Kali chloricum

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Kali Chloricum, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Potassic chlorate, KCLO3.


I. C. W.A. BLAUFUSS, aet, 22, robust, choleric temperament. – Nov. 6th, 8 am., took 1 gr. After 1 hours pulse quickened. – 7th, 8 am., 1 gr. No symptoms. – 9th, 8 a. m., 3 gr. Oppression of chest with strong heart’s beats. – 13th, 9 a. m., 10 gr. Immediately taste like vitriol. After 6 hours pressure on epigastrium, pain in abdomen, cold shudder over back and neck with warm feet. After 2 day dazed head. – Time not indicated: Frequently recurring twitching on lower and upper part of forehead going off after 8 h. Great rush of blood to eyes. No stool at 10 p. m., when he usually had one. Strong, almost audible, heart’s beat with oppression of chest and cold feet. Pulse 80. Cold feet and palpitation of heart. Itching all over body, evening in bed, next morning numerous small red papules. Chilliness in open air for 2 d. Persistent chilliness. Intolerable heat in bed, evening, febrile state with violently throbbing pulse and heart. Restless sleep often disturbed by disagreeable dreams. (MARTIN, Archiv, xvi, i, 182.) 2. G. GRAFE, aet. 22, sanguine temperament, took Nov. 6th, m., 1 gr. After 12 hours violent diarrhoea, always watery, at last after 6 day nothing but mucus evacuated, went off of 9th d. Along with the diarrhoea, furred tongue and transient weakness. ( Ibid., 183.) 3. G.F. HILPERT, aet, 22, choleric temperament. – Nov. 6th, 1835, 6 a. m., 1 gr. Headache in afternoon. – 7th, 1 gr., and after 1/2 hours 1 gr. No symptoms. – 8th, 1 gr. 3 times at 1/2 hours interval. After 8 hours, irritation in nose causing frequent sneezing with increased discharge, also next day with jerking in masseter (the nasal symptoms occurred after 5 gr.). – Time not indicated: Pretty severe headache; tension in sinciput; papules on forehead, very hard dry stool; drawing in thigh and forearms; great weariness and drowsiness. – 15th, m., 5 gr. Soon, pulse 70 (is usually 64). After 24 hours feeling of strength in eyes. After 36 hours pain in upper eyelids, papules between lips and chin. After 48 hours, humming in ears, with painful stool, of dry faeces, latterly mucus and blood, and persistent pain in rectum; another such stool 4 hours later. After 60 hours eyes red and painful, very much out of humour after cheerfulness. After 72 hours irritation in eyes with rush of blood into them violent epistaxis. After 76 hours faeces soft, passed without pain. – Time not indicated: Increased sensitiveness of whole face, tearing in root of nose, tickling in canthi of eye; jerking in nerve of lower jaw at foramen maxillary posticum, transient bitter – sour taste. – May 9th, 1836, took 1 gr. No symptoms. – 10th, 1 gr. No symptoms. – 12th 1 gr. Frequent sneezing. – 21st, 4 gr. After 6 hours dryness in throat, hoarseness. After 8 hours persistent headache, pressure in right and left hypochondrium to navel. After 12 hours violent erections with emissions, chilliness evening through whole body. After 20 hours voluptuous dreams with emission. After 24 hours itching in urethra, continued erections with itching on scrotum. – Time not indicated: Restless sleep, flushes of heat in face. – 24th, 4 gr. Pains in head. – 26th, 4 gr. After 20 hours violent coryza. (Ibid.) 4. H. HORN, aet, 21. nervous irritable temperament. Nov. 6th, 1835, 1 gr. After 2 hours pain in temporal region. After 4 hours cutting in stomach. Chilliness for several day – 7th. 2 gr., chilliness. – 8th. 3 gr., miliary rash with single painful papules on left shoulder for 10 days – 13th. 5 gr., after 1/2 hour cutting headache down to malar bones. After 2 hours tension over forehead, then sneezing and coryza.; pain from temples into carious teeth, violent pressure in eyes, sneezing, then coryza, eructation. After 7 hours toothache in upper jaw. After 24 hours hard stool. After 70 hours epistaxis at n. After 72 hours urine very turbid. – Time not indicated: Warmth in stomach. Pulse 78 (Usually 70). Chilliness for several days – May 23rd, 1836, 4 gr. Headache on left side of head. Attack of ravenous hunger, later anorexia. – 24th. Chilliness, ill humour, anxiety, hypochondriacal tension of ganglionic nerves lasts until relieved by epistaxis. – 26th. 4 gr., after 24 hours nose bled twice; great hunger at unusual time. (Ibid., 184.) 5. H. KUNZMANN, aet, 26, phlegmatic, in good health, took Nov. 6th, m., 1 gr. Immediately nausea with slight shivering. After 1/2 hour eructation. After 8 hours tensive pain in right hypochondrium relieved by discharging flatus. – Time not indicated: Turbid urine; shivering all over. – 7th 1 gr., after 3 hours flashes of light in both eyes when coughing and sneezing. Easily intoxicated by beer; urine turbid. – 9th. 2 gr., after 1 hours confusion of head, weariness. After 2 hours vertigo after strong exercise with congestion of blood to head. After 2 1/2 hours congestion of blood in chest, oppression of chest, violent heart’s beats, pulse at right wrist full, soft, lazy, 68, intermitting every 25 or 30 beats, not synchronous with heart’s beats, which are 80, strong and regular, at left wrist small, soft, compressible. – 11th. 1 gr., urine turbid. – 15th. 5 gr., the urine, previously turbid, became clear. Itching of skin, n., next m. small red papules on thighs and shoulder, not in the joints; they dry up after 40 hours, and there then appear some small papules on face. (Ibid.) 6. E. MARTIN, aet. 26, irritable nervous constitution, subject to rheumatic affections, at present healthy. – Nov. 6th, 1835, took at 6 and 10 a. m., 1 gr. Immediately persistent bitter taste, cold feeling of tongue. Soon, slight tearing in right wrist, and along ulna. After 3/4 hours pressive pain in right malar bone under border of orbit, the tension in neck, cheek, and temple; this recurs after 8 h. After 1 hour violent sneezing, pricking burning in tongue; expectoration of mucus removes the bad taste. After 1 1/2 hours drawing in root of nose. After 3 hours tongue furred at back, anorexia, tightness of chest, confusion of head. After 6 hours repeated. After 12 hours very burning papule on left cheek. – Time not indicated: Painful pressure in left upper coastal region; stool very sluggish, occurs at 11:30 p. m., liquid stool next m., urine very turbid, great chilliness, shivering all over body. – 7th, at 6 and 10 a. m., 1 gr. After 1/2 hour drawing and tension in right side of face. After I hours violent sneezing. After 3 hours liquid stool. After 48 hours a very much inflamed hang – nail; urine turbid. Time not indicated: Tension in right cheek under eye, extending to ears, afterwards on left side; gums bleed readily when brushing teeth. – 10th, 6 and 10 a. m., 1 gr. After 1/2 hour drawing pain in right cheek, making him sneeze. After 1 hours violent sneezing. – Time not indicated: Tongue furred at back. Pressure in scrob. cordis with apathetic disposition and chilliness. Transient internal coldness in right forearm, Itching vesicle on back of right hand. Great chilliness. Tranquil dreams of prophecies of death on several n. Sad, desponding, apathetic disposition with chilliness in e. Sexual desire very much diminished. – 11th, 6 and 10 a. m., 1 gr. Immediately bitter taste as usual. Chilliness with stiffness of hands; restless sleep, full of vexatious dreams. Quiet dreams of death from typhus fever. – 12th. 5 gr. Soon coldness in precordial region. After 10 m. pressure and empty feeling in stomach. After 4/1 hour distinctly perceptible but not quick heart’s beats with coldness in precordial region. After 20 hours roughness in oesophagus. After 1 hours distinctly perceptible but not quick heart’s beats with coldness in precordial region. After 20 hours much twitching in head and body. After 24 hours very itching papules with small vesicles on back of left hand; disappeared during day but recurred next m. After 72 hours rheumatic pains in several parts. – Time not indicated : Constant urging to stool, which is normal in character. Great chilliness with shivering. – 17th. 5 gr., similar symptoms. – May 12th, 1836, m., 1 gr. K. chl. mixed with 1 gr. 3rd. trit. Immediately coldness of tongue and oesophagus for 5 m. After 20 m. drawing in right cheek and gums with a kind of cramp of muscles of r. check. After 1 hours slight irritation to cough in larynx. After 2 hours increase of saliva. After 3 hours drawing and tearing in both wrists. Taste of cherry – laurel water with salt. – 16th. Same dose. Drawing tension in right cheek followed by desire to sneeze. Violent coryza with much sneezing and great flow of nasal mucus. – 17th. Same dose. No new symptoms. – 26th, 6 a. m. 4 gr. Immediately feeling of shivering. After 3 hours headache in left temple; feeling of warmth in stomach; frequent rumbling in belly with tendency to diarrhoea. After 6 hours much flatus during d. After 12 hours frequent urging to urinate. – Time not indicated : Confusion of head when walking in open air. Drawing in right cheek with pain in lobe of ear, worse sometimes in masseter muscle, sometimes under orbit. Sourish after – taste. Very itching papules and small vesicle on back of left hand, going off during. but returning next m. – 27th, m., 4 gr. After 12 hours itching vesicles on back of right hand, lasting several d. After 24 hours restless sleep, wakes towards m. from anxious dreams, lying on back, loudly snoring and breathing with difficulty. – Time not indicated : Tensive drawing in left cheek under orbital border. Scraping in throat. Many not very itching vesicles filled with pus and with red areola on limbs. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.