Millefolium homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

Common names: Yarrow, Milfoil; (G.), Schafgabe; (Fr.), la millefeuille.


Achillea millefolium, L. Natural order: Compositae. Preparation: Tincture of the plant.


Everything that happens inopportunely after dinner, and in the evening, when he wishes to take his rest, makes him violent and irritable. Great aversion to all work. It constantly seems to him as though he had forgotten something; he does not know what he is doing or wishes to do; his head is dull and confused, especially in the evening; worse after wine or coffee, for several weeks. Stupefaction, vertigo, intoxication.


Vertigo. Vertigo, even to falling to the right side and backward, on every slight motion when walking, but not on violent motion; with nausea, especially when stooping, not at all while lying down, with unchanged color of the face (relieved after Tartar emetic). General Head. Rush of blood to the head, without headache, in the evening in bed (third day). Coffee causes rush of blood to the head, with pains here and there in the limbs. Rush of blood to the head on stooping, relieved on rising (after one hour). A feeling as if all the blood mounted to the head. Streaming through the head like gusts of wind, and a feeling as if flames were issuing from the upper part of the right side of the head, by paroxysms, at night. Fulness in the head, after a sound sleep, in the afternoon. Dull sensation in the head, after eating. Dull headache, mostly in the occiput, throughout the day. Headache coming and going at intervals, lasting from a quarter to half an hour. Headache on stooping (second day). Confused headache, towards noon (third day). Confused headache, more in the occiput, and extending towards the left shoulder, towards evening (second day). Fine stitches in the brain (third day). Beating in the arteries of the head, with accelerated pulse. Painful beating in the head (after one hour). Some throbbing in the arteries of the head and face; the pulse was accelerated, full, and strong (a quarter of an hour after four cupfuls of the infusion). Jumping headache (second day); less severe (third day). Forehead. Sensation of constriction in the skin of the forehead. Feeling as though a band were drawn across the forehead, on drawing up the skin of the forehead. Headache in the left side of the forehead (first day). Tearing in the left frontal eminence (after four hours). Vertex. Dull headache in the vertex (first day). A stitch in the upper part of the vertex, very transient (after three hours). Parietals. Painful tension in the upper part of the right parietal bone (after one hour and a half). A peculiar sensation in the right side of the head as if screwed in, very painful (after three hours). Tearing sticking in the whole right side of the head (after one hour and a half). A dull stitch in the left parietal bone, and at the same time a blow on the opposite side, and after half a minute a stitch in the same place (after one hour). A fine stitch in the right side of the head (after one hour). Fine stitches in the left side of the head, lasting a few seconds (second day). Violent, painful tearing in the upper part of the right parietal bone (after half an hour). Occiput. Awoke with headache in the occiput (fourth day). Transient drawing in the occiput, after eating. Sticking in the left side of the occiput (after four hours). A painful stitch in the right side of the occiput (after one hour and a half). External Head. His long hair becomes unusually entangled very frequently, in spite of cutting it shorter, for two weeks.


Burning eyes (second day). Sticking pain in the eyes, pressing inwards as far as the root of the nose and sides of the forehead, in the evening on reading (second day). Crawling in the left inner canthus, as from a fine feather (after one hour and a half). Brow. The hair of the eyebrows fall out, but not the hair of the head (first week). Lids. The eyes are agglutinated, in the morning (fourth day). Jerking with tension in the left upper lid (after two hours and a half). Vision. It causes a clear bright vision. Sensation of a fog before the eyes, at a distance, but not near to (after three hours).


Sensation of stoppage in the ears. The ears seem stopped after dinner, and all the afternoon. Frequent pains in the right ear; not an earache, but a sensation as of something boring in the ear (second week). Drawing pain in the left ear, and a feeling as though a liquid were running from it. Some fine stitches in the left ear (after one hour and a half). Crawling in the left ear, relieved by boring in with the finger (after one hour and a half). Itching in the right ear, not entirely relieved by boring in with the finger (after three hours). Hearing. Frequent ringing in the right ear, without cause (first and second weeks). A sound as from a bat in the left ear; so that she started up in fright; afterwards when laughing a sensation as if cold air passed out of the ear (after four hours).


It causes nosebleed. The fresh herb put in the nose causes bleeding. The root causes nosebleed. If a leaf be put into the nose, the blood flows after a short time.


Redness of the face, without sensation of internal heat (after three hours and a half). Tearing in the left side of the face, extending to the temple, frequently in the evening (fourth day). Lips. Chapped lips (third day). Fine sticking in the upper lip (after one hour and a half). China Tearing in the right side of the lower jaw, that extends now towards the ear, and now into the teeth (after one hour and a half). Violent tearing, extending from the right articulation of the lower jaw to the top of the head (after one hour and a half). Painful fine jerking in the left side of the lower jaw (after one hour).


Teeth. Toothache. Pain in the last lower back teeth of the left side (immediately). Tongue. Tongue coated and swollen (second day). A contractive sensation in the forepart of the tongue with burning (after a quarter of an hour). General Mouth. A pimple on the left side of the inner surface, of the lower lip, with a pressing and a sore pain, in the evening (second day); in the morning there was a superficial ulcer still covered with white epithelium, slightly painful; it disappeared next day. Dryness in the mouth; (third day). A fine sticking in the palate, and a sensation as if cut to pieces (after three hours and a half).


Pain in the left side of the throat on swallowing, after 4 P.M.; on repeating the dose the alcohol caused burning in the same spot, which is painful on empty swallowing. Sore throat, every evening from 9 to 10. Sore throat, during and after swallowing. Rawness in the throat, that lasts a long time (soon). Dull sticking pains, very acute shooting back and forth on the right side of the pharynx, near the larynx, as if internal and towards the anterior portion of the throat, extending backwards, towards evening (first day).


Appetite. Increased sensation of hunger (third day, also previously). Thirst; (third day). Eructation and Hiccough. Eructations. Empty eructations (immediately). Empty eructation a few times after eating soup. Hiccough (after two hours). Stomach. A sensation as if the stomach were coated with an astringent earth (after one hour). Pains in the stomach as from fasting, in the morning after waking (fourth day). Burning in the stomach, extending up into the chest (after three quarters of an hour). Burning in the stomach on bending the body together, worse towards the right hypochondrium, where it became a drawing and burning pain (after one hour). Feeling of fullness in the stomach, lasting a long time (soon). Cramp in the stomach, with a sensation as if a liquid were in it, that extended from the stomach into the intestines towards the anus (after two hours). Stomachache (third day). Burning in the stomach and abdomen. Pressure in the stomach, as from a plug (second day). Painful gnawing and griping in the stomach, as from hunger (fourth day).


Hypochondria. An indefinite sensation in the left hypochondrium, soon afterwards also in the pit of the stomach. Violent pinching, first in the left hypochondrium, afterwards in both sides as far as the heart, with anxiety, disappearing after rising from a seat (after two hours). Sticking pressure in the left hypochondrium (third day). Umbilical and Sides. A pain, as from incarcerated flatus, in a spot as large as a hazelnut, somewhat to the left of the navel; immediately afterwards, movement in the abdomen, extending downward, without emission of flatus (after two minutes). A dull stitch in the left side of the abdomen, so violent that it made her start up, while eating. General Abdomen. Flatulent distension of the abdomen, and frequent emission of flatus, in the afternoon (second day). Frequent emission of offensive flatus, all day (fourth day). Very offensive flatus, especially in the afternoon and evening, for a week. Flatulent colic. Fine stitches in the crest of the right ilium (after two hours and a half).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.