Scientific Research

Homeopathy – How It Works and How It Is Done – 2

smith feb image
Written by Cyril W. Smith

Homeopathy – How It Works and How It Is Done – 2

Chapter 2. Chemical and Electrical Sensitivities

In 1982, the problems experienced by chemically sensitive patients who had become hypersensitive to their electromagnetic environment came to find me. These proved to be the “Rosetta Stone” for the language of biocommunication. The symptoms provoked in them by the chemicals to which they had acquired a hypersensitivity were identical to those triggered by specific frequencies in their environment. It quickly became clear that it was frequency that mattered and that frequency was patient specific. We now had the same effect described in three different languages, the chemical, the electrical, and the potencies of allergy therapy. This led me to the development of techniques for the measurement of frequencies in patients’ body fields, then in water and later in homeopathic potencies.

That year we published a letter1 pointing out that the currents induced in the body by environmental electric and magnetic fields were comparable to those known to produce electro-anaesthesia, which involves the stimulation of endogenous opiates. We therefore proposed that a chronic exposure could result in adaptation. Consequently, effects would only be observed as withdrawal symptoms and therefore might not become associated with the electrical environment.

Farmers had told us that cattle grazing under high voltage lines do not get on with the job of making milk. Therefore we said that a published picture showing cows under power lines did not demonstrate the absence of ill-effects, but showed a field of ‘Junkie Cows’.

This was in accord with thinking on environmental sensitivities and was noted by Dr. Jean Monro (now Medical Director of the Breakspear Hospital, near London, England) who wrote to me asking whether I could help with her electrically sensitive patients. It was thus that I first became involved in the diagnosis and therapy of patients ‘Hypersensitive to their Electromagnetic Environment’. Working with her electrically hypersensitive patients and later with those of Dr. W.J. Rea at the Environmental Health Center in Dallas, Texas, USA, has given me an insight into the extremes of sensitivity of which living systems are capable. Some of the electrical and physics concepts involved are explained in Appendix 1.

2.1 What are Electrical Sensitivities?

Many persons suffer from sensitivities to certain foods and environmental chemicals which cause them discomfort, or even in extreme cases prevent them from functioning in an effective manner. Even the most minute amounts of these substances may on occasions ‘trigger’ reactions which are specific to each individual. Warnings regarding nuts, peanuts or gluten are commonly found displayed on the packaging of food products. When a sensitivity reaction occurs, some regulatory system within the body has ceased to function properly and gives alarm signals calling for an unjustified panic reaction. Usually, it is the autonomic nervous system (ANS) which is the first to become compromised in this way. This system controls all the involuntary body functions. Any part or function of the body might become affected by the same allergen acting in different people. Electrical sensitivity effects do not show up in general medical statistics for this reason.

Those who have already acquired several chemical hypersensitivities which are still ‘ongoing’ are at particular risk of acquiring electrical sensitivities as an additional problem. This effect may transfer from being triggered by a minute amount of some chemical in the environment to some patient-specific frequency of an electromagnetic field in the environment. Usually, it is the same patient symptoms that continue to be ‘triggered’. It is the frequency of the electromagnetic field that matters once some patient-specific threshold of intensity or field strength has been exceeded. This is shown in Appendix 2 for a “Press-Call” in 1984 to present a volunteer subject hypersensitive to 50 Hz, reacting 200 metres from power lines in open country and within a vehicle passing beneath power lines in the UK.

The range of clinically effective frequencies extends from thousands of seconds per cycle (circadian rhythms) through heart beat, audio-, radio- and microwave-frequencies, to visible light. All these effects are so-called ‘non-thermal’, which means that the electrical power is insufficient to produce any significant heating in the body. Again, it is the frequency that matters. In technical terms, it is the spectral power density or the watts per cycle of bandwidth of the radiation which is relevant so that the more precise the frequency range the less is the power needed to exceed the threshold for an effect.

As a matter of public health, Germany has introduced the WHO International Classification of Diseases Code T78.4 for ‘Chemical-Sensitivity Syndrome Multiple’. This enables cases of this syndrome to be reported and statistics collected. There is no electrical equivalent WHO Classification to date, but it would seem reasonable for these cases to be recorded as a complication of multiple chemical sensitivities. Sweden regards electrical sensitivity as a disability, with the implication that all public places must be fit for a person disabled by electrical sensitivity to be in.

2.2 The Electrical Environment

Electrically hypersensitive patients may experience problems from frequencies in the natural environment. Atmospheric frequencies arising from weather changes such as approaching weather fronts and from thunderstorms may be troublesome. The frequencies may be electrical or acoustic.

Fluorescent lighting and laser bar-code readers at check-outs make shopping difficult, particularly if inhalants such as chemicals on fabrics or from plastics provide an initial chemical sensitisation. The patient may experience problems from electrical equipment such as power lines, radio- TV- or mobile phone transmitters, tape or CD/DVD-recorders/players, computers, mobile phones, satellites, in fact any one of the multitude of electronic devices in the modern environment. It is not necessary for an electrical device to be active, a passive resonant circuit may suffice to trigger a reaction. Such persons may become aware of having electrical appliances malfunction when they handle them or, even when in their vicinity.

The female sensitivity characteristic is towards chronic sensitivities appearing at an early stage, resulting in being labelled as “over-anxious”; the male characteristic is for no reaction until the onset of a sudden and disabling crash which may result in the person becoming completely unable to function normally.

The hazard from chronic over-exposure to electrical frequencies in a healthy person is equivalent to having a homeopathic proving trial prolonged until the symptoms become indistinguishable from the disease condition characteristic of that remedy. This problem seems to arise when the frequency pattern of a chemical already in the body and toxic to it matches a frequency pattern from the electrical environment. This makes the body think it is under chemical attack.

2.3 Clinical Observations relating to Electrical Sensitivities

Objective clinical observations include: changes in respiration, heart rate changes, eye pupil dilation, perspiration or lack of it, muscular weakness, loss of visual acuity, speech or writing difficulties, loss of consciousness, convulsions.

Typical Subjective Symptoms relating to Electrical Sensitivities include: drowsiness, malaise and headache, mood swings, tearfulness and eye pain, poor concentration, vertigo and tinnitus, numbness and tingling, nausea and flatulence, convulsions, noise sensitivity, alteration in appetite, visual disturbances, restlessness, blushing.

2.4 Dallas Electrical Sensitivity Trials.

These trials2 to demonstrate the reality of electrical sensitivities were conducted in four phases:

  1. Development of a controlled test environment and test procedure.
  2. Single-Blind screening at frequencies 100 mHz – 5 MHz on 100 patients.
  3. Double-Blind tests on the 25 patients showing no reactions during placebos and 25 control patients.
  4. Two Double-Blind tests on 16 patients at their most sensitive frequency using 5 placebos to 1 active test.

Phase 1:

    • To determine a suitable testing environment – Chemically clean; porcelained-steel walls; ceramic tiled floor; filtered re-cycled air; electric field zero V/m; magnetic field 20 nT at 60 Hz; daylight illumination.
  • To determine suitable test conditions – Patient comfortably seated, magnetic field from coil connected to an oscillator giving 3000 nT at foot level and 70 nT at head level. A total of 21 oscillator frequencies were used ranging from 100 mHz to 5 MHz. The symptoms induced during testing are shown in Figure 1.

Phase 2 – Results:

100 patients were involved and received a total of 2600 challenges.

25 patients gave 0% responses ( EMF insensitive);

25 patients gave true positive responses 62%, false positive responses 0%;

50 patients gave true positive responses 71%, false positive responses 60%.

Phase 3 – Results:

25 patients from Phase 2 giving zero false positives were re-tested double-blind.

Of these, 53% gave true positives, 8% gave false positives. No patient reacted to all the frequencies tested. The 25 controls gave 0% responses to any frequency.

Phase 4 – Results:

16 patients from Phase 3 were twice re-challenged double-blind at each patient’s most sensitive frequency. Both the Phase 4 trials gave 100% reactions to the double-blind challenges, 0% reactions to the placebos.

Figure 1

2.5 Testing for Electrical Sensitivities

Just as abnormal food and chemical sensitivities can be tested for, so can electrical ones. Initially, our procedure was simply to sit the patient a controlled environment. In practice, this was a chemical and particulate clean room, with negligible electrical fields from within or without and lit by daylight. An electrical oscillator was located at a normal TV-viewing or computer-using distance away from the patient as shown in Figure 2. This gave the patient a controlled electromagnetic field comparable with that commonly experienced in the environment within which the patient must be able to function.

The person carrying out the test slowly tuned an oscillator through all the environmental frequencies likely to be giving problems. It was usual to begin at or below 1 milliHertz (circadian rhythm frequencies) continuing through 1 Hz (Hz = Hertz = cycles per second) which is the order of heartbeat and brain wave frequencies, and on upwards until no further reactions were observed. Sometimes it was necessary to continue to frequencies far beyond those of microwave cookers and mobile phones. The clinician noted the observable symptoms, the patient reported any subjective symptoms as and when felt. The symptoms experienced were usually the same as those triggered during the patient’s foods and chemicals testing. This would have already taken place and that information available to the tester who needed to know if for example a heart condition or loss of consciousness was likely to occur. In this case, the tester had to attempt to detect the pending onset of symptoms before they became too uncomfortable or hazardous for the patient.

Figure 2 Testing for Electrical Sensitivities

The frequencies at which the symptoms were ‘triggered’ and ‘neutralised’ were recorded. There were usually one or more of the frequencies at which all the symptoms cleared up together. This amelioration would not be maintained if there was a heavy body load of toxic chemicals; environmental or nutritional stresses. However, all patients did feel great relief in realising that the symptoms that they suffered from for years could be turned on/off at will from an electrical oscillator on the other side of the room, not connected to them in any way, and that it was not ‘all in the mind’.

When we started patient testing, we did not know what if anything to expect. It was sufficient for the patient to sit in the same room as a set of electrical oscillators which were tuned slowly over the frequencies with the clinician noting the frequencies at which symptoms occurred and were neutralised. We then had some patients who were so sensitive that they were unable to tolerate frequencies at even the field strength found near a TV or computer and some were so extremely sensitive that they could not tolerate an oscillator being switched on when they were anywhere in the building.

To cope with these cases, we took a glass tube of saline or water from any source which was known to be tolerated by the patient since some patients are water-intolerant. This was given to the patient to hold in the fist and to ‘succuss’ by banging the exposed end of the glass tube on a wooden surface. When the patient had gone away, this was measured to find neutralising or therapeutic frequencies for this patient. These frequencies were imprinted3 into a tube of water to make the equivalent of a homoeopathic potency. This procedure fitted in well with the allergen dilutions already prepared and used in allergy clinics.

Imprinted water may be sent through the mail in a padded envelope if first wrapped in aluminium foil. With many years of experience and being many years retired, the writer prefers to use this method of testing patients for frequencies to which they may be sensitive.

2.6 Patients’ Frequencies

The frequencies from 200 patients which either triggered or neutralised reactions that involved the autonomic nervous system are shown in Figure 4. From this it is clear that while some patients had their characteristic reactions triggered by a particular frequency others had their reactions neutralised by the same frequency. The lowest frequency available to me then was about 2 Hz and the highest was about 4 GHz. Nothing could be deduced from these results concerning possible mechanisms for the sensitivities.

The neutralising frequencies for 55 patients measured at the Environmental Health Center in Dallas in November 1992 are shown in Figure 5. Three frequencies are statistically significant but there is no correlation with anything environmental.

The data for 661 frequencies from 120 patients showing effects consistent with an effect on the hypothalamus integrated autonomic nervous system is shown in Figure 6. The distribution tests non-random; there is statistical significance at 2 Hz, 50 Hz which is the UK power supply frequency, and at harmonics of 50 Hz

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6.

2.7 Sensitivities to Foods and Chemicals

Severely electrically sensitive patients are unlikely not to have responses to chemicals and other factors in the workplace. About 10% of all patients in the clinics with chemical, nutritional or particulate sensitivities had acquired electromagnetic sensitivities as a part of the package. About 1-in-6 of a statistical population is usually considered to have some impaired function due to an allergic reaction to the environment or to food.

Exposure to a frequency while a person is reacting to some other allergic trigger may link their specific sensitivity pattern to that frequency so that the same reaction is triggered on encountering either the frequency or the allergen on a subsequent occasion. In general, the patient’s pattern of response is the same whether the trigger is chemical, biological, particulate, nutritional or electrical – it is a characteristic of the patient. This individuality is a problem which homoeopathy is well aware of and it seeks to find the similiter for each individual.

Exposure to pesticides, herbicides or, formaldehyde seems to enhance or even create electrical sensitivities. A few persons may become hypersensitive to light, some to sunlight or, to the light of the mercury vapour spectrum which is superimposed on the light from fluorescent tubes.

It is a common feature of electrical hypersensitivity that its sufferers try avoidance and complain vigorously that nobody does anything for them such as turning off an electrical source which they know is triggering their reactions but which seems to have no effect on anyone else. When a hypersensitivity to sunlight is acquired, the futility of an avoidance approach is realised but perhaps not before the sufferer has become almost paranoid about the problems.

Dental fillings may cause problems due to electrolytic currents between amalgam fillings containing different mixtures of metals or, between fillings and surrounding tissue. Patients have been seen with black stains on the palate due to electrolytically transported mercury. Unfortunately, a mercury frequency happens to stress the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. Amalgam-to-tissue contacts may detect environmental frequencies like radio transmissions just like a cat’s-whisker crystal set. There has been a case where a dentist heard music from a local radio station coming from a patient’s mouth.

Chemical toxicity in these patients is manifest through the appearance of frequency signatures. These are frequencies arising from H-bonding between water and the chemical. It has been possible to re-program the frequency imprints of a cell culture and have these were transmitted correctly to cultured daughter cells which demonstrates that lasting effects are possible. The presence of frequencies which fluctuate to a limited extent (a few percent) over time is a sign of a normal healthy biological system. Chemical contamination restricts this activity by imprinting a chemical signature frequency.

2.8 Treatment for Electrical Sensitivities

A therapy for alleviating allergy reactions is called provocation/neutralisation therapy. It was developed from earlier work in the USA by Dr Joseph Miller of Mobile, Alabama, and further developed at the Breakspear Hospital in England, by Dr Jean Monro and at the Environmental Health Center, in Dallas, Texas, by Dr W J Rea2. This therapy relies on successive serial dilutions of the substance having in sequence the effects of stimulating or quelling allergic reactions. This therapy is not a substitute for eventually reducing the total body loading of triggering substances to a level that the individual can cope with which is done by simultaneously increasing the rate of detoxification and reducing the rate of toxin intake, until the body can function normally assuming that the enzyme systems for detoxification are still intact. However electrical neutralisation can produce a more immediate alleviation of the symptoms and thereby assist in achieving eventual normalisation by de-toxification. It may not be possible to achieve this without some change in the patient’s lifestyle. All this is labour-intensive and therefore expensive.

When patients have acquired a high degree of sensitivity to many factors in foods and/or the chemical environment (multiple-sensitivities), they are very likely to have acquired an abnormal sensitivity to their electrical environment as a part of this ‘package’ of symptoms. It is rare to have electrical sensitivities without ongoing chemical sensitivities. This electrical sensitivity can become so severe that a person becomes incompatible with technology and unable to function in the modern environment. Electrical sensitivity is not mutually exclusive of other clinical conditions; it can co-exist with and even trigger physical or mental illness. Electrical sensitivities make diagnosis and therapy more difficult. Medications may produce abnormal responses, side effects, even chronic sensitisation to the electrical environment.

The effective treatment for many allergic responses to foods, chemicals and inhaled matter includes neutralising the effects of problem foods and chemicals, minimising exposure to electromagnetic frequencies and noxious chemicals, restoring nutritional status, especially of cell membranes, and the removal of heavy metals. The general concept introduced by Dr W J Rea is to seek to reduce the total body load of stressors. Which stress factors one seeks to reduce may be a matter of choice although some stresses are involuntary. Where chemical stress already exists, exposure to an electrical stress may not be an option. As the foods and chemicals sensitivities are brought under control and the body detoxifies itself, the electrical sensitivities usually disappear as well. Symptoms usually disappear in the reverse order to their appearance. If a person is working or sleeping in a zone of ‘geopathic stress’ (which may be electrical in origin) then the problems may persist and resist therapies. After a patient has been chemically detoxified, a “memory” or “miasm” of the toxin may remain in the body and this needs to be removed by homeopathy.

In one case in Dallas, an electrically hypersensitive patient had been prescribed Calcarea Carb. 10M by the homeopath. Electrical frequency testing had shown that this patient needed stimulation by the frequencies: 1.5Hz, 5.6Hz and 1.6kHz. Subsequent measurement of some Calcarea Carb. potencies showed that only the 10M potency of Calcarea Carb. contained exactly these frequencies.

2.9 Entrainment of Environmental Frequencies

As shown in the above Figures 3-5, patients’ reactions were triggered and neutralised by a very wide range of frequencies and no recognisable pattern was discernable. Eventually, it was realised that 7.8 Hz was often significant as seen in Figure 6. This frequency is used in some therapeutic or environmental protective devices to stimulate the heart acupuncture meridian and measurements quickly confirmed this effect. One of the frequency bands in the Schumann Radiation from the upper atmosphere in which life has evolved is at 7.8 Hz so, it is not surprising that the body tolerates it.

Further measurements revealed that each acupuncture meridian and also each chakra, had a characteristic endogenous frequency and that many of the frequencies which had triggered or neutralised these patients were the endogenous frequencies of the acupuncture meridians and chakras.

Our measurements shown in Figures 3-5 were telling us which acupuncture meridians were under stress and which needed stimulation. Figure 7 takes the frequencies from 12 electrically hypersensitive patients who during the course of their therapy had imprinted a 57 tubes of water with a total of 726 frequencies. Of these, 167 frequencies (shown in blue) would have been capable of synchronising to an acupuncture point. Synchronisation means that a frequency is able to replace the normal endogenous frequency. This may be from the environment or from body stress.

A total of 655 frequencies (shown in red) would have been capable of entrainment at the acupuncture points shown. Entrainment means that once the frequency had become synchronised to the meridian, a further change in the frequency would pull the meridian with it. Thus it would be overriding the endogenous meridian frequencies and their normal metabolic related fluctuations.

The stomach meridian is abnormal in two respects firstly, the left and right sides have different endogenous frequencies secondly, many patients had more than one frequency capable of entraining the stomach meridians hence the >100% values. These results show that electrically hypersensitive patients have a good overall frequency coverage of the Ting acupuncture points. There were only 49 out of 726 frequencies outside any synchronisation or entrainment range. These included ten patients who had imprinted 19 out of 54 tubes with the 50 Hz power supply frequency. Two patients who lived in N. America had imprinted 3 out of 5 tubes with their own 60 Hz power supply frequency with nothing at 50 Hz.


Figure 7

Patients’ Frequencies Match Frequencies Endogenous to Meridians

(synchronisation = blue; entrainment = red)


The pathway to the action of homeopathy now leads from electrically hypersensitive patients to acupuncture of which the following is but a brief introduction. For a full exposition, reference should be made to an appropriate textbook5. According to “Classical” Chinese ideas first recorded about 200 BC, something called Qi links body organs to specific points on the skin along what are termed meridians. The Qi reflects the status of a body system, which may be under- or over-active. In turn a body organ can be affected by an action at the appropriate acupuncture point such as by needling or pressure. Twelve body organs are considered and these are allocated among two systems called Yin and Yang which complement each other.

In addition to the normal endogenous frequencies, certain acupuncture points carry the frequencies of another meridian to which there is a connection. These are called Luo or connecting points. For example, the points He 5 and He7 on the heart meridian also carry the frequency of the small intestine (SI) meridian which is not present on point He9.

The “Classical Acupuncture Points” are summarised in Table 1. The names acquired by the meridians relate more to function than anatomy. The second column gives a very approximate path for the meridian and the acupuncture points along it. The third column is an equally brief list of some of the principal activities associated with points on the meridian.

A modification was introduced by Dr. R Voll for purposes of electro-acupuncture. This uses electrical resistance measurements at the acupuncture points to assess the status of the meridian and body system and applies electrical feedback techniques for therapy. It used so-called Ting points which are all conveniently located on either side of the nail-bed on the hands and feet as listed in Table 2. In these Tables, the meridian names are indicated by the letters and the sequence of points along them by the numbers.

The work with electrically hypersensitive patients described above led to the realisation that their frequencies of their sensitivities and the frequencies in their body fields we were measuring were in general either the endogenous frequency of an acupuncture meridian under stress or an adaptation to a frequency chronically present in the patients’ environment.

Table 3 lists the endogenous frequencies as measured for the acupuncture meridians. If a meridian is stressed by illness its frequency spreads throughout the body and is picked up in the whole-body field. If it is stressed by applying pressure to an acupuncture point, this also happens but, only while the point is being stressed; when the stress ceases the frequency returns shortly to the region of the meridian. Table 3 lists the “Classical” points first, then some ‘extra’ points and finally the additional ‘Ting’ points used in electroacupuncture. The points have their resonances in two bands of frequencies, low and high. The reasons for his will be dealt with in a later Chapter. The range of frequencies extends from below 1 milliHertz for the Nerve Degeneration and Kidney meridians to the GigaHertz or millimetre wave region for Triple-Warmer, Fibroid Degeneration and ‘Extra’ points.

Table 1

‘Classical’ Acupuncture Meridians

Meridian Label

Meridian and points run: from / to Specific Activity – additional to effects on systems along meridian


Lateral side of thorax, arm, thumb nail Respiratory, nose & throat, skin.

Large Intestine

Index finger, arm, neck, face, nose Lung, analgesic, immune.


Eye, temple, throat, thorax, abdomen, leg, foot, toe nail. Face, abdomen, urogenital, leg.


Toe nail, foot, leg, thorax, Pancreas, abdominal, immune.


Axilla, arm, finger nail. Heart, circulation, brain, mental activity.

Small Intestine

Finger nail, arm, shoulder, neck, cheek, ear. Neuralgia, tooth, ear, shoulder.

Urinary Bladder

Eye, forehead, crown, neck, parallel to spine in 2 branches, down leg to toe nail. Headache, eye, vertebral connections to organs.


Foot, leg, abdomen, thorax, clavicle. Urogenital, arthritis,mental depression.


Mammilla, axilla, arm, finger. Heart, brain, mental functions.



Finger nail, hand, arm, shoulder, auricle, eyebrow. Functions of organs in the 3 body cavities (intake, digestion, excretion).

Gall Bladder

Eye, ear, occipital, forehead,crown, neck, shoulder, lateralchest and abdomen, leg, foot. Liver function, metabolism.


Toe, leg, thigh, abdomen chest Urogenital, liver, metabolism, eye

Du Mai

(Governing Vessel)

Coccyx, mid-spine, neck, crown, forehead, upper lip. Coordination of all regions of body

Ren Mai (Conception Vessel)

Perineum, anterior midline, abdomen, chest, chin. Coordinating liver, kidney, lung, heart , gastrointestinal.

Table 2

Ting Acupuncture Points (after Dr. R. Voll).

These points are located on the skin at either corner of the nail bed and are used in electroacupuncture, some are distinct from “Classical Acupuncture Points”.

Points on Hand

Hands Location Target Organs Meridians & Points
Thumb Outside Lymphatic tissue, Lungs Ly1
Inside Lungs Lu1
Index Finger Outside Large intestine LI1
Inside Nerve degeneration ND1
3rd. Finger Outside Circulation, Pericardium Ci9
Inside Allergy AD1
4th. Finger Outside Organ degeneration Or1
Inside Triple Warmer TW1
Little Finger Inside Heart He9
Outside Small intestine SI1
Feet Location Target Organs Meridians & Points
Big Toe Inside Spleen, Pancreas Pn1
Outside Liver Liv1
2nd. Toe Inside Joint degeneration JD1
Outside Stomach St45
3rd. Toe Inside Fibroid degeneration FibD1
Outside Skin degeneration Sk1
4th. Toe Inside Fatty degeneration FatD1
Outside Gall bladder GB44
Little toe Inside Kidney Ki1
Outside Bladder (urinary) BL67


Table 3

Acupuncture Points with Nominal Values for Endogenous Frequencies




Point Measured

Low Band


High Band








Large Intestine





St45 / right




St45 / left











Small Intestine




Urinary Bladder












Sanjiao (TW)




Gall Bladder








Du Mai (GV)




Ren Mai (CV)




‘Extra’ Points

Anmian I & II

Ex 8 & 9


Extra ‘Ting’ Points





Nerve Degeneration








Organ Degeneration




Fatty Degeneration




Skin Degeneration




Joint Degeneration




Fibroid Degeneration




Circulation, pericardium




The mean High-Band to Low-Band Ratio for the Ting points is 49.185 (± 0.075) ×106 [S.D. = ± 0.15%]. There must be something fundamental going on for this precision.

The endogenous frequencies on an acupuncture meridian are also very precise. For 31 TW1 frequencies from 22 patients, the mean was 6.0178 kHz (S.D. ± 0.20%) and for 53 He9 frequencies from 38 patients, the mean was 7.7877 Hz (S.D. ± 0.92%). These were for electrically sensitive patients for whom there is usually some departure from the nominal endogenous value.

2.10 Frequency Entrainment from the Electrical Environment

There is a surprising degree of interaction between living systems and exogenous frequencies. Although the frequency synchronisation bandwidth on a meridian is only about ±2% of its mean frequency the latter can be ‘entrained’ or ‘pulled’ by external oscillations such as from an electrical oscillator or an environmental source of radiation such as a computer, TV, mobile phone, or the frequency signature of a chemical. This entrainment may be up to ± 30% before the acupuncture meridian frequency jumps back to its normal endogenous value. Table 4 shows this frequency entrainment taking place at the heart acupuncture meridian (He9).

For this the subject was exposed to the high frequency by sitting in front of the output coil of a microwave oscillator for 3 minutes after which the frequencies on acupuncture point He9 were immediately imprinted into water and measured. The microwave power density at the subject was estimated to be of the order of mW/m2. The frequency measurements took about 5 minutes following the exposure. By this time the acupuncture point frequency had relaxed to its unexposed value making another measurement possible.

Table 4 shows that at 260 MHz and at 500 MHz there was no entrainment. From 270 MHz to 480 MHz, the frequencies measured on He9 had become entrained to the exposure frequency and the low band frequencies had also shifted in proportion. The frequencies where entrainment has occurred are shown red. Within the entrainment region, the high-band to low band frequency ratio is: 50.8 ± 4.7 × 106 (SD ±9%).

Table 4

Entrainment by Environmental Frequencies at Acupuncture Point He9.

The Frequencies at which Entrainment Occurred are Shown in Red




High Band Frequency of Heart Meridian


Low Band Frequency of Heart Meridian


No Exposure



























2.11 Frequencies, Meridians and Homoeopathy

Having shown that frequencies in the environment could synchronise and entrain acupuncture meridians, the next step was to see whether homeopathic potencies would do likewise.

The first column of Table 5 lists the acupuncture meridians, first the hand and foot ‘Ting Points’ then the additional points of “Classical Acupuncture” and finally the Chakra Points. The nominal frequencies endogenous to these points are given in the second column. The third column lists homeopathic potencies taken from my miscellaneous collection which were found to stimulate the particular meridian. These potencies represent a selection from what happened to be available to me at that time. In some cases, more than one remedy or more than one potency would stimulate a given meridian.

The fourth column gives the stimulating frequency as measured in the potency involved. There will of course be other frequencies in the potency which are not active in this case. Comparison of Columns 2 and 4 shows how close these frequencies can be. This shows that there is at least one factor characterising a given homeopathic potency which can be correlated with the acupuncture meridian system and the chakra system.

Table 5

Homeopathic Potencies Interact with Meridians




Endogenous Frequencies



Matching Frequency of the Potency






Proteus 30C




Calc Phosphorus 30 C




Cuprum met. 6C




Electricitas 200C




Opium 30C




Thuja 30C




Arsen. Alb 10M




Mercurius Sol. 30C




Staphysagria 30C




Staphysagria 30C




Cadmium met. 1M





Naja trop. 6C




Sulphur 30C




Opium 30C




Apis 6C




Arnica 6C




Aurum met. 30C




Tabacum 30C




Graphites 10M




Silicea 6C




Conium 6C




Cuprum met. 6C


Other Points



Arsen. Alb. 10M




Calcarea Carb. 30C




Calcarea Fluor. 6C




Plumbum met. 30C





X-ray 200C




Calcarea Fluor. 6C




Rad. Iodium 200C




Staphysagria 30C




Staphysagria 30C




Argentum Nit. 200C




Rad. Iodium 200C




Rad. Iodium 200C


It was then possible to progress even further through the work of Dr. R. Voll who had linked the acupuncture meridian system to whole of the autonomic nervous system. This is summarised in Table 6.

Table 6

Voll’s Electroacupuncture Points Linking to the ANS

Summation Point for Entire ANS is the Nerve Degeneration Point ND1a

This is stimulated by the potency Electricitas 200C

St10a Þ Summation Point Parasympathetic ANS Summation Point ÜÜSympathetic ANS Ü Ü Ü?GB20
GB11b Vagus nerve nucleus in medulla Sympathetic nerve – cranial GB19a
St8c Vagus nerve -cervical Sympathetic nerve – cervical GV16
St8d Pharangeal plexus Cervical ganglion TW1a
St16 Vagus nerve -thoracic Sympathetic trunk – thoracic BL16*
St15 Oesophageal plexus Sympathetic trunk – abdominal BL24*
St18 Pulmonary plexus Coeliac plexus St44c
St20 L/R Gastric plexus –anterior/posterior Sympathetic – Pelvic BL33
Ki20 Vagus nerve – coeliac Inferior hypogastric plexus BL63*
Ki21 Vagus nerve – hepatic
Ki 19 Vagus nerve – renal
BL35 Sacral preganglion fibres
BL34 Pelvic plexus
BL32 Pelvic splanchnic nerves

* = Summation points for further subdivisions listed below

* Notes for Table 6

*BL16 is the EAV summation point for:

Ci8e/L Thoracic aortic plexus

Ci8e/R Cardiac ganglia

He8e Cardiac plexus

Lu10d Coronary plexus

Lu9a Bronchial plexus

**St44c is the EAV summation point for:

St19 Phrenic plexus

Ki1b Supra renal

Ki1d Renal plexus

St30a Testicular or ovarian plexus

St22/R Superior gastric plexus

GB43c Hepatic plexus

SI1a/R Superior mesenteric plexus

SI1a/L Inferior mesenteric plexus

Ci8a Abdominal aortic plexus

LI1a/L Iliac plexus

LI1a/R Superior hypogastric plexus

***BL63 is the EAV summation point for:

Ki4 Renal or haemorrhoidal plexus

BL66c Vesical plexus

BL49d Prostatic plexus in male / uterovaginal plexus in female

BL50 Cavernous plexus of penis or clitoris.

This relationship between the acupuncture meridians and the autonomic nervous system (ANS) comes from the work of Dr. Reinhardt Voll. His work is cited in English by Kenyon5 in “Modern Techniques of Acupuncture” from the German source by Friedrich Bechtloff 6 .

2.11 Homoeopathic Potencies to Stimulate the ANS

Having found potencies which stimulate the acupuncture meridians it was possible to progress to finding potencies which would stimulate the autonomic nervous system6.

The following Tables 7 & 8 is a list from some of the potencies available to me which stimulated the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the ANS through Voll’s acupuncture points listed in Table 6. The list is not exclusive. It is intended to demonstrate the possibility of accessing the ANS through homeopathy using the information provided by Voll’s acupuncture points. Those potencies stimulating the greatest number of the Voll summation points were selected from the potencies tested.

In addition to the frequencies of Voll’s linked meridian points the
Sympathetic ANS linked acupuncture points carry the frequency 3 × 10-3 Hz and the
Parasympathetic ANS linked acupuncture points carry the frequency 3 × 10-1 Hz.

Table 7

The ‘+’ indicates Homoeopathic Potencies Stimulating Sympathetic ANS

Voll’s Points










Homeopathic Potency
Arsenicum alb. 1M






Lycopodium 6C






Chamomilla 30C





Ac. fluor. 6C





Crot. 6C/12C




Electricitas 200C




X-ray 200C




Carcinosin 200C




CA colon 200C






Petroleum 30C




Rad. Bromium 1M




Table 8

The ‘+’ indicates Homoeopathic Potencies Stimulating Parasympathetic ANS

Voll’s Points





























Homeopathic Potencies
Arsenicum alb. 1M



Graphites 10M




Cu. met. 6X





Carcinosin 200C






Phosphorous 6C



Electricitas 200C



Crotolus 6C/12C



Rad. iod. 200C


Conium 6C


Lycopodium 200C


Naja trop. 6C


Arnica 6C



The possibility of stimulating the ANS with homeopathic potencies immediately opens the way to applying objective instrumentation to homeopathy and homeopathic trials. There are several techniques already available to assess the status of the ANS as described by Monro and Julu7. These include the resting cardiac parasympathetic activity and cardio-respiratory coupling which can be assessed by heart rate variability analysis. The sympathetic activity can be assessed through galvanic skin responses, thermoregulatory function and the sympathetic cardio-accelerator and vasoconstrictor responses. There is now the potential to correlate brain-stem autonomic functions with electroencephalograms. Where a potency does not have an ANS activity it might prove possible to prepare a compositum with the inclusion of an ANS active marker which does not affect the required homeopathic activity.

Summary of Chapter 2

Coming from the problems of patients who are electrically hypersensitive to their environment and for whom frequency is the main determining factor the path led to endogenous frequencies on acupuncture meridians and the chakras. The endogenous frequencies on the meridians are made therapeutic when stimulated by needling. A selection of homeopathic potencies which contain near identical frequencies to the meridians showed that it is possible to stimulate meridians selectively by homeopathy.

The next step was to use the data provided by Dr. Voll linking the autonomic nervous system to specific acupuncture points and in particular the so-called ‘summation points’ which supervise the whole or parts of the autonomic nervous system. It was then possible to identify homeopathic potencies which would stimulate specific parts of the sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic nervous system. This opens the possibility of applying existing ANS assessment techniques to homeopathy and homeopathic trails. This is only the beginning of the possibilities thus opened up for investigations into what can be done with homeopathy.

Certain allergic persons need regular neutralisations in order to cope with their nutritional or chemical environments. My view regarding the electrical environment is that it will not go away any more than the tens of thousands of man-made chemicals that are out in the environment and are there ‘for keeps’. Some persons may need regular stimulation with a homeopathic potency to survive in their electrical environment. This my be as simple as Samuel Hahnemann’s potencies ‘electricitas’ or ‘magnetis‘. It might be a potency of computer or mobile phone. I suspect things will turn out to be more individual and much more complex.

The next Chapter will deal with potencies and what happens in potentisation.


1.      Smith CW, Aarholt E (1982) “Possible Effects of Environmentally Stimulated Endogenous Opiates”. Health Phys. 43:929-930.

2.      Rea WJ. Pan Y. Fenyves EJ. Sujisawa I. Suyama H. Samadi N. and Ross GH. (1991) “Electromagnetic Field Sensitivity”, Journal of Bioelectricity10(1&2): 241-256.

3.      Smith CW. (1994) “Electromagnetic and Magnetic Vector Potential Bio-Information and Water”. In: Endler PC, Schulte J (Eds.). Ultra High Dilution: Physiology and Physics. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 187-202.

4.      Stux G. Pomeranz B. (1991) “The Basics of Acupuncture”.Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

5.      Kenyon JN. (1983) “Modern Techniques of Acupuncture” Vol. 3, Chapter 11 – Disordered Autonomic Steering. Wellingborough: Thorsons. German source: Friedrich Bechtloff, “Elektroakupunktur nach Voll – Eine Darstellung in Bereichen”, Uelzen (1991), p.79.

6.      Smith CW. (2007) “#1.Electromagnetics and the ANS”; “#2. ANS Involvement in Chemical & Electromagnetic Sensitivities”.25th Ann. Intl. Symp. Man and His Environment in Health and Disease June 7-10, 2007 Dallas, Texas. Syllabus pp. 130-156; 596-626.

7.      Monro JA and Julu P. (2007) “Neurophysical Assessments of Autonomic Function”. 25th Ann. Intl. Symp. Man and His Environment in Health and Disease, June 7-10, 2007. Dallas, Texas. Syllabus pp.60-79.

Appendix 1.

Some Electrical and Physical Concepts

Waves – Regular or periodic variations or pulsations in space and/or time; their shape is the waveform (e.g. sinusoidal, rectangular, triangular, pulse).

Frequency – The number of cycles of regular or periodic variations per second of some parameter. An oscillator is a generator of frequency.

Period – The time between two adjacent corresponding points on a waveform, the reciprocal of the frequency is the period.

Wavelength – The distance in space between two adjacent corresponding points on a waveform.

Amplitude – The maximum, zero-to-peak, value of the oscillating parameter. Amplitude squared is the intensity and is proportional to power. The root-mean-squared (r.m.s.) value is 1/Ö2 of the peak value, it delivers the same poweras asteady current or voltage having numerically the r.m.s. value.

Phase – The fraction of a complete cycle measured in degrees or radians (1 cycle = 360º or 2p radians).

Velocity of a wave Velocity equals frequency times wavelength (metres/sec = cycles/sec ´ metres/cycle).

Coherence – An expression of the degree of constancy of phase, as for example between two oscillators or waves of nominally the same frequency, a measure of the extent to which perfect coherence is achieved in a practical situation.

Coherence Length – The distance over which the coherence is maintained.

Coherence Time – The time for which the coherence persists.

Electric Charges and Electromagnetic Waves

Electrostatics describes the properties of electric charges (e.g. electrons or ions) at rest. These charges arise from the structure of matter and the chemical bonds by which matter is condensed from gas to form a solid or liquid. The force on a given charge due to other nearby charges is the measure of the electric field in which it is situated. The work done by this force if the charge moves is its electric potential. Magnetic fields have an analogous set of parameters, they occur when electric charge is in steady motion. If electric charge is accelerated or decelerated, the changes in the associated fields travel out into space at the velocity of light, this is electromagnetic radiation. If these changes are periodic at some frequency, a wave of oscillations at this frequency travels out into space with the separation between cycles being the wavelength.

Energy in an Electromagnetic Wave

The energy per unit volume of the space occupied by electric and magnetic fields is proportional to the square of the field strength. The power density is that power (energy/sec) crossing one square metre, it is called the “Poynting Vector” and is proportional to the product of the electric and magnetic fields. This applies to most technological oscillations, and it is these electric and magnetic fields which give rise to mechanical effects (electric motor) and thermal effects (electric kettle, microwave cooker). There is a critical volume of a field above which it will contain enough energy to overcome thermal perturbations and create a stable situation.

Appendix 2

Press Call – 1984

The following pictures were made at a Press Call in 1984 to demonstrate the phenomenon of electrical hypersensitivity. For this it is necessary to find a subject who has a spectacular reaction on being triggered by the electrical environment. The subject had a strong reaction to 50 Hz power lines when in a chemically reacting condition. This was characterized by a muscular spasm with the body twisting towards the source. When in a sensitive state, this subject had a sensitivity a million times normal when reacting to a frequency to which there happened to be a sensitivity as evidenced by the “no-let-go threshold”. Figure A2 shows the reaction onset at 200 yards distance from the overhead power lines in open country. Figure A3 shows that enough field penetrates the body of the vehicle driving under power lines to trigger another reaction.

Case Summary for this Patient-1984

Age 37 – married with 2 children

Main Complaint:

Headache for past 22 years – right-sided with deep pain behind eyes radiating to ear.

Nausea – no vomiting, worse in last 2 years. Each attack lasts 1 week – unable to move about, must lie in bed.

No relief from many migraine tablets, even more than prescribed.

Other complaints:

Blocked nose – for past 10 years, operation gave no relief.

Cough – Feb-Mar and Nov-Dec.

Thunderstorms – unwell, drowsy, migraine before storm.


1 glass of wine – intoxicates,

coffee – oesophagitis,

perfume – rash,

onions – sore eyes.

Electrical testing – 12 October 1984:

Testing started at 2 Hz – patient’s eyes closed – went into second stage anaesthesia which persisted at frequencies according to the symptoms listed below:

50 & 70 Hz Slight convulsions

4 kHz Eyes open, fingers & toes not working

25 kHz Eyes open, but not speaking

40-50 & 70 kHz Slight convulsions

100 kHz Severe whole body convulsions

240-360 kHz Eyes open, but not speaking

3-4 MHz Slight convulsions

12 & 21 MHz Eyes open, but not speaking

30, 42 & 70 MHz Slight convulsions

281-284 MHz Eyes remained open for 10 min (osc. off)

310 MHz Slight convulsions

340, 360, 380 MHz Walked with assistance

512 ± 3 MHz Best frequency, patient almost back to normal

920 & 1010 MHz Slight convulsions

1040 & 1080 MHz Mentally limp, weak fingers, headache.

Although we had been able to neutralize the patient’s reactions with the frequency of 512 MHz, it was not practicable to give the patient a microwave oscillator to take away for therapy.

We were aware that Samuel HahnemannA1 (1755-1843) knew of the possible homeopathic effects of electricity and magnetismand its potentisation. Section 286 of his “Organon of Medicine” commences, “The dynamic forces of mineral magnetism, electricity and galvanism act no less homoeopathically and power fully on our vital principle than medicines actually called homoeopathic…”. He goes on to say that”…we still know far too little about the right way of using electricity, galvanism and the so-called electromagnetic machine to put them to homoeopathic use. At least they have been used until now only palliatively, with great harm to patients. The positive effects of electricity and galvanism on the healthy human organism have not yet been thoroughly proved.”

Since it is possible to purchase potencies of Electricitas, Magnetis and X-ray, we potentised the frequency 512 MHz into one of the vials of saline used for allergen dilutions. To our surprise, this potency was as effective as the oscillator in neutralising the patient so that the oscillator could be turned off and removed so long as the patient was holding the vial of frequency imprinted water.

A1. Hahnemann S. (1982) “Organon of Medicine”. Los Angeles: Tarcher.

Figure A1

Press Call to Demonstrate Sensitivity to Power Lines in 1984.

Figure A2

Subject Reacting 200 m distance from power lines.

Figure A3

Subject Reacting on Passing Beneath Power Lines.

Pylon is Visible Through Left Window.

Sufficient Field Penetrates the Steel Van to Trigger a Reaction.

About the author

Cyril W. Smith

Cyril W. Smith, physicist, is the author of countless papers on the effects of subtle energies and co-author of Electromagnetic Man. He is one of the world"™s leading experts on the biological effects of subtle energies. He was Research Fellow at Imperial College, London, researched electromagnetic effects in living systems at Salford University, was Secretary of the Dielectrics Society, worked with H. Fröhlich treating electromagnetically sensitive patients and acted as a scientific consultant for the Breakspear Medical Group Ltd.


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