Ammonium Muriaticum

Ammonium Muriaticum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

Common names: Sal Ammoniac; Sal niac.


Ammonium chloride, NH4CL.

Preparation: Trituration on aqueous solution (100 parts of water at 60 o dissolves 36 parts of the salt).


When talking about some important subject he becomes extremely excited.

She is overwhelmed with anxiety, would like to weep, and does weep, sometimes (first day).

Full of melancholy and anxiety, as if some internal grief and sorrow were gnawing at her heart.

She is sitting there, full of ill-humor, absorbed in her thoughts, and can scarcely be induced to speak, in the evening (fifteenth day).

Peevish, as if she had some internal vexation, and looking as if not yet entirely conscious of herself; as if she had not slept enough (third day).

Irritable and peevish, in the forenoon; the mood improves after dinner (eighth day).

Very irritable, peevish, and easily frightened.

Involuntary antipathy to certain persons.


The head feels confused, as after intoxication (fourteenth day).

The head feels dizzy and confused in the room; this symptom passes off in the open air; early in the morning (fourth day).

Vertigo, as if she would fall to one side; worse during motion, passing off in the open air; frequently (third day).

Giddiness and fullness of the head; it feels as if it were very heavy (one hour).

Feeling of heaviness in the head, almost daily, after rising.

The head feels so full that it seems too heavy (after twenty-fifth day).

Violent headache, for several days.

Feeling of heat and fullness in the head, early after rising.

Heat in the head, with preceding chill, before midnight, in bed, so that she cannot go to sleep for a long time.

Stitches and pressure in the head, especially in the left side, in the room (second day).

Frequent creeping over the head, of short duration (twenty- fifth day).

Pimples on the forehead, following after itching and scratching (sixth day).

Frontal headache, without mental disturbance.

Violent throbbing headache in the forehead, towards evening, lasting one hour; upon touching the forehead worse; with weakness, so that he was scarcely able to walk, and chills on going to bed.

Heaviness in the forehead, frequently during the day, accompanied by a feeling of internal heat and a little sweat.

Pressure in the forehead, with sensation of heat there, early in the morning, after an uneasy night.

Downward pressure in the forehead, towards the root of the nose, with sensation as if the brain were torn, earl after rising (twenty-fifth day).

Painful boring in the forehead, early after rising, and almost during the whole day (fifth day).

Sudden fine stitching in the left side of the forehead, of long duration, afternoons (fourth day).

Painful twitches, from below upwards, in the left temple (third day).

Burning pain, and sometimes stitches, in the left temple, both when at rest and when masticating and sneezing; no increase of pain when the parts are touched.

A sudden tearing pain from below upward in the right temple, forenoons (sixth day).

Painful tearing in the right temple and down into the side of the face (seventh day).

Fine tearing, extending upward, in the right temporal bone, during the menstruation (seventeenth day).

A violent stitch in the left temple; forenoons (twentieth day).

Headache on the top of the head, as if the head were broken in two (fourth day).

Stitches in the vertex, with a sensation as though the head were bursting; mornings (third day).

Stitches in the vertex on stooping; afternoon at three, lasting till six (second day).

Glowing heat on the right side of the head, every evening.

Fine stitches in the left side of the head, forenoons (fifth day).

A painful tearing in the upper part of the right side of the head, while sitting (fifteenth day).

The occiput feels as if it were compressed with a vice; this symptom afterwards manifests itself in both sides of the head, accompanied by excessive ill-humor (seventeenth day).

Pinching pain in the left side of the occiput, at a small spot; forenoons (eleventh day).

Itching pimples on the right side of the occiput, in the evening; at night they pass off (after nineteenth day).

Itching of the hairy scalp, forcing him to scratch constantly (third day).


Eyes become weak, glassy, watery.

Redness of the white of the eyes and itching of the eyes.

Pain in the eyes.

The eyes burn in the morning, after rising, if she looks at the light (fourth day).

Burning of the eyes in the evening, and closing thereof as from sleep; this symptom passed off as soon as light entered the room (fifteenth day).

The eyes are burning for several evenings, only at twilight; the pain ceases as soon as light enters the room (fifteenth day).

The eyes burn at night, with profuse lachrymation.

Violent burning in the right eye, which continues long in the open air.

Tearing in the upper border of the right eye, first made worse, then improved, by pressing upon it; afternoons while sitting (fifteenth day).

Very painful sensation, as of hammering, over the margin of the right orbit, or as if a large body were pushing there (fifteenth day).

Twitching of the left eye; she must rub a long time before it disappears (fourth day).

Slight twitching in the lower eyelids, especially the left, during the whole time of proving.

Eyes burn like fire, in the canthi, the whole day (third day).

Burning in the canthi, so that she cannot look at the light; disappears after washing; mornings (third day).

Tearing in the external canthus of the eye.

Lachrymation, early after rising (third day).

Agglutination of the eyes, early on waking, with burning in the corners, after washing (second day).

A vesicle in the white of the eye.

Tearing in the eyeballs.

Twitching in the left ball, without any in the lid; disappears after rubbing (fourth day).

Mist before the eyes;in the open air she distinguishes nothing, either far or near, even in the light of the sun; in the room, on the contrary, she sees better (for five minutes).

For several mornings dimness of the eyes; there is a mist before them, which passes off after washing.

Sensation in the left eye as if a body were rising in it which prevents her from seeing; in the forenoon (fourteenth and fifteenth days).

Yellow spots, as large as a penny, everywhere before the eyes, when sewing, and when looking into her garden out of the window (two minutes).


Painful pimple on the anti-helix of the right ear.

Itching pimple on the external concha of the right ear, which induces him to scratch continually.

Several fine stitches in the left ear, which frequently recur; afternoons in the open air (fourth day).

Several pointed stitches in the right ear, shooting inwards; then a burning extending from the left ear outwards; on walking in the open air (first day).

Frequent sensitive stitches outward from the right ear; it frequently lasts a long time.

Stitches outward from the right ear, as with an awl, several times.

Boring and sticking outward from the right ear (third day).

Clawing and tearing in the right ear (nineteenth day).

Boring-twitching in the right ear (sixteenth day).

Burrowing and turmoil in the right ear, on which he lay at night, as if something would come out there (third day).

Tickling in the right ear.

Frequently fine stitches outward from the left ear.

Twitching in the left ear, also behind it, where there is a moist herpes.

Itching in both ears, which does not pass off by scratching, with discharge of liquid wax for several days (after fifth day).

Grumbling and thundering noise in the right ear when sitting, also at night, with pulsative beats (sixth day).


External swelling of the left side of the nose, and, the next day, bloody crusts discharge (third day).

Bleeding at the nose from the left fossa, where upon the itching ceases (third day).

On blowing nose, some brown blood with the mucus.

In morning left nostril stopped by mucus; removed by blowing.

Bloody froth from nose and mouth.

Frequent sneezing during the day (thirteenth and fourteenth days). Frequent sneezing, without a cold, roused her from her sleep, with crawling in the throat, which caused her to cough, and produced a secretion of saliva(after sixth day).

Clear acrid water runs out of the nose, corroding the lips.

Coryza, with eruptions in the nostrils (sore nose).

Coryza at one nostril, out of which runs a quantity of thick, yellow matter; this is accompanied by tearing in the cheek-bone and the teeth of the left side.

Coryza, with obstruction of the nose and loss of smell (thirteenth and fourteenth days).

Coryza, with a feeling of obstruction in the nose, during which a large quantity of mucus passes off, with great difficulty, however (after twenty-four hours).

Dry coryza; clear water, however, runs out of the nose.

Obstruction of the nose, with pain at the right nasal fossa, at night, the symptom passing off again the next morning.

Sensation in the upper part of the nose, as when a cold is approaching.

Sore nose, on the inside and around the margin of the nostrils.

Pain, as from ulceration, in the left nasal fossa; cannot endure the touch; this symptom occurs frequently (after third day).

Constant itching in the nose, with desire to blow it, and sensation as if a large and rough body were sticking high up in the nose, with obstruction (Second day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.