Tips and Secrets


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We invite you to send in your favorite Tips and Secrets on homeopathy. We will publish a select group each month, acknowledging the sender. They may be based on your own experience or taken from homeopathic literature. Please identify the source of your information and your name and country. Send your tips to us at [email protected]

Remember, a tip is not the whole iceberg! Use these tips as part of a totality of symptoms. Let them inspire further research. Using specifics (“take this for that”) in isolation may prove disappointing and can lead to suppression.

These are the tips of our readers and do not necessarily express the views of or ‘Homeopathy for Everyone’.

Dig Deeper for Worms

Claiming to eradicate the tendency to worms by Cina is not proper. It helps clear the acute condition, but for tendency to worms, Cicuta, Silicea, Sulphur, Merc Sol and Zincum should be thought of .

Principles of Prescribing – Dr. K.N.Mathur


Usually when we prescribe it homeopathically there’s a history of drug use and ‘never well since’. It can look like a lot of other remedies: Sulphur- always scheming and planning with big ideas. Excitable and sympathetic like Phosphorus. Like Medorrhinum, with insomnia and they write all night because the ideas flow so easily…also vaginitis and discharges. Inability to focus or concentrate, procrastination, poor memory, absent minded, panic attacks, a feeling of being separated (when talking it’s as if observing themselves talking to other people), fear of insanity, fear of darkness, sensitive to stimulants.

Fundamentals of Materia Medica – Robin Murphy N.D.

A Zincum Recommendation and Warning

In all eruptive illnesses ending in suppression, a dose of Zincum immediately brings back the eruption. Zincum enlivens the Vital Force to fight the disease and ultimately, helps to cure it. Use its 6th potency. Higher potency is fraught with the danger of serious aggravation, which a Zincum patient may not be able to stand.

Dr. T.P. Chatterjee – My Random Notes on Some Homeopathic Remedies
–Thanks to Ed Walsh – U.K.

Self Blame and Shattered Hope

Ignatia alleviates self-blame arising from having “failed” someone as a friend…The patient reproaches himself mercilessly (at times without any justification) for having been too demanding of or bestowed insufficient affection or attention on a recently deceased spouse or parent.

The remedy is often indicated where the individual’s most cherished hopes of accomplishment have been shattered or where circumstances have prevented him from fulfilling his ambitions. It helps restore vital self esteem and faith in one’s power to overcome adversity.

Portraits of Homoeopathic Medicines Vol. 2 Catherine R.Coulter

Gallium Sulphuricum

They are very stubborn in their interactions with loved ones. They tend to overwhelm them with their opinions… They are convinced that the other one is too inexperienced to understand what is right, so there is no point in listening to them. Craves sweets, alcohol, fruit, fat.. Aversion to and aggravation from eggs.

Homeopathy and the Elements – Jan Scholten

On Healing by Touch and Induction

Animal Magnetism -This healing force, which has been frequently, foolishly denied or reviled ….is a marvelous gift of God to man, by which a well-intentioned man exerts his strong will over a patient with or without touching him or even at some distance, in such a way that the vital force of the healthy mesmerizer, gifted with this power dynamically flows into the patient (as the pole of a strong bar magnet acts on a bar of unmagnetized steel).

Organon of Medicine – Aphorism 288 – Samuel Hahnemann

Mephitis Putorius

The main use of mephitis is in whooping cough. It produces a hard cough with laryngeal spasm and a distinct whoop. I have found it apparently makes the patient worse, while shortening the course of the disease. Worse night, lying down, cannot exhale, vomits food some time after eating.

E.A. Farrington – Lectures on Clinical Materia Medica
– Thanks to Carl Thiebaut -France

The Guaiacum Throat

You get a sudden acute throat and think of Belladonna or Aconite, when it really needs Guaiacum. The patient has a congested red face with the sore throat and is depressed and indolent. Dilated pupils, thirst for cold water and a pain in the back of the neck. Some joint pain. Worse from heat motion, touch, 6pm -4am.

Classical Homeopathy -Dr. Margery Blackie
-Thanks to Cliff Adams – Canada

Shock in Dogs

Eyes become sunken, body surface cold and mucous membranes pale. Increased respiration and weak and rapid pulse. The main remedy to consider is Aconitum 12 which usually allays symptoms in a short time. Arnica 30 and China 6c are useful remedies if weakness and shock are a result of hemorrhage. Carbo veg 30 is useful in those cases showing air hunger and collapse.

Dogs : Homoeopathic Remedies – George Macleod MRCVS, DVSM

Down on Yourself?

Here are some rubrics from Kent for feeling self critical: ANGER mistakes over his; CONTEMPTUOUS, self; DELIRIUM, blames himself; DELUSIONS: critical – neglected his duty; reproach, deserves; right, does nothing; wrong, think she has done. DISCONTENTED – himself with; REPROACHES -self.

David Sault – A Modern Index to the Rubrics of Kent’s Repertory
-Thanks to Lena Anikiev

Snapshot of Chelidonium

They are strong willed people and derive a sense of security and satisfaction out of getting other to do their bidding. They are realists, matter of fact, hard headed and not at all sentimental. They shun intellectual work, math problems, and abstractions. They do not easily express affection, but expect others to display tenderness and affection towards them.

Essence of Materia Medica – George Vithoulkas

Psora and Sycosis Compared

When the psoric speaks or writes he does it very quickly. There is such a flow of thoughts that he can hardly follow it with his tongue or pen. The psoric cannot concentrate on his work, because his thoughts get ahead of his work.

The sycotic is unable to collect his thoughts or decide on the most appropriate word, hence the slowness in speaking and writing. He reads and re-reads several times but cannot retain the idea.

Comparative Study of Chronic Miasms-Y.R. Agrawal


For conditions of the body which set up boils, Dr. Ramsey considers Echinachea specific. Ten drop doses of tincture four times a day.

Clinical Tips in Homoeopathy – Dr. P. Rajagopalarao

People Needing Plant Remedies

They feel things very intensely. They say .. “His screaming affects me.”, “The damp weather affects me.” “Smell affects me”. They are soft and emotional., their feelings are very important to them and they fear being hurt.

Dinesh Chauhan – from : A journey into the Human Core


Also called a “Hordeolum”, a stye is an infection of the oil glands in the eyelid. They ordinarily drain and heal by themselves and it is best not to squeeze them. A warm compress several times a day will assist the draining process.

Pulsatilla -for beginning stage. Staphysagria if Pulsatilla fails or the stye leaves a hard nodule after healing.

Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook – Alan V. Schmukler


Sycosis is the miasm believed to follow gonorrhea and may be inherited or acquired. It may also arise from vaccination (vaccinosis), allergic reactions to drugs or insect bites and chronic infective states. Any patient who has reacted badly to a vaccination should receive a single dose of Thuja 30, to prevent an acquired sycosis.

Homeopathy for Physicians – Dr. Colin B. Lessell

Get a Whiff of This

Aconite: Smell morbidly acute for unpleasant odors. Drosera: Sensitive to sour odors. Graphites: Intolerance of flowers. Belladonna: Odor of tobacco unendurable. Lycopodium: Hyacinth produces nausea. Sabadilla: Sensitive to odor of mice. Agnus castus: odor of herring, musk or pus at night. Anacardium ( also Bry, Verat) smells dung or burnt cinder. Arsenicum: odor of pitch or Saffron.

Homeopathic Therapeutics – Dr. Samuel Lilienthal
-Thanks to Dorothy Kolber – U.S.

Incompatible Remedies

We’ve reprinted this list of incompatible remedies from our May 2007 issue. Why not print this out and keep it handy for quick reference?

Reprinted from our May 2007 issue

Remedy………….. Incompatible with

Aceticum ac. …… Arn, Bell, Lach, Merc, Bor,Caust, Nux vomica, Ran b., Sars

Allium cepa……. Allium sativum, Alo, Scil

Allium sativa…… Alo, Allium cep, Scil

Aloe……………. Allium sativum, AlliumCep.

Ammonium c…………. Lach

Anantherum………….. Wines and spirits

Antipyrinum………… Coffee (the beverage) in excess

Apis…………………. Phos, Rhus (in eruptive diseases)

Argentum nitricum…………. Coffea. (increases headache), Vespa

Arnica………………….. Injurius in bites of dogs or rabid or angry animals, Wine

Arum dracon. ……….. Caladium

Arum dracun……….. Caladium

Arum it. …………… Caladium

Arum m. ………………….Caladium

Arum triphyllum ………………. Caladium

Asterias r. …………….. Cof, Nux vomica, (Ipec > the inimical effects of Nux)

Atropium……………. Antagonized by Gelsemium

Aurum m. n. ……………. Alcohol, Coffea.

Baryta c. ……………….. Calcarea

Belladonna …………. Dul, Vinegar, Acetic acid

Benzoicum ac. ………. Wine (< pain in kidneys etc.)

Borax…………………….. Acetic acid, Vinegar, Wine

Bovista……………….. Coffea

Bryonia……………….. Calc, Sepia

Caladium………….. the Arums (drac, triph, mac etc.)

Calcarea carb…… Baryta.c., Bry, Kali bichromicum (before ), Nit. ac. (after ), Sul (after)

Calendula………….. Camphora

Camphora ………… Calendula, Cof.(after), Kali n., Sac lac

Cannabis s. …… Camphora

Cantharis………….. Coffea

Carbo animalis ………… Carbo veg. (?)

Carbo vegetabilis …………… Carbo animalis (?)

Caulophyllum……….. Coffea

Causticum……………. Acids, Cocc i., Cof, Phosphorus

Chamomilla……. Nux vomica, Zincum met.

Cinchona (China)……. Digitalinum (after) , Kreosotum (after), Ledum

Cistus can. …………… Coffee (as a beverage)

Cocculus ind. ……….. Caust, Coffea

Coffea cruda …….. Asterias r., Arg n., Canth, Caust, Cistus, Cocc. i., Ignatia, Lactic ac, Millefolium, Stramonium

Colchicum……… Acetic ac. (after colch)

Conium ……………… Psorinum (sometimes)

Digitalinum……….. Cinchona (china), Nitri spiritus dulc.

Dulcamara………….. Bell, Lachesis

Ferrum……………. Aceticum ac, Beer, Thea, Dig (after)

Ferrum phos. ………… Paris

Gelsemium………….. Atropinum, Opium

Helleborus ori. ………….. Coffea

Hepar ………………… Spongia (after)

Ignatia……….. Cof, Nux (someties), Tabacum

Kali n. ……………….. Smelling camphor increases suffering

Kreosotum………….. Carbo vegetabilis(after) Cinchona (after)

Lachesis…………. Aceticum ac, Ammonium carb, Dulc, Nitric ac., Psorinum, Sepia

Lacticum ac……….. Coffee (as a beverage)

Ledum…………. Cinchona

Lycopodium…………. Cof, after Sul., except in sequence of Sul-Calc-Lycopodium

Mercurius……….. Aceticum ac., Silicea

Millefolium……………. Coffee (as a beverage)

Morphinum………….. Vinegar

Natrum m. …………… Podophyllum (increases the action).

Nitri spititus dulcis ……… Digitalis,Ran b.

Nitricum ac. …………… Lachesis (after), Calc

Nux vomica ……………. Aceticum ac.(after), acids, Asterias r., Ign, Zincum.

Paris q. …………… Ferrum p.

Phosphorus………… Apis, Causticum

Podophyllum……… Salt (increases its action)

Psorinum…………… Conium, Lach, Sep (?)

Ranunculus b. …………. Aceticum ac. (after), Alcohol, Nitri spititus dulc, Staph, Sul, Vinegar, Wine

Rhus tox /Rhus rad. …….. Apis (esp. in skin affections)

Sarsaparilla…………. Aceticum ac. (after)

Scilla mar. …………. Allium sat, Allium cep.

Secale………… Aconite, Ars, Bell, Cinch, Merc, Pulsatilla

Selenium…………… Cinchona, Wine

Sepia……………………….. Bry, Lach, Puls

Silica…………….. Merc

Staphisagria………. Ranunculus.b.

Strammonium………… Coffea

Sulphur………. Aurum m., Calc (after)

Tabacum…….. Ignatia

Thea………….. Ferrum

Vespa………… Argentum nitricum,

Zincum…………. Cham, Nux vomica, Wine



NOTE: SEND YOUR TIPS TO [email protected]!

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Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath and educator. He is the author of Homeopathy: An A to Z Home Handbook. You can visit his website at Questions and comments are welcome at [email protected]

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.

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