Crotalus Horridus

Crotalus Horridus homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

Common names: Rattlesnake, Boiquira.


C. horridus, Linn. Order, Crotalidae of the Ophidia family of serpents.Preparation: Trituration of the virus with sugar of milk.


Emotional.Excessive excitability; for example, while reading Humboldt’s lecture to naturalists in Berlin, he was moved to tears,. Sublime ecstasy. Delirium. *Delirium at night. Delirium at night, from time to time (seventeenth day), also the whole night. Delirium, with convulsions. For several days, a certain dread of selecting remedies, which usually is an agreeable occupation. Depression.

Depression, and indifference to everything. Melancholy; misanthropic and indifferent, with sudden weakness, headache, heartache, and excessive diarrhoea. Anxiety, with restless heat.

Apprehensiveness. Indifference, with sudden weakness. Most heavenly sensation; melancholy was quickly changed into gay anticipations,. (*Followed by S. 349.*) Remarkable indifference; seems only half alive; lasting fourteen years (chronic result of the bite). Intellectual. Remarkable heaviness and dulness, the first day, on account of which he is unable to express himself properly, and hence is unable to make a note of several symptoms.

Makes mistakes in writing, cannot spell correctly. Confused speech. His answers are disconnected, with cold skin.

Disconnected answers, with coldness of the skin and rapid pulse.

Remarkable weakness of memory. Loss of senses.


Confusion and Vertigo.Dull confusion of the whole head.

Vertigo. Vertigo, with nausea. Vertigo, with sopor. Vertigo; headache in the forehead above the eyes, in the temples, worse in the right; with nausea, vomiting of bile; is obliged to lie down; together with constipation; better from walking in the open air.

Dizziness before the eyes, even to falling down, with dilated pupils, earthy paleness of the face, and blue rings around the eyes (first day).

General Head.

Rush of blood to the head, with convulsions, followed by death.

Feeling of lightness in the head, with pressure in the temples, especially in the left which makes him bite the teeth together.

Dull sensation in the head. Pains through the whole head (immediately). Headache, gradually increasing and decreasing. Headache, extending into the eyes. Headache extending into the left teeth. Headache, shortly before going to sleep; especially very severe on undressing, but disappearing in the morning after a good night’s sleep. Headache, with melancholy.

Forehead. Pains in the forehead. Pains in the whole forehead, which became steadily worse, and at last intolerable;afterwards they were somewhat relieved, although they continued till towards evening (after half an hour). Tension in the muscles of the forehead and nape of the neck. Pressive frontal headache, followed by sensation of nausea (after three hours).

Temples. Muscular twitches in the temples. Pains in the temples.

Several times, a drawing-pinching pain in the right temple.

Pressure in the temples, especially in the left, which makes him bite his teeth together with a feeling of lightness of the head.

Stitches in the left temple and whole left side of the head, lasting five minutes (after three-quarters of an hour). Momentary stitches and pains in the left temple. Dull stitches in both temples.

Severe painless pulsation in the temples.

Vertex. Headache in the vertex; pressive, comes on in the afternoon and lasts till night, for three days (after eighteenth day).

On the fourth day it changed to forenoon, with heat and flushing of the face.

Sides. Aching difficult to describe in the right side of the head, as though he would be seized with a violent headache, without its amounting thereto (after two hours). Shaking and wavering in the left upper part of the head, especially on ascending steps or walking rapidly. Alternations of various kinds of pains in the left side of the head, as for example, drawings, pressure, pinchings, tension, and bruised pain, which extends into the teeth and orbits.

Occiput. Dull headache in the occiput. Pain as from a blow in the occiput, especially occurring on lying down again after rising, which he had experienced several years previously, now reappears.

External Head.

Violent itching of the scalp. Violent itching of the scalp, with a large quantity of dandruff.


Objective. Eyes muddy and heavy, next morning. Red watery eyes (after one hour). Yellow color of the eyes; frequently of the whole body. Blue rings about the eyes, with pale face. Blood exudes from the eye. Blood flows from the eyes, ears and nose, at times.Dryness of the eye. The eyes feel dry. Sudden violent drawing pain from the vertex into the right eye, in the evening.

Brow and Orbit.

Pains above the eyes. Pressure and oppression above the eyes.

Pressure above the right eye, nausea and vertigo, repeated for several days, at different times. Pressure above the left eye, with vertigo and sensation of nausea on moving; the pain is especially felt over the eyes, particularly the right, not continuous, paroxysmal, jerk like. Pressure deep in the orbits, behind the ears, and in the nasal bones, so that as with the pressure in the temples, he is obliged to bite the teeth together. Fine prickling and stinging above the left eye, as with fine needles.

Lids. Dark redness of the left upper lid, with dryness and burning within the eyes and redness of the canthi. Eyes almost closed (after twenty-six hours). Itching in the canthi.

Lachrymal Apparatus. Frequent lachrymation and momentary disappearance of vision, especially in damp weather.

Ball. Pain in the eyeball on moving the eye, like a pressure, and as if the eye were too dry internally.

Vision. Dimness of vision. Momentary disappearance of vision, with profuse lachrymation, especially in damp weather.

Vanishing of vision, while reading.


Objective. Bleeding from the ears.External. Bruised feeling in the lobules of the ears.

Internal. Heat in the ears. Heat in the right ear, with bruised sensation in the lobules of the ears. Stopped sensation in the right ear, and drawing within both ears, painful in the right, with heat and sensation as though earwax would run down into the mouth. Drawing in both ears, with stoppage of them. Drawing in the right ear, with painfulness of the whole left side of the head, and paralyzed feeling of the left jaw. Painful drawing in the right ear, with sensation of heat in it. Hot, tickling sensation, as though earwax were in both ears.


Violent sneezing, once at a time; with a stitch in the right side of the chest, near the shoulder-joint, followed by pains in the bones of the chest. Bleeding from the nose and all the orifices of the body.


Objective.Paleness of the face, as in faintness. Discolored face.

Earthy face, with vertigo. Yellow color of the face. Sickly yellow color of the face (chronic result). Face leaden-colored, immediately. Leaden color of the face, lasting during life.

Swelling of the face, of the whole head, and body. Face somewhat bloated, next morning.

Subjective. Pressive-drawing pains in the bones of the face, first in the right maxilla and zygoma, then in the left; then in both at the same time.

Lips. Trembling lips, with weakness and faintness. Lips and throat dry, without thirst.

Jaw. Cramp in the jaws. Spasmodic contraction of the jaws, with swelling of the hand and arm, and other dangerous symptoms.

Bruised pain in the whole right lower jaw and in the teeth.


Teeth.The teeth are loose in their sockets. Inclination to press the tongue against the lower incisors, with crumbling of them on the inside. Pain in the teeth, coming from the larynx. Sudden very transient pain shooting into the right lower back teeth; it shoots up and down in them several times, and then disappears (first day).

Violent shooting downward, almost like a blow, in an upper back tooth; immediately disappearing (second day). Teeth and jaws seem bruised.


Gums white (fourth and subsequent days). Bleeding of the gums.


Tongue red and sore (fourth and subsequent days. Brown tongue.

Tongue brown and swollen, so that it closes the throat.

Swelling of the tongue. Swelling of the tongue till there is no more room in the mouth, with inflammation of it. Tongue swollen to nearly twice the normal size. Tongue tumid (after twenty-six hours).

General Mouth. Tickling of the palate and fauces.

Saliva. Accumulation of saliva, obliging him to swallow.

Taste. Sourish taste in the mouth, after the usual breakfast.

Speech. Articulation indistinct (after twenty-six hours).

Loss of speech and of the senses. Speechless, without moving, trembling pulse. Unable to speak; it seems as though the tongue and whole throat were tightly constricted.


Dryness of the throat, with great thirst (after one hour). Throat dry, with thirst (fourth and subsequent days).Sensation in the throat as though earwax were running down, with heat in the ear. Sudden attack of sore throat, and bronchial catarrh, in the evening, which went away the next morning, and returned at night.

Painful rawness in the throat. Tickling in the pit of the throat, as if in the trachea, provoking cough without expectoration; after some days simple tickling without cough.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.