Euphrasia Officinalis

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Euphrasia Officinalis from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

     Eyebright. Scrophulariacea.

     Provings by Hahnemann, etc. See Allen’s Encyclopedia, vol. 4, p. 254.


Cataract, Rummel, A. H. Z., vol. 35, p. 205 ; Iritis, Stein, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 70 ; Rheumatic iritis, Dudgeon, Norton’s Ophthalmic Ther ; Opacity of cornea, Kretschmar, A. H. Z., vol. 1, p. 40 ; Opacities of cornea ; conjunctivitis, Rummel, A. H. Z., vol. 3, p. 25 ; Opacity of cornea, Knorr, A. H. Z., vol. 5, p. 163 ; Opacity of cornea after attack of podagra, Knorre, B. J. H., vol. 6, p. 360 ; Staphyloma of the cornea, Deventer, B. J. H., vol. 33, p. 545 ; Ulcer of cornea, Thorer, B. J. H., vol. 6, p. 359 ; Puig, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 58 ; Thorer, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 233 ; Ulceration of cornea, Dunham, Lectures on Mat. Medorrhinum, p. 101 ; Keratitis, Allen, Payr. Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 70, 75 ; Norton, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 46 ; Sensation of hair on cornea, Payr, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 106 ; Hydrophthalmus anterior, Hunt, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 75 ; Ophthalmia, Teller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 106 ; Frank, B. J. H., vol. 1, p. 358 ; Ophthalmia and blindness, Brisley, Hom. Rec., vol. 10, p. 104 ; Ophthalmia, Segin, Hom. Clinics, vol. 1, p. 98 ; Catarrhal ophthalmia (4 cases), Frank, Weigel, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 310 ; Rheumatic ophthalmia (2 cases), Dudgeon, B. J. H., vol. 22, p. 355 ; Strumous ophthalmia, Watzke, B. J. H., vol. 6, p. 359 ; Scrofulous inflammation of eyes, Kretzschmar, A. II. Z, vol. 1, p. 40 ; Inflammation of eye, Turrell, Hom. Clinics, vol. 4, p. 48 ; Conjunctivitis, Thorer, Practische Beitrage, 3, 17 ; Lobethal, A. H. Z., vol. 13, p. 200 ; Weizel, Pract. Beitrage, 4, 2, 97 ; Conjunctivitis, Tülff, H. V. S., 3, 202 ; H. V. S., 3, 218 ; Teller, H. V. S., 4, 60 ; Blepharitis, Norton, N. A. J. H., vol. 23, p. 350 ; Norton’s Ophthal. Therap., p. 82 ; Lachrymation, Gross, Archives, vol. 1, p. 113 ; Paralysis of third nerve, Norton, B. J. H., vol. 34, p. 377 ; Paralysis of motor oculi, Norton, N. E. M. G., vol. 10, p. 339 ; Bruise of eye, Turrell, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 56 ; Nasal catarrh, Hrg., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 387 ; Periodical hard swelling of lip, Bordenoll, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 202 ; Affection of lips, Bordenoll, A. H. Z, 5, 3, 37 ; Constipation, Kippax, Organon, vol. 3, p. 96 ; Hooper, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 160 ; Prolapsus ani, Mohr, Hah. Mo., vol. 13, p. 536 ; Condylomata of anus, Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 558 ; Cough, Hrg., Balogh, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 13 ; Cough after influenza, Balogh, A. H. Z., vol. 2, p. 108 ; Cough, catarrhal fever, measles, Hartmann, Therap., vol. 1, p. 116 ; Measles (3 cases), Boyce, N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 91 ; Tülff, Drysdale, Boyce, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 95 ; Tülff, V. J. Schrift, 4, 266 ; Müller, A. H. Z., 49, 23.


Weakness of memory ; confusion of the head.
Inert hypochondriacal mood, takes no interest in his surroundings.
Taciturn, disinclined to talk.


Vertigo : with heaviness of head ; with tendency to fall.


Dull frontal headache.
Aching pain in outer part of head, especially forehead.
Dulness of head, with pressure on vertex.
Painful bewilderment in head.
Confusion and bruised pain in head.
Headache in evening as if bruised, with coryza.
Pulsating of head which is felt externally.
Violent beating headache. θ Measles.
Headache, as if head would burst, with dazzling of eyes from sunlight.
Headache, light of candle seems to be dark and to flicker
Stitches in brain.
Catarrhal headache, accompanied by profuse, watery discharge from eyes and nose.


Dreams of fire, lightning, flames, etc.
Eyes very sensitive to light, and candlelight.
Vision somewhat dim, as through a veil, in evening.
Obscuration of vision for distant objects ; while walking in open air.
Dimness of vision, the result of an hysterical condition ; profuse lachrymation.
Dimness of vision by candlelight ; the light seems to vary, sometimes burning brightly, sometimes dimly.
Right eye so weak and obscured that she feared she would not be able to sew ; after some minutes a stitch extending from forehead out of same eye, followed by disappearance of obstruction.
Obstruction of eyes, so that for half an hour he was unable to clearly distinguish objects ; everything seemed enveloped in a mist and to move ; these disappeared after three-quarters of an hour, and gave place to the usual burning.
Amblyopia, with inflammation of conjunctiva and lids.
Sudden and momentary obscuration of vision, > by winking, caused by presence of opaque mucus upon surface of cornea.
Diseased eyes, he was made almost blind.
Stitches in eyeballs from bright light.
Pressive cutting pain in eyes, extending to frontal sinuses.
Pressure and tension of the globe.
Contractive pressure in eye, whilst walking in open air.
Painful pressure in inner angle of left eye ; lachrymation.
Violent pressure in left eye, with lachrymation, it seems smaller and weaker.
Pressure in eyes, on looking at candlelight.
Dry pressure in eyes, as if sleepy.
Stitching pressure in eyes.
Burning stitches in eyes.
Burning in eyes, with lachrymation.
Frequent burning biting in eyes, obliging frequent winking ; acrid water runs from them.
Sensation as if dust or sand were in eyes.
Sensation as if a hair hung over eyes, and must be wiped away.
θ Keratitis.
Disagreeable dryness in eyes.
Itching of eyes on going out, obliging frequent winking and wiping of eyes, with increased lachrymation in afternoon.
Pain in eye, alternating with pain in abdomen.
Pupils much contracted.
Violent pressure in right eye, extending from inner canthus, with much lachrymation ; lids seem smaller, pupil dimmer, and eye seems cold.
Pains in left eye, diminished vision ; sclerotica shows injected vessels, singly or in bundles ; conjunctiva slightly reddened ; cornea turbid, ash-colored ; iris discolored ; eye looks as if dead ; lachrymation ; sees as through a fog ; violent periodical pains.
θ Iritis.
Rheumatic iritis, with constant aching and occasional darting pain in eye, always < at night ; ciliary injection, photophobia, aqueous humor cloudy, and iris discolored and bound down by adhesion.
Kerato-iritis after injuries and surgical operations upon eye ; stitching pains ; burning, smarting lachrymation, very excoriating, causing varnished appearance of tissues with which it comes in contact ; fluent coryza ; intense photophobia.
Feeling as though cornea was covered with much mucus ; it obscures his vision and obliges him to frequently close and press lids together ; lids swollen and red.
Sudden and momentary obscuration of vision, > by winking, and caused by pressure of opaque mucus upon surface of cornea.
Hydrophthalmia anterior ; irritation of conjunctiva, resulting from bulging of cornea and circumjacent sclerotic.
Meibomian glands much inflamed and swollen ; on albuginea an inflammatory focus of a deep red color, whence proceeded fasciculi of vessels running towards middle of cornea and converging at a deep ulcer ; cornea dim and conical in form ; iris lighter in color than that of sound eye ; pupil greatly contracted but perfectly round ; no photophobia nor morbid secretions ; pressure in eye when looking at light.
Cornea ulcerated ; ulceration red and puffy ; lids swollen, thickened, deprived of their cilia, and covered with small ulcerations ; large quantities of mucus, clear as tears, or thick like pus, flows constantly from eyes ; intense photophobia ; eye only painful when exposed to light, producing burning sensation with flow of corrosive tears, and a feeling of a foreign substance in eyes ; affected eyes look smaller by half than other eyes.
Ulcers and pannus extending from above downward to centre of cornea ; slight dimness of cornea with profuse smarting lachrymation ; profuse, thick, acrid discharge ; lids thick and red ; photophobia and pains < in daylight ; blurring of eyes, > by wiping.
Keratitis pustulosa, border of cornea surrounded by small superficial ulcers.
Keratitis pustulosa, with intense photophobia and profuse purulent discharge ; hot, scalding lachrymation.
Pustules on cornea, which are very vascular ; eyes feel heavy and sleepy.
Recurrent pustular inflammation of cornea, moderate photophobia, lids covered with matter.
Inflammation of eyes, with formation of opaque spots on cornea ; great photophobia.
Opacity of the cornea after mechanical injuries ; bluish.
Spots, vesicles and ulcers of cornea ; pannus.
Catarrhal or strumous inflammation of cornea and conjunctiva.
Inflammation of right eye, with complete obscuration of cornea ; after attack of gout.
For four months, considerable photophobia of both eyes, greater in evening ; redness of sclerotic and conjunctiva ; blood vessels very numerous ; wounded by a straw.
After an injury, severe pain, inflammation, excessive lachrymation and burning ; tears felt burning ; intense fluent coryza ; thick masses accumulated in inner corner of eye ; pains < from contact of air ; surface of eye felt as if studded with warts.
Conjunctiva reddened, vesicles enlarged, mucous secretion at first diminished, but speedily increased, finally becoming purulent in character.
Chemosis, acrid tears and coryza.
Acute conjunctivitis ; after first stage, lax or ecchymosed tissue, watery mucus, or milky secretion.
Photophobia : in day and sunlight ; < in evening ; must remain in darkened room ; even to spasm of lids ; with swollen, agglutinated lids ; thick yellow discharge between lids.
Conjunctiva of lids and eyeballs red ; injected vessels running from outer and inner canthi to cornea, resembling a vascular network ; continual itching and painful sensation as of a grain of sand at outer angle ; lachrymation ; photophobia ; pain < in right eye ; coryza, < on right side.
θ Ophthalmia after a chill.
Conjunctivitis pustulosa, lids much swollen, eruption on head and profuse fluent coryza.
Catarrhal ophthalmia, with lachrymation and considerable mucous discharge, injection of conjunctiva, phlyctenula near cornea, at same time coryza and pain in forehead.
Ophthalmia with agglutination in morning ; burning, itching and smarting pain ; cold air and wind cause lachrymation, < by gaslight.
Fluent coryza with scalding tears ; aversion to light ; < in evening or during night when lying down, from glare of daylight or sun ; > in the dark.
Streaming of hot, burning tears from eyes, with great photophobia ; profuse running from nose without burning ; cough only during day.
θ Measles.
Ophthalmia, eyes suffused with tears ; painful, dry ulcer on right side of bridge of nose. θ Amenorrhoea.
Granular ophthalmia, with or without pannus ; profuse lachrymation and thick discharge, excoriating lids and cheeks.
Rheumatic inflammation of eyes, almost blinding him.
Pterygium extending from inner canthus.
Ophthalmia of the new born.
Great dryness of lids and nose, so that for last five days has not been obliged to use handkerchief.
Margins of lids red, with sensation of dryness in them.
Burning and swelling of margins of lids ; distressing sensation of dryness.
Lids sensitive and swollen.
Redness and swelling of margins of lids, especially of left ; at times itching burning in them with increased watery secretion.
Lids itch and burn with profuse acrid lachrymation.
Lids much swollen, with a fluent coryza.
θ Blepharitis.
Suppurating lid-margins ; constant winking of lids.
Acute inflammation of lids, with acrid muco-purulent discharge. θ Blepharitis.
and ulceration of margin of lids.

Violent itching of lids, with catarrhal ophthalmia.
Constant desire to wink, which relieves any blurring of vision. θ Blepharitis.
Inflammation and swelling of Meibomian glands.
Secretion of tears greatly increased, eyes constantly suffused, tears overflow upon face and run down cheek.
Burning, smarting lachrymation, particularly in the wind.
Troublesome lachrymation, remaining after affection of eyes have been cured.
Fine eruption around eyes, parts look red and puffy.
Paralysis of muscles of eyes from cold.
Paralysis of third nerve.
Blurring of eyes, > by winking.
θ Paralysis of motor oculi.


Ringing in ears.


Violent irritation to sneeze, without cold or apparent cause.
Sneezing, with profuse fluent coryza.
Acute coryza, in stage of serous secretion, where there is redness of conjunctiva, swelling of lids and watery eyes.
Nasal mucous membrane swollen, with abundant secretion of water, and later of a muco-purulent substance, with sneezing and some degree of dyspnoea.
Profuse coryza, with smarting, lachrymation and photophobia, or with sneezing and discharge of mucus from anterior and posterior nares ; profuse, fluent coryza, with cough and expectoration in morning ; soreness and painfulness of inner nose ; eruptions on wings of nose ; < in open air ; head and eye symptoms < on right side.
Profuse, bland, fluent coryza, with scalding tears and aversion to light ; < evening and during night, while lying down ; after windy weather.
Profuse fluent coryza, in morning, with much cough and expectoration.
Cough with coryza, heat and sensitiveness of nose ; redness of eyes ; photophobia and lachrymation ; no cough at night, but severe in morning ; < in fresh air ; right side of head not affected. θ Bronchitis.
Pain from right to left over bridge of nose ; left half of face and forehead and left eye inflamed ; earache.
Small red spots, like pimples, on upper right side of nose, twinging, darting pain in nose.
Flat cancer on right side of nose.


Redness and heat of face.
Stiffness of left cheek when talking or chewing, with sensation of heat and stitches therein.
Rash in face, itching in warmth, becoming red and burning when moistened.


Stiffness of upper lip, as if made of wood.


Impeded speech from lameness and stiffness of tongue.


Frequent colic.


Fluent, profuse coryza, with slight flow of tears and a bright red eruption upon cheek, < in afternoon and after crying ; persistent constipation ; stools in large balls, which are dry, hard, voided with great difficulty and almost tearing anal passage.
Severe coryza ; much sneezing, profuse bland discharge from nose, watery excoriating discharge from eyes, photophobia, slight cough ; five days after administration of Euphrasia coryza had entirely subsided, but a profuse painless diarrhoea set in lasting all day, after last stool, a prolapsus ani from which she had been suffering for nine months disappeared and did not again return.
Daily stool, but it is hard and scanty.
Pressure in anus while sitting ; hemorrhoids.
Old, flat condylomata at anus, with severe burning ; < at night.


Frequent micturition.
Urine too often and copious.


Genital organs appear drawn in ; pressure above pubes, evenings.


Menses late, scant, and of short duration.
Menses painful, lasting only one hour, time regular.
Amenorrhoea, with inflammation of eyes and ulcers on right side of bridge of nose.
Condylomata, with stitching and itching, especially when walking.


Voice somewhat hoarse, in morning.
Catarrhal hoarseness.
Irritation of larynx, impelling him to cough, followed by tensive pressure beneath sternum.
Abundant mucous secretion, with loose cough, and a loud bronchial rale.


Deep inspiration difficult, even while sitting.


Cough with severe coryza, eyes also affected, during day a scanty expectoration with occasional difficult respiration, > at night, < again in morning with copious expectoration.
Sudden violent cough, caused by tickling in larynx, ceasing after a few seconds.
No cough at night ; as soon as he rises from bed cough begins and is so continuous he can scarcely get his breath, > when he again lies down ; constant tickling in larynx ; < from tobacco smoke ; > from eating ; can be suppressed by a sip of water.
Cough : from mucous or watery vomiting ; came on after hemorrhoids had disappeared ; with severe coryza ; eyes affected ; difficult expectoration during day ; interruption of breath ; no cough at night ; from smoke of wood.
Cough after influenza, early in morning and during day.
Whooping-cough with constant mild, watery exudation from eyes, whether inflamed or not ; < during paroxysm.
Cough on rising in morning, with abundant expectoration of mucus.
Profuse expectoration of mucus by voluntary hawking.


Pressive pain beneath sternum, especially in forenoon, with transient stickings here and there in chest.


Swelling of cervical glands.
Cramp-like pain in back.


Sensation in arms as if they had gone to sleep.
Numbness of fingers.


Cramp in calf, particularly when standing.


Crawling as of a fly in one or other of limbs, from below upward in a straight line, with numbness of part.


Lying down : fluent coryza <; cough >.
Sitting : deep inspiration difficult.
Standing : cramp in calf.
Rising : cough begins.
Walking : stitching and itching in female sexual organs ; in open air, unusual yawning.
Tosses about in bed.


Unusual yawning while walking in open air.
Tosses about in bed and cannot get warm.
Frequent waking as from fright, at night.
Sleeplessness after midnight.
Awakes toe late.
Usually < after sleep.


Morning : ophthalmia with agglutination ; cough and expectoration ; coryza <; voice somewhat hoarse ; cough <.
Forenoon : pressive pain beneath sternum.
Day : cough ; scanty expectoration ; difficult expectoration ; attacks of heat.
Afternoon : lachrymation ; fluent coryza ; external chill and coldness of arms.
Evening : headache ; photophobia <; fluent coryza <; pressure above pubes.
After midnight : sleeplessness.
Night : darting pain in eye <; fluent coryza <; severe burning at anus <; cough <; frequent waking as from fright ; sweat during sleep ; agglutination of lids.


Generally < in bed ; > after getting out of bed.
Better out-doors ; worse in-doors.
Open air : pain in eye <; profuse coryza <; cough <; walking, unusual yawning.
Windy weather : fluent coryza <.
Cold air and wind cause lachrymation.
Cannot get warm in bed.


Chill and internal chilliness in forenoon ; external chill and coldness on arms, in afternoon.
Chill predominating.
Attacks of heat during day, with redness of face and cold hands.
Heat descending.
Sweat often confined to front part of body.
Sweat during sleep at night, of very strong, offensive odor, most profuse on chest.
Catarrhal fever when chilliness and coldness predominates, inflammation of conjunctiva with lachrymation ; hardness of hearing ; photophobia ; nightly agglutination of lids ; painful dulness and heat in head, as if head would burst ; fluent coryza ; inner nose painful ; sneezing and copious expectoration ; cough, particularly in morning.
Symptoms of incipient measles for two weeks, but no appearance of an eruption ; tendency to a typhoid condition, with danger of inflammation of brain.
θ Measles.
Chill followed by fever, pain in bones, eyes red and sensitive to light ; face and neck covered with dark spots looking like petechia.
θ Measles.
Streaming of hot, burning tears from eyes, with great photophobia ; profuse running from nose, without burning ; cough only during day.
θ Scarlatina.


One hour : menses lasting.
For five days : great dryness of lids and nose.
For two weeks : symptoms of incipient measles.
For four months : photophobia of both eyes.


Right : violent pressure in eye ; inflammation of eye ; pain in eye ; coryza <; head and eye symptoms <; small red spots like pimples on upper side of nose ; flat cancer on side of nose ; ulcer on side of bridge of nose.
Left : painful pressure in inner angle of eye ; violent pressure in eye ; pain in eye, with diminished vision, redness and swelling of margins of lid ; half of face and forehead inflamed ; stiffness of cheek.
From above downward : ulcer and pannus, extending to centre of cornea.


As if head would burst ; as if dust or sand were in eyes ; as if a hair hung over eyes ; eye looks as if dead ; as though cornea was covered with mucus ; surface of eye felt as if studded with warts ; as if grain of sand were at outer angle ; upper lip as if made of wood ; as if arms had gone to sleep ; as of a fly crawling in either limb.
Pain : in eye ; in abdomen ; in left eye ; in forehead ; in inner nose ; over bridge of nose ; in ears ; in bones.
Severe pains : in eyes.
Pressive cutting pain : in eyes, extending to frontal sinuses.
Darting pain : in eye.
Stitching pain : in eye.
Burning stitches : in eyes.
Stitches : in brain ; in eyeballs ; in cheek ; in female sexual organs.
Stitching pressure : in eyes.
Sticking : here and there in chest.
Violent beating : headache.
Cramp : in calf.
Cramp-like pains : in back.
Twinging pain : in nose.
Burning biting : in eyes.
Bruised pain : in head.
Aching pain : in outer part of head ; in forehead ; in eye.
Violent pressure : in left eye ; in right eye.
Dry pressure : of eyes.
Painful pressure : in forehead ; in inner angle of left eye ; beneath sternum.
Pressure : on vertex ; on globe of eye ; in anus while sitting ; above pubes ; beneath sternum.
Dull frontal headache.
Painful bewilderment of head.
Smarting : in eye.
Burning : in eyes ; in anus.
Soreness : of inner nose.
Sensitiveness : of nose.
Heat : of head ; of nose ; of left cheek.
Pulsating : of head.
Tension : of the eyeball ; beneath sternum.
Dazzling : of eyes.
Dryness : of eyes ; of eyelids and nose.
Lameness : of tongue.
Stiffness : of left cheek ; of upper lip ; of tongue.
Numbness : of fingers ; of limb.
Tickling : in larynx.
Ringing : in ears.
Crawling : in one or other limb.
Itching : of eyes, of outer angle ; of eyelids ; of rash on face ; female sexual organs.
Coldness : on arms.


Affects principally the eyes.


Touching skin produces aggravation.
Bad effects from falls, contusions, or other mechanical injuries of external parts.


Burning, formication and numbness of parts.
Shooting itching, stitches here and there all night.
Fine eruption around eyes and on nose.
First stage of measles ; catarrhal symptoms marked ; eyes inflamed, with photophobia and profuse discharge ; severe coryza with pressing pain in forehead ; cough during day.
Measles with eye symptoms, and more or less nasal and bronchial catarrh.
Intense throbbing headache, redness of eyes, photophobia, least light being intolerable, high fever, constant dry cough, evident signs of eruption about forehead and temples but no tendency to develop.
θ Measles.
Aggravation : in evening ; when touched.


Boy, at. six months ; ophthalmia.
Child, at. 1, year, Calcarea carb. constitution, suffered for six months ; constipation.
Girl, at. 2 years, treated for coryza ; prolapsus ani.
Child, at. 3 years, whose recovery had been despaired of ; measles.
Girl, at. 6 years, daughter of peasants, not been well since she was vaccinated, in her tenth month, nodosities and tumors on head, followed by swelling and suppuration of glands of neck ; ophthalmia.
Robust boy, at. 14 ; ophthalmia.
Girl, at. 16 ; blonde, nervous ; measles.
Girl, at. 20, strong, brunette, menses regular ; ophthalmia.
Woman, at. 22, married, robust constitution, phlegmatic sanguine temperament, after a chill ; ophthalmia.
Girl, at. 22, light hair, blue eyes, generally nervous ; measles.
Schoolmaster, at. 26, scrofulous during childhood, suffers from glandular swellings which occasionally suppurate ; hard swelling of nose and lip.
Gardener, at. 50, otherwise healthy ; ulcer on cornea.
Man, at. 52 ; paralysis of motor oculi.
Woman, at. 53 ; ophthalmia.
Man, at. 54 ; iritis.
Old woman, gouty ; obscuration of cornea.


Antidoted by : Camphor, Pulsat.
Compatible : Aconite, Calc. (keratitis), Conium, Nux vomica, Phosphor., Pulsat., Rhus tox. (parotitis) ; Silica (keratitis), Sulphur (cataract).
Compare : athusa, Allium cep., Apis, Argentum nitr., Arsen., Hepar, Kali bich., Kali jod., Mercur., Mercurius cor., Pulsat.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.

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