
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Indigo, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


A dye prepared from leaves and stems of Ind.fera, L. Nat. Ord., Leguminosae.


BLAUFUSS, took, December 11th, 8 a. m., 1 gr. After 1 hour, great urging to urinate as many as 4 or 5 times in the hour. Spasm in parotid gland, much saliva, pressure and noise in ears. All day glans penis and prepuce cold, urine colourless. – 12th, 8 a. m. 2 gr. As yesterday, only greater urging to urinate. 13th. Urging to urinate continues this day and next, declined the 3rd day. During this time he had drunk very little – January 30th., 8 a. m., 3 gr. 10 a. m., pulse stronger, palpitation of heart, congestion of head; itching in skin, particularly of face. – 31st. 3 gr., same symptoms as yesterday, and in addition, some small heat spots, especially on left side of face to neck, which lasted 2 days. L(MARTIN’s provings. Hom. Viertelj., x, 81.)

2. FRIES took December 12th, 13th, and 14th, 1 gr. Loss of appetite all 3 days. – 13th. Nausea after breakfast; in evening, dull headache and great itching in various parts of body, especially right elbow. – 14th. Noon and afternoon, tensive pain in cardiac region; in evening, headache and itching as before – 15th. After breakfast, headache in right temple, vertigo and inclination to vomit; increase of these symptoms all evening, when they went off after dancing. – 16th. Same symptoms but slighter;; frightful dreams. (Ibid., 82.)

3. GRAFE. January 30th, 1 gr. No effect. – 21st 2 gr., after some day the whole face and all the body covered with papules. (Ibid.)

4. GUNTHER. December 11th, 6 a. m., 1 gr. 7 a. m., violent sneezing for 1/4 hours, then profuse epistaxis till 8 a. m. In afternoon and following night frequent during to urinate, with scanty and painful discharge, urine rather turbid. – 12th, 6:30 a. m., 1 gr. At noon great nausea, followed by severe vomiting of mucus. All day and night frequent urging to urinate, with a peculiar itching in urethra and scrotum. – 13th, 7:30 a. m., urging to urinate with burning in urethra. – 14th. Same symptoms. – 15th. Better-16th. Urging to urinate worse, very sleepy in evening – 17th. Urging slighter. – January 30th and 31st and February 2nd morning, 1/100 gr. Great heat, especially in face, great anxiety, increased flow of urine, itching in all limbs, restless at night, in morning refreshing sleep. During day very weak. (Ibid., 83.)

5. HILPERT. January 22nd, 6 a. m., 1 gr. Soon slight pressure in stomach. Afternoon, shooting in upper maxilla and upper lip. -23rd, morning 1 gr. Noon, tickling in left cheek, soon afterwards drawing pain in left temple. 6 p. m., urging to stool, continual pain in right side of sinciput 11 p. m., violent cutting in stomach, with great flatulence, urine turbid, pain in bladder when urinating – 24th. From 5 a. m. violent cutting in abdomen, with flatulence and during to stool lasting till noon, went off in afternoon. Tickling feeling alternately in various parts of face especially about inner canthus of eyes and about alae nasi; very cheerful humour till bedtime. 25th, 7 a. m. 1 gr. After soup at 10 a. m. suddenly cutting and pressure in stomach, soon going off. Agreeable feeling about eyelids and nose. Weakness in limbs, frequent sneezing, especially about 11 p. m., after which great irritation in nose. – 26th, morning in bed, pressure and cutting in stomach, recurring after taking soup, weariness of limbs. Afternoon, repeated violent sneezing. E., tickling in face, great desire for work, repeated sneezing, some blood discharged from nose, great irritation in root of nose. – 30th morning 1 gr. E., considerable headache, with redness and heat of face. – 31st. 1 gr. 9 a. m. quick pulse. 3 p. m., strong pulsation like a jumping in region of right 4th and 5th ribs. 8 p. m., slight headache, which recurred more severely at 11 p. m. – February 2nd. 1 gr. 10 a. m., slight headache, which recurred more severely at 11 p. m. – February 2nd 1 gr. 10 a. m. quick pulse, throbbing in right side of chest; great pulsation in left elbow. – 3rd. Two pimples on forehead and one on right side of lower jaw, with pain. Inflammation of Meibomian glands in left lower lid, slight headache, toothache, noise in ears and humming in forehead. 7th. Several pimples on neck and left corner of mouth; pressure in eyes for several day. (Ibid.)

6. HORN December 12th, 6 a. m., 1 gr. ALl day chilliness- 13th, 6 a. m.1 gr. Chilliness, constant urging to urinate, urine turbid; very tired and ill. – 14th. Tired feeling continues, also urging to urinate, must do so every hour, though he has drunk little, urine turbid, sexual desire very much diminished. – 15th. Secretion of urine much increased, must urinate 24 times during day, but not during night Micturition, with contraction in urethra and pain in bladder; urine very slimy and turbid. 16th. Urging to urinate less, urine clearer and passed with little tension. Sexual desire increased. -17th. Urging to urinate less frequent, but still oftener than normal, no pain. Never much affected; good appetite; urine clearer, but still has sediment; frightful dreams. (Ibid., 85.)

7. KUNTZMAN. December 12th, 1 gr. after 1/2 hour repeated violent sneezing, thereafter scraping pain in trachea, which goes gradually lower till it seems to be in the finest ramifications of the bronchi, excites coughing, which brings away small lumps of viscid mucus; all symptoms went off in 1/2 hour. -13th. 1 gr., same symptoms as yesterday. After 8 day took 1 gr. no symptoms. After 14 gr., same symptoms as yesterday. After 8 days took 1 gr. no symptoms. After 14 days felt frequent urging to urinate, with burning in bottom of bladder, increased sexual desire January 29th. 1 gr., immediately scraping in fauces. After 1/2 hour pressure in left eye, transient. Soon afterward chilliness all over skin, cold hands. Urging to stool, with liquid stool. Afternoon, prickling feeling in left leg where the calf-muscle goes into tendon. – February 2nd. 1 gr., after 1/2 hour, urging to stool, liquid stool, flatus, chilliness all over skin, cold hands for 1/4 hours. Afternoon, drawing shooting pains in course of 1 musc. rhomboid. – 3rd. 1 gr., same symptoms as yesterday. ( Ibid.)

8. MARTIN. December 11th, morning, 1 gr. After 1/4 hour frontal headache, pressive pain in right hypochondrium After 1/2 hour tearing pain on back of left hand, pulse spasmodic, 76. after 1 hour itching back of both hands, eruption of wheals, which soon disappear, but recur in evening During day, copious micturition, with pressure in abdomen; urine clear. -12th morning 1 gr. after 1 hour much flatulence and urging to stool; during day increased micturition. – January, 2nd morning 1 gr. Feeling of lateral contraction of tongue; much sneezing after 1/2 hours. Contractive stitches in chest; rheumatic pains in forearm; itching on back of left hand and appearance of 2 pimples. Much yawning- February 2nd, 6 p. m. 1/100 gr. Flat taste. After 10 morning in open air dyspnoea like chest-cramp; pressure in stomach. E., great drowsiness. At night restless dreams. – 4th. In evening an itching vesicle on back of left hand; next morning same on back of right hand. – 5th morning 1/100 gr. Increased flow of urine. – July 25th, 10 a. m., 1/20th gr. Afternoon, increased secretion of urine. 10 p. m., same dose. Fulness, flatulent movement in bowels. Next morning woke unusually early with uncomfortable oppressed feeling in upper part of abdomen, great irritability of senses, headache; discharge of much flatus; violent cutting pains about navel. Noon, unusual vertigo and headache, fulness of abdomen, much flatus. The vertigo and frontal headache and a kind of nausea last all afternoon till evening. Next morning long sleep, with agreeable dreams about traveling. (Ibid.).

9. OEHLER. July 27th, 9:30, a. m., 1/100th gr., and same dose at 4 p. m. Oppression, anxiety, quickened circulation, and congestion of head, not for long – 28th, 6:30 a. m., 1 gr. No effect. (Ibid., 88.)

10. REICHMANN. July 28th, 6 a. m. 1 gr. No effect. 30th, 6 a. m., 2 gr. Only a little eructation. August 30th, 6 a. m., 1/100 gr. 8 a. m., nausea, eructation, repeated inclination to vomit, but without vomiting; rumbling in stomach. 4 p. m., a vesical on tongue, took again 1/100th gr. 11 p. m., great fatigue after a short walk, dulness of senses. 31st, 6 a. m., 1 gr. Nothing but some mucous expectoration. (Ibid.)

11. VULPIUS took, December 11th, 1 gr. No effect. -12th. 1 gr., chilliness all over body, with violent headache lasting all day. Spasmodic twitching in right lower eyelid. – 14th. 1 gr., all day. great drowsiness. (Ibid.)

12. WERTHER. December 12th, 6:30 a. m., 1 gr. 9 a. m., formication pain in pit of stomach, going down to umbilical region and lasting till 11:30 a. m., 6 p. m., continued, tired feeling in right knee, which lasted till next morning. -0 12th, 6 a. m., 1 gr. Increase of last symptom. – 13th. 1 gr. 10 a. m., recurrence of pain in pit of stomach for 1/2 hour. – 14th. Itching in glans penis; evening, shooting in urethra. – 15th. This pain increased, especially in evening, and lasted till next day. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.