Mercurius iodatus

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Mercurius Iodatus, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Mercurous iodide, Hg I.


1. Dr I. S. P. LORD proved 1st trit. [ Manner unknown in all these provings. EDS.] Dull headache on awaking at night; dull heavy aching at base of brain, in throat and nostrils. Feeling of dryness in teeth; grinding sensation in roots of teeth, with occasional pains in abdomen (2nd d.); creeping grinding sensation at roots of teeth with pressing together, and sense of soreness deep behind umbilicus (4th d.); sensation of fullness, grinding, and drawing in roots of teeth, with constant desire to press teeth together, – he had pressed them so hard during sleep that the muscles were lame and tired on awaking; gums feel slippery; increased flow of saliva, with congested feeling at the root of a teeth (12th – 13th d.). Sense in throat; dull, heavy, aching pain in throat; fauces and roof of mouth dry, gums and side of mouth moist; sensation of nausea and faintness, with pressure high up in rectum (4th d.); sensation of strings of air – bubbles running transversely across abdomen below umbilicus, – also, a shooting pain, as of a knotted string, down, through, and across, above the umbilicus; load rumbling in bowels (2nd d.); occasional pains in abdomen, with grinding sensation in roots of teeth (20th d.); frequent short darting pains in left abdomen, and occasionally in right, running from deep in pelvis up to hepatic region; for 61 day, constant daily return at 2 a. m. of a heavy uneasy sensation below umbilicus, as if full above and empty below, with a kind of pressure towards anus and sensation as if it could not move at all, succeeded by feeling as if an acrid loose stool would be discharged, and then of faintness and sickness in hypogastrium, and frequent painless discharge of inodorous flatus. Slight constant discharge of mucus from urethra, with slight soreness around glans; diuresis (5th, 7th, and 9th d.). Some tightness and pressure in lungs. Aching and drawing pain in bones of left forearm, and some pressure in hypogastrium, at midday, returning at 9 p. m. with passage from bowels; sense of lameness in foot. Profuse sweat of genital organs. ( ALLEN’S Encyclopaedia, vi, 269.)

2. L. J. B – took 1x and 2x trits. Fine bright red eruption on roof of mouth; several sharp sudden pains in right chest, from above downward; while in bed at n., severe pain in left femur and dull pain in sacral region, lasting 24 hours, relieved by motion, stretching, and turning from side to side. (Ibid.)

3. Miss R – took 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 12th dec. potencies. Bad headache on awaking, in forehead, as if sword were run through from left temple to right, also in occiput bruised pain as from a blow (after 10 1/2 hours); dull pain above left temple, followed by General symptoms throbbing pain in right; very sharp pain on top of head, lasting a long time, after 4 day; sharp pain in occiput, after rising in m. Sharp lasting pain in superior arch of left orbit, as if from knife. Tongue coated yellowish white; small; small, red, raised elevations on tongue. Burning in throat when swallowing saliva; burning in throat, with pain when swallowing; tonsils slightly swollen; empty deglutition, she is obliged to swallow frequently. Burning at stomach with pain as if from a blow (1st and 2nd d.); bruised burning pain at stomach more severe than any preceding it (4th d.); sharp, cutting pain in stomach, with nausea and inclination to vomit, in m. when awaking, and lasting all do. Sudden darting through right side, as if from a sword. On the 7th day excruciating, sharp, sticking pain in back (dorsal region), causing her to shed tears, lasting 1/2 hours; it returned next day, but not so severely. Dull pain behind both ankles in m., on rising; sharp, cutting pain in small toe of left foot, lasting 12 hours (Ibid.)

4. ERNEST W – took 2x, 5x, 9x, and 12x. Pressive aching in frontal region, lasting a short time, after 3rd day; dull headache at right temple. Pinching pain in right elbow, lasting few m.; slight aching pain in right elbow. Pinching pain in right knee, lasting a day and a n., followed shortly after by pain of same character in right elbow; pressing, squeezing pain in left knee pinching pain behind lower third of right leg; aching pain on anterior surface of left leg; aching on internal surface of left leg above ankle, lasting about 1 hours, followed by aching in forehead; severe aching pain in right leg, on posterior surface, immediately followed by pinching pain on posterior surface of right forearm; pressing, squeezing pain in right ankle; sharp cutting pain in right ankle, after 1/4 hours; aching on dorsum of right foot. (Ibid.)

5. Miss X – took 2x and 3x. Dizzy headache, like rush of blood to head, followed by violent pain above right temple; headache in m. when rising, lasting over 1/2 hours; headache with faintness, while in church (38 hours); general headache (1 1/2 d.); slight headache all forenoon; bad headache all over head (22 hours); violent headache, especially over right temple (18 hours); very violent headache, involving entire head; very violent headache, lasting some m. over right half of frontal and right parietal bones (19 hours); slight general, dull headache on awaking (11 hours); sensation in skull as if it were cracking, continuing the whole afternoon (17th day, also on 19th); increased throbbing pain in head, more in forehead, after 49 hours; headache is always on top of head, or on right side; headache is worse in m. before rising, and for short time after rising, also when she walks about in house; headache over top of head (after 46 hours, 8th d.); headache all over top of head, proceeding after some time into forehead; headache all over top of head, with wave – like motion of the blood, after 1/4 hours, 1st day, recurring all over head on 5th day; slight headache over to of the head, 10th day; sharp pain on top of head, followed by pain in right hip, after 1/2 hours; pain in right side of head; slight pains in right side of head; violent pain in left side of head, near left temple; violent pain over entire right side of head, m extending from right temple to nape of neck, lasting longer than usual (13 hours); rather violent pain in right side of head; very violent pains in right side of head; aching paining in right side of head (3 d.); sharp pain in right side of head, extending to neck and right, eye (4 d.); several slightly sharp pains in. left side of head, above left temple (2 d.); very short, sharp pains in right side of head. Share pain in the septum narium (4 d.). Sore – throat, with difficulty in swallowing and frequent empty swallowings; severe burning in right side of neck, as if a coal of fire were laid upon it, continuing, but not so severely, m for a few m. Nausea (23 hours); nausea, with disgust at sight of food (before supper); nausea, with suffocation about heart, and dizziness (25 hours); while at dinner, inclination to vomit, obliging her to cease eating (66 hours); inclination to vomit, with dull, dizzy pains over top of head, following immediately after a slight pain at heart (93 hours); strong inclination to vomit, m after 45 hours; slight pain in left side of stomach (23rd d.); several short, rather burning pains in left side of stomach (20th d.); dull, constrictive pain in stomach, followed shortly after by aching pains in right arm and shoulder (81 hours); rather severe cramps in stomach, followed immediately by pain in right side of back; sudden, sharp momentary pain in stomach, as if a knife were driven in. Aching pain in region of liver, proceeding from right side to left, producing dizziness and nausea; two successive sharp pains in right hypochondrium, followed by sharp pain through stomach, with sensation as if pain had returned around; slight sharp pain in right hepatic region; very sharp pain under right floating ribs; very sharp pain in left hypochondrium. Several successive violent pains in chest (2 1/2 hours); sharp pain in the chest, behind sternum; rheumatic pain in right side of chest, (17 hours); dull, continuous pains in right side of chest, at n. while in bed; aching pain in right side of chest; sharp pain in left side of chest; sharp pain in right side of chest followed by slightly sharp pain in left side; sharp pains in left side below axilla, followed by a double pain on top of head; short, sharp pain in r, side, – a few m. after, the same pain appeared further back under arms, with aching in right side of chest, followed by soreness in chest as if from a cold; stitches in right side of chest (15 hours); sharp throbbing pain in left side of chest; pains in chest appear on left side, those which appear on the right side always proceed to I. Sudden but lasting pain in left side, about heart, taking away her breath; slight pain heart, when yawning; sharp pain about heart (3 d.); rather sharp pain at heart; slight stitching pain at heart (24 hours); sudden spasmodic action of heart, as if it jumped out of its place. Slight, sharp pain in left side of neck; several violent pains in back (2 hours); aching pain in back (3 d.); sharp sudden pain in left shoulder – blade; sharp pain in left scapula (21 hours); sharp, cutting pain in the back, between shoulders, – 2 h. after, same pain appeared lower down, about last dorsal vertebra (2 d.); throbbing pain between shoulders; sharp pain in lumbar region; sharp pain in small of the back. Pain in right arm and sole of right foot (92 hours); dull, lasting pain in right forearm, and simultaneously in left hip; sharp pain in left shoulder (45 hours); sharp pain in right shoulder, with aching pain in back; pain in left arm above elbow (39 hours); dull, aching pain in left elbow (65 hours) rheumatic pain in left arm below elbow, proceeding afterwards into left thumb; dull, aching pains in both forearms (75 hours); pain on back of right hand (91 hours); pain in right hand, followed by rheumatic pain above left elbow (3 d.); rheumatic pain in right hand at n. in bed; rather sharp pain in palm of right hand; several sharp pain in left forefinger; rather sharp pain in palmar surface of right thumb, with slight pain on top of head (75 hours). Rather sharp pain in right lower limb, extending into foot (3 1/2 d.); sharp pain in right thigh (1 1/2 hours); sharp pain in right thigh, followed shortly after by slight pain in the nose; slightly sharp pain in right thigh, above knee; pain in anterior surface of right leg above ankle; four successive pains on left leg above ankle, at intervals of 15 m. (1 hours); sharp pain in left leg, between foot and knee; slight lasting pain in sole of left foot, followed by sharp pain in left chest (56 hours); pain in sole of left foot, with feeling of faintness through the whole body (99 hours); pain in sole of left foot, extending through into large toe and proceeding half way across dorsum of foot (4 d.); pain in sole of left foot, relieved by movement (5 d.); pain in large toe of left foot, with itching on large toes of both feet; pain on dorsum of large toe of left foot, with sharp pains in fingers of right hand; slightly sharp pain in large toe of right foot; short, sharp pains in 4th and 5th toes of right foot. Faintness, with feeling that it would be relieved by lying down; deadly faintness, with entire loss of muscular power, followed by spasmodic motion upward and downward of lower jaw, which continued throughout next day; while in church felt as if she would faint. The following symptoms appeared in rapid succession at n.: pain behind left ear, followed by pain in tips of fingers of right hand and a pain in sole of right foot near the toes; slight pains in toes of left foot, followed by pain in back part of head, then in forehead, and finally near right ear; sharp pain in toes of right foot; slight pain about heart; violent pain in right foot, followed by pain above right temple, and afterwards by sharp pain in left side of neck. A small, stinging pimple appeared on right cheek, shortly after one in exactly the same position on left cheek, the latter was more itching than stinging; itching on sole of left foot; slight stinging in left cheek. Frightful dreams and nightmare; frightful dreams of drowning and of coffins; nightmare, she thought that an immense sheet of letter – paper was coming down over her to smother her. Occasional general chilliness; chills with trembling all over body (3 d.) The pains are felt more on the right side; the pains are better during pressure, but as soon as this is removed the relief passes away. (Ibid)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.