Tips and Secrets

Tips & Secrets – April 2016

expository essay tips
Written by Alan V. Schmukler

Tips from the Masters and important news items

Calcaria picrata for Eye Problems

Having suffered from two or three styes and another one coming, I tried this remedy, which aborted the one in process of formation in twenty-four hours, and I have had none since, now nearly one year. Many cases in the clinic were given it for the same affection with the same result.  I tried it with phlyctenular troubles, both of cornea and conjunctiva, and the same prompt success followed. In a number of cases it completely subdued these frequently obstinate and protracted inflammations within 48 hours.

  1. F. Sterliko, M.D. – From Transactions of The Thirty-Eighth Session of the American Institute of Homeopathy – April l0th, 1844.

Pain After Ovarian Cyst Operation

We do not approach an operation now for the relief of an ovarian cyst with the dread that we formerly did. In the last three years we have never administered one particle of Morphia or Opium of any kind, but relied upon Hypericum or the indicated remedy instead. It is simply astonishing to see how rapidly a case will progress to a recovery after an ovariotomy if the system be not compelled to labor under the deleterious effects of a sedative or hypnotic

Phil. Porter, M.D., Detroit, Michigan – From Transactions of The Thirty-Eighth Session  of the American Institute of Homeopathy – April l0th, 1844.

Movie about vaccines and autism is censored

The film “VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe exposes how the Center for Disease Control (U.S.) deliberately hid the evidence that vaccines are causing autism. The film was supposed to be shown at the Tribeca Film Festival but was withdrawn, apparently due to its criticism of the CDC and vaccine industry.  The film, directed by Dr. Andrew Wakefield will now be distributed in New York by the Cinema Libre Studio.

4 Year Homeopathy Diploma for Rs52,000

Pakistan Central Homeopathic Medical College (PCHMC) is run by an elected governing body of homeopaths of Karachi. They are now offering a four year diploma in homeopathy for just Rs52,000.  (About $783)

Free Autism Treatment with Homeopathy

Ahead of World Autism Awareness Day on April 2, a homeopathy clinic has offered free treatment to 1,000 children five years and under, suffering from autism. Dr Ketan Patel of ‘Speciality Homeopathy’ said that the children will also be given the necessary testing and counseling for the next 18 months in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad and Kolkata. Starting Apri 2nd, parents of affected children can register at: www.Snfindia.Org/autism/treatment/freecamp2016   Dr. Patel said that children treated before the age of five, have the best chance of recovery.

Mastery of Homeopathic Snake Remedies 

A 4 day seminar with Louis Klein and Konstantinos Pisios being held on Mykonos Greece ,  June 21-24, 2016.   Learn more at:

Some Tips from Dr. Dr. G. M. G. Jahr 

In contused wounds, if whole pieces of flesh are torn off, Calendula helps much more rapidly and reliably than Arnica, only the external use must not be continued too long. Even in gun-shot wounds, where the whole limb is shattered Calendula is indispensable.

Ear Wax: For an abnormal accumulations of ear-wax, Conium undoubtedly occupies the first rank. For deficiency of ear-wax, we depend upon Calcarea or Carbo veg.  The latter is, together with Causticum, an excellent remedy for badly-smelling cerumen.

Convulsions during pregnancy are dangerous since they may lead to miscarriage. Belladonna is a very reliable remedy in such cases, likewise Cham, and Ignatia, or, if blood is at the same time discharged from the womb, Ipecac. and Hyoscyamus Gelseminum is an excellent remedy for eclampsia of pregnant or parturient females.

Hysterical Spasms — One of the most effective remedies for these spasms, which sometimes not only simulate eclampsia but likewise epilepsy, is Ignatia. Silica is my great remedy for hysterical spasms, if Ignatia is not sufficient.

Cataract — In this condition I have accomplished most with Sulph., allowing the dose to act a long time. If the action of Sulph. seems exhausted, I then commonly resort to Calcarea and next to Lycopodium with tolerable success. If these remedies do not help, I have success with Magnes, Cannab. and Silica, and, in the case of old people, Conium 30th, of which I cause a solution of six globules to be at the same time applied externally. In the case of an infant that was born with cataract, Sulphur effected considerable improvement ; a cure was finally completed by means of  Euphrasia and Lycopodium

Glaucoma — Phosphorus is the surest remedy for this disorder, and helps more frequently than any other remedy. If a cure is not completed by Phosphorus, Lycopodium and no less Silica will be found indispensable.

For spots on the cornea and dimness of this membrane my first and chief remedy always is Euphrasia. If insufficient, I give afterwards Sulph., Calc, and Nit acid at long intervals.

Dr. G.M.G Jahr – The Most Important Results of More Than Forty Years’ Practice.

Indian Health Ministry Bans Hundreds of Allopathic Drugs

The Health Ministry in India banned 344 allopathic medicines and may ban another 500 drugs – including antibiotics and anti-diabetes drugs which they found to be unsafe and ineffective. medicines/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+homeoupdates+%28Homeobook+-+Everything+on+Homeopathy%29

Swiss interior ministry will elevate five complementary therapies, including homeopathy to the same level as conventional medicine.

Starting on May 2017, homeopathy, holistic medicine, herbal medicine, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine will now have the same status as conventional medicine.  These treatments will then be covered by basic compulsory insurance.

Research Shows that Homeopathy Helps Aids Patients

Experiences with an Integrative Approach to Treating HIV/AIDS in East Africa

In their study, Tina Quirk and Jeremy Sherr found that patients experienced amelioration from nausea, vomiting and headaches, peripheral neuropathy, ulcers, skin symptoms and nightmares. Also, opportunistic infections such as Kaposi sarcoma and fungus infections reduced or disappeared. Patients regained their appetite, put on weight and report increased energy. Formerly incapacitated patients are able to collect firewood, carry water jugs, work in the fields, climb the mountain, earn money and feed and care for their children.

Valvular Deposits

Inflammatory rheumatism, shifting from joint to joint, with tendency to attack the heart, high fever, excruciating pains, which, of course, are made worse by motion, will be benefited by Kalmia. In valvular deposits Kalmia and Lithium carbonicum are our foremost drugs.

Practical Homoeopathic Therapeutics, W.A. Dewey MD

International Homoeopathic Congress – 2016

The 1st International Homoeopathic Congress – 2016, was held at New Delhi, from 8th – 10th April 2016.  The congress was organized for World Homoeopathy Day, which is celebrated every year on 10th of April as a tribute to Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Delegates from Brazil, Russia, South Africa, Italy, Netherlands, UK, Austria and many other countries were expected to participate in the convention.

President Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated the convention which was jointly being organised by the Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH) and  the Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis (LMHI).

Australia Punishes Anti-Vaccine Parents

In Australia,there is now a law called the The Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment of 2015, nicknamed No Jab, No Pay. Parents who refuse vaccination for their children will be unable to claim childcare rebates and will lose their end-of-year family tax benefits.

U.S. Government Targets Vitamins and Healthy Supplements

U.S. Attorney General Loretta charges that dietary supplements (eg. vitamins) “endanger public health” and “Falsely Claim To Cure Illness And Disease.”.  Actually dietary supplements caused zero deaths in 2013, while FDA approved pharmaceutical drugs caused 128,000 deaths in hospitals alone!

Arsenicum as an Important “Horse Remedy”

Arsenic is the horse’s remedy, as Pulsatilla is the sheep’s, and Antim crud. the pig’s. The horse is an animal on whose power of endurance and “wind” enormous demands are made, and Arsenic is the remedy for the effects of feats of prolonged endurance. The horse typifies the Arsenic temperament. It is an exceedingly nervous animal, constantly moving about, restless to a degree, and very prone to take fright.

Dr.  J.H. Clarke – M.M.

Four Tips from H. R. Arndt, M.D

Collapse of Air Cells

Dr. R. Ludlam relates a case presenting sudden and alarming symptoms of collapse of the air cells, following an attack of bronchitis, in a boy ten days old. After

trying other remedies, Tartar emetic (Ant. Tart) produced almost instantaneous relief, and the child recovered. Dr. Ludlum expressed the belief that Antimonium tart was practically and pathologically specific for post-natal collapse of the air-cells.

Bryonia in Pericarditis

Bryonia, is, next to Aconite, the most useful remedy in pericarditis. No remedy so closely resembles in every particular the rheumatic diathesis.  It has a specific affinity for serous membranes, causes acid condition of the blood , causes all the pains so characteristic of rheumatic fever, and the products of the rheumatic inflammation (serous and plastic effusions).


Petroleum is an excellent remedy in those cases where the patient experiences relief by constant eating. The pain is pressing, drawing. Emptiness and weakness at the stomach, water-brash.

Arsenicum Iodatum

The Iodide of arsenic is a valuable remedy in many cases in which there exists enlargement of the tonsils and a tendency to induration of the glands.

A System of Medicine Based Upon the Law of Homoeopathy – Edited By H. R. Arndt, M.D. Vol. I.

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.


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