
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Iodum, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Iodine. “Obtained principally from the ashes of sea-weeds, and purified by sublimation” (B. H.P.).


I.HAHNEMANN, Chronic Diseases, part iii of original, vol. of translation. Contains 376 symptoms from self and 5 others, and 348 (mainly “curative”) from authors.

2. Desirous of knowing the effects of Iodium on man, I took, fasting, 10 centgr. in substance, with no effect save the horrid taste and some nausea. Next day. I took 20 centgr. I immediately felt constriction and heart of throat, which lasted 1/4 hours, and soon began to vomit yellowish fluid in which the Iodium could be perceived. No other disturbance of function was noticed. On the 3rd day I took, fasting, 30 centgr. Immediately heat, constriction of throat, nausea, eructations, salivation, and pain at epigastrium; after 10 minutes somewhat copious biliary vomiting and slight colic, lasting 1 hour and then yielding to two emollient enemata. Pulse, previously 70, became 85-90, and fuller. Respiration was ordinarily free, but every now and then an effort seemed needed to expand the chest; slightly increased heat of skin; urine was of deeper colour, but normal on testing. Next day I felt nothing but slight fatigue. (ORFILA, Toxic., sub voce.)

3. HEISTERBERGK, 2 hours after taking 7 dr.[ *Of 10 per cent tincture; Kneschke, Otto, Seyffert, Siebenhaar, and Jorg, used same preparation*] in 1/2 oz. of water, felt rumbling in intestines and considerable hunger, although he had eaten shortly before taking dose. The rumblings were repeated frequently for a whole hour, and then vanished. Same symptoms followed after 8 dr., and in addition loose motion same evening and next morning. After 9 dr. same symptoms occurred, and in addition gnawing hunger coming on 2 hours after dose and lasting 2 hours. (JORG, Materialien.)

4. KNESCHKE, 20 minutes after taking 3 dr. noticed slight pressure in region of vertex lasting 10 minutes; next meal was eaten with unusual set, and towards evening loose motion was passed. On April 12th, 1824, at 9 a. m. took 4 dr. in 1/2 oz. of water. At 10 a. m. felt slight confusion of head compiled with some pressure in right half of forehead, lasting 15 minutes. At 11 a. m. felt greatest desire for food and was obliged to satisfy it. Bowels acted a second time during evening, contrary to custom. After 5 dr. taken as before felt after 3/4 hours head slightly confused, and pains in whole frontal region. This lasted 1 hour and was followed by acute feeling of hunger, relieved only by midday meal. Felt obliged to eat again during afternoon, and in evening ate again ravenously. Same train of symptoms followed doses of 6,7, 8,9, 10, and 11 dr. (Ibid.)

5. OTTO began with 1 dr. taken in 1/2 oz. water. After 4 hours was suddenly seized with pressing pain in right thorax, increased by each inspiration and lasting near 1 hour. After 2 dr. noticed immediately salty taste like that of seltzer water in mouth, lasting all this day and next. After 5 hours felt scraping sensation in pharynx like that caused by eating hips, lasting 1 hour. Appetite and digestion increased for 2 days. Took 3 dr. on April 12th at 9 a. m. Salty taste occurred almost immediately and lasted all day, more intensely than after small dose. After 15 minutes transient headache. After 1.1/2 hour increased inner warmth of abdomen, especially in region of stomach, and later slight cutting pain, both symptoms together not lasting more than 1/2 hour. Appetite was increased, alvine evacuation pappy and increased in quantity though not in frequency. On 14th, at 9 a. m., took 4 dr. after 15 minutes pain in occiput which vanished again immediately. At 11 a. m. movements in region of stomach and small intestines, ending 1/2 hours later in feeling of distension; also at 11 a. m. pressing occipital headache, relieved by rest and aggravated by walking and other bodily movements, diminishing somewhat at 4 p. m., when it was succeeded by feeling of great emptiness in head, which passed of at 7 p. m. During p. m. some rheumatic pains in nape of neck and arms were noticed. Appetite at midday and in evening was increased. Next day at 10 a. m. felt same sensation in stomach and intestines, followed by feeling of hunger in same region. Salty taste was hardly noticed, but appetite and alvine evacuations were still increased. On 17th, at 9 a. m., took 5 dr. At 10 a. m feeling of irritation in alimentary canal, especially in stomach (as if peristaltic movements were quicker and stronger than usual) changing after 1/2 hour into feeling of distension, but mild and transient. For short time had bitter taste in mouth, but not salty taste; in head felt for few moments suspicion of commencing occipital headache. For short time chest felt constricted. Appetite for dinner increased. At 2 p. m. slight feeling of congestion towards head, flowed by headache lasting 1/2 hour, latter repeated towards 5 p. m., though less severely. Appetite for supper increased. Stools abundant and pappy. Next day at 9 a. m., felt remnant of irritation in stomach and small intestines; towards evening for 1 hour slight headache; bowels were constipated all day and only open next day after considerable straining, stools being hard. After 6 dr. only symptoms noticed were salty taste, accompanied by increased thirst and unusual

hunger, all lasting 2 days,. After 7 dr. salty taste occurred and lasted 36 hours, very slight constriction of chest; only abdominal symptoms were increased; heat and very troublesome hunger at midday and evening; bowels not opened; increased quantity of mucus in nostrils and of saliva in mouth, latter obliging him to spit out frequently. Next day appetite was still keen; bowels acted during a. m., stool being loose; urine smelt very ammoniacal, and secretion of mucus in mouth and nose was still much increased.

5 b. Otto repeated his experiments in August, beginning with 5 dr. on 20th; same abdominal symptoms were noticed; during p. m. constriction of chest came on, and lasted 1/2 hour, during which deep inspiration caused pain, and heat beat stronger and quicker, arterial pulse being smaller and more frequent. Next day took 6 dr. abdominal symptoms were repeated, with great hunger and thirst; during p. m. same chest symptoms appeared, and from noon till evening he passed urine six times, urine being bright yellow, thin, and watery, and each time abundant; nasal mucus and salvia were also much increased. Next day last-named symptoms continued to same extent; thirst was not quite so marked, but hunger remained same; during p. m. felt headache of short time. Urine and faeces normal. After 8 dr. same symptoms were repeated, and in addition faeces were somewhat liquid. Next day nasal mucus and saliva were still abundant, and alvine evacuations were more liquid than usual. After 10 dr. same abdominal symptoms occurred, coupled after 1 hour with slight during to stool; other symptoms followed as before, except that circulation as not affected. After 12 dr. besides foregoing symptoms felt rumbling in intestines, but without inclination to stool. Chest symptoms were repeated, but circulation was not affected; no head symptoms were repeated, but circulation was not affected; no head symptoms were noticed and urine was normal; nasal mucus and saliva were increased as before. Bowels acted several times, faeces being thin. On following day there was still increased appetite, abundant flow of nasal mucus and saliva, and several thin evacuations of bowels. On 28th concluded his experiments with dose of 15 dr. taken at 8 a. m. At 9 felt confusion of head, passing on, towards 10, to pressing headache, which lasted till noon. Hunger and thirst and abdominal symptoms followed before, and during p. m. same chest symptoms, but without circulation being affected. Secretion of nasal mucus saliva, and urine were also much increased. During p. m. frequent urging to stool, followed by several liquid stools, accompanied with more than usual feeling of movement in intestines, but without actual pain. (Ibid.)

6. SEYFFERT, after 8 dr., noticed only increased flow of saliva, lasting 1 hour, and increased appetite for dinner. Same symptoms followed 12 dr but hunger was not so great. After 10 dr. noticed unpleasant sweetish after-taste, appetite considerably increased; during p. m. a loose evacuation (he was habitually constipated) and abundant secretion of urine causing frequent micturition. After 12 dr. same symptoms occurred, with exception that first urine passed after dose was darker than usual, and yellowish-green in colour. On August 26th, at 8 a. m., took 15 dr; soon afterwards noticed same unpleasant after-taste and transient nausea; at 9 a. m. some transient unpleasant almost cutting sensation in abdomen; at noon increased appetite for dinner; during p. m. a loose evacuation and frequent micturition, that passed first being again greenish-yellow in colour. After 18 dr. same symptoms followed, with exception of cutting sensation in abdomen, and increased flow of urine, which were absent; flow of saliva was also somewhat increased, and feeling of hunger lasted all day. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.