CARBO VEGETABILIS signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine CARBO VEGETABILIS…


Through the vegetative nervous system, it affects the mucous membrane, producing great increase in the mucous secretions of the intestinal canal. It also acts upon the blood skin.


This remedy will be found useful in cachectic individuals, whose vital powers have become weakened.

Great foulness of the secretions.

Patient wants more air; wants to be fanned all the time.- Especially adapted to adynamic diseases, with great prostration; Hippocratic face, cold breath, and cold knees in bed, with an excessive accumulation of flatus in the abdomen.

Digestive Organs.-Gums bleed readily, and are spongy.

Sensation as if the oesophagus was contracted.

The most innocent food disagrees.

Frequent eructations, which afford only temporary relief.- When eating or drinking, sensation as if the stomach or abdomen would burst.

This excessive accumulation of gas in the stomach and bowels is the greatest characteristic we have for the use of Carbo vegetabilis.

Much belching of sour, rancid food.

Craves acids.

She eructates involuntarily a mass of tough, glairy mucus, which runs continually from her mouth.-DR. GOULLON.

Profuse and constant salivation of stringy saliva.-J.B.


Burning distress in the stomach.

Cardialgia in nursing women.

Stomach and bowels greatly distended with flatulence; the gas is generated by the walls of the viscera, rather than from fermentation of the ingesta.

Unceasing emissions of flatulence by the rectum. Slimy, fecal diarrhoea, in scrofulous people.

Tendency to diarrhoea, rather than to constipation.

Stools of foul blood and mucus.

Stool tough, scanty; not properly cohering; breaks off; afterwards difficult of expulsion.

Especially liable to hemorrhoids; they are large and blue.

Sensation of constant downward pressure in the abdomen; the patient has to support the abdomen with the hands, or a bandage.

Generative Organs of Women.-Morning leucorrhoea; discharges very acrid, excoriating the parts.

Aphthae of the vulva, with much itching, heat and redness.

Extraordinary rush of voluptuous thoughts.

Men.-Frequent emissions; onanism during sleep.

Chest.-Great and long lasting hoarseness.

Greenish and fetid expectoration.- JAHR.

Cough in old people, with emphysema and hypertrophy of the mucous lining; the circulation of the lungs, heart and abdominal viscera is very much impeded; very sensitive to cold; worse at night; expectoration profuse, especially if the larynx is invaded.-BAEHR.

In diseases of the lungs, where there is a great tendency of the chest to perspire, and the patient takes cold with the least change of temperature. Generalities.-Ulcers secreting a foul, ichorous pus, emitting an offensive odor.

(Gangraena senilis) Inveterate herpes.

Lymphatic swellings, with suppurations, and burning pains.

Chronic mal-treated cases of ague; paroxysms irregular.

Chill predominates in the hands and feet; complexion very sallow; great accumulation of flatus; stomach bloated; spleen swollen and painful; with sour and profuse sweats.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881