
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Cimicifuga, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Cimicifuga racemosa, Torr.; Actaea racemosa, L. Black snake root. Nat. Ord., Ranunculaceae.


I. Dr. H. M. PAINE, aet. 25, nervous temp., in excellent health save for a chronic coryza.

1 a. Proved tinct., made from root obtained in autumn. On Dec. 3rd and 4th, took 10 dr. morning and evening, and on 5th same in morning only. In 4 hours after last dose sensation of swelling of right eyelid, with heat, as if inflamed; during afternoon pain in lid when closing it; constant dull aching in ball and across forehead, with nausea. On 11th took 20 dr. without effect then, but next day pain over left eye, extending along base of brain to occiput; inflammation of both lids; pulse too slow, intermitting every 3rd or 4th beat. On February 11th, 1852, took 10 dr., and repeated dose next day at 6 a. m. and noon. In afternoon, dull pain in forehead. On 13th, at 10 a. m. and noon. In afternoon, dull pain in forehead. On 13th, at 10 a. m. and 7 p. m., same dose. Dull burning aching pain in 2nd joint of right great toe, extending up limb, from 8 – 9 p. m. 14th. – In morning 10 dr. In evening same pain at same time, but without extension upwards. 15th. – Pain in evening as before, but less severe. 16th. – At 11 a. m., 20 dr. Slight dull pain in head. 17th. – At 11 a. m. and 3 p. m., 10 dr. In evening, disposition to diarrhoea. On 18th and 20th one dose, on 19th two, of same; without effect save slight looseness on latter day. On 21st, 25 dr. in morning, 30 in evening; on 23rd, 30 in evening; on 24th, 30 in morning. Two hours after last dose aching pain in head, particularly in occiput, experienced only while indoors, relieved in open air. It increased during afternoon; was quite severe in evening; about 9 p. m. disappeared entirely after walk in open air. During evening, itching on dorsal surface of left hand and wrist, and especially of thumb; small red papules appeared there, becoming after slight irritation a diffused redness, which disappeared in a few hours, but could for some days be reproduced by slightly irritating surface. 25th. – 30 dr. at 4 p. m.; in evening slight pain in head. On 27th, 30 dr. at 5 p. m. During forenoon and part of afternoon of next day constant dull pain in head, particularly in occiput and extending to vertex.

1 b. In May took 30 dr. once or twice daily from 21st to 27th, and on 28th four doses of 30 dr. each, without effect save on latter day pain in vertex during afternoon and evening and after retiring at night severe aching pain in right eyeball. Next morning pimple on back of left hand, similar to but larger than those of Feb.; a little pus at apex. It disappeared after 3 or 4 days. This day took 2 doses of 40 dr. each, and experienced only slight pain in head.

1 c. In Nov. proved a fresh tinct. made from root gathered last July while plant was in flower. On 25th, took 2 doses of 30 dr. each, and same on 26th at 10 a. m. In evening fulness in vertex, stiffness of neck, soreness of throat on swallowing, sense of fulness high up in throat; on inspection, palate and uvula appeared red and inflamed. 27th. – Immediately after rising aching pain in vertex and in occiput, in paroxysms at times quite severe. Pain in centre of eyeballs, and also sensation as of pain between eyeball and orbital plate of frontal bone; fountains in epigastrium, with repugnance to food, which nevertheless did not prevent his partaking of a moderate breakfast. Pain in head and eyes continued through day, but not as severe as in morning. At 10 a. m. 30 dr. Occasionally through day sensation as if temples were compressed; itching and redness of dorsal surface of right hand, in afternoon and especially in evening. On 29th and 30th, coryza profuse, with hoarseness, and aching in head and eyeballs. Same on Dec. 1st; at 4 p. m. took 30 dr. Soon after, dull pain deep in forehead. 2nd. – Repeated dose at 10 a. m. At I suffered from acute cutting pain in umbilical region, not, however, preventing attention to business, uninfluenced by eating; continued during afternoon. During day acute pain through head generally, at times more severe on left side; dull pain in both eyeballs. Coryza constant during day; dryness and soreness of lips; small ulcer on inner surface of lower lips; sense of rawness in throat, slight dysphagia; hoarseness, increasing towards night; constant unpleasant fulness in pharynx. At night from 3 – 5 a. m., disturbed, restless, unrefreshing sleep; disposition to fold arms over head. Coryza as yesterday; unpleasant taste, accumulation of thick mucus on teeth. Took no more medicine, and by 7th all symptoms had disappeared save coryza, and this much less. At 9 p. m., 30 dr. 8th. – Before breakfast, slight pain in epigastrium extending to left hypochondrium, with faintness and sense of emptiness; loss of appetite. Coryza worse again. Took no more till 13th; at 10 a. m., 40 dr. Soon after, slight pain in left side of head; loss of appetite, in afternoon sensation as of overloaded stomach. After a light supper, acute darting pain in epigastrium. At 10 p. m., 40 dr. Slept well for 3 – 4 hours; then restless, unpleasant dreams of being in trouble, or in a sad plight. Awoke about 3 a. m.; soon whole surface became cold; slight cold perspiration for I hour, with lancinating pain along cartilages of left false ribs, increased by deep breathing. After rising, hoarseness, and some disposition to diarrhoea. At 10 a. m., 40 dr. Chilliness during forenoon; in evening on going upstairs, aching in eyeballs. Immediately after retiring, between 10 and 11 p. m., for 1/2 hour same piercing pain in left side as in morning very severe, so much so as almost to prevent breathing for a short time.

After discontinuing drug, restlessness in early morning continued for a week; disposition to perspire at same time for 3 weeks (at first cold, later warm); pain in eyeballs (centre) do.; anorexia for 2 weeks; and for a month alternate constipation and looseness.

1 d. Proved 3x dil. On March 16th, 1853, at 9:30 a. m., took 10 dr. In 10 morning vertigo, fulness, and dull aching in vertex. At 10, repeated sneezing. At 7 p. m. slight dry cough 4 or 5 times, from tickling in larynx; hoarseness. Without further medicine, symptoms increased to a complete laryngeal catarrh and angina faucium, culminating 19th – 20th, and not disappearing till 23rd. [As these symptoms were more likely the result of a chill than of the single dose taken, we have not specified them in detail, but content ourselves with noting the observation. – EDS.] (North Am., Journ. of Hom., iii, 207.)

2. Mr. S -, aet. 39, lymphatic temp., large muscular frame, blond, Nov. 13th, 1852, in morning before breakfast took 5 dr. of tinct. Immediately, eructations and slight nausea; dull pain in right arm, deep in muscles, from should to wrist. During forenoon continual restlessness, desire to move about, not knowing where to go or what to do. Increased secretion of pale urine. A few minutes before retiring took 15 dr. 14th. – Before breakfast, dull pain in forehead; after it, sense of internal tremors in stomach; during forenoon, slight faintness in epigastrium; during afternoon, nervous uneasiness; not disposed to fix attention on any subject; dizziness; dulness in head; pain over eyes; pain in right arm, like that of yesterday, continued throughout day. No appetite for supper, repugnance to food. Stinging sensation in nose in evening. Before retiring, 20 dr. During night very restless; pain extending from right eyeball through to right occiput, slightly affecting ear. 15th. – Great sensitiveness to cold air, which seemed to penetrate the system. (Ibid.)

3. Mrs. A -, aet. 23, choleric temp., brunette, October 18th, 1852, at 9 p. m., took 10 dr. of tinct., and next day at same hour 20 dr. In 1/2 hour nausea for 15 minutes. 20th. – At 10 p. m., 10 dr. followed by faintness of stomach. 21st. – At 7 a. m. 10 dr. In 1 hour stinging in eyelids At 10 p. m., 20 dr. 22nd. – At 7 a. m., 20 dr. During day, fullness and pressure in lower abdomen; faintness of stomach 2 or 3 times for short period. 23rd. – In morning abdominal pressure increased, with some pain; disposition to frequent urination. At 10 p. m., 10 dr. Faintness of stomach;pressure continues, but is not worse. 24th. – In forenoon, for a short time, eyeballs painful; soreness of chest. 25th. – In morning 10 dr., in evening 20 dr. 26th. – At 7 a. m., 20 dr. Heaviness and dulness of head; heaviness of eyes, as if caused by cold. In afternoon, stinging of left great toe; soreness of chest continues. At 10 p. m., 20 dr. Abdominal fulness continues. 27th. – At 7 a. m., 20 dr. Stinging of eyelids; dulness and heaviness of head and eyes, as if produced by cold; cold chills and prickling sensation in mammae; lips dry; offensive breath; unpleasant taste in mouth. 28th. – At 7 a. m., 20 dr. Eyeballs occasionally painful for short time; sneezing; headache; feels very tired; lips dry; occasionally a cold chill; sensation in breasts as yesterday. 29th. – Head and eyes dull; prickling again in mammae. Pain in eyeballs continued at intervals for two weeks after discontinuance of drug. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.