Tips and Secrets

Tips & Secrets – September 2016

Tips & Secrets –  September  2016
Written by Alan V. Schmukler

Tips and Secrets from the masters and important news.

Death by Vaccine

According to statistics from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (U.S.), in the last 10 years there have been zero deaths from measles, but 108 deaths from measles vaccine!

Why Some Doctors Push Vaccines

Responding to a pro-vaccine article in the Los Angeles Times, Lucy Cole wrote this letter:   The U.S. medical insurers Blue Cross/ Blue Shield pay pediatricians $400 per fully vaccinated child. If a pediatrician has just 100 fully-vaccinated patients turning 2 this year, that’s $40,000. If a doctor manages to fully vaccinate 200 patients, that bonus jumps to $80,000.  But here’s the catch: Under Blue Cross/ Blue Shield’s rules, pediatricians lose the whole bonus unless at least 63% of patients are fully vaccinated, and that includes the flu vaccine.…/2016-BCN-BCBSM-Incentive-…

Thanks to Lucy Cole

Mandatory Vaccine Bill

A (U.S.) congressional bill to force mandatory vaccinations across the nation has entered the House of Representatives under the name “Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015” or HR 2232.  This is a national version of the SB277 bill that is now law in California. The bill was introduced by Frederica S. Wilson, Dem. Congresswoman from Miami, Florida.


Homeopath James Comptom Burnett once treated a case of fatty liver, atheroma of the arteries with the symptoms: much pain corresponding to the course of the basilar artery, large, deeply pigmented patches on forehead, profound adynamia.   Potentized Vanadium restored the patient, who was seventy, and at eighty he was “hale and hearty.”

J.H. Clarke –  Dictionary of M.M.

What do you need to be a good agrohomeopath?

“Maybe it will sound to some as too philosophical or poetic, but [you need] unconditional love for all living beings, even organisms apparently very pathogenic, that express resonance with life and seek to transcend and finally will evolve in harmony with the holon. 

 Radko Tichavsky – Master Agrohomeopath

Rhus for the Eye

Rhus toxicodendron is indeed a wonderful remedy in inflammation of the deeper coats of the eye, in iritis, episcleritis, and is even suggested in panophthalmitis.

Hahnemannian  Monthly Volume-II  Jan – Dec I917

Six Tips from Dr. Constantine Hering

Antimonium crudum  in tooth pain

Antimonium crudum is the principal remedy for pains in hollow teeth, of a boring, digging, tearing, jerking character, which sometimes penetrate into the head. The pains are aggravated in the evening in bed, after eating, by cold water and better when walking in the open air.


Ipecacuanha has very copious continued flooding, during pregnancy, the blood flowing with cutting pains around the navel. Great pressure and bearing-down. Chills and coldness of the body. A feeling of heat rising into the head, great weakness and inclination to lie down. This is also the most important remedy in flooding after delivery.

Camphora in Asiatic Cholera

For sudden attacks, and in the commencement, if the disease becomes rapidly much worse, Camphora shaken with water or dissolved in alcohol, is the chief remedy. If the patient is attacked with cramps, nausea, excessive prostration, coldness and blueness of the surface, give him a drop of it every fifteen, ten or five minutes until he begins to perspire.  This remedy was discovered and first made known to the world by Hahnemann . It has since saved the lives of hundreds of thousands.

Rheumatic Pain in Head

Chamomilla is the best remedy for rheumatic pains in the head, especially when there are pains of a tearing and drawing character, which change their seat frequently.  If Chamomilla fails to give relief in a few hours, give Pulsatilla in the morning or Nux vomica in the evening.


China is indicated in nosebleeds of enervated and debilitated subjects who have frequent and long-continued attacks of hemorrhage, with great paleness of the face, coldness of the extremities and convulsions.


Crocus in indicated in nosebleed when the blood is very dark, almost black, of a thick viscid character, and when the hemorrhage is accompanied by cold sweat on the forehead, the disposition being variable, laughing alternating with sadness.

The Homoeopathic Domestic Physician -Constantine Hering, M. D.


Hepar is an excellent remedy for facial neuralgia, mostly right-sided, due perhaps to exposure to cold winds. Remember the mental irritability and hasty speech and action, as characteristic of Hepar.

The Medical Counselor  – January, 1896.

Antidepressants Trigger Suicide and Aggression

Researchers from the University of Copenhagen, did a review and meta-analysis of the relationship between antidepressant treatment and suicidality and aggression based on 64,381 pages of clinical reports. They found that pharmaceutical antidepressant treatment actually doubles the risk for suicidality in children and adolescents.


Some Other Remedies in Angina

Spigelia is a useful remedy in anguishing substernal pain which radiates to neck and arms, irregular pulse, tendency to syncope, palpitation and sharp stitches in heart, pulse weak and irregular, or full and bounding.

Cimicifuga has pains radiating all over the chest and a sensation as if the left arm were bound to the side. The patient may become unconscious, the heart’s action suddenly ceases, there is a sense of impending suffocation, and the pulse is weak and feeble.

Kalmia has shooting pains above the heart to the scapula, anguish about heart, pressure from epigastrium to heart.

Kali carbonicum has stitches from heart to scapula and there is great weakness.

Aurum produces a pressure on sternum as from a heavy weight

Practical Homoeopathic Therapeutics, W.A. Dewey MD

Five Tips from Dr. E.A. Farrington

Warning on Phosphorus in Pneumonia

Unless you give the drug cautiously, you precipitate what you would prevent.  Be certain that it is the remedy, and do not give it too often, or you will hasten the process you are anxious to avoid.


Kalmia is especially useful when gout or rheumatism shifts from the joints to the heart, especially after external applications to the joints. The heart pains are sharp, taking away the breath, and the patient almost suffocates, so severe are they.  The pains shoot down into the abdomen or stomach. The pulse is slow, almost as slow as that calling for Digitalis.

Gelsemium and Baptisia

Both Gelsemium and Baptisia have intense muscular soreness and prostration, drowsiness and nervous excitement with prostration and a feeling of expansion, as though the head or some part of the body were enormously enlarged. Gelsemium   usually precedes Baptisia when there are  malaise and  muscular soreness, and the patient  suffers from chills and crawls, which go down  the  back.


Rumex crispus is a splendid  remedy for tickling cough from an annoying tickling in the supra-sternal fossa.  The patient wants to breathe warm air, and anything which disturbs the temperature of the  respired  air excites the tickling and the cough.


In epilepsy Cicuta virosa has shocks from head down the body, violent convulsions, screaming, red  face, limbs greatly distorted, frothing at the mouth, face blue, respiration greatly impeded, trembling before and after the spasm and  great weakness after the attacks.

E. A. Farrington, M.D.  – Clinical  Materia  Medica

Mother Teresa

On Sunday, Sept 4, 2016, Mother Teresa, a Catholic nun who devoted her life to helping India’s poor, was declared a saint in a canonization Mass held by Pope Francis in the Vatican. Mother Teresa opened her first charitable homeopathic dispensary in Calcutta in 1950. She also prescribed homeopathic medicines herself on occasion.

Pharma’s War on the Poor

In the U.S. the Drug Price Relief Act would make prescription drugs more affordable for people living on low incomes. In California alone, Pharmaceutical Corporations have spent $70 million to defeat the Drug Price Relief Act.


Six  Tips from W. A. Dewey, M. D.

Kali chloricum

Kali chloricum is said to be the most homeopathic of all remedies in Bright’s disease. It has scanty, dark, albuminous urine containing casts. It excites a violent nephritis.

Mercurius corrosivus

Dr. Ludlam considers Mercurius corrosivus  our best remedy for the albuminous nephritis of pregnancy and Baehr lauds it in suppurative nephritis.

Zincum valerianate

For great fidgetiness of the feet, think always of Zincum valerianate. It is our best remedy for this condition.

Veratrum viride

Elliot considers Veratrum mride in the lower potencies our best remedy in acute meningitis.  It has intense cerebral congestion, rapid pulse, tendency to convulsions, followed by prostration.

Calc Carb in Ophthalmia

Calcarea carbonica is our best remedy for scrofulous ophthalmia, corresponding to the worst cases. No remedy excels it in opacities and ulcerations of the cornea. The general symptoms will indicate the remedy. Discharge bland, cornea opaque and lids thickened. Conjunctivitis from getting wet. The eyes are so sensitive to the light that patient insists on thick covering.


Terebinthina is one of our most reliable remedies in the early stages of renal diseases when congestion is prominent and there is much pain in the back of a dull character extending along the ureters. The great characteristic of dark smoky urine will be present.  It is recommended in post scarlatinal renal affections.

Practical  Homoeopathic Therapeutics -Ed. W. A. DEWEY, M. D. (1901)


Sometimes we can cure a fully developed cataract by homoeopathic remedies, or cut short the disease in its progress, and in cases which we cannot cure, we bring the whole organism of the patient in a better condition to be operated upon. Sulph., Silica, Caust., Cannab., Phos., Calc. and Conium are mentioned as the remedies which arrest the progress of cataracts. The principal thing, however, is to choose such remedies as tend to improve the general health.  –Dr. Molan

A Treatise On The Principal Diseases Of The Eyes : based on Theodore J. Rueckert’s “Clinical experience in Homoeopathy -by John C. Peters, M.D.  1856

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.


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