KALI CARBONICUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy KALI CARBONICUM…


KALI CARB. Carbonate of Potash. See Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases, ” IV. Duration of Action: from five to six weeks.


Ammonium, Ammoniummur., Arsenicum, Bovist., Bryonia, Causticum, Calcarea, Camph., Carb-v., Chamomilla, China, coff., Graphites, Lauroc., Lycopodium, Magn., Natr.mur., Nitr.ac., Nitr-spir., Nux-v., Paris., Phosph., Pulsatilla, Rhus., Sabad., Staphysagria, Silicea, Sulphur, Tarax., Viol-iod., Kali-carb., is particularly suitable after: Lycopodium, Natr-mur., Nitr-ac., Afterwards are frequently suitable Carb-v., Phosph., and the remedies which are analogous to the latter.


Camph., Coffea, Nitr-apir.


The limbs are painful in those parts on which one is resting. Her whole body felt very sensitive. Aching on the joints and drawing pain in the tibiae. A sort of tension in the interior of the body, extending as far as the head and eyes. Pinching and feeling of contraction in the anus, in the region of the stomach and towards the pharynx. Drawing pain in the nape of the neck, shoulder-blades, hands, and knees. Drawing pain in all the limbs, with great paleness of the face and emaciation. Violent drawing in the abdomen, arms, and lower limbs, with pain as from bruises in the upper arms, worst when at rest. Stitches in the joints and tendons. Ulcerative pain when pressing on any part of the body Pain as from bruises of all the muscles of the body. Disposition to strain parts by lifting. The pains appear at two or three o’clock in the morning. Chilliness immediately after the cessation of the pains. the symptoms become more intense in the open air, especially the fever. DRowsiness with yawning, when walking in the open air. Violent headache, for some hours, from walking in the open air. Great dread of the open air. Liability to take cold when walking in the open air, with sweat and restlessness at night, and weight in the nape of the neck as from a load Every breath of air causes catarrhal ailments. Seething of the blood, and heat in the head. Seething of the blood, and heat in the head. Seething of the blood, in the evening, before going to bed, with oppressed breathing. he feels the pulsations of all the arteries down to the tips of the toes. Heaviness of the body. Laziness. Frequent weariness and depression of strength. Lassitude, weakness, and nausea, after the siesta. Great lassitude in the evening. Great weariness early in the morning, on waking, abating after rising, but turning in the afternoon increased Relaxation and weakness in the limbs. Titillating weakness in the limbs., Fit of weakness in the whole body. Sudden attack of weakness in the evening, when lying down, with sic, m feeling, nausea, warmth, and faintishness in the pit of the stomach, vertigo, and vanishing of thought. Attack of nausea, early in the morning, with violent yawning, eructations, writing in the region of the stomach, violent heat, and anguish. Attack of nausea and vomiting, pain in the abdomen as from bruises, worse when pressing on the part; weakness unto falling, dullness of the head, drowsiness, and a few watery stools with subsequent costiveness. Sudden tremulousness. Violent trembling. Tremulous weariness hen walking.


Stitches are the most characteristic symptoms of Kali-carb.


The skin is painful, as if from subcutaneous ulceration, when pressing on it. Dryness of the skin. Deficient perspiration. Itching of the whole body. Stitches and gnawing in the skin of the whole body. Burning itching of the whole body. Itching burning red spots on the body. yellow, scaly, violently itching spots over the whole abdomen and around the pimples. Herpes (on the thigh). Old warts. Spreading blisters Ascites and anasarca.,.


Great drowsiness in the day time. Early drowsiness in the evening, and sulky silence. Sleeplessness t night. Restlessness night. half -walking night sleep, mere slumbering at night. At night. in bed, delirious, in a walking state, with heat in he brain and over the whole body, afterwards sweat, coldness of the limbs, and shuddering with get tendency of tart. Sleep full fanciful ravings k with talking. Anxious, voluptuous, or frightful dreams. Restlessness sleep,. full of dreams. Dreams about serpents, illness, and dead persons. Starting when asleep. Congestion of blood to the head, at night, when lying in bed. Gnashing of the teeth, at night, while asleep. Acidity in the mouth, at night. Pressure and burning in the stomach, at night, sometimes with spasm and vomiting. Pinching in the abdomen, a t night, in paroxysms, with nausea and constant eructations. Colic and diarrhea, at night. Burning at the anus, at night, which presents sleep. Nightmare. STitches in the chest and asthma. Stiffness of the nape of the neck.. Burning lacerating in the lower limbs at night. Excessive pain in the whole body at night, like strokes of a hammer.


Frequent shuddering. Chilliness, in the forenoon, hot hands in the evening. Chilliness with shuddering, in the evening, before going to be. Continual internal chilliness. Violent chilliness with fever, towards evening;a afterwards nausea and vomiting, and spasmodic pain in the chest, the whole night, with short breathing, internal anxiety, and a good deal of sweat about the head. Continual chilliness, with violent thirst and internal heat, hot hands, and aversion to earning. Feverish heat in the afternoon, and burning sensation of the eyes, followed by chilliness in the open air. Dry heat of the cheeks and hands, with short breathing. Increase warmth, a t night, with violent pains in the zygoma. Night-sweat.


Great despondency. Want of energy. Sad, weeping mood. Anguish and great sadness. Precipitate resolution and action. Irresoluteness. Great tendency to start. Very low spirited, evening and morning. Vexed and irritated mood. vexed and peevish mood. Angry and wrathful. Vehement. Indifferent towards everything. Dread of labor. Fitful mood.


Absence of mind. Delirium, day and night. Inability to collect one’s senses Loss of consciousness WEak memory. Confused and stupid feeling in the head, in the evening. Frequent dullness of the head, as after intoxication, a d as if the ears were stopped up, and nausea almost unto vomiting. Gloominess in the head. Vertigo when walking. Vertigo, as if proceeding from the stomach.


Headache, relieved by sitting in bed, aggravated by lying down. headache when riding in a carriage, when sneezing or coughing. Horrid headache through the eyes. Attacks of megrim, on both sides with faintishness almost to nausea- Violent pain in the whole head, with throbbing and stitches in the knees, going of by motion. Aching in the head. Aching in he forehead, in the afternoon, when walking, with ill-humor. Presser in the forehead, with photophobia. Violent pressure over the whole skull, down the nape of the neck, throbbing in the head and the whole body, aggravated by the slightest contact, a nd increasing in paroxysms, with violent nausea and vomiting of bile. Passing aching in the forehead, with vomiting of mucus and acidity. pressing and aching in the temples. Pressure over the eyes, with violent pain in the whole forehead. Aching in the occiput, towards the4 nape of the neck, going for in open air. violent aching in the whole head, with chills over the whole body, especially in the forenoon. Violent pressure in the occiput, with seething of the blood in the head, and a feeling of heaviness when standing. Pressure and burning deep in the occiput as if it were full of lead. Heaviness and painfulness of the fore part of the head. Drawing and lacerating on the top of the head Severe lacerating in the head. Darting-lacerating pain in the head. Stitches in the temples, causing one to start and scream. Throbbing and beating in the forehead, and especially in the sides of the head frequently intermitting. Ulcerative pain in the head after dinner relieved by lying down. Congestion of blood to the head, with intoxication arising from it. Warm rising of blood to the head, with seething of the blood on the body. Concussive headache. Creeping pain above the forehead. Sharp aching in the outer side of the temple. Chilliness about he head liability of the head to take cold, with headache and toothache. Itching of the hairy scalp. Pimples in the hairy scalp. Scurf on the head. Dryness of the hair. Falling off of the hair.


The eyes are painful to the touch. Pressure in the eyes and orbits, with drowsiness. Pain as if the eyes would be pressed in. Boring pain in the eyes. Smarting pain in the eye. Biting and shooting pains in the eyes. Burning in the eyes. Redness and heat of the eyes. Inflammation of the lids of the right eye. Swelling of the right eye. Soreness of the outer canthus, with burning pain. The corners of he eyes ulcerative. Agglutination of the pain. The corners of he eyes ulcerate. Agglutination of he eyes. right, with a biting sensation in the canthus. Dryness and burning of the eye. Dry feeling, a s from sand,. and great drowsiness in the eyes. Vanishing of sight. Spots, gauze, and points before her eyes when reading. Spots, gauze, and points before her eyes, when reading or looking in the open air. A little black ball is hovering before the eyes. When looking at snow there is a sensation as of white drops falling before the eyes. Various colors before the eyes. Bright sparks before the eyes. Photophobia: painful sensitiveness of the eyes to the light of day.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.