Case Quizes Clinical Cases

Revisiting: What Remedy Is Sheldon Cooper?

Sheldon Cooper
Written by Elaine Lewis

Elaine gives the answer to last month’s quiz.

Mom, it’s time for the quiz!


I think my Report will be better this time.

Better?  What could be better than your scintillating “reports”?

Remember my report in the January issue?

Not really.  Oh, right!  You didn’t remember that Nelson Mandela had died!

This month’s report will be epic!

Let’s hope so!

And now for our first Death Report of 2014!

Should I be sitting down for this?

Mom! You’re the one who told me!  Phil Everly died!

OMG.  That’s right!

After you told me, I saw it mentioned on the Scorpions official facebook and twitter page.

Oh for heaven’s sake!  It always comes back to the Scorpions and Klaus Meine!

Apparently Klaus Meine is a fan of the Everly Brothers.

Which I guess means now I have to like him!

Phil and Don Everly

Which is which?  They look like twins.

Phil’s on the left; I’m sure even Klaus Meine knew that!

I learned something interesting about the Everly Brothers.  You know that song “Love Hurts”?  It was recorded by the Everly Brothers in 1960 but everyone knows the cover version by Nazareth.

That is soooo interesting!  I had no idea that was an Everly Brothers song! — “Love Hurts” by Nazareth — James Taylor and Carole King–“Crying in the Rain”

OK, wait a minute!!!!  You’re linking to cover songs???  Why would anybody want to hear James Taylor and Carole King sing “Crying in the Rain”?  It never even charted by them!

Mom, for your informaaaation……. “Crying In The Rain” was written by Carole King!

Oh.  Well, that’s different.  Never mind!

OK, here it is by The Everly Brothers:

That’s more like it!

Mom, it might also interest you to know that “Love Hurts” was written by a man named Boudleaux Bryant.  Bryant and his wife Felice were a famous country music and pop song-writing team that also wrote the following Everly Brothers songs: “Bye Bye Love”, “Wake Up, Little Susie” and “All I Have To Do is Dream”.

OMG!  They must be cleaning up, cleaning up!!!!!  And, P.S., what the heck kind of name is “Boudleaux”?  Who names their kid “Boudleaux”?  What were his parents thinking?  “Oh, here’s a name that won’t lead to teasing or head-scratching at all!  Brace yourself….  Boudleaux!

Mom, if you’re finished sounding off, can we possibly turn our attention to James Taylor and Carole King?

Do we have to?

Remember when we saw them twice in 2010?

How could I forget?  You made me take you to the same concert twice!  Why do I let you talk me into things???  You should be named “Concert-Goers Woman of the Year”!

Well, for your informaaaation, James Taylor and Carole King sang “Crying in the Rain” at that concert!

Oh!  Well that changes everything!  Can we start the quiz now?

Anyway, back to the Death Report…

One of Philadelphia’s most under-appreciated recording artists from the ’60’s died in January.


Maureen Gray!   

I can’t believe it! 

Which one of her two big hits should I play?

“Dancing The Strand”:

Very good choice!  You know why?  She’s being backed up by The Chantels!  No wonder it sounds like a Chantels song!

We’re back!  Shana and I were dancing!  There is no way you can NOT dance to this song!!!!

Mom, this isn’t Bandstand!  And besides, we looked like complete idiots!

Has anyone else died?

Yes, and this is very sad. Pete Seeger.

Pete Seeger will be remembered for popularizing folk music in the 1960’s; he also wrote the anthem of the Civil Rights Movement…

Let me guess: “We Shall Overcome”.

Yes!!!!  Shana, you truly are The Encyclopedia of Music like Andre Gardner said!  My favorite Pete Seeger song was done by the Byrds.

Let me guess again: “Turn Turn Turn”?

Right again!!!

Great song, Mom.

Pete Seeger was an antiwar activist, a civil rights activist, a workers’ rights activist, an environmentalist, and, he’s just always been there!  His career spanned over 50 years!  He was a constant force for good in this sea of corruption we call “the world”!  Good-bye, Pete!  Sadly, we have to put our records away for now and move on to…

“Sheldon Cooper” and the February…


Sheldon Cooper

I’ll let you introduce this, Shana.

Thanks, Mom!  So what can one say about Sheldon Cooper?  He’s a very complex character–a science nerd, a genius by all accounts, a perfectionist…. I notice he demonstrates traits of Asperger’s Syndrome but that won’t help us find the remedy, will it?  Probably not.  He lacks empathy, he can’t have his routines disturbed…. For some reason I confuse the traits of Asperger’s with his personality.  Feel free to comment with your own observations but here is the clip.  The title of the clip is “The Big Bang Theory–Sheldon Cooper Tries to Get a Driver’s License”:

What remedy is Sheldon?

Write to us at [email protected] and let us know.  We’ll see you in March for the quiz answer!

Bye for now!





Kali carb.


OK, let’s see how we did.  Is anybody here?

Hi Elaine!

Oh look, it’s my soul brother Peter Dunseith from Wales!

Thanks for the Pete Seeger tribute!

I’m glad someone knew who Pete Seeger was!

Sheldon must be a Sulphur –

  1. conscientious about trifles
  2. theorizing
  3. intellectual
  4. quarrelsome/argumentative
  5. censorious

Best wishes,


Peter, I guess if you just put those five characteristics out there, they do seem to cover Sulphur; but, when you actually see Sheldon “in person”, his prissy actions, his fastidious speech and his well-scrubbed, neat appearance, Sulphur isn’t the remedy that would jump out at you.  Let’s see if anybody else is here to shed some light.


Hi Elaine,

Hi Anurag!

Interesting quiz as always, I think that Sheldon’s personality suits with “Sulphur”.  Thanks to acknowledge and giving your view point!



I can certainly understand why people are voting for Sulphur; but, there’s a long line here, let’s see who’s next.



OMG!  It’s our good friend Mati Fuller!

Where do you find these things?!!!!  I think you have just defined the kind of person I hate the most in the whole world.  If someone like that came to my office, I would tell them to leave and never come back!!!  He reminds me of my last landlord who was definitely Lycopodium.  This guy would argue about everything and worry about everything, and he was so theoretical in his approach that his head had become too big for his scrawny body.  Even though he was a professor, he had no practical intelligence whatsoever, and no social intelligence either.  He always tried to kiss me on the cheek (EEEK!), everything he touched would break, and he couldn’t even figure out how to flip a switch in the breaker panel.  Needless to say, I would always run the other way whenever he was around…

Are you thinking Sheldon is an Arsenicum?

Yes, how did you know?  That is exactly what I am thinking!  His “preciseness”.  His pronunciation of everything so perfectly, his disposition to argue, his fastidiousness and attention to detail (“I want a car the shade of Luke Skywalker’s car before it was digitally remastered.”)  Would Lycopodium have had the confidence to be critical of, and argue with, someone in a position of authority?

You are right!  Lycopodium would not argue with someone in authority!!!  I missed that!  It was Lycopodium or Arsenicum.  If he was afraid of germs, it would have tipped the scale to Arsenicum instantly!  If so, I think Arsenicums are more neurotic about health issues and vitamin supplements. This guy seems to be so lost in abstracts that his feet don’t even touch the ground, but it is just theory for the sake of argument, and there are not really any health issues here, except for the fear of not having a virtual airbag on his simulated car.

Wow!  I didn’t even notice that, Mati!  Brilliant of you to see that!  What does that tell you?  Fear of death?  Fear of accidents?  I think so!  All the more reason to suspect Arsenicum here.

He is not dirty enough to be Sulphur.

We’ve already gotten votes for Sulphur, as you can imagine.

He is more like a neurotic intellectual wannabee-Sulphur.  So… What do you think?

I think he’s Arsenicum, but only because I read your book, Beyond the Veil of Delusions

I wish everyone would read it!

Is there anybody else here today?   Step right up!


Hello Madam,

Sheldon is a clear example of ARSENICUM in my view.  It becomes evident from the fastidiousness itself, but also from various other features too which may seem common symptoms to the untrained eye, but for one who knows inside out, they are easy to spot.  Some of such symptoms are :

1. Critical nature: He is always criticizing others and always believes that what he is doing is right only; which takes us to another symptom of Ars-alb…

2. What I do and say is right.  I am always right.  (Rubric: Prejudiced).

3. Always having a backup plan.

4. Always calculating in terms of money.

5. Adjusting to the society:  This I believe that lies at the core of Ars-alb.  Sheldon is always claiming that “It is customary to do this and that and so on…”.  Ars-alb people are very insecure, especially in a new place.  The only way they find some peace is by blending in this new society, thus they are very peculiar about the customs of a place.  That is also the reason that they are quick to follow the traditions of the place very meticulously, so that no one can blame them.  This leads us to two other qualities of Ars-alb which are found in Sheldon: Perfectionism and Intolerance to criticism.

6. Intolerant to criticism.

7. Extreme desire for company during acute illness.

8. Perfectionism: Things have to be done in a proper order only, he becomes restless if they are not done properly.

9. Vindictive: It is my observation that not many people believe that Arsenicum is vindictive, but it is and in highest order, as much as Nitric acid in my view.

10. Boasting is another lesser known feature of Arsenicum.

11. He is not emotional about anything.  Even with birds and animals, he expects them to do to his bidding.

12. No one is able to adjust to living with him.  Only Leonard did, probably that makes him a Staphysagria.

13. Dictatorial…

14. Critical: Always criticizing others and claiming that what he is doing is only right.  In my repertory, I have raised the level of ARS to 3+ in this rubric.  If you watch “Two and a Half Men”, Alan and Charlie’s mother also is an Arsenicum, and was always critical about her children ever since they were born.

15. Cowardice: Fear to be alone.

16. Extreme fear of infection, which could even have made him Syphyllinum, but the lack of emotions takes him towards Ars, and not Syphilinum

17. Lack of creativity: he just follows what he has learnt and also expects others to follow the rules of science.  Thus he is not a person who could create something new because he has no ability to break rules.  This in my view associated with boasting makes him Arsenicum again.

For now I remember this much.  Sorry if I bored you but when I start talking about homoeopathy, it just leads to getting the job done properly.

I shall be happy to know your views too on Arsenicum since I am writing a book on materia medica of which Arsenicum is also a remedy and yes, I’ve allready given example of Sheldon and Alan’s Mother in it.  Also, please feel free to correct me too.  It will be a pleasure to learn from you.

Have a nice day madam.


M.D. Homoeopathy

As you seem to be right, I have nothing to correct!

Is anybody else here?


Hi Elaine,
I think Sheldon is an Arsenic constitution.

That’s what I think too!

I repertorised the following:


Yes, definitely!


True.  I didn’t think to use that one.


Good one.  I didn’t think of that one either.


I couldn’t decide between “critical” and “fault finding”.  Either one, I guess, is OK.

Talking – loquacious

Wayne, perhaps; but, I don’t think he’s “loquacious” as much as “quarrelsome”.

Theorizing – general

I don’t know….that goes more for Sulphur, people consumed with brilliant ideas but get very little accomplished.

Prejudiced attitudes

You’d have to explain that one to me.


That’s a good one, he is definitely unsympathetic.


Given that the anxiety rubric has over 350 remedies in it, I think it’s almost useless.  I used “fear of accidents”, because he wanted to know if his simulated car had an airbag in case he was rear-ended by a “van”.

The main answer was Arsenic, followed by Lachesis and Sulphur.

Checking this with Catherine Coulter’s portrait of Arsenic, it seems to agree.
An anonymous quote from the start of the piece is, “Anything that is worth doing is worth overdoing”.
Some key words are: nervous, restless, highly strung,

That’s a good description of him, “highly strung”.

Also, fastidious, fastidious use of language, driven by great anxiety, striving for perfection etc.

That’s him alright!  When I look at this episode, what’s striking about him is the quarrelsome nature, fastidious use of language, perfectionism and you’ve gotta add “haughty” to this list!  And it will definitely come out to Arsenicum!  I like the way Catherine Coulter used the phrase, “fastidious use of language”, that describes him so well!  I’ve seen this with Arsenicum people many times.  They pronounce everything so perfectly.  His fastidious demeanor disallows Sulphur, which I know a lot of people are considering.

Elaine, Thank you for your comments, I learn something every month doing your quiz.  I now have a more complete picture of an arsenic person.  I know one specific arsenic person who is haughty and I didn’t realize it was such a large part of the equation.

Well, you know what?  Usually it’s Lycopodium who’s haughty (which is why Mati Fuller was between Lycopodium and Arsenicum); but, what really is suggestive of Arsenicum to me, in Sheldon, is the “fastidious speech”.  It’s all part of their “perfectionism”; plus, they like to argue, as I learned from Mati’s book.

Arsenic was a big help to me once.  I had a recurring burning in the stomach that happened every Friday afternoon.  I would feel unwell, want to lie down and enjoyed warm showers which helped.  My homeopath suggested Arsenicum which I took with great results.  I often wonder how I would have been cured if it wasn’t for homeopathy.

You probably wouldn’t have been!

What I meant by “prejudiced attitudes” was he was sure his way of thinking was correct and would not entertain doing things another way.

That’s “haughty” or “arrogant”.  (“I’m better than you are, my ideas are better than yours, I’m smarter than you,” etc.)

Thanks again!



Here is my repertorization, in case anybody’s interested:

Is anybody else here today?

Hi Elaine and Shana!

Hi Maria!

Great, great, great quiz!!!!!

I had a feeling you might like it.

And fun too!!!!!  So my vote for Sheldon is ………Kali-carb!


Needless to say, I will add why; we see in Radar keynotes the following:


Yes, that’s Kali carb., alright!  Very conservative, never budging from the rules.

– Systematic, proper, routine-oriented.


– Strong mental control over emotions and behavior.
– Matter-of-fact way of thinking.

I could add more rubrics since I am a huge fan of the tv series but I will stick with the video you suggested.

Right, since that’s all the rest of us are seeing.

We have 3 male characters and 3 female characters left to find remedies for, Shana!

Oh geez!  Don’t give Shana anymore ideas!

(In male characters I include the comic store owner!)

The comic store owner?????  OMG!  Shana!!!!!!!!!

GREAT QUIZ :)))))))
PS: If I am wrong I will try again.

D’oh!  Well, of course, there is no right or wrong answer here because we can’t give Sheldon our remedy. But in my very humble opinion, I saw him as an Arsenicum.  Kali carb “quarrels with his family”. Sheldon quarrels with everyone, because he is always “right”; here he is arguing with the Department of Motor Vehicles!  Here is what Rajan Sankaran has to say about Kali carb:

“Peculiar to Kali carbonicum is quarrelsomeness only with family and husband, and not so much with outsiders (except unfortunately with the physician).

“After quarrelling, she can get quite tearful: ‘Weeping, when telling of her sickness’, and also can display a more pitiable state of begging, and entreating.  When her efforts to get the support she needs fail, she becomes ‘Indifferent when in society’, ‘Averse to husband, to members of the family’, shows ‘Disgust’, ‘Hatred’ and becomes ‘Sulky’, ‘Repulsive’.”

Now, there’s a subrubric under “Quarreling” which I think applies to Sheldon and that is “litigious”. Litigious means, “fond of disputes”, or, “inclined to dispute or disagree”.  In other words, Sheldon knows better than everybody else!  Another word for this is “haughty”, meaning, “scornfully arrogant” and “disdainfully proud”. Is that not Sheldon?  What did he say on his way out of the DMV?  “Aced it!” Oh, he is so proud of himself!  “I’m great and you’re not!” is basically what it boils down to.  So, Kali carb isn’t in that rubric (“Haughty”) but Arsenicum is.  The “Litigious” rubric only has 7 remedies in it and Arsenicum is one of them but not Kali carb.  The other 6 are: Androc., Nux vomica, Causticum, Lachesis, Platina and Staphysagria.  (I’m going to have to ask Mati Fuller why the “people pleaser”, Staphysagria, is there, I can’t imagine them being argumentative.)

The other thing that goes for Arsenicum is, to put it in Catherine Coulter’s words, Sheldon’s “fastidious speech”!  Am I right?  It may not be in the repertory, but it should be!  It’s the first thing you notice about him, how perfect his speech is!  Then there’s his “fear of accidents” which you can infer from his “virtual driving lesson” where he asks if there are virtual air bags in case he gets rear-ended by a virtual van!  So, OK, I rest my case!

Arsenicum was my first thought too since the beginning of the series.  The reason I voted for Kali-c was his tendency to be accurate about the correct answers in the application.

Remember when he said, “How else are they going to learn?!”  That was “haughty”.  (“I’m right and you’re wrong!  I’m smart and you’re stupid!”)

That reminded me of the kali-c “going by the law” rigidness.

No, if he had “gone by the law”, he’d have done what the lady told him to do instead of arguing with her!

It reminded me of another episode where he corrects himself also, or in another case he wanted to be “punished” because he was wrong about a physics theory he discovered although nobody noticed it was wrong and he could have gotten away with it.

But that’s also “perfectionism” and “conscientiousness about trifles”, under which Arsenicum is a 4, which means you can’t rule out Arsenicum based on that.

I can’t use information from other episodes in this quiz, I know; but in the rubric aversion to sex or sexual desire decreased, Arsenicum is absent and Kali-c is in both rubrics.

You found that in the “Male” chapter, right?  Not in the Mind chapter?  Kali carb is a “weak” remedy.  It has weakness after sex, worse after sex, prostration after sex and ailments after sex.  Perhaps you’re saying that Sheldon, due to his presumed Asperger’s Syndrome, meaning he’s on the autistic spectrum, isn’t relating to women in a normal way, just as he doesn’t really have a normal relationship with anybody!  He’s totally unsympathetic to other people’s needs.  So, if it’s part of the diagnosis or condition, we can’t use it.  Autistics are famous for not being able to make connections with other humans.  This accounts for his lack of interest in Amy.

That is why I chose Kali-c in the end.  Maybe you don’t know it but Shana definitely knows that Sheldon’s girl friend is trying desperately to be more “intimate” with him but Sheldon doesn’t even think about it!

Yes, I know.  But again, I think that goes with the Asperger’s diagnosis, and consequently, we can’t use it.

Of course it could be from fear of germs or disease!  In which case, Sheldon is Arsenicum!  Great analysis Elaine!  You spotted things I missed such the quarreling stuff.

I only know that because I read Mati Fuller’s book, which I’m encouraging everyone to read!

You know, I have this book too, it is great!  Thank you for reminding us that we should read it again again and again!  Can’t wait for the next quiz, ladies!

Oh geez!  Well, we’ll keep trying, but, I ain’t promisin’ nothin’ !!!!

Meanwhile, I have to find Mati Fuller for another quesition!  Mati, are you still here?  Thinking that a good rubric for Sheldon was “Litigious”, I looked it up, and Arsenicum was there, but so was Staphysagria!  With litigious meaning “inclined to disagree or dispute” and “fond of disputes”, why would a “people-pleaser” like Staphysagria be in the Litigious rubric?

Hi Elaine

You have to realize that the people-pleasing element of Staphysagria is only skin deep.  They try to please people, not because it is their nature to do so, but because they want respect in return.  It is a trade off!  Pulsatilla does the same thing – she is friendly hoping to get love back.  And Phosphorus has a million friends that she wants to control and manipulate later on, so it is worth her sacrifice of having to start out as a doormat in the relationship.

So, the underlying reason why Staphysagria pleases people is the desire for respect.  But, unfortunately, you don’t get respect from pleasing people.

That is soooo true!

You get respect when you speak your truth and stand up for yourself, which is the last thing a Staphysagria will do.  By pleasing others, they keep the delusion alive that nobody respects them.

Oh, very interesting!  That’s very deep, I really have to think about that!

This feeling will eventually create enough resentment that the shadow side of their personality starts to bubble to the surface.  Suddenly the pleasant, good natured Staphysagria becomes a scary powder keg full of venom and resentment and he will argue, yell, and even smash a few bricks with a hammer if he can find any. 

Yes, you’re right.  Staphysagria takes but so much very sweetly and then suddenly, they blow up!

And, afterwards, Staphysagria will be shocked and scared about what he or she just did and wonder what came over him–or her.  So, the people-pleasing aspects of Staphysagria are only skin deep. 

You’re right!

There are so many deeper layers beneath the surface, full of aspects that you wouldn’t want to encounter if you knew they were there.

The more people suppress their true nature in order to be “nice,” the more shadows they have in their basements.  Makes total sense to me!

The reason why Arsenicums are litigious is a bit different.  They love courts because they are so good at arguing that they are convinced they will win (and when you believe you will win, chances are you will). So, to Arsenicum, it is just a sport, or challenge, that they enjoy because they usually have the upper hand.

You know what, Mati, now that you mention it, that’s the exact feeling I got from Sheldon when he was arguing with the DMV, that it was “sport” for him, a “challenge”; hence, his “Aced it!” remark on the way out!  So, all the more reason to suspect Arsenicum here, thanks again, Mati!


Hey everybody, Vamsi’s in the house!


That was a hilarious clip.

I know!  I know!

Enjoyed watching it, but on the other side was pondering to what remedy was Sheldon?

Elaine, your personality quizzes are the best I have ever come across!

Really???? 🙂

They are somewhat like “BrainTeasers”, I would rather call them “HomeoTeasers”.

Ok coming over to the quiz –

The traits of Sheldon, a genius of course, Fastidious (Great attention to detail), Oblivious of people’s feelings.

Reminds me of 2 remedies, Arsenicum and Sulphur.

Yes, most people seem to be between those two.

Arsenicum has a morbid fastidiousness and hates disorder, which Sheldon has shown.  But the key word of Arsenic, “restlessness”, is not displayed by Sheldon.  Arsenicum is not a genius, compared to Sulphur.

Sulphur is a genius and a philosopher, and also as stated by Kent,

He has no thought of anybody’s wishes or desires but his own.  Everything that he contemplates is for the benefit of himself.  This selfishness runs through the Sulphur patient.  There is absence of gratitude.”

Very interesting, thanks for that quote!

The lack of empathy also reflects his “selfishness”.

I am tied in-between Arsenicum and Sulphur.  However I would go for “Sulphur” as the “genius” was the first trait displayed by Sheldon, and also his lack of empathy, which is predominant in Sulphur.

Awaiting for your comments, and views.

With Regards,


OK, my feeling is, if you’re rejecting Arsenicum because they’re not geniuses, there really can’t possibly be any data to support that.  In fact, with their perfectionism, Arsenicums must be very good students! 

I don’t think you can say that Sheldon is fastidious on one hand, and then go for Sulphur on the next! Under “Mind: fastidious”, Sulphur is a 1, Arsenicum is a 4!  Sheldon is very neat, his hair is very neat, not flying all over the place in a Sulphur-like fashion.  Sheldon speaks so perfectly unlike Sulphur’s ravings and explosions.

A good word for Arsenicum is “meticulous”.  That certainly describes Sheldon!  Sulphurs are careless and indifferent.  I think you have to look at the way Sheldon presents himself, the way he moves and talks.  He doesn’t behave like a Sulphur, he doesn’t act or talk like a Sulphur.  Arsenicums have a snobby attitude.  Sulphurs can mix and mingle among the common people.  People like Sulphurs!  They like to be with them!  Sulphurs are fun-loving, joking, enthusiastic, adventuresome, optimistic types.

Arsenicums are anxiety-ridden, fearful, worried, serious people, generally no one wants to be around them.  Arsenicum knows that people don’t especially like them, so they make sure a cadre of people are financially dependent on them, or dependent in some other way, so that Arsenicum won’t be alone–one of their biggest fears.  Are you still thinking of Sulphur?


I am thrilled to the core, with the way you have depicted the Arsenicum and Sulphur person, as I have a relative of mine, who depicts a perfect Arsenicum case.  Am interested to know, which books have described it so very clearly.  It would be delightful to go through them.  Kindly assist.

Well, that’s easy: Mati Fuller’s Beyond The Veil of Delusions which you can order from but probably it’s available at other places too.


Thanks a ton Elaine.  About this case, I don’t think I can ever forget an Arsenicum case now, even in my dreams.

You have engraved it in my mind.

Reading through your review of Mati Fuller’s book (August 15, 2007) and also your interview with Mati Fuller (May 2006) in the hpathy ezine, I will be ordering her book now for sure.

I strongly feel…that the word “Thanks” falls short to thank you in all ways…but I don’t seem to have another word to say, sooo…..

Thanks as always.



This just in from the gang from Slovakia:

Dear Elaine, I hope that it is not too late to respond to the February quiz:

Miroslav thinks Sheldon is Arsenicum album.

Jitka guesses: Sheldon Cooper is Arsenicum.

Kind regards, Jitka

Thanks, I have to agree!  And now back to our regularly scheduled programming. 

Time to congratulate our winners!  Our winners this month are……






See you again next time! 



Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.

Elaine takes online cases! Write to her at [email protected]

Visit her website:


About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at: and


  • I can’t believe I signed up for hpathy for this. The long off topic introduction was ridiculous. A joke or two then get on with it.

  • hi Elaine ma`am i thought Sheldon comes under the remedy “phosphorus” as it covered the rubric ’emotions absent’ for which we have to see Intellectual and this is not covered by arsenicum. moreover phosphorus also covered the rubric learning difficult as he cannot get his driver`s license easily as he can`t learn form his friends too. he can`t select his socks or his towels for which he has to depend on penny or leonard. he is also very possessive as he cannot let anyone sit in his seat- he has to say: Thats my spot ! and selfishness covered that rubric.

    • Sai, Arsenicum is very selfish. But the reason no one can sit in Sheldon’s seat and the reason he’s unemotional, etc. is because he’s on the autistic spectrum. These people are famous for not being able to relate to others emotionally, they’re unsympathetic, they don’t learn the way the rest of us learn, they’re very rigid and regimented–everything has to be the same; hence, the same seat all the time; so, you can’t use any of these rubrics or symptoms to find his remedy because they’re symptoms of the diagnosis, not symptoms of Sheldon, the person, separate from the “disease”. For example, if we’re trying to find the remedy for a hyperactive child, we can’t use rubrics like “restless” or “distracted easily” because they’re all like that! We have to separate out the common symptoms of the disease. Another example, a person has the flu. We’re not going to repertorize “headache” or “fever” because they all have that! Everyone with the flu has that. So this is why in Sheldon’s case, we have to put aside all his symptoms of autism or “Asperger’s Syndrome” and see what we’re left with. Meanwhile, I think you have missed the essence of Phosphorus. They make very good connection with people, very friendly, charming, accomodating. However, with a polychrest like Phosphorus, you can undoubtedly find this remedy in almost any rubric, meaning you could conceivably concoct your own version of him based on all the rubrics where Phosphorus turns up as a 1 instead of a 3. This will surely not help you recognize a Phosphorus in real life. Phosphorus would not be arguing with the lady from the Department of Motor Vehicles, he would be charming to her and she would decide to stamp his card just based on his engaging smile and adoring eyes. That would be Phosphorus. If Phosphorus is in the “learning, difficult” rubric, it’s because they do have trouble focusing, often find themselves day-dreaming. This is not Sheldon’s problem. Sheldon is not a physical person, he lives in his head. He’s probably physically awkward, as a lot of autistics are; this would make learning to drive difficult for him.

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