this article needs to make its way on each one. Just to add a little information regarding vitamin C… when consumed in the presence of sugar, the absorption rate is dangerously low! It is a major no-no to for example have a cookie or a sugary drink with a vitamin C capsule or pill. For those that really care to boost their immune system this important fact well worth noting! Also to heal the body from candida which in some cases is the root of many problems, even whole grain breads and so forth may temporarily need to be taken out of the diet. Thank you Elaine. Keep your editorials coming please ?

    • Hi Elaine!

      Have you heard of Moringa….would love to know your thoughts about it…. It’s being touted as “The Superfood.”

  • Six children, one income and a mother who insisted on quality foods… no one thought we could manage. We made food management and preparation a priority in our house. Much of our together time was around making cookies, muffins and cakes (no store bought, if you wanted them you had to make them, that was the rule). Coming up with healthy and tasty recipes was our competition. Involving the children made them love the food. Our sense of adventure, camaraderie and unity came from eating. Our sports, entertainment and travelling were all complimentary to this. Our children are accomplished, curious, outspoken and all very handy in the kitchen (one even became a chef). I agree wholly with Elaine Lewis, if you want smart and healthy children you have to put quality food into their bodies. Thank you for the great advice and tips on foods.

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