Clinical Cases

CEASE Therapy: A Case of an Autistic Boy with Impaired Communication

Written by Yuri Murakami

CEASE Therapy: Homeopath Yuri Murakami treats an autistic boy suffering with Impaired communication.

My journey with treating autism started with seeing parents who have autistic children in my practice. The challenges they face are different but enormous. In all cases, there is a similar fear; “What will happen to my child when we get old or die and there is no one to take care of my child anymore?” This is despair.

I started to help autistic children with nutritional support, but once I learned CEASE Therapy developed by Dr. Tinus Smits, this became the most important part of my treatment strategy for autism. I have observed through treating the autistic children that the dynamics of the family also shift to a new harmony. By seeing these children regaining their functionalities and in some cases becoming “normal”, I cannot help but become more passionate about treating them and creating the future where they have more choices in their lives. I want to share this case which portrays the impact of CEASE Therapy on the individual and the family.


V is a curious and active 3 year old boy who was diagnosed with autism at two years of age. He runs around in the waiting room and does not respond to his parents calling his name. In order to get his attention for a short period of time, his mother needs to hold him and talk to him eye to eye, yet his eye contact is very poor.

His mother says he is an affectionate boy and happy to be with other children. He kisses his friends and teachers at the daycare, but his interaction is limited otherwise. He seems not to care if he receives attention from others and just plays by himself. He loses interest quickly and tends to jump and run all the time. He loves animals especially dogs and cats.

The pregnancy itself was normal except that she had received anti-Rhesus injection and had a dental amalgam removed during the pregnancy. No medication was taken by the mother before and during pregnancy. During the birth process, his mother took Tylenol, ibuprofen and an epidural for pain management, and the delivery was done by C-section with forceps. As an infant, V did not cry much nor want to suck the breast. At the age of 1, he did not have any language, and his vocabulary was very low until 2 years old, even with the speech therapy started after his diagnosis.

V has a chronic dry cough which comes in bouts. When he gets an infection, the cough gets worse, with sore throat and high fever which have been treated with Tylenol, Amoxicillin and Bioxil a number of times. He tends to have hard, pellet-like stools. He is not a good eater, but loves pasta, rice, and broccoli. V did not have any obvious reaction to any of the vaccinations he had which were: Pneumocuccal vaccine (PCV) and Pediacel (3, 5, and 7 months), PCV (13 months), PCV and Varicella (15 months), and Pediacel (21months).

V’s parents have learned about CEASE therapy and have done isopathic treatments by themselves with all of the vaccinations, antibiotics, anti-Rhesus injection, and pain medications the mother took during the delivery and these made improvement in his sleep. They have used saccharum officinalis 30CH for an Inspiring Homeopathic remedy which is also a common treatment strategy in CEASE Therapy, but no improvement was seen. They also had him on the supplements that are recommended in CEASE Therapy.

After the detoxification with isopathy is done, a constitutional prescription can work much better because there are no more disturbances in the body. In V’s case, I decided to start with just a single remedy, phosphorus 1M.

The most noticeable aspects in V’s case are his hyperactivity and affection for people despite having almost no communication skills. Dr. Farokh Master describes the presentation of homeopathic phosphorus in children to be restless, energetic, easily distracted, needing a lot of warmth, spontaneously affectionate, and loving animals. Phosphorus also covers his chronic cough. While spider remedies and Saccharum officinalis also present with restlessness and hypersensitivity, V does not display the attention seeking behaviour seen in these remedies. 1M potency was chosen because of his central issue being in the subconscious level rather than physical or emotional.

A month after the initial treatment, his communication skills improved slightly and he started to participate more at the daycare. His chronic cough cleared and stool became softer. However he was a bit more obsessive about particular toys, and did not let go easily. At this visit, again he was running around, but he was able to follow some simple instructions such as pointing at named objects in the room. He was able to verbally string words together and use the word “I”. This level of communication is about that of the 1 year old.

For the treatment, I decided to use isopathy with Pediacel 30CH, 200CH, 1M and 10M since his hyperactivity has not changed with phosphorus 1M. Also, since he has started to show rigidity, I asked to start on Inspiring Homeopathic remedy, Cuprum metallicum 30CH, once a week.

Two months after the initial visit, we had a phone call visit as V developed a cold with cough which was worse lying down and he also had frothy and yellowish runny nose. His father said that after taking the Pediacel 30CH, it felt almost like V “woke up”. He was then able to talk much more in an engaged manner with other children. This time I went back with phosphorus 30CH until the cough was gone, discontinued cuprum metalcum 30CH, and asked them to finish up Pediacel isopathy and start on amalgam isopathy.

Six months after the initial visit, he spoke more complicated sentences and was able to tell his parents what happened at the daycare. He plays with other children most of the time, and was able to read. His parents say he still runs around in new places, but his hyperactivity is much decreased and he is able to sit down to eat. At this time I asked to start on isopathic treatment with anesthesia and to have him take phosphorus 1M in water, once a week.

For the 5th visit, V had turned 4 years old. He was able to talk with much clearer pronunciation, make comparison of objects according to size, colour, and shape, use reasoning, and tell a story about his friends. This is the communication level of a child 3-4 years old. His eye contact is much better and he can sit down for a while during the visit. His mother said that after starting isopathic anesthesia there was great improvement in toileting and he was then diaper free. He started being able to understand the emotions of the TV characters. He is a bit fixated again on his toys and wants to buy the same car again and again. His parents stopped the speech therapy since he does not need it anymore. This time I asked to start on the isopathic treatment with anti-Rhesus injection and Cuprum metalicum 1M as an Inspiring Homeopathy remedy.

Fourteeen months since the initial visit, he started junior kindergarten. His mother reported that his teacher commented that V was sometimes unfocused but that can happen with boys in this age, and she felt he did not have autism. With the anti-Rhesus isopathy, his hyperactivity calmed down and he was able to listen more to such an extent that he was attending a piano lessons. His parents were very happy and proud to see him able to sing together with his class at the kindergarten concert. At this visit, V was able to communicate smoothly, retain information and make jokes. He was able to sit through most of the visit. His parents were planning to bring him to the psychologist for a reassessment, and hoping to have the diagnosis of autism officially removed before senior kindergarten.

About the author

Yuri Murakami

Yuri Murakami is a director of Yuri’s Village Naturopathic Clinic, a certified CEASE therapy practitioner, and a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. She is passionate about achieving patients’ wellness goals with individualized natural medicines that are effective, affordable, and sustainable. She excels in working with endocrine issues, mental and emotional issues, and autism, using homeopathy, CEASE therapy, nutrition, botanical medicine, and traditional Japanese and Chinese medicine. Formerly Yuri interned at the Robert Shed Naturopathic Clinic, Sherbourne Health Centre focusing on patients with HIV/AIDS, and she also volunteered at a variety of rural clinics in Kenya. She has been a member of Pediatric Association of Naturopathic Physician since 2013. Yuri currently practices at her clinic in Toronto, Canada. For more information visit


  • My grand son age 6.5 years diagnosed Autistic at 2.5 years. Speech still distant. Sings himself with no meaning. Case study shown above is interesting.

    . -sd-

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