
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Bellis, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Bellis perennis, L. English daisy. Nat. Ord., Compositae.


1 a. After taking the medicine in 20dr. doses of the pure tincture for 14 d. without any symptoms I suspended the use of it. In two weeks after leaving it off, for the first time in my life I had a large boil on the back of my neck (r. side), commencing with dull aching pain; some difficulty and bruised pain in keeping head erect; slight nausea, want of appetite, and a little giddiness in head at times. Boil, beginning Dec. 7th increased with burning, pain, until in 6 d. time it was very large, of dark, fiery purple colour, very sore, burning, and aching, accompanied with cold aching from occiput to sinciput, brain in frontal region as though contracted. On 11th had pain in middle finger of left hand as of a gathering, for short time only, and at same time pain in inner side of left forearm, as of a boil developing; two d. before similar pains in corresponding parts of right arm. Three d. after boil got well another made its appearance, but yielded speedily.

1 b. On Jan,12th, feeling my left foot somewhat strained after running, I applied tinct., which for several d. aggravated the feeling; and in 5 d. after the application I had another small boil. On March 7th I chewed some daisy flowers; and on 11th a small boil appeared at angle of right lower jaw. The last trial I made with the 3rd dil., taking 3 drs. on Sunday, March 2nd, in next year. On the following Friday a small pimple appeared a little behind angle of left lower jaw; it increased very much in size and pain by Saturday, when I treated it with bellad. externally, to which it soon yielded.

As at no other time in my life have I suffered from boils, I am inclined to think that these were due to the use of the daisy. (Dr. H. THOMAS, Brit journ. or Hom., xvi,325.)

2 a. -, male adult, proved tinct. in 1880, being in sound health. March 6th, took 10 dr, in water at bedtime, and repeated dose 4 times next d. After each of latter series, had sense of gurgling and even stabbing in left hypochondrium, followed by creeping and beating in left temple. Slept heavily and dreamt strange incoherent dreams, all muddled together. After lying in bed in morning on back, pressure on splenic region causes pain, and there is sense of fulness there; tongue slightly yellow. Distension in left hypochondrium is felt during d., more painful after meals; it seems to extend up to diaphragm, and at each inspiration there is “rubbing” feeling there. At 5 p.m. took 13 dr. Stitches are now added to symptoms of left side, with drowsiness and some lassitude. The eyes now feel affected, and in left there is twitching, jerking sensation as when sparks are taken by an electric machine. That e. and next d. stitches continued, aggravated by slightest movement; shifting pains across epigastrium and round navel; pulse irregular; heart’s action at times fluttering, feeling as of impending suffocation. On 10th took none. on 11th took 15 dr. before going to bed, with usual sensation in spleen. On 12th, at 1:10 p.m., repeated, and felt also throbbing pain in l. temple and increased action of heart. At 11.30 repeated, without fresh symptoms. On 13th, at 7:10 a.m., repeated. Lining of nose now begins to get very sensitive and sore, and scabs begin to form in nostrils. Repeated dose at 11:30 p.m. On 14th took 15 dr. at 8:15 a.m. and 10 dr at 5 and 10:30 p.m. Former caused griping pains at pit of stomach, and tongue became coated with brownish fur. After last dose symptoms got worse, felt nearly “off his balance;” on lying down nausea and swimming in head as if on board ship. On 15th, nostrils getting worse, especially l.; cannot use handkerchief. Did not take dose in m., nausea being too great; took it at 1 p.m., when action is always felt best; and had twitching of eyes, especially l., and enlargement of small veins of left temple. Itching of anus was now felt, and sense of heat within rectum; sphincter seems less elastic than usual. Several pimples are coming out on face and neck, which is unprecedented with him; there is a large and troublesome scab on nucha; itchiness of head is great, and glands of neck are tight and sore. Took 10 dr. at bedtime. 16th. – Sleep heavy but dreamless. At 1.19 p.m., 15 dr. Old sensation in spleen is set going with fresh vigour, splenic region is tight as a drum. For first time felt action on brain, like that of alcohol. Twitching of eyes continues; conjunctiva dry for a time, then profuse lachrymation, finally agglutination, especially on left side. On next 3d. took two doses daily, symptoms growing worse and worse, but spirits continuing god. Brain getting muddled, in excellent spirits, but is repeatedly told that he is under the influence of” something stronger than tea.” Eyes are said to be glistening fearfully and standing out; looks haggard and careworn. Faeces becoming light in colour.

2 b. Took nothing now till 23rd, when he began with 10dr. at 9 a.m. Giddiness, and strange sensation in region of cerebellum. Repeated dose at 1 p.m., and had fulness in splenic regions, worse than before. A patch on left leg, made sore 18 months previously with arnica, now became tender and pimply. Dreams; again strangely incoherent; felt restless during night. Soreness at anus has disappeared, but nasal soreness in developing and involving lining of upper lip. Cannot bear to twist moustache. Strange shivering crept over him; felt uncertain; sight dim, stars look double and through telescope seem dancing; heart flutters; is quite out of sorts, and out of patience with everybody and everything. (In letter written to Dr. Burnett on this day he describes his mind as getting confused, his memory weak, thoughts jumbled, talk incoherent; and states that the splenic region has become large, the false ribs as it were forced out, with stitches there.) slept very heavily, found temperature 96 0 only; pulse 50, irregular; evacuations had been growing lighter, and were now ochre – coloured. Tongue coated with yellowish fur. At 9 a.m., 10dr., and at d 1 p.m. 15 dr. Excessive occipital headache all afternoon; eyes heavy; drowsiness, 25th. – Sensation in left side growing very acute. After 15 dr. in morning very heavy and stupid during rest of d. Is laughed at for asking one question every so often. Annular ligaments of wrist, especially 1., feel contracted, as if elastic band were round joints. Being on point of vomiting, took none on 26th. Resumed proving on 27th, with diminished quantity. On 28th blotches on left cheek and chin, like ” barbers'” itch.” 29th. – Spirits getting dull; cannot tolerate noise, music disagreeable. 30th. – “Capsized; ” brain muddled; shooting pains along left leg; distaste for food. Abandoned proving, but it was a month ere he recovered from its effects. [ Prover adds that gums and mucous lining of throat were much affected, and looked dark red, requiring kali bich. to restore them. He describes himself while under influence of B. as “happy as a king, feeling he was doing strange things, but could not help it; friends with everybody.”] (BURNETT, Hom. World, April (1884)

3. Dr. LLOYD TUCKEY took nearly 3j of tinct., in varying doses; without effect. (Ibid.)

4. Miss c. c. -, a very healthy but sensitive maiden lady between 30 and 40, took 1st dil., a few drops daily, and attributed following symptoms to its use: – Languor, feels ill all over, burning heat, externally and internally, at m.; soreness and aching of chest; bleeding repeatedly from nose, and once from mouth; flatulence; dryness of mouth; sleeplessness. (Ibid.)

5. “I have myself twice made short proving of Bellis, but have lost my notes. It acted laxatively with me, and produced many little boils with matter heads.” (Ibid).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.