Clinical Cases

Quick guide to Joshis’ Animal Theory MAPing Personalities

animal behaviour

Drs. Bhavisha and Sachindra Joshi share their discovery of animal behavior patterns in humans. They also outline their schema of seven levels of development.

Certain human behavioral patterns are comparable to animals in nature

It’s not a co-incidence. It is true with all individuals. It might be obvious in some individuals and not so obvious in others. Animals have several behavioral patterns and mechanisms that allow them to thrive and survive in the animal world. If we think about it, the ecosystem or jungle is very well balanced with every animal playing his or her role in this fine network.

In early stages of evolution, human being, as a species, was an integral part of the earth’s ecosystem. However with time, the human being has learned to take the chain of command in his own hands. Though he is still a part of the ecosystem, he has successfully put a great deal of distance between himself and his surrounding flora and fauna, and learned to rule and subjugate everything. In the man-made concrete jungle of the modern day cities and villages, man has created for himself a bubble from which members of other species are excluded.

However, an astute observer can see that within this civilized, agrarian and industrial ecosystem of farms, cities and metropolis, the human being has adopted animal-like behavioral patterns. Such a mechanism gears up the chances of survival of a human being. He is able to get ahead in the battle of life just as he was able to do so when he lived in close proximity with other species. Look around carefully and you are sure to see countless animal-like behavioral patterns exhibited by humans.

The salient law of the animal world

There are different hierarchies and behaviors that are displayed. There are certain roles for each animal that ensures survival of not only a particular animal species but also the ecosystem as a whole. In the wild, there are predators and prey animals and they live as per a particular social order. The unspoken rules of this irrevocable social order ensures that herd and pack animals get to move around as a group, just as elephants and wolves do and solitary animals have the solitude they need and seek, like large cats. The social orders and hierarchy create certain behavioral patterns in these animals. Amongst humans, we can easily point out aggressors who attack as well as victims who are destroyed by such attacks and are better at following a leader. Some people rule like kings of the jungle and some simply follow. Some people are opportunistic like jackals and sly like foxes, yet some individuals resemble the cows and donkeys, working and slogging very hard but get nothing at the end of the day. Some people are performers like horses and some people like to be free as a bird.

Humans in their concrete jungle!

We adopt various animal behavioral patterns to sustain ourselves in the human society. We took this concept further in our clinic where, year after year for the past two decades, we sat face to face with thousands of our clients, globally, and heard their life stories. We were able to perceive the presence of an astounding range of animal-like behavioral patterns and survival strategies that these individuals had adopted simply as a coping mechanism so that they could live their day-to-day life. The unmistakable occurrence of such animal-like behavior patterns in human subjects led us to give our total attention and thought to the possibility of ‘animal-human connection’. Looking at some of our case-studies, the observer might be surprised as to how much a human being can resemble a certain animal in nature. Quite often, individuals are found to resemble an animal they know nothing about.  

In daily conversation we hear people use the phrases like sleazy as a snake, cunning and sly like a fox, or brave as a lion. However, through a detailed interview and the personality mapping process, we can find surprising and amazing patterns of behavior that are similar to various types of animals including sea-creatures, mammals, birds and insects. During the interview, while describing their own behavioral pattern, these clients have no idea that their behavior is mimicking or resonating with the natural behavior of something in the animal kingdom!

In summary, each individual has an inner pattern that can be compared to the pattern of a certain animal prototype or personality in nature. If we can match these two prototypes we can cause harmony and balance, mentally, physically and emotionally.

The feeding habits of different animals in the wild relates to the way in which we humans choose careers in order to succeed. For example, grazers and browsers like giraffes, buffaloes, horses, and deer compare with people who choose to be in a progressive, safe and consistent position at work without the threat of change.

Highly ambitious, competitive, aggressive and strong go – getters would compare more with big predatory animal patterns like lions, tigers, cheetahs, eagles, hawks, polar bears, snakes and crocodiles.

The way a human being survives in the society also gives strong clues to the animal that he can be compared to. The need for support, company, space, or the sensitivity to loneliness, are all common features of human existence which can match to a counterpart in the animal world. People who are good at working in a team would compare with herd or pack-mentality animals. Solitary workers would compare with the cat family or mongoose family of animals.

Another example is how a human being adapts in difficult situations. Does he fight upfront, hide, attack or simply run away? These defensive characteristics also speak about which animal the person relates to.

Sexuality, for human beings, has important social functions including creation of physical intimacy, bonds and hierarchies along with optimum opportunities for reproduction. In this regard, a person’s dress style, choice of colors and patterns, his faithfulness to his partner or his infidelities, all these give hints about his connection to an animal in nature.

People with close connection to birds like the parakeet and the macaw, enjoy bright, vibrant and contrasting colors. People with affinity for albatross appear to like soothing colors in the tone of white and grey. A connection to lizards and some other insects motivate a person to wear earth– color clothes that help him blend in and be inconspicuous. However, he may also love to shock and surprise people from time to time with gaudy, loud and screaming colors in his choice of clothes. While individuals with connection to goat, sheep, cow, horse, wolf and dog are very loyal and faithful in their relationships, the elk, and several feline personalities are flirtatious and prefer to explore more possibilities when it comes to partners and relationships.  The above examples give only a brief glimpse into the animal-human connection.

Man a social animal

It is not a mere co-incidence or an accident that human beings exhibit behavior, coping mechanisms, strong empathy or dislike of certain animals, and resemble animals in finding their position in the social hierarchy.  It is helpful to bear in mind that after all, a man is a social being; an animal and ultimately, a mammal that bears the biological name, Homo sapiens, irrespective of his nationality, citizenship and the color of his skin or his eyes and hair.

We have found in our experience that it is easier for individuals to describe their connection to an animal, than it is for them to give words to their innermost experiences and sensations.  To test our hypothesis, we formulated a set of four questions. And we began asking all our clients these questions that would help them to connect to their inner animal pattern at the end of our interview process. People with affinity to animal characteristics picked and talked about the animals they felt closest to.  For example, very meek and fearful individuals compared themselves to small rabbits and rodents while aggressive people often spoke about predators like cheetahs and tigers.

Joshis’ Human- Animal connection

As our research into this fascinating aspect of animal-human connection deepened over the years, we accumulated some serious data in this subject area. We initiated a systematic and detailed study of animals and their behavior in their natural habitat. Our research and understanding of animal behavior helped us in spotting a parallel in our clients and their various characteristics, coping mechanisms, and every other detail that we had gathered during the personality mapping interviews.

It was inevitable that we give a solid structure to our decades of research. With this aim, we have created an exhaustive repertory and materia of different animal personalities and the homoeopathic remedies prepared from them, and we have dug up our cases and summarized the client narratives to draw parallels between animals and human expressions.

In our day to day experience with clients, we have seen that finding the animal within helps individuals in understanding their whole personality in a rather new and fascinating light and to say that they are fabulously amazed is to say the least. It feels to them as if they have now found a source of strength in nature that was hidden from them before.

But why were animals our main focus?

Here are two examples from very early on in our practice to illustrate.

Two of our clients happened to be in the construction business in Mumbai. They had to survive in a tough, highly competitive and politically charged atmosphere. One of these individuals felt a deep affinity for a snake, whereas the other could relate to a tiger.

Case 1

The first client said, that he never does anything wrong, he is punctual and does things in a particular manner and is perfect. He explained that for him to succeed as a builder in Mumbai, he had to deal with a lot of different situations and have a lot of contacts. So we asked him to tell about his work scenario and situation, and the business he is doing. He informed us that business was good and there was no stress. He said that he always got all of the paper work passed for inspection in every property, and he was perfect in his work. We asked him how it felt when others got the paperwork passed before him, and his response was critical to understanding his pattern.

He told us flatly that this situation never comes up. He has many contacts and he does his own groundwork and sees to it that no one else gets the paperwork done before him. He made these statements in a quiet and composed manner but we could sense an underlying tone of menace and threat. There was a strong hint of competitiveness where he would not let anyone else get what he wants.

To understand this further, we asked him what would happen if someone else got the paperwork before he did.  He then told us that the person would be in serious trouble, and he would have to take his revenge. When he took his revenge, that person would not even know. This response revealed the specific animal pattern within him, particularly, the reptilian or the snake pattern.

Snakes are ace predators of their ecosystem and yet they kill without any hullabaloo. They are extremely aware of their environment and surroundings and very quiet yet perfect killers.

Case 2

The second client, a property developer just like the client mentioned above described his situation and said that everyone in the industry knows that he is powerful and he controls the entire industry. People see him as big and strong and are scared of him. So people follow him and he leads them. He continued explaining that no one dares to question him, as he is on the top and everyone is terrified. He said that he was the king of the jungle. His personality matched the tiger. He was an avid wild life reader and also went on several safaris to spot tigers.

What we can clearly observe here is that two individuals from comparable background have very different perceptions of their situation. The client with affinity for a tiger looks at the situation where he is in control. He feels he is strong and powerful, he is threatening and straightforward and his strength is enough to scare people. He felt that he had confidence and determination, he could handle any situation. His weakness was that he always wanted to be in control. As a result he was spending too much bodily and emotional energy for staying in total control. His un-satiable need for being in control kept him constantly on high alert and as a result, he was now suffering from hypertension. This health concern made him so sick that he got throbbing headaches, he could not work well and he felt like he was losing control.

The client with affinity to a snake looks at the same situation but in a way where he has to attack and take his revenge, but not from a position of strength and command. His strength came from his patience, his calculative and foresighted mind which allowed him to patiently achieve his goal. However, he was extremely suspicious. He felt that anyone could take away his deals and his belongings. His suspiciousness made him hyper-vigilant. He was always looking for enemies hidden even amongst his friends and had neurotic fears about being cheated by those closest to him. He harbored strong feelings of revenge against those who had or could betray him. Thoughts of revenge kept him awake at nights. He developed an itch in his legs… he would scratch his legs while he indulged in the thoughts of revenge and suspicion. At times, the itching was so bad that he would scratch till he bled. His suspicious and revengeful nature turned out to be the cause of his neuro-dermatitis.

The animal Within

We gave a list of their strengths and weaknesses to both these clients. The one, who had talked about control and his love for tigers, understood that he had to simply tone down his excessively controlling nature if he wanted to bring down his hypertension. The client, who had shown his affinity for the natural tendencies of a snake, understood that his suspicious and revengeful nature was causing him to have chronic skin complaints. He had to learn to trust and give up his idea of constantly looking for enemies with a view to take revenge – and that such a change in attitude would help him get over his skin complaint.   

Both these individuals gained an expanded understanding of themselves as we explained to them about their animal connection. They were happy to realize that we could give them homoeopathic remedies made from the animals they feel affinity to, on the basis of the time-tested homoeopathic law, ‘like cures like’ that the very founder of Homoeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann had handed down to us through his work, books and writings on homoeopathy and they experienced relief and from their sufferings and symptoms much to their joy and astonishment.

We believe, based on the decades of our experience with people who have revealed to us their animal connection, and have received remedies made from animals, that when an individual gets in touch with the animal within him, it helps him to understand his strengths and his weaknesses and understand his positive and negative qualities. This deep understanding frees him up from the compulsive state of behavior that he has adopted. As a result of this awareness, he can act out of choice and not compulsion, and feel free to act rather than react. He is no longer a helpless victim of his state but a free author of the narrative of his life and his own destiny. With confidence and courage he can draw the route to his own health, freedom from suffering and a happy life in which he achieves his goals, and lives peacefully to reach his higher purpose, just as the founder of Homoeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann has said,

“In the healthy condition of man, the spiritual vital force (autocracy), the dynamis that animates the material body (organism), rules with unbounded sway, and retains all the parts of the organism in admirable, harmonious, vital operation, as regards both sensations and functions, so that our indwelling, reason-gifted mind can freely employ this living, healthy instrument for the higher purposes of our existence.”(Organon of the medical art.  Aphorism §9)

Mammal themes in patients

Mammals live in herds, groups or families. Even in solitary mammals, the mother provides care and protection to the young ones until they become independent. Mammals provide food and protection to the young ones. Some of them even create houses, like rabbits, mice, squirrels, beavers and humans. Mammals communicate and have strong relationships with each other within the group. This communication and relationships are very important to keep the group together but at the same time it creates tensions andconflicts between group members as to who will lead and who will follow. In these conflicts, the stronger one wins the fight andbecomes the alpha or the leader and the weaker ones follow whether they want to or not. Hence in the mammals, there is a lot of need for company, for group or for support and at the same time there is a need to prove one’s own status within the group.

Human reflection: Humans with a mammal like personality are very friendly and love company. They are always part of a group and they love to live in a large group or a large family. They also enjoy sharing and the exchange that happens in their group of friends or family and themselves.  They are very responsible and they like to provide things to people who are dependent on them. On the other hand they also like to receive care or to receive appreciation for the efforts they have put for the group. They like to socialize and party or engage in other group activities.

  • Strength – Their strength is that they are very good at team work, maintaining relationships and bonds. They are very good at caring and nurturing for others and keeping the group together.
  • Weakness – They are afraid of abandonment and of being forsaken from the group. They do not like to be alone. They crave appreciation. Strong mammal personalities can be very controlling and dictatorial while weak mammal personalities may be suppressed or victimized because of their meek and submissive

Bird themes in patients

Birds live in groups and just like mammals they also care for their young ones. Birds make very beautiful cozy nests and spend most of their time either making a nest or searching for food or migrating from one place to another. Birds have the wonderful capacity to fly unrestricted in the air. Birds sing and dance to attract their mates and they also have a special dance or song once they have found their mate.

Human reflection: Humans with bird-like personalities are very cheerful and chatty, energetic and enthusiastic. They are very productive throughout the day. They do not like to waste time. They have a list of things that they would like to get done in the day. They often like to have beautiful and cozy homes. They are extremely artistic individuals and also have a good aesthetic sense. They are very creative with their hands and may also like to indulge in poetry, music and dance. They like soft, melodious and rhythmic music. Similar to mammals they may also like to throw a party and feed people. They need a lot of freedom in the way they do things and can often feel restricted or dominated if they are told what to do.

  • Strength – These individuals can be very productive, creative, nurturing, enthusiastic and full of energy. When given the freedom they can achieve a lot and reach great heights of success.
  • Weakness – They can have a fear of being restricted or dominated or a fear that their space and freedom is taken away. With this fear they may often feel as if they are trapped or restricted, clutched or crushed.

Insects themes in patients

Insects, though small, are massive in their number and quantity. They work mechanically and instinctively. They work very hard, almost incessantly and tirelessly. They are extremely disciplined and meticulous workers of nature and they achieve a great deal by working as one big army or one big team. However though insects work for their group they do the work that is assigned to them by nature. They are genetically programmed to work in a certain way and they simply finish their tasks or keep doing their tasks until they die. They live for a very short span of time and are working in a hectic pace during this time. Many insects have very bright colors.

Human reflection: Humans with insect patterns are extremely industrious, and meticulous in their tasks. When given an order or a job they will complete it very efficiently and in a detailed manner. Sometimes they may be so obsessed about their work that they could also be restless and in an extreme hurry to finish up their tasks. They could be fidgety and in a rush to do everything. They make excellent subordinates, can take orders well and are very good at completing a job in a team. However they have low self-esteem and they feel that for the amount of work they do, they are hardly given any value or credit. They may often feel as if they are working day and night like slaves without any personal gain. They may also have love for music and dance. The kind of music and dance they like is extremely fast, hard and loud.

  • Strength – They may be perfectionist, extremely neat and clean in their tasks, determined and hard working.
  • Weakness – They may be extremely restless and always feel as if they are running a race against time. They may feel unappreciated and insignificant in situations of hierarchy. They may often feel as if they are enslaved, trapped, crushed or ill-treated by their superiors.

Reptiles themes in patients

Reptiles are cold blooded.  They depend on the sun for their body heat. They have to conserve all their energy and body heat.  Even when they attack they are extremely quiet till the last moment of their attack and hence the prey is completely taken by surprise. Reptiles do not live in groups and also do not provide any care and protection to young ones as mammals do. The exception however are crocodilians and alligators that protect the young ones after birth but even they do not feed the young ones or nurture them like mammal and bird parents. Compared to mammals and birds, a reptile is in a position of disadvantage because it has neither the resources of heat nor the support of parents or group members. They are in fact vulnerable and defenseless. However these disadvantages are well compensated by the fact that reptiles are extremely calculated and efficient predators and have a very strong sense of their prey. This makes their attack perfect and lethal. They are extremely efficient and eco friendly in the sense that they use minimum efforts and have maximum gains.

Human reflection:  Human personalities having a reptile pattern are extremely sensitive to unfairness, cruelty and injustice in the world. This comes from the fact that they often feel taken advantage of or abused or treated unfairly in various situations. They can be suspicious and mistrustful of everyone around them and they feel they could be cheated or betrayed even by their close ones. To compensate for this feeling of injustice they are often very hard working, very calculating and meticulous so that they will never fail in their attempts. They also check and recheck every single detail to protect themselves from being deceived. At times they can even be revengeful or harbor several negative thoughts in their minds against people who have wronged them. On the other hand some may actually be extremely honest and social activists. Reptile individuals often fight for the cause of the weak and the underprivileged.

  • Strength – They may have a very detailed, foresighted, well planned working system. They may be intuitive, extremely sharp and also have a sixth sense about various things. Their strength lies in their conviction and courage to stand up against injustice.
  • Weakness – Their weakness is their constant mistrust and suspiciousness of people and situations that happen in their day to day lives. Negative thoughts about their own sufferings or their victimization can bog them down and mentally drain them. Often they are very bitter, sour and may even be revengeful which can harm their own body much more than anyone else.

Seven levels of Human development by Joshis’

My work over the years has exclusively been about finding out a pattern within our remedies. To bring a structure to the vivid pictures painted by stalwarts in the history of homoeopathy. The great pioneers of this field did a great work of discovering various useful remedies, but to me even the rubrics put together at times, didn’t strike a connection. How was this possible, that a science this advanced in its time was having this major impediment?

My husband and I decided from the day we left our college, to work on this enigma. Over the years this work has made us burn the midnight oil and finally today we are able to  put all the jigsaw pieces of unanswered questions that loomed since my med-school days. We started seeing different kingdoms including imponderables, exploring the patterns which now could be clearly perceived.

We started finding connections between the different kingdoms. After getting skilled with my minerals, I prodded on towards the wonderful plants. It was then we came to a conclusion that there are exact counterparts in each kingdom. Every mineral has its plant counterpart and it was not just by a chance that we had the Sulphur-Lyco connection. Hence, the cycle, that a Lyco patient might need a Sulphur later on in his life and vice a versa was not only true but logical . It is  well said “ Even the stone you trip on is part of your destiny” and it seemed to be the right part and I got yet another connection.

Around the same time my father, a yoga teacher was compiling his dissertation in the form of a yoga book, I volunteered to help him. Sitting with him for hours and going through the yogic Shastra (scriptures) I encountered upon the 7 main Chakras. The number 7 has revolved our lives in every phase of time. I have connected this to different levels of human development. My husband and I did our research and with thorough clinical backings came up with our “7 levels of development”.

A glimpse of our current work

The human being needs a remedy that best fits on the level which has struck a disharmony and manifested itself as a disease.  Evolution is an inherent part of nature. And all the living beings have a pattern in which they evolve. Our basic perception of the world comes from that pattern. It is ever evolving, It has a dynamic quality and is vibrating at a certain plane. When we look around we see things growing moving from one stage to another. In life we go through various stages of evolution from birth to infancy to childhood and further down to adulthood and so on and so forth. These stages can be divided into 7 parts. The same approach has been applied to place the elements of the periodic table according to their fundamental properties in 7 rows. In our clinical work we have classified the entire animal kingdom based on the 7 rows of the periodic table right from the sponges to the most evolved species.

The 7 Levels of human development are plotted alongside the minerals in the periodic table, just like how animals have been plotted by us and plants are on its way. The level of development is where the pattern is reverberating at that moment. All living beings have a pattern in which they evolve. Our basic perception of the world comes from that pattern. It is ever evolving, It has a dynamic quality and is vibrating at one of the levels. In our case-taking we try to find the level of the case, which means we try to find where is the person on the grid of seven levels and eighteen columns. The next is to determine whether to give a plant , mineral or animal of that level. Our work is to try and put all the plants, minerals and animals on this grid so that there is a sure shot and full proof system of picking remedies and once you know this map or grid, case solving becomes a wonderful experience. Your case is solved . We consolidated our work and brought everything together, the chakras, the different kingdoms and the levels. Putting one piece at a time to finish the riddle stuck in my head for so many years. The realization was almost ecstatic. The levels of development  are not in linear fashion; they are more in a  circle, just like the snake where the tail of the snake is in its mouth. So the 7th level goes back to the 1st level. Everything that begins has to end, everything that rises has to crumble. This is the law of nature and everything in nature has always followed the same rule. The following text will tell you an alluring epiphany which has always been in front of us but never really understood.

The new book MAMMALS has been our brainchild and I would like to give a sneak peak of our work on 7 LEVELS OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT.

To begin explaining our understanding, imagine there is nothing but space. Before the existence of life, human or otherwise. Pure basic space, encompassing and penetrating everything, and yet seemingly nothing.


The beginning – The conception

Life and matter came into existence. The first elements that were to be formed were hydrogen and helium that belong to this Level. The basic structure of the atoms containing protons, neutrons and electrons. The basic single celled life forms of algae had the simplest form and the simplest issues. The core issue in nature for elements in Level 1 is existence; they are so close to not-existing, so vulnerable that their activity and behavior revolves around simply:  ‘Being’ or ‘not being’ and ‘being part of the whole’. Do I exist or not?  This basic issue remains the same. It just gets more complex with the progressions of further Levels till it reaches the last Level where it starts to breakdown or disintegrate in simple terms (radioactivity).


The commencement of the journey of life

To relate this idea to human existence, the need to be physically developed enough to exist outside of the womb, and also then to survive and thrive independently. They need to be able to breathe on their own, to process food and to have a successful biological system, including the skin, which maintains life. The first step into this world, the development that has just begun. The process of being able to known as a separate individual.  The issues of the remedies in Level 2 reflect this development of existence as entities separate from the whole. Moreover they reflect the ability to continue to be an entity without dependence on the whole for their existence.

‘I’ can exist separately, ‘I’ can be

Dependency within the womb or within the group or family. Existence is being ‘part of the whole’, and existence outside of that feels impossible, or difficult. This feeling of dependency on an ‘other’ to exist is exactly the core issue in Level 2 and the very effort is to move away from this dependency to become stronger and complete.

They feel it is time to detach from the source of dependence and time to be on their own. The situation is that they need to see if they can survive on their own, almost like putting themselves to the test.


The graduation – Infant into a toddler

In simple words, Level 3 is the Level of the toddler. The infant now becomes an individual. This is the moment when the ego develops for the first time. Most mothers find it the most difficult time when the toddler begins to have a mind of his own. As the baby steps into the world she begins to perceive herself as an identity, and moreover she is also told she has an identity. The baby learns words, labels, which separate experiences into ‘things’.  Now there is an experience of separate and identifiable ‘things’, there must also be a separate and identifiable ‘I’. The personal identity is what identifies the ‘I’ as separate to the outside world.  The identity identifies and allows the individual to feel he has a place, a defined space, of his own within the whole.  He starts feeling he has ideas of his own, and at the same time will demand recognition of “ I exist” ( Not that I am somebody)

 I can identify myself, then I can identify everything else

People in level 3 will have issues with their physical appearance, their personality in a way that, they are fumbling with life to prove the world they exist. Often psychological dysthymic individuals show Level 3 behavior.  Lots of dependency and need for a group because although they want their existence, they still need the confidence from the group/ family.

Level 4

Adult stage-

Now once one has formed an identity, he would want to stabilize the structure.  In this level the boundaries are more of a physical nature. They work towards building structures that provide stability, well defined structures. His entire focus will be circumfering around how much he has and how much he has got to build. To secure his present and future. a Level 4 patient will come to you with issues in life with his day to day struggles to meet ends with or a hardworking egghead who works round the clock and has issues like

How secure I am?

How much do I have ?

How much do I have to work on?

Will I be responsible enough?

They are very meticulous about their work and exhaustive workers, who loves routine. Any change from the mundane will cause disharmony.

Level 5

Explore the New- New credo

Once the security and provisions are well taken care of, one needs to move further beyond that. There is a need to explore, a need to break out of the structure, one needs to break out the routine.

I can do so much more.   Oooh! I should try this one too

They will have issues of confidence in venturing out in the new. To face the unknown. These are the individuals who love the thrill and want to try out challenging boundaries. Intellectuals with a cognitive mind always ready to feast on new knowledge and ideas. Independent people, street smart, and cunning ones, who know how to find their way out of  crucial and challenging situations.

Level 6

The king series. This level is about institutionalizing creativity. To command and gather that aura and clout. Once he has done something challenging, the next stage is to establish him. Even the young male in the pride of lions will challenge his authority and once he has tasted victory, there is no looking back. His respect and power just evoke  enormously commanding fear from every animal living in the jungle.

I am the king

I am the best, no one can beat me

I am just perfect

The humans are no different in their concrete jungle. Level 6 individuals, are our top notch officials, leaders, The feeling there is nothing beyond and with this feeling comes the feeling of  immense power. They have some kind of charm, aura, leading quality, something which sets them apart. They feel everything revolves around them and is meant for them.

Level 7

The Mighty fall- Death and decay

The realization that whatever one has collected is of no use, futile. Once he has all that power, he will want to release it. The realization that one cannot collect more, he has to let it go. This realization that one is losing all the power or that one must give up all the power comes at a cost.

I have done enough, there is nothing more I could do

There is a sense of insecurity and a need to use every method possible so as to regain or hold on to that power. Hence, deception and dishonesty may be resorted to. One does whatever one can, to get that power back but the inner feeling is that of inevitable destruction and losing all the powers. After the insecurity follows the realization that it is all futile, and everyone is just a spec in the universe and in this energy cycle.


About the Joshis

Dr. Bhawisha and Dr. Shachindra Joshi have been with Homoeopathy for over 20 years. They are masters known for their ability to simplify and explain complex looking ideas and infuse confidence and enthusiasm through their talks. They have made a quantum shift in the world of Homoeopathy by devising a MAP which brings all three kingdoms on one page and this has made homoeopathic practice more profound and wholesome than ever before. Their pioneering idea is called the MAP (Minerals , Animals and Plants) on the grid of the periodic table.

To know more about them and their work visit :

About the author

Bhawisha & Shachindra Joshi

Dr. Bhawisha and Dr. Shachindra Joshi have been with Homoeopathy for over 20 years. They are masters known for their ability to simplify and explain complex looking ideas and infuse confidence and enthusiasm through their talks. They have made a quantum shift in the world of Homoeopathy by devising a MAP which brings all three kingdoms on one page and this has made homoeopathic practice more profound and wholesome than ever before. Their pioneering idea is called the MAP (Minerals , Animals and Plants) on the grid of the periodic table.
To know more about them and their work visit :

1 Comment

  • I’m glad to see the Joshi’s are always evolving and refining their technique. I enjoyed reading this.

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