
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Stillingia, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Stillingia sylvatica, Willd. Queen’s root, queen’s delight, yaw – root, silver – leaf. Nat. Ord., Euphorbiaceae.


I. a. Dr. E. B. NICHOLLS, et. 25, well but for a chronic cutaneous affection, took, Dec. 16th, 1865, at 8:30 p. m., 10 dr. of tinct. In 20 m. dull heavy pain in forehead, which after a time became a feeling as if a heavy substance was pressing on front part of brain; pain then became very sharp and darting, almost unendurable. Therewith dizziness; heavy pain in hypogastrium; sense of constriction in larynx, and smarting and stinging in fauces. This last subsided after an hour, leaving feeling of rawness. At 11 had sharp darting pains through chest and shoulders, very severe; boring pains in region of heart; pulse irregular; distressed feeling with dull pain in head and dryness of fauces. 17th. – At 10 a. m. took 10 dr. Slight return of former symptoms; smarting, stinging, and dryness of fauces all d. At 9 p. m. repeated dose. 18th. – Slept well; bitter taste on awaking. At 9 a. m. repeated dose. Felt miserable all forenoon, pains in head, eyes inflamed and watery, soreness of muscles all over; feels as if he had taken a severe cold. At 2 p. m. again 10 dr. Immediate aggravation of symptoms; throbbing and dizziness of head; smarting and stinging pains in fauces; oppression of chest; pulse 90. 3, pulse 100; violent frontal headache; slight perspiration; stinging darting pains in face; constriction of larynx; colicky pains, violent about umbilicus. Took another dose before retiring. 19th. – Repeated dose at 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. No marked effects from first; after second, headache and smarting in fauces. 20th. – Took 10 dr. in m. Darting pains through thorax; tickling in throat and short hacking cough. 21st. – Cough continues, at times quite severe. 23rd. – Violent burning, smarting pain along urethra for 2 hours, aggravated by micturition (which was difficult), and dull pain in region of kidneys. This recurred at times up to 28th; no discharge.

1b. On Jan. 4th, 1866, took 10 dr. at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. After second dose slight headache, dryness and tickling of fauces; short hacking cough. At 11 p. m., on passing urine, there was sharp pain in glans penis, extending up urethra, so severe as to cause perspiration to start. Took another 10 dr. 5th. – Awoke with dull pain across kidneys and sharp pains in penis; short hacking cough; fauces inflamed. Pain continued all day, and he discontinued the drug; but it had not entirely subsided (nor had the cough_ on the 10th. (Trans. of Amer. Inst. of Hom., 1869, p. 194.)

2. a. Dr. THOS. ECKLES tested his urine on several occasions before commencing drug. Sp. gr. ranged about 1023; on one occasion, after standing 24 hours, a flocculent mucous sediment was deposited. On Nov. 16th, 1866, began proving tinct., commencing with 10 dr., repeating it 3 times a day, and at each repetition increasing dose till at last it reached a tablespoonful. After a short time bowels became very loose and irregular, but afterwards constipated, with nausea and a slow irregular pulse while lying down. Subsequently he experienced irritation of fauces, slight headache, and sensation as if diarrhea would set in. Appetite was increased; there was coldness of whole body on going to bed, though after a short time whole surface seemed gently perspiring, with continuous feverish heat; slight but persistent headache, mostly in vertex and forehead; pulse full but very irregular; tongue slightly white-coated; bruised feeling of trachea on pressure; inflammation of left tonsil, lasting several day; severe pain in or near right kidney, of short duration; at times dull pain in right side of head; excessive itching on skin below knees, though no eruption was perceptible. this last continued for 8 weeks, greatly aggravated by exposing parts to the air, especially if cold.

2b. Jan. 19th, 1867, took 10 dr. at 6 a. m., 12 m., and 3 p. m.; 15 dr. at 6 and 10 p. m. On going to bed felt slight uneasiness and tickling in trachea and bronchial tubes, which was worse on rising next m. 20th. – Took 15 dr. 5 times during day, and 20 dr. at n. 21st. – Chest and throat feeling about well. Took 20 dr. 6 times, but experienced only a general feeling of malaise. 22nd. – After a good night’s rest felt somewhat better. Took 20 dr. 5 times. Towards evening tickling sensation, producing an excessively dry spasmodic cough. 23rd. – Took 20 dr. 4 times. Cough looser and deeper. 24th. – Took dr. at 6 a. m., noon, and bedtime. Had, a. m., slight lame feeling, seemingly in cartilages of trachea. At 6 p. m. griping in epigastrium, soon followed by diarrheic evacuations, with abundant flatus. 25th. – Took 25 dr. at 6 a. m. Continued feeling of impending diarrhoea. 26th. – Took 100 dr. No further symptoms. (During the proving a pustular eruption, that had persistently remained for a month, rapidly cleared away.)

2 c. Jan. 5th, 1869, took 10 dr. of a fresh tinct. (1 part of root to 10 of dilute alcohol). 6th – Took 10 dr. after breakfast, and half a tablespoonful before dinner. 7th. – Same dose 3 times. P. m., an abundant white sediment appeared soon after urine was voided. 8th. – Felt quite weak; general sense of malaise; pulse about 90, weak and very irregular. Took half a tablespoonful after breakfast and dinner. Noticed during day that he would have “spells” of feeling as though room was too warm; would then break out into general perspiration. Pulse during these spells was regular. 9th. – Pulse very irregular. After breakfast took half a tablespoonful, and repeated this after dinner and at bedtime. Towards noon pulse became more regular, and continued so till n. Stool at 2 p. m. (19 hours over regular time), with pain in rectum and anus. Aching of legs in evening 10th. – Took a tablespoonful. No further symptoms, save on 12th general malaise with irregular pulse, and on 13th bruised feeling in sphincter ani.

2 d. Jan. 17th, on going to bed, took 5 dr., and on 18th, 10 dr. 4 times. Till after last dose experienced no symptoms; but previous to going to sleep had burning sensation in left ear, on which next m. appeared a vesicular eruption. 19th. – Took 10 dr. 3 times, and 15 dr. twice. Felt severe irritation of bronchi and bruised feeling of trachea. 20th – Continued taking drug, increasing dose to 100 dr. General malaise about bedtime, but after sleeping all n. felt somewhat better in morning; tongue slightly coated. Towards evening (21st) tickling in trachea, producing very dry cough, which later became loose and deep. Griping in epigastrium, followed by diarrheic stool. (Ibid.)

3. J. M. CUNNINGHAM, et. 21, in good health. Proved tinct. for unknown number of days in Nov., 1867, taking 15 dr. m. and evening “The first symptom experienced which I thought might be attributable to the action of the drug was burning itching of legs below knees, worse on exposure to air. heartburn was constant during proving, commencing about 2 p. m. and continuing till bedtime. Stool was delayed several hours while under influence of the medicine.” (Ibid.)

4. E. H. INGRAHAM, aet. 35, in good health save for ready gastric derangement, from Feb. Ist to 7th, 1868, took 10 dr. of tinct. 3 times a day. On 3rd felt sleepy in evening much earlier than usual. 4th – Same drowsiness in evening, and also by spells during day; slight headache, running from anterior part of temples, pain dull and constant. 5th. – Catarrhal discharge from nose, at first watery, then muco – purulent; nostril sore inside. urine 30 oz. (average is 33), high – coloured, with brick – dust sediment. 6th. – Slight frontal headache; urine 40 oz., high – coloured and inclined to foam; some catarrh, small abscesses in left nostril. 7th – Drowsiness. Urine 45 oz. On 8th began taking 100 dr. per day instead of 30 (does not say how long he continued it). Headache in evening, a current of pain flowing from median line of forehead to occipital process and left cerebellum. Less sleepy this e. Urine 38 oz., tolerably clear, though, containing some brick-dust sediment. 9th. – Same headache; mind dull and stupid; slight retraction of left testicle; urine; urine 40 oz., thick and milky, containing much chloride of sodium. 10th. – Urine 58 oz., tolerably clear, but inclined to form bubbles as discharged. Head and mind the same. 11th. – Slight, constant, dull headache through temples; depression of spirits; tongue coated heavily, yellowish white; spells of neuralgic toothache; return of nasal catarrh, discharge more watery than before; urine 40 oz., almost clear. 12th – Same headache as yesterday, pain under malar bone, extending transversely through face; drawing pain in left knee, affecting gastrocnemius and biceps muscles; depression of spirits and gloomy forebodings; tongue white. 13th. – Urine 35 oz.; head same. 14th. – Head same, with low spirits, stupidity, slight nausea, tongue coated white. 15th to 18th. – Urine has now returned to normal quantity. Headache through temples continues to trouble at intervals. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.