Ranunculus scleratus

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Ranunculus Scleratus, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Marsh crowfoot, celery – leaved butter – cup.


1. a. Dr. Y – took, Oct. 16th and 17th, 2 dr. of tinct, fasting, on 20th, 3 dr.; on 25th and on Nov. 5th, 4; on 30th, 6; on December 29th, 12; and on Jan. 4th, 15 dr. (The greatest number of symptoms and the most disagreeable occurred from the small doses, the larger affecting him but little). The following symptoms were observed: – Vertigo while sitting; vanishing of thought, giddiness (3 hours); heaviness and sense of fulness in whole head; head feels distended from within and enlarged; contraction in scalp; head feels as if in vice; dull pain in occiput, whole head feeling painful externally (4th d.); drawing – clawing pressure over vertex; drawing stitching on skin of vertex; painful pressure as from a blunt instrument on vertex (5th d.); burning pain on vertex for a few m.; long – continuing, dull, pressive – gnawing pain on one spot of left vertex; jerking in vertex region; pain as of a suddenly coming and speedily going gnawing on one spot in vertex; boring pain behind right ear (5th d.); gnawing, with pressure, in right temple; stitches in left temple (10 hours); pressure in temples from within outwards (1/2 hours), same from without inwards; itching and biting in scalp. Slight drawing and sense of coldness above right eyebrow, down cheeks to corner of mouth, for 1/2 hours, evening; feeling of coldness in face; sensation as if face were covered with cobweb (2nd day, e.); slight pressure in eyeballs and smarting in canthi, immediately, recurring periodically for several day; burning of margins of lids (10 hours); stinging smarting of right canthus (1/2h.); pain of eyeballs when moving them quickly; hard blotch beneath right eyebrow, which does not suppurate; long stitches and continued drawing and pressure in right meatus and stitches in front of right ear (2nd day, e.); otalgia of right ear, with headache and drawing in all teeth; pricking externally at tip of nose. Drawing and tearing pain in molar teeth; stinging gnawing in incisors (2nd day, e.); transient jerking in same; stinging – drawing and drawing – jerking in all teeth; teeth are sensitive all 2nd day; flying stitches in tip of tongue (3rd d.); smarting there (10 hours); flow of saliva (1/2 hours); white – coated tongue and sweetish taste in mouth, early, on several day; uncommon dryness of mouth at night; want of appetite in evening; little appetite at dinner, followed by a turn of nausea; frequent empty eructations immediately after taking drug, returning for many day in m. fasting; after eating, frequent eructations tasting of ingesta; rancid sour eructations, evening; hiccup (1/2 hours); stinging pains in soft palate; smarting – drawing pain in palate (3rd d.); burning in pharynx; nausea, especially after midnight; desire to vomit, returning periodically in early m.; stitches in tonsils; swelling of tonsils, with flying stitches in same (e. of 2nd d.); heartburn; contractive feeling in throat, frequent in m. fasting, increased while eating bread; scraping in throat immediately; choking sensation in throat at night; pressure and sense of fullness in pit of stomach, increased by external pressure, worst in morning; sensitive stitches in pit of stomach, or in skin over it; burning soreness behind xiphoid cartilage; troublesome sensation of fulness in stomach; constriction of stomach; rumbling and pinching in abdomen (immediately); cutting in intestines (2nd day, at n.); screwing pressure behind umbilicus at night; sensation as if a plug were lodged behind umbilicus for several day, especially in morning; abdominal walls are painful; stitches in hepatic region; under right false ribs continued pressure as of a dull instrument, increased by deep inspiration; sensitive stitches in region of gall – bladder; while walking in open air sudden violent jerks in lumbar region, arresting breathing; long stitches in splenic region, worse on deep inspiration; continual pressure in right lumbar region; aching in groins; titillating burning in region of anus; delaying stood (after 2 dr.); three watery evacuations in rapid succession (5 hours after 4 dr.); frequent loose stools on one day; nearly liquid and very foetid stools for 3 – 4 day; frequent urging and loose stools for several day; frequent sensation as if diarrhoea would set in, while only a natural evacuation comes. Sudden stitches in forepart of glans; drawing pains in penis; smarting about scrotum. Dry and hacking cough, rarely and without straining; tight and deep breathing (7 hours); sense of great weakness in chest for several day; chest feels bruised in evening; oppression of chest immediately, continuing whole day; whole chest feels weak and bruised (several e.); frequent involuntary sighing; frequent but slight stitches in right chest (2 hours); painful shooting there, not increased by inspiration; continued dull shooting in left chest below false ribs; stitches in region of heart; violent contractive pinching pain in chest behind right nipple (several evening in succession); shooting – clawing in region of heart, making breath tight, n.; violent continued gnawing behind lower sternum, arresting breathing (3rd day, e.); long frequent stitches behind xiphoid cartilage, in space size of palm (1st day, m.); continued shooting in skin over throat – pit; great sensitiveness of integuments of chest; painful drawing and frequent stitches in pectoral muscles; itching stinging below right nipple; very painful pinching together around left nipple; external painfulness of sternum, pressure upon it causes painful stitches through chest; prickling and formication on chest and back; bruised pain in sacrum, paralytic pains there (6 hours). Itching betwixt scapulae; drawing in right and stitches in left shoulder; compressive drawing on scapulae; stinging itching in some parts of upper arm; paralytic drawing in forearm (immediately); stitches in forearm; long – lasting boring stitching all along left forearm to tip of index, where it is most violent; stinging burning in one spot of forearm; gnawing in right elbow, long stitch there; frequent stitches in dorsa of hands; continued gnawing in left palm, evening (4th and 6th d.); transient drawing shooting in ball of right hand; drawing with pressure in metacarpal bones of right hand, boring in those of thumbs; swelling of fingers (2nd d.); titillating sensation in skin between fingers (immediately, and at 7 p. m.); aching in middle of left middle finger; violent long stitch between left middle and index fingers (5th d.); gnawing and boring in phalanges of right fingers (7 hours); darting in left index; gnawing and stitching – boring in last phalanges, with also flying stitches. Drawing – gnawing pressure in right lower extremity; itching of legs, not relieved by scratching, evening; biting in hams; gnawing and boring pains in left knee; painful drawing with pressure along leg; stinging burning in a small spot on calf; twitching of muscles of right calf; gnawing on right outer malleolus; prickling and furious smarting of soles, and of dorsum of right foot, itching – stinging of left; stinging boring in ball of right foot; gnawing on balls and (5th d.) in left heel; itching – prickling in right heel; stitching – boring pains along right sole; sudden stitches in forepart of right big toe, as if a needle were thrust in deep, recurring at short intervals (1 hours); same after 10 hours, passing into a burning; boring and gnawing in right big toe, tingling and jerking in left (7 hours); itching stitches in left toes; intolerable itching and prickling in feet. Sleeplessness from 3 a. m. the first nights, with anxiety, uncommon debility, gloominess, brooding reverie of mind, limbs feeling bruised, in m. mind feels worn out, and he is not able to fix his thoughts upon one subject; half – slumber after midnight, frightful anxious dreams about corpses, battles, serpents, &c., constant tossing about in bed, – this many n. in succession, head confused in m. Heat in head and face, evening, when entering room on coming out of open air; he wakes after midnight many n. in succession with heat over whole body and violent thirst, pulse full, soft, 80 afterwards sweat over whole body, especially forehead; dry skin and mouth without thirst at n. (16 hours); chilliness while eating. Laziness, want of disposition to perform any mental labour, m.; sad mood, grief, evening [ There are also several symptoms observed while expressing the juice, but as these simply denote local irritation we have omitted them – EDS.] (Archiv, vii, 3.)

2. Dr. SCHRETER took, May 8th, 2 p. m., a dose (amount not stated). After 1/2 hours scrapy – scratchy feeling in throat; frequent urging to urinate about every 1/2 hours 5 successive times, only a small quantity of light yellow urine passed. After 2 hours the scratchy feeling becomes rather boring. After 3 hours drowsiness, eyelids inclined to close, it requires an effort to keep them open. After 3.1/2 hours urging to stool at an unusual time, but as he was prevented going, some flatus was discharged. After 4 hours, on going to stool, to which he has an urgent call, only a little wind is passed; occasional flying heat of face. After 6 hours tightness of chest, he must sometimes breathe deeply; it is as if something lay on sternum; heart’s beats quickened, sometimes more, sometimes less; eructation after taking bread and butter. After 6.1/2 hours confusion of head and slight pressure on both temples towards one another. Under right shoulder downwards, sensation as if muscles were fatigued from prolonged upright sitting. Occasional shivering and thirst, and pressive pain from without inwards in forehead. Sleepy, discouraged, disinclined for work. After 7 hours weary in feet as after a long walk. After 7.1/2 hours tickling crawling sensation at orifice or urethra. Thick mucus in throat, difficult to hawk up. Pressing pain in both inferior tuberosities of occipital bone, going off when pressed, but returning. 1/2 hours after falling asleep woke suddenly without cause, then fell asleep and slept soundly all n. After 15 hours on rising very cold feeling, specially from nape down back. Scraping in throat as if raw, with dry but rare cough which increases the sore pain; he has to swallow repeatedly. Tongue furred white. – 9th, 5:30 a. m., 10 dr. After 1/4 hours pressure as from a blunt piece of wood on region of heart. After 3/4 hours earache, transient nausea. In addition to usual stool, two others in a short time, softer than usual; with the last some forcing in rectum. After 3 hours, soon after urinating, burning pains in forepart of urethra. After 8 hours toothache, digging under some roots of lower molars as though they would be pushed out from below. Repeated yawning, discharge of flatus after a moderate meal. Pricking from right temple to right upper orbital border. – 10th, 7:30 a. m., 10 dr. After 1/4 hours urging to stool without result; scraping in throat as if sore. After 1/2 hours pinching in belly, specially about navel, as from a chill. After 1 hours itching at anus and forcing out at it like piles, worse when walking. After 2 hours frequent micturition of scanty, light – coloured urine. After 3.1/2 hours hunger without appetite. After 5 hours, after eating urgent call to stool, but only a little wind and some soft faeces passed after great straining. After 6 hours flying heat in face. After 11 hours feeling of hunger, with eructations, after eating. Itching and forcing in rectum for some., e. Itching under right lower eyelid, relieved by cold. Near right ala nasi a red spot the size of sixpence; it became white when pressed, which causes some pain. Some pricks into anus. After urinating some drops come out later and we the shirt. Soreness in right axilla. Moisture at anus. After 13 hours heat, particularly of face, with thirst, evening; 1/4 hours afterwards sweat with prostration. Disinclination for work, cross. Great distraction, destroys papers without knowing it, fidgets with fingers, forgetful. After 21 hours dryness in throat, m. Eyelids stick together, the white has a yellowish tinge and fine vessels visible. – 11th. On the red spot on right ala nasi a vesicle with some pain. – 12th. Haemorrhoidal symptoms, especially itching in anus. (Archiv, iii, 3,183.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.