Clinical Cases

Revisiting: Beef and Kidney Pie

another picture of Shana close up
Written by Elaine Lewis

Elaine gives the answer to last month’s quiz.

Does anybody here remember last month’s painful quiz? Somebody? Anybody? OK, here it is again:


Mom, why on earth did you name the quiz “Beef and Kidney Pie”?

I don’t know, Shana, I don’t know! I need help! Where are the writers?

Didn’t you know? There’s a writer’s strike!

A writer’s strike? Don’t I pay them enough?

Mom, you don’t pay them anything!  And meanwhile, you just got another memo from Dr. B….

I know, I know… “Start the case!” OK, Shana, this case actually took place five years ago this month! It was an Discussion Board case that I took.

You’ve been here that long?

I’ve been here so long, I’m calcifying–much like this patient:

July 7, 2003

Male, 42 years old. Banker. Sonography shows renal calculi 5 mm in the left kidney. The left kidney is slightly swollen. Uneasiness and puffed feeling in lower abdomen. He has to walk in bent position and hold the abdomen while walking. He’s better lying on his back in the knee-bent position. Lying on left side is better too. Worse lying on right side. Chill and feverish. Mouth feeling of dryness and desire to sip water at room temperature frequently. Last night he was very restless, kept tossing about. No position seemed comfortable. No appetite. Doctor has advised him to drink lots of water. He is better for a hot shower, after which he can stand erect for a short while.

I recommended the patient take _______________30C. After just one dose, the following post appeared:

When I met the patient this morning, he said that immediately after the dose of ____________ he felt the pain vanish and he could turn on which ever side he desired. He is of the opinion the kidney stone is gone! Soreness/swelling in the left kidney region was gone by the time I visited him at 11 a.m. today. I have advised him not to take any remedy now and only if the pain or discomfort comes up again to repeat ________ after succussing in water. This discussion board is a very friendly neighborhood.


Here’s how the voting went:

  • Colocynthis–8
  • Arsenicum–5
  • Rhus tox–3
  • Berberis–2
  • Nux vomica–2
  • Lycopodium–1
  • Colchicum–1
  • Medorrhinum–1

Total: 23

And the winner is (drum roll, please…….) Colocynthis!!!!!!! Yaaaaayyyyy!!!!!!!

Why isn’t it Arsenicum? Wasn’t the patient restless and better for warmth and chilly and thirsty for sips? So, why not?!

Is the Arsenicum patient typically better for bending over double? No. That’s why it can’t be Arsenicum. This is the most striking symptom in the case–he has to pull his knee up to his chest in bed, he walks bent over and puts pressure on his abdomen; bye-bye Arsenicum!

Let’s see what some of our winners had to say:

Dear Elaine,

Did you give Colocynth? Here I went for the bending double, pressure on abdomen, he lies on the affected side. Restless.

Greetings and thanks,

Liek Versloot-Koolen


Hi Elaine,

Abdomen–uneasy and puffed feeling

Better– bent over double, pressure and warmth

Better lying knee-bent

worse right side

Chill, feverish

Mouth dry, thirsty for frequent, small quantities of room temperature water


No appetite

I would suggest Colocynthis


Padmakumar Rao


The remedy is Colocynthis

kidney stones, restless especially during pains, better bending double (walking bent, bent knees in bed), better heat, better lying on painful side, thirst for small quantities.




Hi Elaine!


The main clue was being doubled up in pain (both walking and in bed) but it is also consistent with better for warmth and pressure including lying on painful side, holding abdomen while walking, restlessness, distended abdomen, dry mouth, and thirsty for small amounts often. A remedy for kidney stones.

Hope your summer is going swimmingly!



Hi Elaine! You make me feel so CLEVER! (I am actually singing this to you.)

If this is not a Colocynthis case I will go and become a tax inspector.

Bending over, better from pressure (when he lies on the left side) better from warmth–in the shower.

Even the dry mouth and thirst for small quantities often is there in Kent.

So, please tell me I don’t have to start a new career!

Eva the picklet


Eva, were you singing that whole time? Because, none of what you wrote even rhymes and I’m having trouble picking up the meter; or, were you just singing, “You Make Me Feel So Clever”? FYI, that’s actually….

You make me feel so young!

You make me feel there are songs to be sung

Bells to be rung

and a wonderful fling to be flung!

And when I’m old and gray

I’m gonna feel the way I feel today

Cuz, you make me feel so young!

Hit it, “Old Blue Eyes”:


You Make Me Feel So Young

Keep the music playing while we announce our winners:

  • Agneta Forsman
  • Liek Versloot-Koolen
  • Katie
  • Eva the picklet
  • Padmakumar Rao
  • Pat
  • Dr. Hemal
  • Nadia

Dr. B, what’s a picklet?


This month’s winners will get a special 30% discount on one order of books from Hpathy Mall.

Click Here for Prize Guidelines

About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at: and

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