
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Paris, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Paris quadrifolia, L. Herb Paris, true – love. Nat. Ord., Trilliaceae.


1. GROSS. [No information given in any of these provings. EDS.] After 5 m. tension and pressure in left cheek. After 10 m. tearing in right ear, as if it were torn out of head. After 1/2 hours sensation as if a thick fog lay before both ears, preventing him hearing well. After 1 hours sensation as if a sharp point were placed on the right frontal protuberance (superficial shooting pressure). After 24 hours on left parietal bone a very sore place, only when touched, as if after a hard blow, at n. After 2 day tearing in whole of left index. – No time stated. Sudden whirling vertigo, especially when sitting. stupid feeling in head. In left side of forehead, a stupefying headache, throbbing like a pulse. Tension in integument of forehead and occiput; it feels as if the skin were firmly adherent to the bone, and could hardly be moved. Head heavy, the nape muscles cannot support, it, it sinks forwards. Tension in muscles of neck and nape, so that the head is involuntarily drawn forwards. Sensation as if a great weight lay on nape. Small dry papules, with itching biting above left eyebrow; the biting is aggravated by scratching, and it then feels as if a splinter were sticking in skin. Burning pain in inner canthi. In the daytime eye – gum in inner canthi and burning pain, especially on touching. Watering of eyes, after rising, m. Itching red spots on cheeks and rami of inferior maxilla, like millet seeds, which are painful when rubbed or scratched. Horrible itching, biting and burning on left side of lower jaw and under its left border, evening; after rising, m., there are on this spot scratched – off, bloody papules, the size of millet seeds. Root of tongue brown, after rising, m. Mouth quite dry on waking, m. Hawking – up of mucus from fauces. A reddish, crooked stripe above navel, where the ribs leave off, with painful pressive sensation, especially in its centre. Above and to left of navel, on a small spot, pressure as if something hard lay there. Painless rumbling in hypogastrium. After rising, m., nose quite stopped up; with difficulty he blows from his nose mucus mixed with blood. Blowing of red and green nasal mucus. Fluent, alternating with stopped coryza. Trachea and mouth quite dry on waking, m., with hoarse voice. Roughness in trachea, causing deep bass voice. Irritation to short cough in larynx, as from sulphur fumes, and he can bring up but little mucus; after which, in a few m., the irritation recurs, and he must again cough. After rising, m., constant short cough, without expectoration; after 1/2 hour some green, viscid phlegm comes up. Very frequent short cough in order to bring up viscid phlegm, that seems to be located at back of larynx. Cough up viscid green phlegm from larynx. Constant short cough, without expectoration; as soon as he lies down in bed, he coughs so violently that sparks come before eyes. Very violent cutting and shooting pains in right side of thorax, near ensiform cartilage, as if the pain were midway between back and sternum, in the centre of the thoracic cavity, but more to r. Palpitation of heart, when at rest and when moving, e. Pulsating sharp shooting in coccyx. In right hip – joint painful sensation only when walking; when he puts down left foot and the right leg is stretched to its utmost just before being rough forward, he has drawing pain in right hip – joint, as if the leg were powerfully torn back. Painful tension on right knee only when it is flexed and supports a part of the weight of body, but not when he is standing, sitting, or lying. On left sole paralytic pain when treating for several day (Archiv, viii, 1, 177.)

2. HAHNEMANN. – No time stated. Internal headache on waking at m., like bubbling, he could not go to sleep again on account of internal restlessness. Pimples on forehead, with pressive pain when touched. No relish for tobacco – smoking. The abdomen becomes distended and uncomfortable after a meal. Pressive pain in abdomen. Uneasiness in abdomen. Very fetid stools, he like putrid flesh. Urging to urinate every 10 – 15 m., and burning when it passes. Nocturnal emission of semen. Cough when he lies on left side in bed. (Ibid.)

3. HARTMANN. After 3/4 hours thin, slimy stool. After 1 hour constant painful pressure deep in right frontal protuberance. Fine needle – pricks in right hip, frequently recurring. After 1 1/4 hour chilliness in chest, abdomen, and lower extremities, with goose – skin and yawning, with icy – cold feet. After 1 1/2 hour rumbling in bowels under stomach, as if from emptiness. After 2 hours pressive pain in right temple, removed by pressing with hand. After 2 1/4 hours slight chilliness on lower extremities and sensation of contraction of skin, whilst upper part of body and arms nd feet are warm. After 3 hours painful pricking betwixt 4 last right ribs, close to spine, worse on inspiration. After 3 1/2 hours cramp – like pain about right palate. After 4 hours continual yawning. After 4 1/2 hours the whole right half of body from head to feet is cold, whilst the other half is warm. After 5 1/2 hours on inspiration pressive shooting on left nipple. – No time stated. Painful pressure over left orbit, which seemed to press down the upper eyelid. Constant hiccup after eating. (Ibid.)

4. LANGHAMMER. After 1/4 hour dilatation of pupils. Bitter taste, with dryness and roughness of tongue. After 1/2 hour a pustule in the middle of the upper lip beyond the red, with red areola. A vesicle on inside of lower lip. After 3/4 hours hiccup. After each micturition, m., urinary tenesmus. Increased heat of all the body. After 1 hour stupefying stitches in left side of forehead externally. After 1 1/4 hour pain of hairy scalp when touched as if the hairs were painful. Tongue furred, white and rough, m as if covered with millet seeds. Fine stitches at mouth of urethra. Obtuse stitches on dorsum of right foot. After 1 1/2 hours, while sitting, violent sharp stitches on left inner ankle. After 2 hours, on standing, pain extending upwards in tendons of r. hough. Very painful stitches on sole across balls of toes. After 2 1/2 hours, while sitting, violent burning at orifice of urethra. After 3 hours intermittent drawing pain in muscles of right side of occiput. After 3 1/2 hours itching papule on metacarpal bones of right index and middle fingers, the part pains after scratching. After 4 hours ringing in left ear. A pimple on upper lip under nose, with pus in its apex and surrounded by a red areola. After 4 1/2 hours violent tearing in right forearm. After 4 3/4 hours mucus in chest, without inclination to expectorate. After 5 hours, when smoking, headache. After 12 hours pale face. Yawning, with drowsiness, p. m. After 15 hours several stools. After 24 hours an itching pimple on right side of chin, paining when scratched. After 22 and 48 hours, on waking, m., general biting itching perspiration, making him scratch. – No time stated. Pain in forearms, as though he had been writing for a long time, worst when the arm hangs. Pain as if suppurating, or as if blood were extravasated, in tip of middle finger. Sleep at n. full of dreams. (Ibid.)

5. STAPF. After 1 1/2 hour such great hoarseness that he cannot bring out an audible word, periodically recurring in 1/4 and 1/2 h. After 2 1/2 hours, after a small dinner, he has a flush of heat with sweat over back and forehead, then rigor down back and cessation of sweat and dry burning heat and redness of face. After 3 1/2 hour hard, difficult stool. After 10 hours a rapidly developed pain in both ears, as if a wedge were forced into the meatus, which forced apart its turnings; latterly only heard in right ear; relieved for a short time by boring in finger, when walking in open air, evening – No time stated. Saliva rushes into mouth, which, though tasteless, draws the mouth together like astringent things. Far back on palate a rapidly developed dry and scrappy feeling, with afflux of a quantity of tasteless water into mouth, as when one is hungry. Hunger soon after a nourishing meal. For several day very dark – coloured urine, without sediment. Constant hawking up of phlegm, a quantity seems to lie in larynx, which he must hawk up; it is white, viscid, and tasteless. For several day their comes constantly from upper part of trachea a lump of mucus, without much hawking. (Ibid.)

6. TEUTHORN. After 3 hours epistaxis. After 6 hours violent epistaxis. (Ibid.)

7. WISLICENUS. After some m. formication on several parts of skin. After 10 m. shivering. After 1/4 hour cramp – like tearing in all abdominal muscles up to scrob. cordis, worse when sitting bent forward than when walking. Feeling of weight in arms. After 1/2 hour twitching and quivering of upper eyelid of right eye. Biting, gnawing pain in sternum. After 3/4 hour scraping pressure under zygomata. After 1 hour cramp pain at back of left wrist. After 1 1/2 hour formication on inner surface of left hand, as if gone to sleep. After 10 hours pinching on dorsum of foot. After 2 1/2 hours formication on border of right eyelid. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.