Disease Index

Homeopathy for Depression

homeopathy for depression a
Written by Dr. Manish Bhatia

The article describes use of Homeopathy for depression and anxiety disorders. It includes basic facts, cause, general management and homeopathy treatment and homeopathic remedies. What is Depression? Everyone feels sad or “down in the dumps” at times, but the sadness usually goes away. A person who feels bad for a very long time might have depression or anxiety.

The article describes use of Homeopathy for depression and anxiety disorders. It includes basic facts, cause, general management and homeopathy treatment and homeopathic remedies for depression and anxiety.

What is Depression?

Everyone feels sad or “down in the dumps” at times, but the sadness usually goes away. However, for some people, these sad feelings remain for a long while. A person who feels bad for a very long time might have depression or anxiety or both, called Anxiety-Depression Disorder. Depression is a disease that affects a person’s moods.

Moods are the way a person feels and how he or she expresses those feeling. Someone who suffers from depression may feel sad, angry, irritable, tired, confused, guilty, or worthless. A person who is depressed may lose interest in almost everything he or she used to enjoy.

homeopathy for depression and anxiety

homeopathy for depression and anxiety

Depression can cause physical changes in the body, too. A person with depression may have aches and pains and other health problems. Depression also changes the way a person acts.

Somebody who is depressed may yell and throw things. He or she may not eat enough or eat too much. This person might have trouble sleeping or feel so tired that he or she stays in bed most of the time. Depression can have a serious effect on a person’s life. It can cause problems with school, a job, family, and friends.

Depression is not a weakness or a personality problem. It is painful for the person who has it. The disease can also be difficult for the person’s family and friends. The good news is that a person with depression can be helped.

There are a number of treatments that a doctor can use to help him or her feel better. There are also things a person with depression can do to get healthier. While there is no one single cure for depression, there is help and there is hope. No one with the disease should suffer alone.

Depression may now be defined in terms of the following attributes:

  1. A specific alteration in mood: sadness, loneliness, apathy.
  2. A negative self – concept associated with self-reproaches and self-blame.
  3. Regressive and self-punitive wishes: desire to escape, hide, or die.
  4. Vegetative changes: anorexia, insomnia, loss of libido.
  5. Change in activity level: retardation or agitation.

Symptoms of depression

Emotional Symptoms

  • Depressed mood, “blue” feeling
  • Irritability, anxiety
  • Anhedonia, loss of interest
  • Loss of zest
  • Diminished emotional bonds
  • Interpersonal withdrawal
  • Preoccupation with death

Cognitive Symptoms

  • Self criticism, sense of worthlessness, guilt
  • Pessimism, hopelessness, despair
  • Distractible, poor concentration
  • Uncertain and indecisive
  • Variable obsessions
  • Somatic complaints (particularly in elderly)
  • Memory impairment
  • Delusion and hallucinations

Vegetative Symptoms

  • Fatigability, no energy
  • Insomnia or hypersomnia
  • Anorexia or hyperrexia
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Psychomotor retardation
  • Psychomotor agitation
  • Impaired libido
  • Frequent diumal variation

Signs of Depression

  • Stopped and slow moving
  • Tearful sad faces
  • Dry mouth and skin
  • Constipation

Diagnostic criteria for depression

  • Depressed mood almost every day.
  • Markedly reduced interest or pleasure in all activities.
  • Significant weight loss or weight gain when not dieting.
  • No organic cause.
  • No delusion or hallucinations in absence of mood symptoms for as long as 2 weeks during the course of the illness.
  • Not superimposed on schizophrenia or other psychosis.

Depression Treatment

Depression is a treatable mental illness and the following three components are used in conventional medicine for the management of depression:

  • Support, ranging from discussing practical solutions and contributing stresses, to educating family members.
  • Psychotherapy,  such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT focuses on the development of personal coping strategies that target solving current problems and changing unhelpful patterns (e.g. thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes), behaviors, and emotional regulation.
  • Drug treatment, like antidepressants – Serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) , Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), Noradrenaline and specific serotoninergic antidepressants (NASSAs)

Homeopathy Treatment for Depression and Anxiety

homeopathy remedies for depression treatmentIn the treatment of depression, it is necessary to identify the cause of depression.

Homeopathy for depression and anxiety – Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine.

The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering.

The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat depression and anxiety but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several homeopathic medicines are available for depression treatment that can be selected on the basis of cause, condition, sensation and modalities of the complaints.

For individualized homeopathic remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. Some important homeopathy remedies are given below for depression treatment:

Homeopathy Remedies for Depression  and Anxiety

from Allen’s Encyclopedia of Homeopathic Materia Medica)



– fear of incurable disease and infections is marked in arsenic due to which anxiety occours.

– a. Depressing, melancholy, despairing, indifferent.

– b. Anxious, fearful, restless, full of anguish.

– * Exceedingly sensitive, despondent, sad, and weeping; the least trifle fills her with care and solicitude, [_a1].

– Sad mood, [a217].

– Great seriousness, [_a1].

– Spirits depressed, [a224].

– Much depressed, [a183].

– She is despondent about her condition, [a121].

– Grief, [a99].

– Sad and depressed, [_a1].

– Melancholic, sad, after eating, with headache(after eighty hours),

– Mental anxiety, [a117].

– Indescribable anxiety, [a105, a116], etc.

– Extreme anxiety, [a19, a167].

– (Most intolerable anxiety)

– * Real deathly anxiety, [a207].

– Excited and anxious, [a124].

– * Impatient and anxious, [_a1].

– * The anxiety and restlessness are indescribable; “Kill me”, he cried, “or relieve my pains!”, [a102].

– Great anxiety and oppression, [a100].

– Anxiety and breaking out of cold sweat, [a144].

– Anxiety, with sweat, [a99].

– Continued anxiety, a mental anguish, as if he had not done his duty, without however, knowing wherein, [_a1].

– * Anxiety and heat do not permit her to fall asleep before midnight, for many days, [_a1].

– * Anxiety in the evening after lying down; at 3 o ‘clock after midnight, after waking, [_a1].

– * Violent anxiety at 3 o’clock in the night; he now felt hot, now as if he would vomit, [_a1].

– Anxiety and fear; he sees an absent acquaintance lying dead upon the sofa, and has great dread of him, [a10].

– * Fear, [a166].

– * Sense of deadly fear, [a99].

– * Apprehension, [a99].

– * Constant dread of death, [a99].

– * Dread of death coming on suddenly when left alone, or on going to bed, [a224].

– * The greatest fear and anguish; she ghosts day and night, [_a1].

– (He is anxious and trembling and is afraid he shall not be able to prevent himself from killing a person with a knife), [a16].



– Hypochondriac and gloomy mood; drawing pain in the forehead; yellowish complexion;

– Anxiety, which makes him walk rapidly, [_a1].

– * He feels very much affected bodily and mentally; he does not undertake anything lest he should not succeed(6th potency), [a4].

– Irritated and anxious mood, in the morning after rising, accompanied with great nervousness, feeling of weakness and tremulousness (6th potency), [a4].

– Alternation of clear consciousness, lightness of sense, and indifference (6th potency), [a4].

– Dullness of sense, absence of thought, inability to think; he is unable to find suitable words for his ideas; hence he falters in his speech(2d potency, second day), [a4].

– Difficulty to collect his senses; he found it extremely difficult to conceive and idea, with heat and fullness in the head (2d potency, third day), [a4].

– He feels dull, as if he would do nothing, [a52].

– Stupid feeling in the head when writing (30th potency, first day), [a4].

– Weakness of memory; he is unable to think connectedly, and falters in his speech (30th potency, second day), [a4].

– Stupefaction, with suffering look (30th potency, second day), [a5].

– Total loss of consciousness, [a59].



One of the best homeopathy for depression remedies, with suicidal disposition and a strong sense of responsibility.

– Desire for solitude, [a15].

– * (Loathing of life), [_a1].

– * Disgust for life, suicidal tendency, [a15].

– Good humor the whole day, with talkativeness and self-satisfaction (reaction), [a7].

– Tolerable degree of cheerfulness, agreeable ease (after two hours), [_a3].

– Frequent weeping, [a15].

– * She howls and screams, and imagines herself irretrievably lost, [_a1].

– * Despondent, [_a1].

– * Melancholy; he imagines he is unfit for this world, and longs for death, which he contemplates with internal delight, [_a2].

– * Despondent melancholy, he imagines he cannot succeed in anything, [a11].

– * Dejected, and full of melancholy, [_a1].

– * He is dejected, and seeks solitude, [_a1].

– * He imagines he has lost the affections of his friends; this makes him sad, even unto tears.

– Discouraged, and out of humour with himself.

– The least trifle makes him discouraged.

– He feels discouraged and despondent; he imagines he does everything wrong, and cannot succeed in anything.

– He is dissatisfied with everything; he imagines obstacles everywhere in his way, partly occasioned by adverse fate, partly by himself; this latter makes him morbidly depressed

– Self-condemnation, continual self-reproach, self-criticism, a constant looking into self; she does nothing right, everything is wrong, nothing will succeed, hopelessness.

– “Imagines he cannot succeed in anything, and he does everything wrong; he is in disunion with himself.”

– Imagines he sees obstacles in his way everywhere.

– He is all the time imagining that he has neglected something, that he has neglected his friends.

– He imagines that he deserves reproach in consequence of having neglected duty; he has neglected something, he is wrong, is wholly evil, has sinned away his day of grace, is not worthy of salvation; this is the train of thought that constantly runs through his mind.

– The thought really becomes uncontrollable; he is absorbed in himself and sits and broods over it, and by brooding over it he only intensifies his present state and hatches new grievances, continues to worry over himself, thinks he is wholly unfit for this world, and then he longs to die.

– He looks on the dark side of everything, constantly expecting bad news, looking for everything to go wrong.

– The future looks dark to him, and he wants to die; he never will succeed, for everything goes wrong that he turns his hand to.

– His business is dark, his family troubles him, his friends annoy him; he becomes extremely irritable, easily angered, is worried over trifles, and easily excited.

– Every little thing rouses him into anger and turmoil, he is always in a vexation.

– The Aurum state of mind is an insanity dreadful to look upon because of its turbulence and melancholy.

– It is suitable in the most profound states of melancholy and depression where the patient sits silent and says nothing.

– When disturbed he is aroused to great vehemence, anger and violence.

– “Melancholy, feels hateful and quarrelsome.”



– Children suffering from mental exertion, dreads mental exertion.

– Unpleasant news makes him beside himself; he can seriously think of nothing, cannot collect his thoughts, and gets into a general sweat about it(ninth day), [a6].

– Stupid indifference; cretinism, [a5].

– He has a clearer oversight, and more distinct views of many things (eighth day), [a6].

– Indisposition to work, also to mental work, [a5].

– Obtuse intellect; difficulty in performing intellectual operations; cannot

– Writes wrong words, or the same words twice, [a5].

– Forgetfulness; forget what he did a short time ago, [a5



– A good homeopathy remedy for Anticipatory Anxiety.

– Irritable, impatient.

– There was at first a cheerful, careless morale, afterwards depression of

– She seemed to know all that was going on; described her symptoms, .

– Symptoms lasted several hours, but all the while I retained a clear state of mental activity.

– Dullness of all the mental faculties.

– For several days, rather dull and stupid, with disinclination to conversation, which was remarked by friends, who knew nothing of my taking medicine (fifth day).

– Very dull and stupid, with aversion to study (fourth day).

– * Dullness of mind, alleviated on profuse emission of watery urine.

– * Incapacity to think or fix the attention, [a5].

– Mind listless and incapable of reflection, as after ague, with a not severe, dull headache all day, and digging in the right ear all the afternoon (seventh day).

– The sensorial modification consisted of a mistiness within the brain, not much affecting the lucidity of thought, but somewhat confusing the perceptions, so that I experienced some difficulty in attending to the physical details connected with my practice.

– Inability to concentrate the mind.

– Found it to affect the power of concentration very materially; I could not fix my mind on the contents of a newspaper, although the matter was of an exciting character; I could not pursue one train of thought for any time, the ideas would vanish and leave a vacancy of mind which was quite annoying.

– Confusion of mind.

– Incoherency of thought.

– – Stupid, intoxicated feeling.

–  * Unconsciousness.

– He threw himself upon the floor and soon became unconscious (after half an hour).

– * Totally unconscious.

– Totally unconscious, and could not be aroused (after three hours).



In striking contrast with the fair complexion, yielding, lachrymose, but slow and indecisive Pulsatilla.

–  The homeopathic remedy of great contradictions; symptoms often, and suddenly directly opposite (continually changing, no two attacks alike, Puls.).

– Mental conditions rapidly, in an almost incredibly short time, change from joy to sorrow, laughing to weeping.

– Persons mentally and physically exhausted by long concentrated grief; involuntary sighing, and a weak, empty feeling at pit of stomach, not relieved by eating.

– Bad effects of anger, grief, or disappointed love; broods over imaginary trouble in solitude.

– Children: reprimanded, scolded, sent to bed, get sick, are convulsed in sleep.

– Headache, as if a nail were driven out through the side, relieved by lying on it.



– Kali group has marked anxiety for family but in kali brom there is marked anxiety for children.

Grief after losing the child

– Depression of mind, during which he experienced the most gloomy ideas relative to his present and future condition, if an opinion could be formed from the signs of distress, such as weeping, moaning, and wringing his hands, which he continued to manifest; two hours after this he fell asleep, and when he awoke eight hours afterwards was perfectly sane (fourth day).

– Anxiety.

– Listlessness.

– Confusion.

– Inability to concentrate thoughts, slow perception.

– Acute mania, with sleeplessness and strange illusions, fear or being poisoned, of being pursued, etc.

– Suicidal mania, with a numb feeling in the head, and feeling as if he would lose his reason.

– Loss of memory, a kind of aphasia in which words and syllables are forgotten and omitted.

– Profound melancholia, with irritability and weeping or with religious delusions.




– Sadness and anxiety associated with physical complaints

– Anxiety, nervous dread, lethargy after overwork.

– Indisposition to meet people.

– Extreme lassitude and depression.

– Very nervous, starts easily, irritable.

– Brain-fag; hysteria; night terrors.

– Somnambulance.

– Slightest labor seems a heavy task.

– Great despondency about business.

– Shyness; disinclined to converse.

 – Anxiety, nervous dread without any special cause, gloomy moods, fancies, looks on the     dark    side of everything, dark forebodings.

-Great despondency about business and pecuniary affairs.

-Disinclined to converse.

-Depressed spirits, general irritability, or great impatience.

-Loss of memory, omits letters or words in writings, uses wrong words, confusion of ideas.

-Dread of and oversensitiveness to noise.

-Dullness, want of energy, the slightest labor seems a heavy task.

-Undecided, captious, changeable.

-Rambling talk while wide awake ( Natr. mur. ).

-Effects of fright.

-After-effects of grief.



– * Melancholy; loss of spirits; sad thoughts.

– Extremely melancholy; depressed, joyless mood.

– * Depression of spirits.

– She became very miserable (with sore throat), and the color of the face became yellowish-gray).

– * Despondent, sad, fanciful.

– Very despondent and weak.

– Despairing, lachrymose.

– Hypochondriac, complaining mood; he feels unhappy.

– * Anxiety in the evening, whereby there seems to be a sort of semi-confusion before the eyes.

– Anxiety on falling asleep.

– Attack of anxiety on waking after midnight, so that she is unable to get her breath, lasting two hours, two nights in succession.

– If people come near her, she is immediately attacked with anxiety at the pit of the stomach.

– * Great anxiety, as if in the pit of the stomach, without special thoughts.

– Internal anxiety in the forenoon, and internal chilliness, like an internal trembling.

– Anxious thoughts, as if she were about to die, for which she even prepared by thinking of her farewell messages, in the morning after waking from a deep sleep.

– Loss of confidence in his own vigour.




– Homeopathy remedy for Ailments from suppressed gonorrhoea or history of gonorrhoea in family.

– Weak memory.

– Loses the thread of conversation.

– Cannot speak without weeping.

– Time passes too slowly. [Cannab. ind.; Arg.n. ]

– Is in a great hurry.

– Hopeless of recovery.

– Difficult concentration.

– Fears going insane. [Mancinella.]

– Sensibility exalted.

– Nervous, restless.

– Fear in the dark and of some one behind her.

– Melancholy, with suicidal thoughts.

– Great weakness of memory.

– Dullness of memory and desire to procrastinate, because business seemed so lasting, or as if it never could be accomplished.

– Entirely forgot what she had read, even previous line.

– Forgetfulness of names, later of words and initial letters.

– Cannot remember names; has to ask name of her most intimate friend; forgets her own.

– Cannot spell right; wonders how the word “how” is spelled.

– Reads a letter and thinks the words look queer and are spelled wrong.

– Time moves too slowly.

– Dazed feeling; a far off sensation, as though things done today occurred a week ago.

– Momentary loss of thought, caused by sensation of tightness in brain.

– Loses constantly the thread of her talk.

– In conversation he would occasionally stop, and on resuming make remark that he could not think what word he wanted to use.

– Seems to herself to make wrong statements, because she does not know what to say next, begins all right but does not know how to finish; weight on vertex, which seems to affect mind.

– Great difficulty in stating her symptoms, loses herself and has to be asked over again.

– Difficulty in concentrating his thoughts or mind on abstract subjects.

– Could not read or use mind at all from pain in head.

– Thinks someone is behind her, hears whispering; sees faces that peer at her from behind bed and furniture.

– Persons come in, look at her, whisper, and say “come”.

– One night saw large people in room; large rats running; felt a delicate hand smoothing her head from front to back.

– Fears he is going to die.

– Is sure that she is worse, knows she is not going to live, cannot see any improvement, even when it is pointed out; has no fear of death, speaks calmly about it; and gives directions as to the disposition of her affairs.

– Sensation as if all life was unreal, like a dream.

– Wild and desperate feeling, as of incipient insanity.

– Cannot speak without crying.

Tendency to suicide, gets up in night and takes his pistol, but his wife prevents him.

– Is in a great hurry; when doing anything is such a hurry that she gets fatigued.

– Strange exhilaration of spirits.

– Alternation of happiness and gloominess.

– Spirits in the depths, weighed down with heavy, solid gloom ameliorated by torrents of tears.

– Is always anticipating; feels most matters sensitively before they occur and generally correctly.

– Anticipates death.

– Dread of saying the wrong thing when she has headache.

– Everything startles her, news coming to her seems to touch her heart before she hears it.

– Woke at an early hour with a frightened sensation, as if something dreadful had happened; heavy weight and great heat in head; could not rest in bed; felt as if she must do something to rid her mind of this torture.

– Fear of the dark.

– Feeling as if he had committed the unpardonable sin and was going to hell.

– A word or look of seeming harshness puts her in despondency for hours.

– Indisposed to work or make mental effort; desire for rest and dread of change; noise, confusion, disorderliness of surroundings distressing; depression and much anxiety, especially after sleep; irritable if the room is not light enough to make everything distinct; craving for stimulants, but cannot endure the effects, for they cause a wild, crazy feeling in brain after the first sleep; same effect from using eyes.

– Usually depressed; easily tired; disinclined to any exertion, and yet often unable to keep still; forgetful; unable to think connectedly; mind wanders from subject, even in reading; cannot think at all if hurried.

– Always wakens tired in the morning; hates to do anything that must be done, even nice things; gets nervous and excited about ridding and driving as soon as the time is fixed.

– Constant state of anguish.

– Always a feeling of impending danger, but knows not what.

– There is no cause for such feelings, as she is not obliged to do anything when disinclined; is so situated that nothing need cause her trouble.

– Inability to think continuously, to talk or to listen to talking when weary; vacant feeling in head.

– Forgetful, cannot remember the least thing any length of time; writes everything down of any importance; cannot trust herself to remember it; great irritability and disgust with life.

– The impatience, excitement, wild feelings; the unreal, dazed conditions; the gloom and fear in the dark; the difficulty of speaking without tears, are marked evidence of functional derangement of the nervous system.

– Medorrhinum is forgetful of names, words, etc., but instead of forgetting occurrences, during certain periods of time, like Syphilinum, it forgets what it is reading, even to the last line read; it cannot concentrate its attention; thinks words spelled wrong and have no meaning, etc.

– Medorrhinum develops a peculiar sensitivity especially in relation to occurrences affecting itself.

– It feels the evil coming to it, and the bad news before it arrives, of course it is selfish, and it is easily hurt by a harsh word.

– It is also introspective, self-accusative, remorseful.

– Time moves slowly to it, therefore it is hurried.

– We find a dazed condition from the loss of the thread of thought, which annoys and causes a dread of saying the wrong thing, and a difficulty in stating symptoms.

– It is always anticipating, fearing evil will happen, loss of reason or suicide.

– It fears it has committed the unpardonable sin, and cares little for the result, because of the seething, restless, uneasy, unbalanced nerves.

– Feeling of desperation; did not care if he went to heaven or hell.

– Cross through day, exhilarated at night, wants to play.

– Irritated at little things.

– Nerve trembling, with worry.

– Very impatient.

– Reading and writing make her nervous and enrage her.

– Great selfishness.

– Time moves so slowly that things done an hour ago appear to have occurred a year since; asked the time of day, and in five minutes insisted that half an hour had elapsed and could not believe it had not till she had seen the watch.



Homeopathy remedy for Bad effects of chronic grief, which he cannot express to others.

Sad and dejected (after an eruption of nettle-rash).

– Very melancholy.

– Subdued spirit.

– Melancholy mood; he cannot remove from his thoughts injuries he has inflicted on others, or which have been inflicted on him, which depressed him so much that he had no pleasure in anything .

– Melancholy dejection and sorrowful anxious despondency all day, without any known cause, with unceasing palpitation, without bodily ailment.

– Sudden but short attacks of melancholy.

– Sad and sorrowful.

– He sorrowfully torments himself, by continually looking for disagreeable ideas, which weakens him.

– For hours, immersed in thoughts, as to what would become of him.

– In his thought he constantly recalls former disagreeable occurrences, so as to worry himself by thinking about them.

– She takes everything in bad part, and weeps and cries.

– When alone, she calls up disagreeable thoughts and has to weep.

– If she merely thinks of troubles past, tears come into her eyes.

– From the looks of everyone, he concludes that people pity him for his misfortune, and he weeps.

– He had to weep as soon as anyone merely looked at him.

– She has to weep involuntarily.

– Anxious disposition to weep.

– Much inclined to weeping and excited.

– Very much disposed to weep, with dislike of working.

– He was only the more agitated, when any one tried to console him.

– Attacks of entire hopelessness and internal despondency, which take away all her strength.

– Hypochondriac, even to being tired of life.

– Anxiously solicitous about the future.

– Anxious about becoming insane.

– He is afraid he will have to die.

– She often looks into the looking-glass, and thinks she looks wretched.

– Sudden anxiety and palpitation, for three forenoons.

– Anxiety, as if she had done something wicked, with heat and night-sweat.

– Anxiety and restlessness, alternating with indifference.

– His gladness is very transient.

– Joyless.

– He is not cheerful at all, and yet readily moved to laughter.

– Indifferent and sad.



* The common acid “debility” is very marked in this homeopathy remedy, producing a nervous exhaustion.

* Mental debility first; later physical.


– Listless.

– Impaired memory. [Anac.]

– Apathetic, indifferent.

– Cannot collect his thoughts or find the right word.

– Difficult comprehension.

– Effects of grief and mental shock.

– Delirium, with great stupefaction.

– Settled despair.

– Lachrymose, as from homesickness.

– Sad and solicitous concerning the future.

– Sadness and feeling of solicitude, as if she would be sick.

– Sad.

– Sad, earnest, discouraged only when walking in the open air, the farther he walk. the more it increases; in the house it gradually disappears, and he becomes more lively.

– Depression.

– Apprehension, as if the chest were too tight, with internal heat.

– Great anxiety; was obliged to lie down, in the afternoon.

– Anxiety and restlessness throughout the whole body.

– He was constantly complaining about his illness.

– He looks very ill-humored and morose, so that everyone asks him what the matter is, although he is not sick.

– Very ill-humored, weak, and sleepy, in the morning on rising.

– Discontented with himself, reproachful.

– Very irritable depressed mood, with physical prostration.

– Obstinate about everything.

– Easily vexed and easily gets into a passion.

– * Quiet indifferent, and much boring in the nose.

– Indifferent, restless.

– Hastiness in speech; he cannot do anything rapidly enough.

– When reading, a thousand different thoughts come to mind; he can understand nothing; what he reads is obscure, and everything is immediately forgotten, with difficult recollection of what he has known a long time.

– He cannot get rid of an idea, and the thoughts connected with it do not come to him.

– * He cannot find the right word when talking.

– * Loss of ideas and weakness of mind; on thinking he becomes dizzy.

– * He cannot collect his thoughts in proper order.

– Indolent, dull, unbalanced mind, without fancy; disinclination for even agreeable mental work.

– * He speaks unwillingly; talking is irksome.

– * He speaks little, and answers questions unwillingly.

– * Disinclination to talk.

– His intellect was affected.

– * Disinclined to work.

– Constant fretfulness, with disinclination to talk.

– * Almost complete loss of memory of the occurrences of the day.

– Quiet fretfulness.

– He cannot be alone without losing his thoughts and becoming unconscious, in the morning



*Depression of Anxiety from  Ill effects of anger and insults


– Impetuous, violent outbursts of passion, hypochondriacal, sad.

– Very sensitive as to what others say about her.

– Dwells on sexual matters; prefers solitude.

– Very lachrymose.

– Sadness, without ability to assign any reason.

– Sad; he fears the worst results from slight causes, and cannot quiet himself.

– Mind phlegmatic, depressed, sad, apathetic, indifferent to everything, without peevishness or without

– being weak.

– Her mind seemed dead and sad, though not with weeping.

– Morose; she frequently cries at nothing.

– She was full of grief all day; she grieved over her condition and wept; nothing in the world pleased her.

– She will hear or know nothing from any one; she wraps up her face and weeps aloud without cause.

– Anxious and fearful.

– Great anxiety; he dreads the future.

– Violent internal anxiety, so that he could not remain in any place, but without complaints.

– Anxious thoughts and events in the past came to him as if the past were present before him, which caused anxiety and anxious perspiration, then it became black before his eyes; he did not know whether the images were real or illusory, then everything seemed different, and he lost all desire to live.

– (When walking rapidly, it seems as though some one were coming behind him, which causes anxiety and fear, and he is constantly obliged to look around).

– * Very peevish (in the morning);he wishes to throw from him everything which he takes in his hand.

– Fretful and sad.

– Fretful and peevish all day; does not know himself on account of despondency, and is extremely depressed.

– Fretful and restless all day, found red nowhere.

– Quiet fretfulness; he is vexed at everything which even does not concern him.

– * Fretful and disinclined for mental work.

– Fretful and lachrymose.

– Every word vexes her; she cries even if one only speaks to her.

– Quarrelsome mood and yet lively.

– (Hypochondriac mood; everything seems indifferent to him; he would rather die).

– Alternations of mood, at first joyous, then anxious, at last quiet and contented




Ailments due to badly treated or suppressed GONORRHOEA; abuse of tea; coffee; tobacco; fats, onions, sweets; sulphur; mercury; to syphilis; VACCINATION.

– Emotional sensitiveness; music causes weeping and trembling.

– Weeping mood.

– Violent spasmodic weeping in the evening, changing to febrile coldness, which lasted all night.

– Spasmodic weeping, with hiccough and twitching of the hands and feet.

– Constant weeping mood, with anxious oppression.

– While talking, she is unable to go on in spite of every effort; she begins to weep bitterly, and says she can no longer think or live.

– Weeping and trembling of the feet during music.

– Sad mood and discouragement.

– She has constantly very sad thoughts about the merest trifles, in which she stares in front of her and picks at her nail.

– Very gloomy mood, in the afternoon.

– Gloomy, melancholy state of mind; came on in the afternoon, which was still apparent on waking next morning.

– Very gloomy frame of mind, before going to sleep.

– * Exceedingly out of tune; sad, and disposed to weep.

– Mood very unhappy, despairing.

– Melancholy in the forenoon, more cheerful in the afternoon; this alternation has manifested itself for some days past.

– * Extreme melancholy.

– Depressed in body and mind.

– * Very low-spirited.

– * Very depressed, sad, irritable mood.


The above mentioned homeopathy for depression and anxiety remedies should not be taken without consulting a qualified homeopath in person.

Some Cases of Depression Cured with Homeopathic Medicine

A Case of Alopecia areata and Depression – Dr.Santosh Joshi

Depression, Suspicion, Cough in a Woman of 35 – by Raksha Thakkar

A Case of Depression with Anorexia – by Jhalak Khatri

Anxiety and Depression in a Woman of 35 – by Diderik Finne

Two Cases of Childhood Depression – by Diderik Finne

Anxiety and Depression – by Robyn Williams

Depression in a Man of 23 – by Jan Bot

A Case of Depression and Lack of Confidence – by Noirin Carr McGarrigle

Childhood Depression and Homeopathy: from darkness into light – by Ian R. Luepker

About the author

Dr. Manish Bhatia

- BCA, M.Sc Homeopathy (UK), CICH (Greece), MD (Hom)
- Associate Professor, Organon & Homeopathic Philosophy, SKH Medical College, Jaipur
- Founder Director of Hpathy.com
- Editor, Homeopathy for Everyone
- Co-author - Homeopathy and Mental Health Care: Integrative Practice, Principles and Research
- Author - Lectures on Organon of Medicine vol 1, 2, 3. CCH Approved. (English, German, Bulgarian)
- Awardee - Raja Pajwan Dev Award for Excellence in the Field of Medicine; APJ Abdul Kalam Award for Excellence in Homeopathy Education
- Visit Dr. Bhatia's website


  • I am experiencing severe depression. I have been under a doctor’s care for about 15 months with no relief. I do not want to be depressed. I’m stuck in a pit and can’t get out.
    I’m thinking of trying these remedies. The options presented to me in traditional medicine are severe and damaging.
    Can any harm come from trying one of these remedies? If it doesn’t work, I’ll try the other as that is all I know to do at this time.

    • Hi Melinda, I’m looking into this too. I wonder if we might swop notes and encouragement to get free of this debilitating state of being.

  • Thank you for repeating this article.
    Can one start with a low potency of these medicines if cause is known or does one have to clear the top layers first before these will help. Thx.

  • I recommend, Argentum Nitricum, Aurum Met,Ignatia (for accute),Kali Phos,Lycopodium & want to add Natrum group, particularly Natrum Mure ranks high.

  • Author’s compilation of remedies shows only the knowledge taken from books, It’s not skilful experience of remedies. Very poor information. There is no miasmatic classifications. Most of the medicines are palliative. Ignoring Natrum group, particularly Natrum Mure in depression is not appreciable. It seems my previous comment was ignored, I wish unprejudiced team of Hpathy.

    • Sir, these are proving symptoms and not meant to be a concise and easy take on understanding the remedies. However, I’ll be happy to add those descriptions to this article, if you can contribute the same, of course with due acknowledgement to you as a contributor.

  • Thanks for publishing my comments.
    Since long time, more than 10 years I have subscribed your journal.
    No doubt, you are are doing nice work for Homoeopathy. Appreciate your Editorial team.

  • I am a 62 yr.old female. I have been treated for depression most of my adult life. I have been diagnosed with medication resistant depression. Two years ago my doctor gave me over 20 ext treatments, without relief. When I refused more shock therapy my Dr. Dropped me as a patient. Currently I go a community mental health clinic. My depression is worse than ever. I am very interested in homeopathy medication to find some kind of relief. Is their any physicians in central Ohio who practices mental health homeopathy? I am desperate for relief.

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