
Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Toothache from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….

TOOTHACHE.-[For the care of the teeth and treatment of decay, see under TEETH.]

Teeth may be the seat of pain, whether they are diseased or not. The pain from a tooth may affect the eye, the ear, or the face of the same side, and all the rest of the teeth. It sometimes arises from irritation at the root of the tooth, causing abscess, in which case there will be swelling of the face, and gumboil; it may arise from cold, from cold drinks, from coffee or tobacco, or from sugar. Decomposing food in a hollow tooth will generate acids that may set up toothache. It is often merely a sign of low general health, and is a frequent accompaniment of the pregnant state.

General Treatment.-Indiscriminate extraction of painful teeth is always a bad plan, and they should never be extracted when sound. A good dentist should be consulted when the teeth are decayed, and such of them as will bear filling should be filled. Whenever a tooth will bear if the material of the stopping should be gold. Amalgam fillings contain mercury and should only be used with the greatest circumspection. When a hollow tooth is aching, all particles of food that may be in it should be removed at once with a toothpick and a little cotton wool. Coffee, sweets, and tobacco should be avoided by those who are subject to toothache.

Medicines.-Every half-hour till improvement or exacerbation occurs; then leave off till improvement ceases, when one or two more doses may be taken.)

Symphytum 0.

-After fitting in new teeth. Five drops of the tincture of Symphytum should be mixed with half a tumbler of tepid water, and the mouth rinsed with this; after extraction or operation, when the mucous membrane has been wounded, the tincture of Calendula may be used for wash instead of Symphytum.

Coffea 3.

-Pains which drive the patient frantic, when they cry, tremble, and do not know what to do; pain as if the blood pressed into the teeth, as if the teeth were too close together; stinging, jerking pains; intermittent pressure; pain when chewing; the pain if often relieved by holding cold water in the mouth.

Aconite 3.

-In cases where the pain drives the patient frantic, after Coffea; throbbing pains after taking cold; rush of blood to the head, burning face; particularly useful for children.

Chamomilla 6.

-For children, after Aconite; after vexation; after drinking coffee; in women before the period; after taking cold when in a perspiration. The pain is unendurable, aggravated periodically; worse in the night from warmth, especially warmth of the bed; generally begins after meals, especially after eating or drinking anything warm; the patients are irritable, and inclined to cry.

Nux. v. 3.

-For those who drink coffee, wine, and spirits; persons of a hasty temper. Pain as if the blood were pressed into the teeth, and as if they were too long; jerking, shooting pains in lower jaw; pains begin in bed, or in the evening, prevent chewing, are worse in the open air, better for warmth, worse after eating or exercise.

Pulsatilla 3.

-Persons of a mild, quiet, timid disposition. For toothache on one side, accompanied with earache.

Stinging pains, heat in head, chills over whole body; gnawing in gum, tearing jerking in the tooth itself; jerking and tearing in the tooth, as if it would start from the jaw, or throbbing pain; aggravated by cold water, the heat of the bed, a warm room, or taking anything warm into the mouth; relieved by cool air, drawing cool air into the mouth, and in the open air generally; worse form sitting, better from walking about; chewing does not make it worse. It comes on generally in the evening, and is accompanied by chilliness and pale face, or with heat without thirst; toothache from drinking champagne.

Belladonna 3.

-For women and children; pain and anguish cause restlessness, depression, and tendency to cry; pricking pains in teeth, radiating in all directions; fulness, throbbing in the head, flushed face, bright eyes; the pain comes on after meals; teeth ache when exposed to the air, when touched, when biting, when food or hot liquids come in contact with them; hard pressure on the cheek relieves.

China. 3.

-Toothache in nursing women, or persons who are run down in health; pains throbbing, jerking, tearing, drawing, or digging; worse when in motion or when touched, or by exposure to a draught of air; mouth dry, thirst; veins of forehead swell.

Mercurius 6.

-When the teeth are decayed, or gumboil has formed; toothache with painful swelling of the cheek; pain affects the whole side of the face, drawing or stinging pains extend to the ear, worse at night; pain increased by cold, especially by damp air; teeth loose, gums swell and become white and ulcerated.

Kreosotum 3.

-Aching in decayed teeth when the gum is not inflamed.

Arsenicum 3.

-Jerking, throbbing pains; pain relieved by heat; in debilitated persons, especially children; feverish, with cold hands.

Bryonia 3.

-For passionate, irritable, hot-headed, obstinate persons; pain in decayed teeth or sound ones; shooting with stitches towards the ears; teeth feel too long and loose; pains worse from smoking, in warm room, from anything warm in the mouth, when lying on the affected cheek.

Staphysagria 3.

-When the teeth become black and scale off; gums pale, white, ulcerated and swollen; drawing tearing pains; worse in open air, when drinking any thing cold, when eating, during the night or towards morning.

Spigelia 3.

-Tearing, shooting, burning pains in all directions; teeth sound; pain worse from motion or noise.

Sulph. 6.

-Jumping pains in decayed teeth, extending to upper or lower jaw, or to the ear; toothache in the evening, in the air, from draught, from rinsing the mouth with cold water.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica